//By Darkinian//
//TG group: (link: "FurGames")[(goto-url: 'https://t.me/joinchat/jdf8AHtx4TY4OTUx')]//
(css: "font-size: 210%;")[//''[[New Start]]''//]
//(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]]//
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ [[Instructions]] ]
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ [[Credits]] ]
The night reigns in the sky.
A blue bus travels the road towards the last stop far from the city as the hills, plants and everything around is showered with moonlight.
The large rentangular vehicle reach the end of the road, slowing down to a full stop next its destination. The bus doors open and through them you appear.
(set: $StartingNewGame to 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (go-to:"Set Character update Name") ]
(set: $health to 25)
(set: $Maxhealth to 25)
(set: $coins to 20)
(set: $points to 0)
(set: $ExpPoints to 0)
(set: $ReqExpPoints to 15)
(set: $Level to 1)
(set: $attack to (random:1,5))
(set: $AtkStrength to 0)
(set: $minishield to 0)
(set:$Darkwoodslocation to "Dark Woods begin")
(set: $Stamina to 8)
(set: $MaxStamina to 8)
(set: $SkillPoints to 0)
(set: $MaxHPReqSkillPoints to 1)
(set: $ProtecReqSkillPoints to 1)
(set: $AttackReqSkillPoints to 1)
(set: $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints to 1)
(set: $PervScene to "Kiddy Perv Scene")
(set: $SaveFromPurple to 1)You get off the bus, completely nude and ready for the adventure that awaits you.
You have a pamphlet with some information for new visitors.
[[Check pamphlet (Quick information)]] Include a Guide
(link: "Go to the village (Start Adventure)")[(goto: "Village center")] (set: $NaoMerchant to (random:1,3))
(set: $Itemslocation to "Items")
(set: $ScoutPermission to 0)
Welcome to Southville visitor! Southville is located in the Moonwoods.
Here you'll be able to explore around as you please and interact with the villagers and sometimes even other visitors.
You know why you're here, so as is requested of every visitor you have at least basic fighting skill in case you have an encounter with a creature, and also enough knowledge to know what your options are.
Here a (link: "Guide")[(goto: "Guide")]
Nudity and interactions related to it are allowed.
For more information go check the "Info booth". //Have fun//.
(link: "Go to the village (Start Adventure)")[(goto: "Village center")]
(set: $NaoMerchant to 1)
(set: $OutpostQuestA to (random:1,10)) (set: $YourQuestTime to 150)(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You reach the center of the village which has a plaza with a little stone fountain in the middle and connects with several paths. (if: $NaoMerchant is 1)[The merchant is here.]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
[[Info booth]]
🡹 [[North Path]]
🡸 [[Village]]
🡿 [[Farm]]
🡺 [[East Path]]
(link: "Outpost")[ (set: $OutpostName to "Southville") (goto: "Outpost") ]
(if: $NaoMerchant is 1)[ [[Merchant]] ]
(link: "Gifts & Rewards")[(set:$GiftsLocation to "Gifts & Rewards") (goto:$GiftsLocation)]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $MapLocation to 10) (set:$location to "Village center")
**Information post**
[[Southville Info]]
[[Moonwoods Info]]
[[Tourism Info]]
[[Flora & Fauna Info]]
[[Littlewoods Info]]
[[Paw Patrol Camp Info|Paw Patrol Camp explanation]]
[[Second Universe|The Second Universe]]
[[Return|Village center]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The hills and end of the woods is at sigh with the moon on the sky.
The bus stop is empty for now.
🡼 [[Outskirts|Moonwoods outskirts entrance Left side]]
[[Wait|Street bench]]
🡻 [[Village center]] (set: $NaoMerchant to (random:1,3))
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto: $Itemslocation)] ]
Residential part of the village. Several cozy houses and cabins on both sides of the path.
Most of them has lighs turn off.
[[Medical cabin]]
🡺 [[Village center]] (set: $NaoMerchant to (random:1,3))
🡸 [[West Path]]
[[Small INN]]
(link: "Level-UP Circle")[ (set: $location to "Village") (goto: "Level-UP Circle") ]
(set: $MapLocation to 10) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set: $location to "Village")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
Small farm with an orchard, two big deposits and a few parcels where the villagers grow crops and is also a good place to do small tasks and gain a bit of money. (either: "A few cubs can be noticed in the orchard.", "Someone is comming out from the farm.", "A pair of cubs are claiming their reward at the deposits.", "Some cubs are passing by towards the lake.")
🡽 [[Village center]] (set: $NaoMerchant to (random:1,3))
(either: "[[Barn]]", "[[Barn]]", "[[Barn|Barn Cow]]", "[[Barn|Barn Horse]]")
[[Pumpkin patch]]
🡻 [[Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Farm")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
East dirt path that connects with different roads.
🡽 [[Dark Woods path|Dark Woods NE entrance]]
🡸 [[Village center]] (set: $NaoMerchant to (random:1,3))
🡻 [[Go South|East Path 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $MapLocation to 15)
(set:$location to "East Path")
You are in the Medical cabin. It is a big silver-like tent, enough for simulate a cabin.
A white, teen looking, male fox of fine features is behind the desk, wearing nurse clothes.
[[Chat|Chat with nurse]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A big bunch of pupmkins scattered around on the open area. The place has a good view of the hills and the lake on the other way.
(either: "[[Find a pumpkin|Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Find a pumpkin|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Find a pumpkin|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Find a pumpkin|Not Found Pumpkin]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You reach the beach of the lake and entrance to the village. The land here is soft and the water is quiet and calm. (either: "There are a few cubs enjoying the beach, all far from each other.", "")
(either: "[[Look around|NorthLake search]]", "[[Look around|NorthLake Failedsearch]]", "[[Look around|NorthLake Failedsearch]]", "[[Look around|NorthLake Failedsearch]]", "[[Look around|NorthLake Failedsearch]]", "[[Look around|NorthLake Darki&Matt]]")
[[Rest for a while|Rest on northlake beach]]
[[Go to the water|Water Northlake]]
[[Return to farm|Farm]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Male Nurse: There isn't much to say. Moved here from the city and been doing the same "boring" work for long time. It is repetitive but I do not complain much. Besides there isn't anyone around capable enough for do this kind of job. Anyone else would just fuck it soon or later.
[["You're cute, wanna fuck?"]]
[[Fuck it?]]
[[Back|Medical cabin]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random:1,20) is 3)[ (display: "Male Nurse Scene") ] (else:)[
He smirks.
Male Nurse: The most “interaction” you will get with me is when you're unconscious or moribund while I'm giving you treatment or in the uncommon case I need some assistance with a patient.
But who knows... maybe sometime.
[[No luck|Medical cabin]]
Male nurse: I deal with injured and sexualized cubs everyday. Heal wounds, cream raped assholes, treat overmilked cocks. Most patients usually nude and covered in cum or any other viscous sexual liquid. Is like that almost every day and that still isn't the most crazy parts. In other words I deal with cocks of all kinds and semen almost daily, and some treatments requires professional touch that most people would end taking advantage of the situation at some point... or the other way when the patients gets a bit berserker.
[[Back|Medical cabin]]
What you wanna ask about?
[[About the Medical Cabin]]
[[Plants info]]
[[Second Universe]]
[[Back|Medical cabin]]
Male nurse: This medical cabin is both a mini hospital and also an investigation post. Fallen adventurers and visitors are healed here and from every patient that comes samples are collected depending on what happened to them and those samples are used for study.
[[Back|Chat with nurse]]
(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
Dirt path with View of the lake at the right and the woods on the north, west and far south.
🡹 [[Go to the North|Little woods Entrance]]
🡺 [[Enter to the Village|Village]]
🡸 [[Go West|Woods W Entrance]]
🡻 [[Go South|West Path 2]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $MapLocation to 5) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "West Path")Southville is a small village located far to the south of the MegaFur City and has been a long time the only populated zone in this part of the country.
It is a quiet village that for some could believe is abandoned for the lack of noise in the region but still is a kinda popular location for certain visitors, mostly cubs.
Despite that it is a rural area. There is a few automatic things, mostly related to monetary rewards, that you can obtain in the farm.
Southville doesn't have a proper store but merchants sometimes are seen at the village center.
The village is considered a safe place from monsters and aggressive plants.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]The Moonwoods is a big forestal region that's also home of some unique creatures, plants and even a few others in between.
As the name implies, this area refers to the moon because most of the interesting past events occur at night.
The zone has inexplicable magical properties as noise doesn't travel as far as it usually would.
There is hidden areas that are only accesible going through the deep woods.
Some tourists that notice the lack of noise call the zone as "Quietwoods" but due to the behavior of the creatures and plants in this zone, the forest is also sometimes called "Yiffwoods" by the adventurers.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]This zone gets a fair ammount of visitors almost everyday.
There is two kinds of tourism here: Visitors and Adventurers. Visitors are "normal" people that come to look around and "experiment" and the Adventurers are people with developed skills to be able to face the dangers that move around and explore further into the woods.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]This region is filled with diverse creatures and plants. Both are divided in two categories: Pasive and hostile.
Pasive: Are animals and plants that don't attack. Some are shy and others kinda eager for have you near. You can interact with them if you wanna. This category is minority but they are more common around Southville and Littlewoods.
Hostile: Animals and plants that encounter and attack you. Most try direct attacks and if you lose all your HP... they going to do //something// with you. Some has special moves that instead of attack, they try to trap you, sometimes causing an instant defeat for you if they succeed.
If you are beaten you will be found at some point and sent to the nearest medical post, but if you are into the deep woods there is a chance you wont be found, meaning that it is... [''(css: "color: red;")[Game Over]''].
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Male nurse: How can I help you?
[[Ask information]]
[[Ask about him]]
[[Check him|Check Male Nurse]]
[[Back|Medical cabin]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''You found a full grown pumpkin!''
What you wanna do?
[[Take it to the deposit|Pumpkin deposit]]
(either: "[[Keep looking|Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Tycloud & Rana]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You don't find any good pumpkin yet.
What you wanna do?
(either: "[[Keep looking|Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", [[Keep looking|Pumpkin Visitors]], "[[Keep looking|Orrin spoted farm]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Found Pumpkin") (if: (random:1,50) is 40)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
With caution you take it to the post on the farm and put the pumpkin in the deposit. After a second from the metallic box appears a few coins.
(set: $coins to $coins + 2)
You collect [(css: "color: yellow;")[2 coins]]. Total: $coins
(set: $PumpkinQuestONEPoints to $PumpkinQuestONEPoints + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A small cozy barn with a feral cow and a feral horse, each one in their own place away from eachother. Both animals seems feed.
A milking machine repose at the wall of the building. (either: "Seems to been recently used.", " ")
(if: $Stamina > 14)[ [[Use machine]] ] (else:)[ (css: "color: gray;")[Machine requires 15 Stamina] ]
Your Stamina (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina]
(if: (random:1,10) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Farm") (go-to:"Barn Ferbs prescene") ] (else:)[ ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
There is two cubs working together as a team. They wag at you and continue on their way carrying a few pumpkins.
You don't find any good pumpkin yet.
What you wanna do?
(either: "[[Keep looking|Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[Game made by ''(link: "Darkinian")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Darkinian')]'' using //Twine//]
(align: "====>")[ //[[Patrons]]// ]
''Special Characters'':
- Ty owned by (link: "Tycloud")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Tycloud')]
- Rana Traizor owned by (link: "Stripes")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Stripes')]
- Matt owned by (link: "MattTheWolfDogPuppy")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/MattTheWolfDogPuppy')]
- Sky owned by (link: "SkyPuppeh")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/SkyPuppeh')]
- Fusion owned by (link: "Fusionxglave")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Fusionxglave')]
- Ashely owned by (link: "LegoP")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/LegoP')]
- Armen owned by (link: "BenthekidZX")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/BenthekidZX')]
- Coldpaw owned by (link: "Thecooler")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/thecooler')]
- Kotaro owned by (link: "TheGreatKota")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/TheGreatKota')]
- Kiddy owned by (link: "Todeskiddy")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Todeskiddy')]
- Blake owned by (link: "LilRogueFeline")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/LilRogueFeline')]
- Drago owned by (link: "Dragoignis")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Dragoignis')]
- Andy owned by (link: "AndyBear")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/AndyBear')]
- Kota owned by (link: "KotaRello")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/KotaRello')]
- North owned by (link: "TinyNorth")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/TinyNorth')]
- Sirocco owned by (link: "SiroccoZephyrine")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/SiroccoZephyrine')]
- Hiro owned by (link: "HiroKetzio")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/HiroKetzio')]
- Jai owned by (link: "JaiDreamsicle")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/JaiDreamsicle')]
- Luca owned by (link: "JaiDreamsicle")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/JaiDreamsicle')]
- Pent owned by (link: "pentrep")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/pentrep')]
- Galen owned by (link: "GalenFirntuft")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/GalenFirntuft')]
- Sean owned by (link: "FireConejo")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/FireConejo')]
- Orrin owned by (link: "Furryluv19")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Furryluv19')]
- Mercury owned by (link: "maniacalmercury")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/maniacalmercury')]
- Kevin owned by (link: "KevinSnowpaw")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/KevinSnowpaw')]
- Nathy owned by (link: "Nathyrin")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Nathyrin')]
- Ferbs owned by (link: "ClaudiaDoe")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/ClaudiaDoe')]
- Reth owned by (link: "Rethex")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Rethex')]
- Tobi owned by (link: "TobiBunnaroo")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/TobiBunnaroo')]
- Kyrie owned by (link: "KyrieTheFolf")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/KyrieTheFolf')]
- Eclipse owned by (link: "Orca621")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Orca621')]
- Oooey owned by (link: "OooeyGoooey")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/OOOeyGoooey')]
- Djijey owned by (link: "DjijeyHellfire")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/DjijeyHellfire')]
''Special Images'':
- Image of "Special hidden scene 1" made by (link: "Jamesfoxbr")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/jamesfoxbr')]
- Special hidden scene 2 made by (link: "yojoo")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/yojoo')]
- Special hidden scene 3 made by (link: "MicahFox")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/MicahFox')]
- Minigame images made with (link: "Oob")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Oob')] character maker
- Special hidden scene in the woods made by (link: "CharzelNut")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/CharzelNut')]
- Lewd Image 1 Daycare made by (link: "Unistar")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Unistar')]
- Special hidden scene in the deepwoods made by (link: "Aixen")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Aixen')]
- Special farm image own by ClaudiaDoe and made by (link: "HiroKetzio")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/HiroKetzio')]
- Special Darki's hidden image made by (link: "galo")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/galo')]
- Special Lucky image made by (link: "OooeyGoooey")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/OOOeyGoooey')]
- Anniversary image made by (link: "AkaiKitsune")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/AkaiKitsune')] <3
''Special Mentions'':
- Paw Patrol Cub Scouts is owned by (link: "SkyPuppeh")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/SkyPuppeh')]
- Tester and support: (link: "Fluffy")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/killerman33')]
''Special Thanks'':
- Thanks to (link: "SkyPuppeh")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/SkyPuppeh')] and (link: "KevinSnowpaw")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/KevinSnowpaw')] for advertise the game.
- Thanks to (link: "Todeskiddy")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Todeskiddy')] for help with the commission we got together.
- Thanks to (link: "Fusionxglave")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Fusionxglave')] for make images to add to the game.
- Thanks to (link: "LegoP")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/LegoP')] for the images he commissioned to add to the game.
- Thanks to (link: "Tycloud")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Tycloud')], (link: "Stripes")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Stripes')], (link: "MattTheWolfDogPuppy")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/MattTheWolfDogPuppy')] and (link: "KevinSnowpaw")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/KevinSnowpaw')] for commission an image together with me.
- Thanks to (link: "ZaviChan")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/ZaviChan')] for create the commission images he to add to the game.
- Thanks to (link: "OooeyGoooey")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/OOOeyGoooey')] for create the special lucky image
''Cub Eternal'' is a Text Game, which means you move, interact and progress using choices depending of the place or situation.
You can explore everywhere as you please but not everything is always the same. There are hidden scenes too that you can only find by luck.
The game has a mechanic similar to RPG, means you can fight and gain stuff. Nobody dies in this game, just get defeated. If you lose to a monster, they yiff you and steal all your stamina and part of your exp. points. Run away from a monster makes you lose stamina.
You gain Score points with each battle and gain Exp. points when you win them.
For level up, you use Exp. Points and find a "Level-UP Circle" where you will see the ammount you need for the next level.
You can save the game in the level up zones. Don't try to load if you don't have a file.
Littlewoods is a small section of the Moonwoods, located at the Northwest of Southville, and also an exploring area.
It is separated from the other main sections and known as the only zone mostly dominated by passive plants and creatures. The villagers usually take care of the Littlewoods.
For new explorers it is the best place to start.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at entrance to the small forest that has wooden arch made of wood and to the side a sign with the word "Littlewoods".
This area of the woods seems surrounded by wooden fence.
🡹 [[Enter to Littlewoods|Littlewoods]] (set: $X to 2) (set: $Y to 1)
🡻 [[Go to the south|West Path]]
You have (color:green)[$health HP]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $MapLocation to 2) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Little woods Entrance")
As you're about to move away, you see two cubs, a fox and a husky, that seems to be dealing with a full grown pumpkin still tied to the ground until they see eachother and smirk.
[[Hide & watch|Tycloud & Rana scene]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You hide as best as you can behind a pumpkin.
The brown husky, Rana, and the orange fox, Ty; watch each other with a big smile on their faces and start to strip each other until they get shirtless. Then each one grab their own shorts and strips from them getting completely nude. Both stretches as if they felt liberated, showing all their fur and white bellies to the world.
Then the two buddies get near and start to feel each others fur while giggling at it. They put their heads together, rubbing and exploring each other and then grab their bud's butt with one hand and the other's already hard package with their free hand.
Later both cubs separate and start a few silly plays that includes more touching and roaming around, giggling at their own games until they return to the pumpkin they was at before.
With a playfully push from Ty, Rana lay on the pumpkin without crushing it and the fox gets behind him. Rana looks back and licks Ty's face and Ty later does the same to his friend.
The fox cub hugs the husky cub from behind, getting on his knees and with a smile start humping him.
Both cubs moan as they yiff nude in the open, engaging in boy-ish fun.
[[Ty & Rana scene]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The fox humps hard at the husky while their moans gets more loud until suddenly both cubs cums hard.
The humpkins get on the ground and hug each other tight, using the pumpkin as a pillow and close their eyes to rest, keeping each other warm and happy.
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
<div class = "imagefade"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/AqAatoih.png"> </div>
(css: "font-size: 400%;")[(css: "color: orange;")[[Continue|Ty & Rana scene last]]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You manage to see some kind of blue creature moving at the far side of the lake but is hard to tell what it is from here.
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "You didn't found anything for now", "You didn't found anything for now", "You spot a cub playing on the water's edge", "You see another cub exploring around the beach", "You see a few cubs far away around the beach", "You spot someone swimming in the lake", "You see a pair of cubs walking together holding hands", "You spot a cub making a small sandcastle").
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Lake (North side)") (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
At the shore of the lake, there are two cubs together on the sand-like dirt, looking at the calm water and the moon reflected on it.
(either: "[[Hide behind the bushes|Darki&Matt scene 1]]", "[[Hide behind the bushes|Darki&Matt scene 1]]", "[[Hide behind the bushes|Darki&Matt scene 2]]")
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The two cubs, Darki the white jaguar/tiger and Matt the wolfdog, are sitting with their butts on the soil holding each others paw while admiring the view in front of them. Then they look at each other with a smile on their faces.
Matt kisses Darki on the cheek, making Darki blush a bit with a shy smile. Then Darki licks Matt's nose. Both chuckle at this and licks each other's mouths.
Then they get their heads together, resting on each other and keep looking at the lake as their tails curl around each other.
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The cubs, a feline and a canine, are completely naked, enjoying the soft breeze and kissing each other.
The two buddies lie down on the soft ground next to each other and hug tight together feeling their friend's fur and sharing warmth until the little boys kiss again.
Darki and Matt murr together and rest completely on the ground, still holding each other, like if was a big bed.
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Male Nurse: (either: "Don't lose all your HP unless you wanna get raped. Plain and simple, right?", "Don't lose all your HP unless you wanna get raped. Plain and simple, right?", "The //No luck// while flirting with the nurse isn't going to change easily.", "Sometimes you have to keep looking to find something in an area, even if seems like you were already there before.", "If you distract yourself too much on the bus stop, someone is going to see you.", "//Sweet// Milk helps you recover HP while //Salty// milk in some cases helps recover Stamina.")
[[Back|Chat with nurse]]
Records of plants around the moonwoods
- ''Blue jug flower'': Medium sized blue passive flower which it’s center looks like a recipient to store the liquids that manages to collect. The flower is like a mix between allamanda and kerria flowers, having big petals around the “hole” and smaller ones behind them. The inside looks covered in trichomes and other small tendrils. When gets an "offer" it sucks it and massage the offer until extract the nutrients is seeking and then the flower release it's own seeds while using the nutrients to produce more.
- ''White Eggplant'': It is a kind of passive plant with a white flower that produce a big egg-like seed on the top practically waiting for someone to take their seed. It takes them time to produce another.
- ''Red jug flower'': Semi-aggressive Flower that will attach to you and try to suck your energy and nutrients, violently if considered necessary. This plant uses nutrients to become stronger so it is always seeking to get them and usually also fights. It has a small chance to release its seeds. Sometimes it doesn’t let go of its prey if it succeeds on trapping them.
- ''Red Eggplant'': It is a kind of Semi-aggressive plant with a red flower that produce a big redish egg-like seed on the top literally waiting for someone to take its seed. If someone is near and ignore the plant there is a chance it will use its tentacles to trap them and give them its seed, like it or not. Obtain the red eggseed willingly has a chance to cause a small bad effect. When you can't take away normally the eggseed from the plant, the best way to obtain is with a "warm hole".
- ''Purple jub flower'' (Boss): Bigger than its “cousins”, skilled and aggressive. Uses a fragrance to lure preys and can drag you with its large tentacles to suck your energy nonstop. If it manages to get you completely, you will not be able to attack it or find a way to repel it. Only appears in the Deepwoods and is considered a big threat even for some adventurers.
[[Back|Chat with nurse]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You find a White Eggplant with a full formed EggSeed on top of it.
[[Take EggSeed]]
(link: "Leave it")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $eggseed to $eggseed + 1)
''You obtain //EggSeed//!''
Total: $eggseed
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $EggseedQuestONEPoints to $EggseedQuestONEPoints + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
There is a blue jug flower on the way. Has its soft petals open, like an invitation to get near.
[[Get near|Get Near BlueFlower]]
(link: "Leave it")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]It's nice smell relax your body and it's jug-like part seems inviting you. You know what it wants.
You start to touch yourself, slowly building your arousal until you get hard enough and then you slowly insert your cock into the flower.
The flower feels you inside. Slowly it's mini tentacles gets around your member and the flower closes on it, securing you. You feel how the flower start massaging your cock, pleasing you while sucking your nutritious juice.
All that little tendrils moving around, exploring and jerking your cock, slowly arousing you more and more until you can't resist any longer and cum inside the flower.
[[Next|BlueFlower Reward]]
You lost some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 4) (if: $Stamina < 1)[ (set: $Stamina to 1) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]The flower release you. Your sperm is contained in it's jug. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
Like if was pleased, the flower release a few seeds from it's side sheets and close it's petals for start using your cum for make new seeds.
(set: $BlueSeeds to $BlueSeeds + 2)
''You obtain [(css: "color: cyan;")[2 BlueSeeds]]''. Total: $BlueSeeds
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $BlueseedQuestONEPoints to $BlueseedQuestONEPoints + 2)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You sit on the Street bench of the bus stop and wait for a while.
Nothing happens.
(either: "[[Keep waiting|Street bench]]", "[[Keep waiting|Street bench]]", "[[Keep waiting|Street bench]]", "[[Keep waiting|Street bench]]", "[[Keep waiting|Street bench sounds]]")
[[Return|Village center]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You hear sounds comming from the woods.
[[Pay Attention]]
[[Leave|Village center]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](either: "Soft", "Hard") moans are heard from the woods, maybe a (either: "male", "male", "female") cub but is hard to tell.
The moans are constant, maybe they got an encounter with something... or someone. You can only imagine what's going on there.
You get aroused at this and start to stroke your cock, listening to the sexual melody.
The moans gets more noisy, arousing you even more and more, jacking off at the rhythm of the sounds until they become into a sudden cry that ends with a long relaxed sigh.
You didn't cum but it helped you build your arousal.
(either: "[[Continue|North Path]]", "[[Continue|North Path]]", "[[Continue|North Path]]", "[[Continue|Pay attention 2]]", "[[Continue|Pay attention 2]]", "[[Continue|Pay attention 2B]]", "[[Continue|Pay attention 3A]]")
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Suddenly you notice that there is a bus in front of you, with someone already got off.
Is a (either: "male", "male", "female", "female") (either: "orange", "yellow", "cyan", "gray", "red", "brown", "blue") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf", "rabbit") cub and is looking at you and your still hard cock, with a (either: "surprised", "kinky", "weirded") expression.
The newcomer walks on direction to the village and look back at you with the same expression on their face until is out of your sight.
[[Continue|North Path]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''You encounter a Large pink worm!'' It seems is passive.
What you wanna do?
[[Get near|Pink worm passive]]
(link: "Keep moving")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You slowly get near to the worm and sit down on the ground, in front of them.
The worm after a bit, start to crawl at you. It examinates you with little touches like trying to be sure if you are dangerous or not.
Then, the worn crawl over your lap, taking it's time until they finds your crotch area and rubs themselve at it, slowly arousing you until get you hard.
After feel your arousal, the worm curls around your cock, constantly moving and it's head tease your cocktip, pleased to have a taste of your precum.
This keeps going on for sometime, it's body massaging your cock and teasing your little hole until your arousal is too much and you cum all over the worm and yourself.
While you are catching your breath, you see the worm slowly absorbing your cum and precum, moving around you until get you clean and then they return to the ground and dissapears into it.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]''You encounter a Large pink worm!'' (if: $SmellMessage is 1)[ Your smell attracted it. ]
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:4,7))
(set:$badlocation to "Lost to pink worm") (set:$Battlelocation to "Pink large worm battle")
[[Fight!|Pink large worm battle]] (set: $PWBattle to 1)
[[Run|Run]] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1))
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(set: $SmellMessage to 0)**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:2,4))
(set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:1,2)) ]
(color:red)[The Worm ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack PW]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack PW]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(if: $Level >= 5)[ (if: $Stamina >= 4)[ [[Grab|Grab Pink worm]] ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Worm. //+5 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 5) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 5)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:1,2)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: $Stamina > 1)[ You lose 1 (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 1) ]
(goto:$location)(if: (random:1,7) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Pink large worm battle")You get weak and fall onto the ground. The worm defeated you.
After a moment, the large creature crawls at you while you are tired. Then you feel something at your butt, the worm is teasing your hole. You try to kick it away but in a sudden move the worm start to get into you, fucking your butthole. With your last energies you try to grab and push it out but the worm is too slippery.
You struggle but the worm persist until gets completely inside and goes very deep into you, making you gasp, convulsing a bit as moves inside you until you are forced to cum hands-free. After catch you catch your breath, you try to push it out over and over until you realize with surprise that isn't going to come out.
You keep trying until you faint.
[[Next|Healing Room]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]After some time, you're found and taken to the Medical Cabin.
You receive first aid treatment and put on a bed with a big pillow under your head and with your legs open.
You're told some words and start to push as hard as you can, practically like giving birth. Take time but you manage to push out what got into you and then rest for a while. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
(set: $health to 25)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(link: "Get up")[(goto: "Medical cabin")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You approach towards the red panda with a big a big bag full of things on his back.
''Nao'': "What can I do fur you my friend?
[[Buy|Nao Buy]]
[[Sell|Nao Sell]]
[[Chat|Chat with Nao]]
[[Move on|Village center]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "Nao: I'm a traveler that likes most plants stuff. Sometimes you will see me around here and sometimes no.", "Nao: I'm a traveler that likes monster plants stuff. Sometimes you will see me around here and sometimes no.", "Nao: I heard that monster items will be very usefull in the new area, I suggest to keep them.", "Nao: When I'm not here, usually like to find plants in unexpected places. I may be chubby but I know how to move very well ;)", "All your items are magically stored inside you, don't ask how.", "I only buy some monster and plant based items, for sell other materials you need go to the Moonwoods Main Store.", "For now I don't buy Red eggseeds, but I will in the future.", "Red eggseeds are kinda dangerous and can be used against you.")
[[Move on|Village center]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: $NaoSmallHPBuy is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 Small HP Potion!] ] (if: $NaoMedHPBuy is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 Medium HP Potion!] ] (if: $NaoIncreaseHPBuy is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+10 health!] You now have $health health! ] (if: $NaoMinishieldBuy is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 protection!] ]
(if: $NaoSmallHPBuy is 1)[ (color:red)[-10 coins.] ] (if: $NaoMedHPBuy is 1)[ (color:red)[-35 coins.] ] (if: $NaoIncreaseHPBuy is 1)[ (color:red)[-10 coins.] ] (if: $NaoMinishieldBuy is 1)[ (color:red)[-25 coins.] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ What you want to Buy? ]
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
Small Healing potion: Restores 10 HP
''(10 coins)''(if: ($coins >= 10))[
(link: "Buy a Small HP Potion")[ (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 10) (set: $NaoSmallHPBuy to 1)(goto: "Nao Buy") ] ]
Medium Healing potion: Restores 30 HP
''(35 coins)''(if: ($coins >= 35))[
(link: "Buy a Medium HP Potion")[ (set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 35) (set: $NaoMedHPBuy to 1)(goto: "Nao Buy") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
HP increase potion: Increases your HP above the MaxHP (AutoUse)
''(10 coins)''(if: ($coins >= 10) and ($health <= $Maxhealth))[
(link: "Buy a HP increase Potion")[(set: $health to $health + 10)(set: $coins to $coins - 10) (set: $NaoIncreaseHPBuy to 1)(goto: "Nao Buy")] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
Minishield: Small magic artifact that permanently increase your shield by +1
''(25 coins)'' (One per player)(AutoUse)(if: ($coins >= 25) and ($minishield <= 0))[
(link: "Buy Minishield")[(set: $protection to $protection + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 25)(set: $minishield to 1) (set: $NaoMinishieldBuy to 1)(goto: "Nao Buy")] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy it.]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[Back|Merchant]]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $NaoSmallHPBuy to 0) (set: $NaoMedHPBuy to 0) (set: $NaoIncreaseHPBuy to 0) (set: $NaoMinishieldBuy to 0)(if: $NaoBlueSeedsSell is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+5 coins.] ] (if: $NaoBlueSeedsSell2 is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+10 coins.] ] (if: $NaoRedSeedsSell is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+10 coins.] ] (if: $NaoRedSeedsSell2 is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+20 coins.] ] (if: $NaoEggSeedsSell is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+4 coins.] ] (if: $NaoEggSeedsSell2 is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+8 coins.] ] (if: $NaoSlimeBitsSell is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+3 coins.] ] (if: $NaoSlimeBitsSell2 is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+6 coins.] ] (if: $NaoSlimeOrbsSell is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+30 coins.] ]
What you want to sell?
You have (color:yellow)[$coins]
(if: $BlueSeeds > 0)[ (link: "Sell Blueseed")[(set: $BlueSeeds to $BlueSeeds - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 5) (set: $NaoBlueSeedsSell to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (if: $BlueSeeds > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[(set: $BlueSeeds to $BlueSeeds - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 10) (set: $NaoBlueSeedsSell2 to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $BlueSeeds blueseeds ]
(if: $RedSeeds > 0)[ (link: "Sell Redseed")[(set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 10) (set: $NaoRedSeedsSell to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (if: $RedSeeds > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[(set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 20) (set: $NaoRedSeedsSell2 to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $RedSeeds redseeds ]
(if: $eggseed > 0)[ (link: "Sell Eggseed")[(set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 4) (set: $NaoEggSeedsSell to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (if: $eggseed > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[(set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 8) (set: $NaoEggSeedsSell2 to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $eggseed eggseeds ]
(if: $slimebits > 0)[ (link: "Sell Slimebits")[(set: $slimebits to $slimebits - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 3) (set: $NaoSlimeBitsSell to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (if: $slimebits > 1)[ | (link: "Sell Slimebits")[(set: $slimebits to $slimebits - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 6) (set: $NaoSlimeBitsSell2 to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $slimebits slimebits ]
(if: $slimeOrb > 0)[ (link: "Sell SlimeOrb")[(set: $slimeOrb to $slimeOrb - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 30) (set: $NaoSlimeOrbsSell to 1)(goto: "Nao Sell")] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $slimeOrb SlimeOrbs ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[Back|Merchant]]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $NaoBlueSeedsSell to 0) (set: $NaoBlueSeedsSell2 to 0) (set: $NaoRedSeedsSell to 0) (set: $NaoRedSeedsSell2 to 0) (set: $NaoEggSeedsSell to 0) (set: $NaoEggSeedsSell2 to 0) (set: $NaoSlimeBitsSell to 0) (set: $NaoSlimeBitsSell2 to 0) (set: $NaoSlimeOrbsSell to 0)(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
Dirth path next to the lake and closer to the dark parts of the woods.
🡹 [[Go North|West Path]]
🡺 [[Go to the Lake|Lake West side]]
🡻 [[Go South|Woods SW Entrance]]
(css: "color: gray;")[Female Camp under construction]
(set: $MapLocation to 6) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "West Path 2")
(set: $location to "Lake West side")
West side of the lake. The land is soft and is connected to the woods.
(either: "[[Look around|WestLake search]]", "[[Look around|WestLake search]]", "[[Look around|WestLake search]]", "[[Look around|WestLake Blue blob]]")
(either: "[[Wait|Wait in West Beach failed]]", "[[Wait|Wait in West Beach failed]]", "[[Wait|Wait in West Beach Orca]]")
[[Return|West Path 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Lake West side") (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
(either: "You didn't find anything for now", "You didn't find anything for now", "You didn't found anything for now", "You saw something move in the lake", "You manage to see some kind of blue creatures moving on the south side of the lake", "There are a few feathered-like fish jumping on the lake", "A large orca is saw in the middle of the lake").
[[Return|Lake West side]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set:$location to "Lake West side")
(display: "Aggressive Blue Blob")''You encounter a Blue blob!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:18,23)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Blue blob") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Blue blob battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Blue blob battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 3)[ [[Run|Run]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:6,9)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Blue blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:2,3)) ]
(color:red)[The Blue Slime ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack BB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack BB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Blob. //+20 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 20) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 20)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:5,8)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
]The blue blob defeated you. You are weak now.
In a quick move the blue blob launches itself at your crotch area, practically tackling you and makes you fall on your back. You feel its body around your hips or maybe your hips are inside its body?
The blob trembles and then you feel pressure being applied to your butthole and cock. You try to punch the blob that now has control over your stiff member.
Suddenly, the slippery creature goes easily into your butt as it trembles and masturbates you at the same time. You try to punch it to get away but only manage to get up from the ground with your arms.
You struggle as best as you can but you end up being forced to get more aroused, pleased against your will, until you cum in the creature. Your butt is now full of some blue sticky substance.
[[Next|Healing Room]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at the Southwest entrance to the woods.
This area of the woods is semi-dark.
🡹 [[Go to the North|West Path 2]]
🡻 [[Enter to the woods|MoonWoods South]] (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 1)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(set: $MapLocation to 7) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Woods SW Entrance")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at the West entrance of the woods.
🡸 [[Enter to the woods|MoonWoods West]] (set: $Y to 5) (set: $X to 3)
🡺 [[Go to the East|West Path]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(set: $PervScene to "Kiddy Perv Scene")
(set: $MapLocation to 4) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Woods W Entrance")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
Dirth path next to the lake and closer to the woods. (if: (random:1,5) is 1)[You see a Scout taking another cub, covered in cum, towards the village.]
🡹 [[Go North|East Path]]
🡸 [[Go to the Lake|Lake East side]]
[[Paw Patrol Camp|Paw Patrol Camp]]
🡻 [[Go South|Woods SE Entrance]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $MapLocation to 16) (set:$location to "East Path 2") (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random:1,6) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Blue blob battle")(if: $health >= 24)[
You have to have less than 25 HP for be healed.
Male nurse: Sry but I can only apply it with those who truly need it. ]
(else:)[(set: $health to $health + 25) (css: "font-size: 125%;")[(color:green)[Recovered +25HP!]] ] (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 1) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[Back|Medical cabin]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]''You encounter a Green blob!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:8,10)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Green blob") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Green blob battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Green blob battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 2)[ [[Run|Run]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:3,5)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Green blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:1,2)) ]
(color:red)[The Slime ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack GB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack GB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Blob. //+10 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 10) (set: $randomCoins to (random:3,5)) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10)
(set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins) (set: $slimebits to $slimebits + 1)
''You obtain //1 Slimebits//!''
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
]The Green blob defeated you. You are weak right now.
As notice you distracted, the green blob launch itself towards your crotch area, covering you completely there. You try to push it away until feel the gooey sustance play with your member and making pressure around it. The goo has your cock completely covered, not even letting you touch yourself.
With your cock secured inside the creature, the blob start to move up and down, teasing your cocktip and sucking you at the same time. This makes you moan and get weaker, barely still standing as yourlegs tremble from the arousal.
The goo goes faster and sucking you harder, you can only moan in mix of pleasure and desperation until is too much and the blob force you to cum, filling the creature with your fertile sustance.
You sit on the ground until you faint.
[[Next|Healing Room 2]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random:1,6) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Green blob battle")After some time, you're found and taken to the Medical Cabin.
You receive aid treatment and put on a bed with a big pillow under your head and with your legs open.
The creature refused to leave your cock, took some time to manage to take it away. You even felt that you got a handjob that somehow helped take away the creature from you and you cum hard when finally all the creature is forced to leave you.
Your violated cock is finally free and you get some sleep and recover. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
(set: $health to 25)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(link: "Get up")[(goto: "Medical cabin")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random:1,3) is 1)[
(display: "Passive Red jug flower")
(display: "Hostile Red jug flower")
]''You encounter a Red jug flower!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:16,20)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Red jug flower") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Red jug flower battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Red jug flower battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 3)[ (link: "Run")[(goto: "Run")] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:6,14)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Red jug flower battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,4)) ]
(color:red)[The plant ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack RJB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack RJB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Red plant. //+20 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 20) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 20)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:6,8)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: (random:1,12) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Red jug flower battle")There is a Red jug flower on the way, seems passive... for now. Has its petals open, like an invitation to get near.
[[Get near|Get Near RedFlower]]
[[Leave it|Leave RedFlower]]
Taking advantage of your moment of weakness, the Red jug flower traps you with it's two tentacles and brings you closer. You try to escape from it's hold.
The aphrodisiac fragance slowly start to get you hard. The flower at feel this, put your cock inside its jug until your member completely dissapears in the flower and them it seal so you don't get away.
The flower start to molest your cock, masturbating and sucking you hard, making you yelp as you struggle for get away.
Forcing you to leak and absorbing all your precum while keep molesting your cock and arousing you more and more.
You can't resist any longer and cum hard into the flower. You fall back on the ground after this with the flower still locked on your cock.
You try to catch your breath and relax for a moment until with surprise and a bit of panic you notice that the flower is starting to masturbate you again and this keep going over and over, forcing you to cum again and again.
[[Next|Healing Room 3]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]After some time you're found, freed from the plant and taken to the Medical Cabin.
You receive aid treatment and are put on a bed. Your violated cock is so red in a way that basically means you been overmilked.
In your dizziness and barely conscious, you feel that your cock is covered with some cream that help to heal and relax. After this, you completely fall asleep. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
You wake up the next night.
(set: $health to 25)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(link: "Get up")[(goto: "Medical cabin")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]It's strong smell arouse your body and it's jug-like part seems inviting you.
As you get closer, your arousal increase until you get hard enough and then you slowly and carefully insert your cock into the dangerous flower.
The flower feels you inside and without losing time, the flower seals your cock inside, securing you as it's mini tentacles gets around your member. You feel how the flower start massaging your cock at first but then start to suck and masturbate you hard.
All that little tendrils moving around, exploring and jerking your cock while the plant is basically giving you a blowjob, arousing you more and more until you can't resist any longer and cum inside. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
The flower quickly absorb your "nutrients" and seems to don't want to let you go but after a quick struggle it opens and let's something fall.
[[Next|RedFlower Reward]]
(goto:$location)The flower release you. Your sperm is contained in it's jug.
Like if was pleased, the flower release a few seeds from it's side sheets and close it's petals for start using your cum for make new seeds.
(set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds + 1)
''You obtain [(css: "color: red;")[1 RedSeed]]''. Total: $RedSeeds
[[Continue|Leave RedFlower]]
West side of the lake. The land here is normal and there is a few boats at the edge.
[[Return|East Path 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at the Southeast entrance to the woods.
🡹 [[Go to the North|East Path 2]]
🡻 [[Enter to the woods|MoonWoods South]] (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 5)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(set: $MapLocation to 17) (set:$location to "Woods SE Entrance") (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at the NorthEast entrance to the Dark Woods.
(color:red)[''Attention'': Random Danger Zone]
(link: "Enter to the Dark Woods")[(goto:$Darkwoodslocation)]
[[Go to East Path|East Path]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(if: $Level < 5)[ (color:red)[Warning. You're level is too low for this zone] ]
(set: $MapLocation to 18)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Dark Woods NE entrance") (if: (random:1,50) is 35)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
(if: (random:1,40) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")]
Once you enter into the Dark Woods, you can't see from where you came. All you see now is tall dark trees and there is no way to know where you are going even if you try to return the same path you took, there is only forward now. Good luck.
(set:$location to "Dark Woods")
[[Start Exploring|Dark Woods]]
(set: $purpleflowertrap to "Purple Flower Trap")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random: 1,65) is 5)[ (goto:$purpleflowertrap) ] (if: (random:1,40) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")]
(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[ (goto:$Itemslocation) ] ]
You're exploring the Dark Woods. (if: (random:1,5) is 1)[You hear something nearby.] (if: (random:1,12) is 1)[There is some purple scent in the air.]
(set:$Itemslocation to "Items")
(either: "[[Keep going|Clearing 1]]", "[[Keep going|An Exit]]", "[[Keep going|An Exit]]", "[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]", "[[Keep going|Monster blue blob Dark Woods]]", "[[Keep going|Monster Red flower Dark Woods]]", "[[Keep going|Found Wild Red berries]]", "[[Keep going|Found Wild Yellow berries]]", "[[Keep going|Trapped by Red Flower]]", "[[Keep going|Monster Thick Large Worm]]", "[[Keep going|Go to Level-UP Circle Dark Woods]]", "[[Keep going|Go to cub found 1]]", "[[Keep going|Mini Purple flower scene]]", "[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]", "[[Keep going|To new zone]]", "[[Keep going|To new zone]]", "[[Keep going|Go to trapped bunny boy]]", "[[Keep going|A spot ahead]]", "[[Keep going|A spot ahead]]", "[[Keep going|Go to Find Red Eggplant]]", "[[Go to trapped cub red trap]]")
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) )
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $MapLocation to 20) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Dark Woods")
You find a clearing inside the forest. Is empty and safe for the moment.
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You find some light not far from your location. Seems like an exit from the Dark Woods.
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(either: "[[Exit|Littlewoods Exit]]", "[[Exit|Woods SW Exit]]", "[[Exit|Woods SE Exit]]", "[[Exit|East Path Exit]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You don't know how but you reached the entrance to Littlewoods. Confused of how it happened but glad to be in a safer zone.
(set:$Littlewoodslocation to "Little woods Entrance")
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$Littlewoodslocation)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You don't know how but you reached the SouthWest entrance to the woods. You didn't even notice you crossed the woods until that part.
(set:$SWwoodslocation to "Woods SW Entrance")
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$SWwoodslocation) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You don't know how but you reached the SouthWest entrance to the woods. You didn't even notice you crossed the woods until that part.
(set:$SEwoodslocation to "Woods SE Entrance")
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$SEwoodslocation) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You reached the East path, near to Southville. You're a bit confused of how you managed to get here but thankful for it.
(set:$EastPathlocation to "East Path")
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$EastPathlocation) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Dark Woods")
(display: "Aggressive Blue Blob")(set:$location to "Dark Woods")
(display: "Red jug flower")You found a wild red berry bush.
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3)
''You got 3 red berries''
Total: $WildRedBerries
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Out of nowhere, a tentacle grab you and start to pull you towards a Red jug flower. It was so sudden that don't give you time to fight.
[[Struggle|Try get away Red Flower]]
[[Let it|Let it Red Flower]]
(if: (random: 1,5) is 1)[ (goto:"Random Cub trapped by Red Flower") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Clearing 1") (if: (random:1,40) is 40)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
You struggle trying to get away from the flower that keeps pulling and has another tentacle waiting for you to get near.
(set:$badlocation to "Lost to Red jug flower")
(either: "[[Keep struggling|Escape Red Flower]]", "[[Keep struggling|Escape Red Flower]]", "[[Keep struggling|Failed Escape Red Flower]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
When the flower feels you are willing, it keeps pulling you but without damage you.
(set:$PassiveRedFlowerlocation to "Get Near RedFlower")
(either: "[[Next|Go to passive red flower]]", "[[Next|Go to Hostile red flower]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](goto:$PassiveRedFlowerlocation)
You manage to get away from the tentacle's grip.
(display: "Hostile Red jug flower")(if: $Stamina > 19)[ (goto: "Escape Red Flower") ]
(else:)[ You fail to escape from the Red Flower and it pulls you completely and draining your energy.
(display: "Lost to Red jug flower")
Despite that you surrender, seems that the flower isn't interested on just take a bit of your "nutrients". By the time you realize this, is too late.
(display: "Lost to Red jug flower")
(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Tip")[ (either: "Don't consume healing items when you are above your MaxHP, you will lose the effect.", "Level Up is optional. There are scenes you get when stronger and others when weaker.")] ]
[[Profile]] | [[Others]] | [[Specials]] | (link: "Phone")[ (goto: "Phone") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Small HP potions: $SmallHPpotion (if: $SmallHPpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Small HP Potion")[ (set: $UsingSHpP to 1)(goto: "Used Item") ] ]
Medium HP potions: $MediumHPpotion (if: $MediumHPpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Medium HP Potion")[ (set: $UsingMHpP to 1)(goto: "Used Item") ] ]
Big HP Potions: $BigHPpotion (if: $BigHPpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Big HP Potion")[ (set: $UsingBHpP to 1)(goto: "Used Item") ] ]
Medium St potions: $MedStaminaPotion (if: $MedStaminaPotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Medium ST Potion")[ (set: $UsingMStP to 1)(goto: "Used Item") ] ]
Wild Red Berries: $WildRedBerries (if: $WildRedBerries > 0)[ (either: "[[Use Wild Red berry]]", "[[Use Wild Red berry]]", "[[Use Wild Red berry|Aroused Wild Red berry]]") ]
Wild Yellow Berries: $WildYellowBerries (if: $WildYellowBerries > 0)[ (either: "[[Use Wild Yellow berry]]", "[[Use Wild Yellow berry]]", "[[Use Wild Yellow berry|Aroused Wild Yellow berry]]") ]
Orange Berries: $OrangeBerries (if: $OrangeBerries > 0)[ (link: "Use Orange Berry")[ (set: $UsingOB to 1)(goto: "Used Item") ] ]
Wild HP potions: $WildSmallHPpotion (if: $WildSmallHPpotion > 0)[ [[Use Wild HP potion]] ]
HP/ST potions: $MedHPSTpotion (if: $MedHPSTpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use HP/ST Potion")[ (set: $UsingMHpStP to 1)(goto: "Used Item") ] ]
Personal item: $YourMilkBottle (if: $YourMilkBottle > 0)[ (link: "Use 'Your Milk' Bottle")[ (set: $UsingYMB to 1)(goto: "Used Item") ] ]
Cookies: $Cookies (if: $Cookies > 0)[ [[Eat a Cookie|Use Cookie]] ]
(css: "font-size: 130%;")[ (link: "Back")[ (goto:$location) ] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] Prot: (color:blue)[$protection]
Coins: (color:yellow)[$coins]
(if: $BigHPpotion < 0)[ (set: $BigHPpotion to 0) ]You use "Wild Red berry"
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries - 1)(set: $health to $health + 3)
[(color:green)[+3 HP!]] (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(display: "Items")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are in the wooden fenced camp, the main area. There is the scouts tower and a few cabins. Near there is a big signboard that says "Paw Patrol Cub Scouts".
[[Tower|Paw Patrol Tower]]
[[Cabin's Area]]
[[Talk to Bennie]]
[[Exit of the camp|East Path 2]]
(link: "Level-UP Circle")[ (set:$location to "Paw Patrol Camp")(goto:"Level-UP Circle") ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1))
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Paw Patrol Camp")
You are in the counselor's office. Behind the big wodden desk is a tall adult gray wolf, the Counselor Coldpaw.
''Counselor'': What can I do for you, cutie?
(if: $ScoutPermission is 0)[ [[Join the Cub Scouts]] ]
(if: $ScoutPermission is 1)[ [[Chat]] ]
[[Back|Patrol Floor B]]
(if: $ScoutPermission is 1)[ (if: $ScoutNovice is 0)[ [[Become a Scout]] ] (else:)[] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: $ScoutPermission is 0)[ ScoutGuard: This area is only for Cub scouts and members of the camp.
[[Back|Paw Patrol Camp]] ]
(else:)[Cabin's Area. Some cabins where the scouts live. There is a few other buildings and a practice ground.
[[Communal Showers|Paw Patrol Communal Showers]]
[[Practice|Patrol Camp Practice]]
[[Camp Entrance|Paw Patrol Camp]]
(if: $ScoutNovice is 0)[ (color:gray)[Cabins] ] (else:)[ [[Cabins]] ]
[[Medic post|Medic Patrol post]]
[[Tent's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in the Patrol Tower's Lobby. There is a staircase at the right and a cafeteria at the left.
[[Floor A|Patrol Floor A]]
[[Cafeteria|Patrol Cafeteria]]
[[Outside|Paw Patrol Camp]]
''[[Patrol bulletin board]]''
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Scout tower floor A.
[[Floor B|Patrol Floor B]]
[[Gym|Patrol Gym]]
[[Lobby|Paw Patrol Tower]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Scout tower floor B.
[[Counselor Office]]
[[Balcony|Patrol Tower Balcony]]
[[Floor A|Patrol Floor A]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The cafeteria is nice a comfy hangout place and includes a living room with a fireplace.
[[Return to Lobby|Paw Patrol Tower]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A big cabin, full of showers without walls. The place is warm and perfect for a relaxing bath, has everything that is needed.
(either: "[[Take a bath|Take bath communal camp]]", "[[Take a bath|Take bath communal camp]]", "[[Take a bath|Take bath communal camp]]", "[[Take a bath|Lewd bath communal camp]]", "[[Take a bath|Lewd bath communal camp B]]")
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
From here you can see all the camp and part of the woods around.
(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[There is a few cubs talking on the cabin's area.] (if: (random:1,4) is 1)[Someone is practicing their combat moves.] (if: (random:1,5) is 1)[Two cubs are playing with eachother.] (if: (random:1,6) is 1)[There is a campist cub with a collar, being pulled with a leash by another scout cub.] (if: (random:1,5) is 1)[Two scouts are battling eachother in a friendly fight.]
[[Back|Patrol Floor B]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You approach to the gray cat with yellow hair.
''Armen'': How can I help you friend?
[[About Paw Patrol Camp]]
[[How to be a Scout]]
[[Move on|Paw Patrol Camp]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: $ScoutPermission is 0)[ This area is only for Cub scouts and members of the camp.
[[Back|Patrol Floor A]] ]
(else:)[The Gym is a place where you can exercise and increase a bit your exp points.
(if: $Stamina > 2)[ [[Use Gym]] ]
(else:)[ You are too tired to use the gym. Stamina is recovered over time. ]
[[Back|Patrol Floor A]]
Your (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] stamina
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]The Paw Patrol Scout Camp is the zone occupied by the Cub Scouts. It is a protected zone located between the East Path and the Dark Woods.
The Cub Scouts are the ones in charge of helping furs that lost battles around Southville and taking them to the Medical cabin for recovery.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $entry to "")
(set: $entryLength to 6)
(set: $solution to "200316")
(set: $Inksolution to "091411")
(set: $TSJsolution to "212010")
(set: $KSPsolution to "112017")
(set: $PatreonONEsolution to "423510")
(set: $PatreonTHREEsolution to "652575")
(set: $PatreonTWOsolution to "842464")
(set: $ADMINsolution to "6556")
Enter the six-digit combination
<div class="entry">[***]<entry|</div>
<td>(link-repeat: "1")[(display: "NumberOne")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "2")[(display: "NumberTwo")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "3")[(display: "NumberThree")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "4")[(display: "NumberFour")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "5")[(display: "NumberFive")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "6")[(display: "NumberSix")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "7")[(display: "NumberSeven")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "8")[(display: "NumberEight")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "9")[(display: "NumberNine")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Clear")[(display: "Clear")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "0")[(display: "NumberZero")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Enter")[(display: "Enter")]</td>
(link: "Move on")[(goto: "Go to Beginning")]{
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 1)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
Do you have any Cheatcode you want to use?
(css: "font-size: 110%")[ [[Nope|Beginning]]
[[Yes|Go to Start]] ]
(set:$Beginlocation to "Beginning")
(display: "Keypad"){
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 2)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 3)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 4)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 5)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 6)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 7)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 8)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 9)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(set: $entry to "" )
(replace: ?entry)[***]
(if: $entry's length < $entryLength)[
(set: $entered to 0)
(set: $entry to it + (text: $entered) )
(replace: ?entry)[$entry]
(if: $entry is $solution)[
(goto: "End")
(if: $entry is $Inksolution)[
(goto: "InkCode")
(if: $entry is $TSJsolution)[
(goto: "TSJ code")
(if: $entry is $KSPsolution)[
(goto: "KSP code")
(if: $entry is $PatreonTHREEsolution)[
(goto: "P level 3 Code")
(if: $entry is $PatreonTWOsolution)[
(goto: "P level 2 Code")
(if: $entry is $PatreonONEsolution)[
(goto: "Patreon Starter Code Level 1")
(if: $entry is $ADMINsolution)[
(goto: "Admin Code")
}You got it right! You use the ''Scout code''.
You get: +350 Coins, +15 Small HP Potion, Minishield, +1300 Exp. Points
+3500 Score Points
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength'']
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 350)
(set: $minishield to 1)
(set: $protection to $protection + 1)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 15)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 1300)
(set: $points to $points + 3500)
(set: $ScoutPermission to 1)
(set: $ScoutNovice to $ScoutNovice + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 2)
(set: $ReqExpPoints to 30)
(set: $Level to 2)
(set: $health to $health + 3)
(set: $Maxhealth to $Maxhealth + 3)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 1) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(display: "Hostile Thick large worm")''You encounter a Thick large worm!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:28,36)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Thick large worm") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Thick large worm battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Thick large worm battle]] (set: $TLWBattle to 1)
(if: $Stamina >= 4)[ (link: "Run")[(goto: "Run")] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:12,16)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Thick large worm battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,4)) ]
(color:red)[The Worm ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack TLW]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack TLW]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(if: $Level >= 15)[ (if: $Stamina >= 6)[ [[Grab|Grab Thick large worm]] ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Thick worm. //+25 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 25) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 25)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:5,9)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(if: (random:1,6) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Thick large worm battle")With it's strenght, the Thick large worm makes you fall to the ground on all fours. Then it's body quickly goes around you, partially trapping you and forcing you to stay in place.
After secure you, the worm goes towards your butt and tease your hole, covering it with transparent liquids and getting you wet. When thinks you are ready, it slams itself into your hole, going in hard and deep.
You gasp at this and feel the thick worm moves into your hole while still keep you in place. You notice that a part of the worm inflates until be similar to a circular knot.
The worm start to fuck you, going in and out over and over, excreting more of its slimy liquid inside your hole, getting you even more wet and increasing the pace and forcing you to moan as it hits your prostate hard until suddenly force you to cum hard as you feel the worm inyects a big ammount of it's slime deep into you with the knot-like ball sealing you so all it's liquids stay inside.
After some time, the worm gets out and release you. Some of it's "cum" leaks from your hole and you lose consciousness as you see the worm go away.
[[Next|Healing Room 4]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]After some time, you're found and taken to the Medical Cabin.
You receive healing treatment and put on a bed on your tummy with your legs open.
Is applied something into you, causing you to moan but unable to do anything else about it. You feel how it almost fucks you while also sucking you from inside.
When your violated asshole is finally free and empty, you get some good sleep and recover as some cream is applied to your bum. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
(set: $health to 25)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(link: "Get up")[(goto: "Medical cabin")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You see some magical words appear in front of you.
Your Level: (color:yellow)[''$Level''] Your Exp: (color:green)[''$ExpPoints''] Req.Exp: ''$ReqExpPoints''
(if: ($ExpPoints >= $ReqExpPoints))[ //(link: "Level Up")[(goto: "Level Up")]// ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't Level up yet.]]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(link: "save")[(save-game: "file A") //Game Saved in browser//]
(link-repeat: "READ FROM FILE")[(readfromfile: "TEST_SLOT")]
(link-repeat: "SAVE DIRECT")[(savetofiledirect: "test_save_direct", "TEST_SLOT")]
Your Total Score: (color:yellow)[''$points'']
If you enjoy the game, please support it (link: "Patreon")[(goto-url: 'https://www.patreon.com/darkinianxiro')] or watch me in (link: "Here")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/s/2320093')]
TG group: (link: "FurGames")[(goto-url: 'https://t.me/joinchat/jdf8AHtx4TY4OTUx')]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[(css: "color: orange;")[''You Level Up!'']]
(set: $Level to $Level + 1)
(css: "color: green;")[''+MaxHP increase'']
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength'']
(css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina'']
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(if: $Level is 5)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 10)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 15)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 20)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 25)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 30)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 35)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 40)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 45)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 50)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 55)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 60)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 65)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 70)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 75)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 80)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 85)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 90)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ]
[[Continue|Level-UP Circle]]
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - $ReqExpPoints)
(set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15)
(set: $health to $health + 3)
(set: $Maxhealth to $Maxhealth + 3)
(set: $points to $points + $ReqExpPoints)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 1) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1)
(if: $Level > 5)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 5) ]
(if: $Level is 5)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 10)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 10) ]
(if: $Level is 10)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 15)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15) ]
(if: $Level is 15)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 20)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 25) ]
(if: $Level is 20)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 25)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 30) ]
(if: $Level is 25)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 30)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 50) ]
(if: $Level is 30)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 35)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 60) ]
(if: $Level is 35)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 40)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 70) ]
(if: $Level is 40)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 45)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 100) ]
(if: $Level is 45)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 50)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 130) ]
(if: $Level is 50)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 55)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 170) ]
(if: $Level is 55)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 60)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 200) ]
(if: $Level is 60)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 65)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 250) ]
(if: $Level is 65)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 70)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 300) ]
(if: $Level is 70)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 75)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 400) ]
(if: $Level is 75)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 80)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 500) ]
(if: $Level is 80)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 85)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 700) ]
(if: $Level is 85)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 90)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 900) ]
(if: $Level is 90)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
You find on your way a Levep-Up circle.
(link: "Level-UP Circle")[(goto:"Level-UP Circle")]
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(set:$location to "Dark Woods")
You got it right! You use the ''Ink Starter code''.
You get: +10 Coins, +1 Small HP Potion, +20 Exp. Points
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 10)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 20)You got it right! You use the ''TSJ Starter code''.
You get: +50 Coins, +2 Small HP Potions, +90 Exp. Points,
+350 Score Points
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength''] (css: "color: cyan;")[''+Defense'']
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 2)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 50)
(set: $protection to $protection + 1)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 90)
(set: $points to $points + 350)(if: $ScoutNovice is 1)[Your status: ''Scout'' ] (else:)[(if: $ScoutPermission is 1)[Your status: ''Campist'' ] ] (align: "===><=")[ [[Rules|Practice Rules]] ]
You are in the Paw patrol's practice field. An open area good for friendly fights.
Campist (link: "Practice Battle")[ (set:$location to "Patrol Camp Practice") (goto: "Practice Cub campist") ]
Difficulty: (Level 5-10)
Scouts (css: "color: gray;")[Practice Battle]
(Only for scouts)
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You enjoy of a good bath. (either: "There is another nude cub taking a bath.", "Nobody else around.", "Nobody else around.", "You see 2 cubs playing with eachother willies.")
(set: $health to $health + 2)
[(color:green)[+2 HP!]]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(either: "[[Keep bathing|Take bath communal camp]]", "[[Keep bathing|Take bath communal camp]]", "[[Keep bathing|Take bath communal camp]]", "[[Keep bathing|Lewd bath communal camp]]", "[[Keep bathing|Lewd bath communal camp B]]")
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(set: $LewdSmell to 0)(if: (random:1,10) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Pink large worm battle")
''Armen'': We patrol the woods around southville and the camp, and help furs that been defeated by monsters. Also we have activities around the camp to improve skills and have fun. Here all boys learn to stick together and grow as one.
[[Back|Talk to Bennie]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Armen'': Anyone interested to join has to go with the counselor. His office is at the top of the Patrol camp's tower. If you join or get's permission, you will be able to access to the scout areas of the camp, use the instalations.
[[Back|Talk to Bennie]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random:1,2) is 1)[ (display: "Cub found 1M") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Cub found 1F") ]
You find a male (either: "orange", "red", "cyan", "green", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf", "husky", "rabbit") cub in the middle of a combat with a (either: "Thick large worm", "Blue blob") and (either: "seems to be losing.", "is hard to say who will win.")
[[Watch|Watch Cub found 1M]]
[[Help|Help Cub found 1M]]
(link: "Leave")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (display: "Cub found 1M Win") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Cub found 1M Lose") ](set: $attack to (random:3,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $Allyattack to (random:5,7))
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
Ally hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$Allyattack]
Your interference turns the battle in favor of the other cub and together defeated the creature.
The other cub is grateful for your help and shares the reward with you before take his own way.
You and your ally won. //+10 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 10) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $randomCoins to (random:3,5)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You find a female (either: "pink", "yellow", "cyan", "gray", "white", "orange", "purple") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "bunny", "wolf") cub in the middle of a combat with a (either: "Thick large worm", "Blue blob") and (either: "seems to be losing.", "is hard to say who will win.")
[[Watch|Watch Cub found 1F]]
[[Help|Help Cub found 1F]]
(link: "Leave")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (display: "Cub found 1F Win") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Cub found 1F Lose") ](set: $attack to (random:3,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $Allyattack to (random:5,7))
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
Ally hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$Allyattack]
Your interference turns the battle in favor of the other cub and together defeated the creature.
The other cub is grateful for your help and gives you a bit of the reward before take her own way.
You and your ally won. //+10 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 10) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $randomCoins to (random:1,3)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The young cub manages to defeat the creature on his own and after take a break, he use a healing item and then moves forward until is out of your sight.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The other cub end losing the battle and fall to the ground, completely weakened and vulnerable.
The creature goes to the cub's behind, finding his butthole and after a moment it launch itself into the little guy.
You can hear the groans and moans of the cub as is being fucked hard until lets out a yelp as gets filled with slimy liquids, causing him to cum until lose consciousness.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
[[Molest~|Molest Cub found 1M]]
You gained some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +2)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
She manages to defeat the creature on her own and after take a break, use a healing item and then moves forward until is out of your sight.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The other cub end losing the battle and fall to the ground, completely weakened and vulnerable.
The creature goes towards the cub's croch area, finding her pussy and after a moment it launch itself into her.
You can hear the groans and moans of the cub as her pussy is being fucked hard until lets out a yelp as gets filled with slimy liquids, causing her an orgasm and then lose consciousness.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
[[Fuck~|Fuck Cub found 1F]]
You gained some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +2)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
A small cozy barn with a feral cow and a feral horse, each one in their own place away from eachother. The cow seems to need be feed.
A milking machine repose at the wall of the building. (either: "Seems to been recently used.", " ")
(if: $Stamina > 14)[ [[Use machine]] ] (else:)[ (css: "color: gray;")[Machine requires 15 Stamina] ]
[[Cow|Go to Cow]]
Your Stamina (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set:$location to "Farm")
(display: "Cow")
You approach the cow. There is food for her near you and you grab some and offer it.
The cow gets her head closer and starts to eat from your hand and lets you pet and caress her.
[[Go lower|Cow udders]]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE to $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE + 1)
Still caressing the cow as you approach the udders until you face them. You are close enough to admire them and even do more if you want to.
[[Suck|Suck Cow udders]]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You start to caress the udders of the cow and start massaging them slowly feeling the milk inside them. Then you lower your head enough until your muzzle reaches one of the udders. You start sucking it and drink very warm milk directly from the cow.
The cow moos at the feeling of being sucked by you, while you drink all you can from the udders until you get satisfied.
(set: $health to $health + 5)
[(color:green)[+5 HP!]]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: $Level <= 1)[ For start the journey of the scout, is required that at least you be level 2.
[[Back|Counselor Office]]]
(else:)[ ''Counselor'': Very well! Now you are registered as a campist and started the jorney of the scout. For now on, you have permission to access and use the instalations and explore the camp a bit further.
(set: $ScoutPermission to 1) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10)
(color:green)[+10 Exp.Points!]
[[Continue|Counselor Office]]]
Coldpaw: (either: "This camp is where all boys learn to stick together and grow as one, psychically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.", "As long as you are in the camp, you are safe from monsters but I can't say the same from naughty cub scouts.", "Everyone is allowed to play in any way they want as long everyone involved is having fun.", "Rewads comes for who helps others in need", "Take a shower help you recover and sometimes you can play with others.", "I think you need a bit of attention little guy, if you want to.
[[Accept|Leg attention coldpaw]]")
[[Back|Counselor Office]]
(if:(random:1,10) is 1)[ (go-to: "Hug and Smell Coldpaw Chat") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You gain 1 Exp. point. (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 1)
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 2)
(display: "Patrol Gym")You got it right! You use the ''KSP Starter code''.
You get: +30 Coins, +2 Small HP Potions, +75 Exp. Points,
+250 Score Points
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength''] (css: "color: cyan;")[''+Defense'']
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30)
(set: $protection to $protection + 1)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 75)
(set: $points to $points + 250)
A small cozy barn with a feral cow and a feral horse, each one in their own place away from eachother. The seems to need be feed.
A milking machine repose at the wall of the building. (either: "Seems to been recently used.", " ")
(if: $Stamina > 14)[ [[Use machine]] ] (else:)[ (css: "color: gray;")[Machine requires 15 Stamina] ]
[[Horse|Go to Horse]]
Your Stamina (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set:$location to "Farm")
(display: "Horse")
You approach the horse. There is food for him near and you grab some and offer it.
The horse gets his large head closer and starts to eat from your hand and lets you pet and caress him.
[[Keep forward and lower|Horse package]]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE to $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE + 1) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Still caressing the horse, feeling his strong body as you approach slowly to his package until you face it. You are close enough to admire it and even do more if you want to.
[[Grab|Grab Horse package]]
[[Swordplay|Swordplay Horse package]]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You start to caress the package of the horse, massaging it and feeling the arousal of the animal build up. Then his big and large horsecock start to emerge as you keep massaging him with a hand and lifting his heavy balls with the other.
Later, you gets closer to the emerging member and hug it hard. The horsecock is so big, strong and erect. For a moment it almost lift you of the ground while you still have it in your arms.
As best you can, you start to give him a handjob all over to the so large animal cock, touching it all over with your hands and arms. Then you put your muzzle close to the cocktip and start to lick it.
The horse neighs at the feeling of being licked and masturbated by you, moving his legs around for the excitement until suddenly jets of cum are shoot at your face and showers all your body while you taste some of it all you can until you get satisfied. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 5) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
You recover some (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]
[[Clean yourself|Clean Horse]]
[[Stay cum covered|Horse showered]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You decide to clean yourself, using a towel that is close. You apply it with most of your body while using your tongue with a few other parts to have another taste. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 2) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You decide to stay covered on horse cum, liking how it makes you feel as also you know nobody around here will mind about it.
The smell will stay with you for a time.
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
This berry taste a bit funny. Suddenly you start to get a bit dizzy and out of nowhere feel you're needy of a good jack off.
Not caring about anything around you, you start to touch yourself until your cock gets fully erect.
Just like that, there in the open, you start to slowly masturbate but soon goin faster and faster. You moan as you give yourself pleasure, drowling a bit until you cum hard, making a little puddle on the ground. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(if: $Stamina > 1)[ You lose 1 (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 1) ]Add new mentions to credits. Both sonas and artists. (0%) Important (You have to check)
- Modified Battle System: By Supporters of Patreon request a Surrender Button been added. It comes into play when the player has half or less HP of their MaxHP.
- Buff system added. Since now is easier to recover HP and Stamina, to make Hotels useful the players that sleep in them will gain a Recovery Buff that will recover HP and Stamina for a limited time.
- New Feature "LewdSmell": Increases the chance of monsters able to detect smell to attack the player. It increases with the sex scenes and decreases on the contact with water or in the medical places after been defeated by a monster. (90%)
- New Quest Board in Southville Plaza: You can complete quests or create one for another anonymous adventurer which after a time will complete your quest.
- Inventory Improved: Its been modified a lot and now shows the other items the player get while exploring and fighting. Inventory can be accesed almost everywhere that isnt indoors and the teleport Items got moved to the Specials section.
Zone: Alien Spaceship update (05%)
New Characters:
- Reesh (by InfiniteRizard)
New Scenes:
- Reesh in Hipno milker (05%)
- Camping Night KiddyXKoneko (100%)
- Passive Buttermoth (80%)
- Spider (0%)
New Images:
- Hipnomilker
- Camping Night (Kiddy x Shadow) (0%)
- Background for spaceship
- Arena Store More Items
- TP Scrolls cheaper
- Areas has become bigger and with more access points
- Medical Cabin recovers a bit more HP and its system its improved.
- Fixed certain little mistakes of the gameplay
- General Gameplay Difficulty slightly Increased
- Oooey's Glazed items got improved
Increased Patreon Initial Rewards
Find a way to put Mercury image in the game
MARKET: Add more stores
Make another scene for Ketzio
New plant: sweetco friendly and spurt a bit (still not added)(if: (random:1,9) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Blue blob battle")(if: (random:1,9) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Green blob battle")(if: (random:1,9) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Red jug flower battle")(if: (random:1,9) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Thick large worm battle")While you are taking a shower, you notice another cub in the bathroom. A male (either: "orange", "yellow", "blue", "red") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf") cub, (either: "shaking", "stroking") his (either: "hard", "semi-hard") cock and (either: "looking at you.", "looking at your crotch area.")
[[Get near]]
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(set: $LewdSmell to 0)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 140%;")[''Patrol's Bulletin board'']
''Notices and reports''
A large creature from the sea been spotted in the Lake. The orca reached the lake using the undergound river that connects with the Wetcaves and like to roam around the west side.
//Happy Valentines Day//
[[Campist Quests]]
(if: $ScoutNovice is 1)[ [[Scout Quests]] ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Scout Quests (Need Scout title)] ]
(css: "font-size: 110%;")[ [[Back|Paw Patrol Tower]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]The other cub smile as you get closer. Your cock gets hard as look at the other cub get excited.
He stop for a moment and let you look at his (either: "peepee", "boycock") and you let him see yours.
Both of you get more aroused, looking at each other and start to masturbate while looking the other do the same. The water keeps running over both as you keep wanking.
After some time, you two start to moan until both of you cum towards the other, covering each other tummy with cum. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
[[Leave|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You got it right! You use the ''(css: "color: orange;")[Patreon code] (Level 1)''.
You get: +75 Coins, +3 Small HP Potions, +150 Exp. Points, +2 Skill Points, +525 Score Points
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength''] (css: "color: cyan;")[''+Defense''] (css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina'']
This Code's rewards will be increased over time.
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 75)
(set: $protection to $protection + 1)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 150)
(set: $points to $points + 525)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 3)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 3)(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are in the south beach of the lake. The land here is a mix of soft and hard sand. You can also explore a bit into the water from here. (either: "The beach is calm and you don't spot monsters for the moment.", "There are some monsters in the beach but they didn't spot you.", " ", " ") (if: (random:1,3) is 3)[ You can see Southville and the Patrol camp from here. ] (if: (random:1,5) is 2)[It seems there are 2 cubs together on the other side of the lake.]
[[Go into the water|South Shallow Waters]]
(either: "[[Look around|Lake Beach South side]]", "[[Look around|Lake Beach South side Risk]]")
🡻 [[To the Woods|MoonWoods South]]
(set: $MapLocation to 12) (set:$location to "Lake Beach South side") (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are in the south beach of the lake. The land here is a mix of soft and hard sand. You can also explore a bit into the water from here. (either: "The beach is calm and you don't spot monsters for the moment.", "There are some monsters in the beach but they didn't spot you.") (if: (random:1,3) is 3)[ You can see Southville and the Patrol camp from here. ] (if: (random:1,5) is 2)[It seems there are 2 cubs together on the other side of the lake.]
[[Go into the water|South Shallow Waters]]
(either: "[[Look around|Lake Beach South side]]", "[[Look around|Lake Beach South side Risk]]")
🡻 [[To the Woods|MoonWoods South]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Lake Beach South side") (if: (random:1,45) is 45)[(goto: "OOOey appears")] (set: $RandomNumber to (random: 1,5))
(if: $RandomNumber is 1)[ (goto: "Hostile green blob") ]
(if: $RandomNumber is 2)[ (goto: "Aggressive Blue Blob") ] (if: $RandomNumber is 3)[ (goto: "Aggressive Blue Blob") ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are in the shallow waters of the lake, the water covers half of your body. (either: "You don't find anything for now.", "You don't find anything for now.", "There are a few fishes around in the deeper parts.", "You see something large moving in the deeps of the lake, far away from you.", "You believe you just saw someone in the dark part of the lake.", "You see an aquatic snail nearby just swimming around.") (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 1) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
(either: "[[Look around|South Shallow Waters]]", "[[Look around|South Shallow Waters Risk]]")
[[Return to beach|Lake Beach South side]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "South Shallow Waters")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are in the shallow waters of the lake, the water covers half of your body. (either: "You don't find anything for now.", "You don't find anything for now.", "There are a few fishes around in the deeper parts.", "You see something large moving in the deeps of the lake, far away from you.", "You believe you just saw someone in the dark part of the lake.", "You see an aquatic snail nearby just swimming around.") (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 0.5) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
(either: "[[Look around|South Shallow Waters]]", "[[Look around|South Shallow Waters Risk]]")
[[Return to beach|Lake Beach South side]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set:$location to "South Shallow Waters") (set: $RandomNumber to (random: 1,5))
(if: $RandomNumber is 1)[ (goto: "Hostile Furfish") ]
(if: $LewdSmell > 4)[ (if: $RandomNumber is 2)[ (goto: "Hostile Furfish") ] ]
(if: $RandomNumber is 3)[ (goto: "Attacker SwimSnail") ]
''You encounter a Furfish!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:12,15)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Furfish") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Furfish battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Furfish battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 4)[ (link: "Run")[(goto: "Run")] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]Feeling you got weak, doing a quick move the furfish goes to your backside and start to tease your butthole with its little head. Before you are able to move, the furfish launch itself into your hole, entering almost completely in you, only leaving its tail out.
The excited fish start to squirm inside you, moving around and going in and out over and over. When you manage to push it out, the fish goes in again. You try to get away but the fish is too fast and keeps excitedly squirming inside you, hitting your prostate over and over, making you moan until you are forced to cum.
You get dizzy and lose consciousness, floating in the water's surface while seems that the fish is trying to make your (either: "butt", "guts") into their new home.
[[Next|Healing Room]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:5,7)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Blue blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:2,3)) ]
(color:red)[The Fish ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack FB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack FB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Furfish. //+10 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 10) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:2,5)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Furfish battle")(if: (random:1,5) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Furfish battle")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[''Notices and reports''] (css: "font-size: 125%;")[(align: "====>")[[[Back|Patrol bulletin board]]]]
A large creature from the sea been spotted in the Lake
22022022 backwards is 22022022
//Happy Valentines Day//
''Year Of the Tiger''
With a different calendar from most of the world, started the new year for the asiatic country which has this year the Tiger species as protagonist, causing a good reaction around the world.
ALERT: We got informed that there been some kind of unexpected attack to the Capital and caused that most communications get temporally blocked. The full scale attack got repealed succesfully but is still unknow from where it come from, thankfully the damages wasn't many and can be repaired.
The only guess we have so far is that was caused by increase on numbers of places around the world that dissagree with the Capital's views.
Merry Christmas!
Feliz Navidad!
''Happy Anniversary''
This Weekend moonwoods reach it's first anniversary as a tourist zone for adventurers. In celebration everyone gets a special gift exclusive of the anniversary.
ALERT: We got informed that during the anniversary weekend could exist energy shortages and loss of communications because of something unexpected happened in the Capital. The moonwoods are safe from this problem but we may temporarily lose some contact with the Capital during the next 3 days.
A big flying creature got spotten near the moonwoods attacking the slimes trying to move towards the capital, frezzing completely the advance of new ones but the ones that managed to pass dissapeared and are being hunted.
We still has not enough information about the unexpectedguardian but seems to not attack adventurers and his attacks at the slimes are creating a new material which still to discover what uses it can have.
Patrols were hired and are being sent to watch over the outskirts of the moonwoods to slowdown the advance of the creatures trying to reach the Capital.
A new game "Slamagochi" got released in the capital.
We got reports that slimes appeared near the Capital. Preventive measures were taken.
Alert: Slime creatures appearing outside of the moonwoods. Reports say that are weak and no sighs of real intellige only act for impulse. The problem lies on that, despite be very far away, they seems attracted to move toward the direction of the Capital.
Researchers recently discovered that the land in the moonwoods is filling with nutrients and becoming more fertile than before. This took a positive effect on the plants of the region and is very posible a small increase in the moonwoods flora. Its effects on wildlife are yet to be seen.
New building: The Adventure hall open its doors in Stoneguard but only allows people to visit since is still not operational. The building still under construction.
The reason for this is to attract more strong adventurers as a way to get more tourism and help to combat the increasing number of monsters.
The numbers of monsters started to increase after the recent discovery of the underground river.
The Cub reporter story is true. After reports of other adventurers dissapeared in the deepwoods, got discovered a new area literally under the deepwoods. Consist of strong watertunnels which current flows towards the main river. Because of the ammount of waters and caves, it got nicknamed by some as "underwet" and "lower wetcaves".
A big festivity got celebrated in the Capital.
There're reports of new species of adventurers appearing in the moonwoods.
After some polls and their results, the Capital's managment started a campaing for increase the number of female adventurers in the Moonwoods.
IMPORTANT: The fur that used to make the reports of this board been missing for 2 months and got found!
His Story: The cub reporter got completely lost in the deepwoods, that somehow appeared in a new area that made him feel dizzy and lose sense of time. Escaped and got trapped by a purple being. Escaped and falled to the underground where more weird things happened until he ended falling in a river that took him to Southville's lake where he got found.
Got took to the hospital in Stoneguard and later to the Capital where got a long recovery.
A big celebration with fireworks illuminated the Capital.
Announcement: The fur that updated this board dissapeared. Updates will be slowed until further notice.
Appeared a red moon at early morning. A rare astronomical event.
After this, we got reports that something weird happened in the lake and more aquatic creatures started to act hostile. A security web got installed at the north side of the lake to shield Southville.
Also, some adventurers reported the attacks of red slimes at the hardwoods around Stoneguard.
The hardwoods got calm for some reason. At sight of this, a path for explorers been opened at the north side of Stoneguard.
The level of tourism keeps increasing. More cubs are visiting the beach area of Southville.
Appeared reports of incest happening in the capital.
Happy Mothers Day
(color:red)[''H''](color:blue)[''A''](color:orange)[''P''](color:green)[''P''](color:purple)[''Y''] (color:blue)[''C''](color:red)[''H''](color:yellow)[''I''](color:orange)[''L''](color:green)[''D''](color:purple)[''R''](color:red)[''E''](color:blue)[''N''](color:yellow)['''''](color:green)[''S''] (color:red)[''D''](color:purple)[''A''](color:orange)[''Y'']
Special present for all the cubs at the G&R booth
The Moonwoods gained more support from the urban areas and now appears even more visitors.
Because of the ammount of tourists, the capital is now offering gifts for recompensate the travelers.
The path to New area is finally open! //Stoneguard//, the new "safe" area and the //Hardwoods//, new exploring area.
The road towards Stoneguard is found exploring the Darkwoods. Find the exit. (recommended only for experimented furs)
Despite the alerts, been decided to continue with the construction and reparation of the new zone. Is considered that in order to keep the zone safe, is needed the participation of adventurers in the area.
One of the gates of the new area got breached. One of the new buildings, the hospital, got severely damaged.
Happy Valentine's Day
Another attack ocurred in the new zone under construction.
Warning: Disturbance in the Darkwoods.
Something is lurking in there. Traps been spoted.
Evidence has proved that Inkbunny is the Second most popular furry site of the world. FA first, Weasel and E621 sharing third place.
Southville and the Moonwoods started to get support from the Capital, making that more cubs visit the zone. There is also reports that something is lurking in the woods, is recommended have high stamina.
Campists now can access to The Patrol Scout Camp's Tent area and Practice field.
ALERT! A new strong monster been discovered in the previously sealed dungeon in the ruins located at the southwest of the woods around southville. This monster is a bigger variation of the green blobs, has high HP and can use an Special Attack! Is recomended be at least level 10 and have Big potions for fight it.
//Happy New Year 2021!//
New Item: Big HP Potions.
One of the houses in southville is becoming into a rest area. Is called "Small INN".
A Lunar eclipse, a very rare astronomical phenomenon, caused weird effects on the moonwoods. Sealed dungeons started to open and are under exploration.
We also got alerts from the new area in construction that the monsters started to act hostile towards the repaired ruins.
The south side of the Lake been opened. There is an increase of monsters in the area.
Visitors report been "molested" by a kinky type of fish. The access to the lake is still limited until further notice.
The medical cabin reports increased ammount of samples obtained per day for study.
Southville reports a big increase of visitors!
Patrol's report an increase of activity in the woods.
The Moonwoods are being advertized in a popular furry site and also around the Capital as a tourism & adventure attraction. Is expected more visitors than the usual in the next few weeks.
Southville and the Moonwoods start to gain attention from the citizens of Megafur city.
There are new reports of supernatural activity on urban zones.
The Great ruins got restaured and there are plans to make them into a new safe populated area in the future.
Great ruins are discovered in the Moonwoods.
Reports of some artists dissapeared from our world. In some cases, all their works and contributions got completely erased. Stay alert.
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You get near to the nice big wolf until be at his side. Coldpaw grabs and sit you on his leg, making sure to be careful with your tail.
Then, Coldplay start to pet your head in an affectionate way while gives you a massage with his other hand on your shoulder and back.
When feels you relaxed enough, Coldpaw hugs you from behind, keeping you comfy and warm for a while until he release you with a smile on his face.
You recover a bit (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]
[[Back|Counselor Office]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +2)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're in the Dungeon's entrance. The cave is covered in some kind of brown stones and ther're a few ruins in the ground.
[[Explore|Dungeon 1 Area]]
(Link: "Exit")[ (goto: "MoonWoods West")]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Entrance") (set:$locationGreenBlob to "Hostile green blob")Darkanian's ADMIN CODE (Only for test)
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength'']no (css: "color: cyan;")[''+Defense'']no
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 600)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 51500)
(set: $points to $points + 250)(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Dungeon. (either: "You see another cub exploring the cave and go on their way.", "There are slime spots in some parts.", "You don't find anything.", "You don't find anything.")
(if: (random: 1,10) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Area")(goto: "Blake Scene") ]
(either: "[[Keep Exploring|Dungeon 1 Area]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Dungeon 1 Area]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Go to Green Blob]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Go to Green Blob]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Go to Mini Boss Green Blob]]")
(either: "[[Find the exit|Dungeon 1 Entrance]]", "[[Find the exit|Failed Exit Dungeon 1]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Area")(set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Area")
(display: "Hostile green blob")''You encounter a Mini Boss Green blob!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:100,120)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Miniboss 1") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Mini Boss Green blob battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Mini Boss Green blob battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Run|Mini boss Run]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Mini Boss: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to (random:12,20)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Green blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 1) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:4,5)) ]
(color:red)[The Blob ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack M GB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack M GB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
You have defeated the Mini boss Blob. //+100 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 100) (set: $randomCoins to (random:30,50)) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 100)
(set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins) (set: $slimeOrb to $slimeOrb + 1)
''You obtain //1 Slime Orb//!''
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: $Stamina > 1)[ You lose 1 (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 3) ]
(goto:$location)(if: (random:1,7) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ (display: "Mini Boss GB battle SP") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Mini Boss Green blob battle") ](if: (random:1,8) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Mini Boss Green blob battle")(set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Area")
(display: "Mini boss Green blob")**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Mini Boss: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to (random:24,40)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Green blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 1)
(color:red)[The Blob use SPECIAL ATTACK! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack M GB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack M GB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
You have defeated the Mini boss Blob. //+100 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 100) (set: $randomCoins to (random:30,50)) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 100)
(set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins) (set: $slimebits to $slimebits + 1)
''You obtain //1 Slimebits//!''
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You fail to find the exit.
(either: "[[Keep Exploring|Dungeon 1 Area]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Dungeon 1 Area]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Go to Green Blob]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Go to Green Blob]]", "[[Keep Exploring|Go to Mini Boss Green Blob]]")
(either: "[[Find the exit|Dungeon 1 Entrance]]", "[[Find the exit|Failed Exit Dungeon 1]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Area") (if: (random:1,40) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")]
$SmallHPpotion (if: $SmallHPpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Small HP Potion")[ (set: $UsingSHpP to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
$MediumHPpotion (if: $MediumHPpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Medium HP Potion")[ (set: $UsingMHpP to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
(if: $BigHPpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Big HP Potion")[ (set: $UsingBHpP to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
$MedStaminaPotion (if: $MedStaminaPotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Medium ST Potion")[ (set: $UsingMStP to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
(if: $WildRedBerries > 0)[ (link: "Use Wild Red Berry")[ (set: $UsingWRB to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
(if: $WildYellowBerries > 0)[ (link: "Use Wild Red Berry")[ (set: $UsingWYB to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
(if: $WildSmallHPpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use Wild HP Potion")[ (set: $UsingSWHpP to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
(if: $MedHPSTpotion > 0)[ (link: "Use HP/ST Potion")[ (set: $UsingMHpStP to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
(if: $YourMilkBottle > 0)[ (link: "Use 'Your Milk' Bottle")[ (set: $UsingYMB to 1)(goto: "Used Item Battle") ] ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (link: "Back")[ (goto:$Battlelocation) ] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] Prot: (color:blue)[$protection]
Coins: (color:yellow)[$coins]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ Skill Points: $SkillPoints ]
(css: "color: green;")[''MaxHP''] (if: ($SkillPoints >= $MaxHPReqSkillPoints))[ [[+|HP+]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[ + ] ] ^^Req: $MaxHPReqSkillPoints^^
(css: "color: blue;")[''Protec''] (if: ($SkillPoints >= $ProtecReqSkillPoints))[ [[+|P+]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[ + ] ] ^^Req: $ProtecReqSkillPoints^^
(css: "color: red;")[''Attack''] (if: ($SkillPoints >= $AttackReqSkillPoints))[ [[+|ATK+]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[ + ] ] ^^Req: $AttackReqSkillPoints^^
(css: "color: orange;")[''MaxStamina''] (if: ($SkillPoints >= $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints))[ [[+|MaxSta+]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[ + ] ] ^^Req: $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints^^
[[Back|Level-UP Circle]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (css: "color: green;")[''+MaxHP increase''] ](set: $health to $health + 2) (set: $Maxhealth to $Maxhealth + 2)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints - $MaxHPReqSkillPoints) (set: $MaxHPReqSkillPoints to $MaxHPReqSkillPoints + 1)
(if: $MaxHPReqSkillPoints > 2)[(set: $MaxHPReqSkillPoints to $MaxHPReqSkillPoints + 1)]
(display: "Skills")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (set: $protection to $protection + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints - $ProtecReqSkillPoints) (set: $ProtecReqSkillPoints to $ProtecReqSkillPoints + 1)
(if: $ProtecReqSkillPoints > 2)[(set: $ProtecReqSkillPoints to $ProtecReqSkillPoints + 1)]
(display: "Skills")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength''] ] (set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints - $AttackReqSkillPoints) (set: $AttackReqSkillPoints to $AttackReqSkillPoints + 1)
(if: $AttackReqSkillPoints > 2)[(set: $AttackReqSkillPoints to $AttackReqSkillPoints + 1)]
(display: "Skills")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina''] ] (set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 1) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints - $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints) (set: $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints to $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints + 1)
(if: $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints > 2)[(set: $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints to $MaxStaminaReqSkillPoints + 1)]
(display: "Skills")
You enter into the small building. Is a house that looks like been accommodated as a place for rest. A cute cyan bunny and a lovely panda cub are behind the desk.
Jai: Hello, Welcome to our home! Would you like to stay for the night? Cost only (color:yellow)[10 Coins]~
(if: $coins >= 10)[ [[Check In]] ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Check In] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]''Jai'': (either: "Nice! Wish you a goodnight.", "Ok! Thank you and hope you get a nice sleep.")
(set: $coins to $coins - 10)
The place has a nice homely atmosphere.
What you want to do?
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You sleep comfortably in your asigned soft bed.
(set: $health to $Maxhealth) (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(color:orange)[Stamina Restored!]
(color:#99FF00)[Recovery Buff I //Actived//!] (set: $RecoveryBuff to 35)
You wake up, fully rest and get ready to continue your adventure.
''Jai'': Hope you enjoyed your stay~
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Being carefull that nobody is around to watch, you start to caress your croch.
A little smile form on your face as you know you are doing something naughty in secret in someone's else home, almost like a little game.
You carefully start massaging and stroking your boyish cock, arousing yourself, taking your time until you get fully hard.
You keep stroking yourself, making (either: "quiet", "loud") moans, feeling the pleasure tickles on your very hard but still undeveloped member.
(either: "It seems that you got caught in the act because for a moment you spotted the cub bunny spying you and you don't care at all, even being a bit more obvious for give him a show.", "You smile playfully as you didn't got caught by doing something sexual in someone's else place without them knowing and about to paint their sheets with your milk.")
Your cock is hard and so red, making you to close a bit your eyes as you are getting close. You clench your teeth and gasp when you start cumming. You keep stroking yourself, moaning and forcing your cock to spurt more until you make one last cumshot. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1)
Completely tired, you quickly fall asleep.
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Jai and Luca scene")(goto:$location) ]
(else:)[] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 210%;")[ //''Patrons Credits''// ]
- ''//Lincoln Petrick//''
Character: Kotaro
- ''//Todeskitty//''
Character: Kiddy
- ''//Juan Carlos//''
- ''//LilRogueFeline//''
Character: Blake
- ''//AndyBear//''
- ''//Drago Ignis//''
Character: Drago
- ''//Michael Evans//''
- ''//Yanagisawa//''
- ''//Celestial Kitsune//''
- ''//Kasper Andersen//''
- ''//Ben//''
- ''//Nova Drox//''
- ''//Donny//''
- ''//Sylanna Maxwell//''
- ''//Corvo//''
- ''//Ryan Anaya//''
- ''//Kota Rello//''
- ''//Big Brain//''
- ''//Patrick Anderson//''
- ''//Arian//''
- ''//BlueChibi//''
- ''//Foxdude105//''
- ''//William Mcginnis//''
- ''//Hiro Ketzio//''
- ''//Kora//''
Thank you so much fur the support!!
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Back|Credits]] ]
Please support this game in My (link: "Patreon")[(goto-url: 'https://www.patreon.com/darkinianxiro')]You got it right! You use the ''(css: "color: orange;")[Patreon code] (Level 3)''.
You get: +125 Coins, +5 Small HP Potions, +1 Medium HP Potion, +250 Exp. Points, +5 Skill Points, +1275 Score Points
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength''] (css: "color: cyan;")[''+Defense''] (css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina'']
This Code's rewards will be increased over time.
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 3)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 125)
(set: $protection to $protection + 3)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 5)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 300)
(set: $points to $points + 1275)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 6)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 6)
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 1)You got it right! You use the ''(css: "color: orange;")[Patreon code] (Level 2)''.
You get: +100 Coins, +4 Small HP Potions, +185 Exp. Points, +4 Skill Points, +750 Score Points
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength''] (css: "color: cyan;")[''+Defense''] (css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina'']
This Code's rewards will be increased over time.
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 2)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$Beginlocation) ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 100)
(set: $protection to $protection + 2)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 4)
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 300)
(set: $points to $points + 750)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 4)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 4)PATRON
1) Kotaru (TG) +++ (Finished)
- Be on the scouts, have an scene with leash and collar
2) Kiddy (TG) +++ (Finished)
- Be a perv that is going around
3) Juan (TG) ++- (90% done)
- Pool area with trunk stealing
4) Scott (TG) (Polaryoshi) +++ (Finished)
- Scene in slime zone
5) Andybear (Andrew) (TG) (ON HOLD FOR NEW AREA)
- Be the Main store caretaker of the new area
6) Drago ignis (Drago Ignis) (TG)
- House in southville
7) Michael Evans (Waiting for appear in TG)
8) Yanagisawa (TG)
9) Celestial Kitsune (Waiting for appear in TG)
10) Kasper Andersen
- North-lake side scenes
Martin Salas (TG)
Charlie Shepherd (TG)
Fusion X Glave (TG)
- Be part of the Grand Hotel of the new Fortress Zone
You enter into the medical post. (either: "The small artic fox scout is putting a band aid to another cub.", "The artic fox, Pent, is helping another cub with a few things.", "Pent the artic fox seems to be experimenting with something.")
[[Heal|Medic Patrol Heal]]
[[Back|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: $health >= 21)[
You have to have 20 HP or less for be healed. ]
(else:)[(set: $health to 20) (css: "font-size: 125%;")[(color:green)[HP Restored!]]
''Pent'': Here you go, hope you feel better.]
[[Back|Medic Patrol post]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
- The battle finish when you get weak (5-10 hp).
- No items allowed.
- Only get paired with others of similar level that are available.
- The winner can do whatever they want with the loser for a short time.
[[Back|Patrol Camp Practice]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: $Stamina > 1)[ You lose 1 (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 1) ]
As winner of the battle you can decide what to do:
[[Blow you]]
[[Quick fuck]]
(link: "Let it pass")[ (goto:$location) ]
''You encounter a Cub campist!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:37,52)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Cub Campist") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Cub campist battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Cub campist battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 1)[ [[Withdraw|Run (Cub battle)]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 9)[ (color:red)[''Cub HP: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to (random:6,15)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Cub campist battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 1) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,5)) ]
(color:red)[The Cub ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 10)[
[[Attack|Attack Cub CB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack Cub CB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(css: "color: gray;")[Items]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the other cub. //+15 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 15) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 15)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Continue (Cub battle)]]
You lose the battle and the other cub (either: "smile at you.", "grins evily.", "smile with lust on his face.", "lick his mouth while looking at you.") (either: "There is another cub looking at you two.", "There are a few cubs looking nearby.", " ", " ")
The cub reach you and shows his member on your face. After a bit of teasing on your face, you open your mouth and engulf his cock. You taste it all over, his precum falling on your tongue and making you drink it.
Later, the cub grabs your head and start fucking your mouth as deep as he can, gaining pace until reach climax and cum inside, feeding you with his boyish sperm.
(set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
[[Next|Healing Patrol]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,15) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(if: (random:1,6) is 1)[ (display: "Cub campist battle SP") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Cub campist battle") ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 9)[ (color:red)[''Cub HP: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to (random:18,25)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Cub campist battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 1) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:6,9)) ]
(color:red)[The Cub use SPECIAL ATTACK! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 10)[
[[Attack|Attack Cub CB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack Cub CB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(css: "color: gray;")[Items]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the other Cub. //+15 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 15) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 15)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Continue (Cub battle)]]
](if: (random:1,20) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Cub campist battle")
You go to the Medic Patrol post where you get healed by Pent, an artic fox cub, and rest for a bit.
(set: $health to 20)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
[[Continue|Medic Patrol post]]
You recover some (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You get the other cub on fours and start fingering his little hole, causing him make quiet moans.
Then you put your hard cock at his butthole and push in, making the other whine a bit until end moaning in pleasure when you are all the way inside.
You slowly push and in and out over and over, gaining pace in each move until you start fucking him hard.
Both moan in pleasure, fucking there in the open for anyone to see until you finish inside him, covering his insides with your boyish cum. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
You grab the other cub and put him on his knees in front of you, showing on his face your hardening cock.
The other cub shows is aroused and then he start to lick your cock until you get completely hard. Then he engulfs your cock inside his mouth and start blowing you.
You grab his head and push in over and over, gaining pace in each push until you are fucking his mouth. After a bit you reach climax and cum inside his mouth, forcing him to drink all your boyish cum. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
While the other cub is regaining his strength on the floor, you sit next to him and open your legs in front of him, showing him what you want he do.
Slowly the other cub gets between your legs and grab your hardening cock. He massage it until you are fully hard and start masturbating you.
Over time you start to moan with pleasure while the other cub is gaining pace. After some time you reach your orgasm and start cumming on his face and your tummy. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
There is a few tents around from campists and scouts. Part of the zone is surrounded with trees and bushes, simulating a mini forest inside the protected area. (either: "A few tents seems to being used.", "Some cubs are walking around here.")
[[Look around|Look around]]
[[Back to Cabin's Area|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Tent's Area")
(either: "Nobody around for the moment.", "Nothing interesting happening right now.", "There seems to be 2 cubs on a tent chatting with eachother, minding their own business.", "A campist cub pass nearby and waves at you but continue on his way.", "You see a few cubs running and giggling.", "A Scoutmaster is passing by.")
(either: "[[Keep looking|Look around]]", "[[Keep looking|Look around]]", "[[Keep looking|Look around]]", "[[Keep looking|Look around]]", "[[Keep looking|Look around]]", "[[Keep looking|Two cubs in tent]]", "[[Keep looking|Collar leash noise]]", "[[Keep looking|Sky & Galen noise]]")
[[Back to Cabin's Area|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Tent's Area") (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
You heard a noise around some bushes near the cabin area.
[[Take a look|Collar leash cub scene (spy)]]
[[Keep looking|Look around]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You get near the bushes, hiding behind them.
A cub campist, a cute dark blue pup with a light spot around his left eye, is shyly smiling to another cub scout.
Kotaro, the dark blue pup, has a collar on his neck. The cub scout gets near Kotaro and put a leash on his collar, making sure it is properly worn. After this, the cub scout pull Kotaro closer and they start to mess with eachother, fooling around with their peepees and fur.
Later the cub scout pulls the leash, making Kotaru gets on his knees and the scout shows his cock on the pup's face. Kotaro start to lick it until get him hard and engulf the cock, blowing the cub scout that start moaning in pleasure.
This goes for some time and then the scout push his cock away and put a muzzle on kotaru's snout and start to masturbate him. Kotaru makes quiet moans as is unable to open his mouth while getting pleasured until cant resist anymore and cum on the scout paw.
Kotaru gets his muzzle removed but keeps the collar. Both cubs giggle and move away to the Cabin's area.
[[Move on|Tent's Area]]
You recover some (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You see the shadows of two cubs in a tent that has light inside and they seem to be having fun.
[[Get close|Two cubs in tent (scene)]]
[[Keep looking|Look around]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You can only see their shadows but one seems to be a (either: "wolf", "dog", "fox") and the other maybe (either: "a kitten.", "a bunny.", "a tiger.", "also the same.")
The first cub is moving his head up and down over the other cub lap. The second cub is moaning at has his peepee is sucked by one of his teammates.
This keeps going for a bit more until a moan is heard as the cub finished inside the other scout cub.
[[Keep looking|Look around]]
[[Back to Cabin's Area|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](either: "Before you could do anything, you are suddenly tackled by a fluffy orange fox with black stripes and white belly.", "All of a sudden, you are intercepted by a fluffy orange fox with black stripes and white belly.")
Kiddy is (either: "grinnng almost evily at you", "playfully giggling", "looking you with lust in his eyes") while trying to trap you in his embrace and rubbing his hard knotted cock on your body.
(set: $NeedtoescapeNumber to (random: 5,15) )
You need $NeedtoescapeNumber Stamina to escape.
(if: $Stamina > $NeedtoescapeNumber)[ [[Try to escape|Success escape from kiddy]] ] (else:)[ [[Try to escape|Failed escape from kiddy]] ]
[[Surrender|Surrender to kiddy]]
You manage to get away from Kiddy's hold.
When you manage to get ready for combat, you don't see Kiddy around anymore, just manage to listen a distant giggle in the forest.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - $NeedtoescapeNumber)You fail to escape and the horny fox gets on top of you, trapping you completely to make sure you can't get away.
Kiddy start to rub his body at yours and explore your body with his paws, making you feel his warm body while he rub his knotted red cock between your (either: "buttocks.", "legs, near your crotch area.")
Then you feel the cocktip over your butthole and Kiddy push inside, making you both moan as your bodies are getting connected. You can't resist and your cock gets very hard.
You (either: "struggle a bit", "try to move away") but he holds you tight until push all the way inside with his knot kissing your hole. His cock is big enough to make you feel full and Kiddy is smiling with his tongue out and his face full of pleasure as is inside you.
After a bit, Kiddy start to fuck you, still holding on to you. You feel his cock go in and out over and over with his knot hitting your bum and forcing you to spurt some precum in each push.
You moan non-stopping as the horny fox keeps yiffing you hard and constant. Both of you are breathing hard and your bodies getting even more hotter, hornier and sweating.
Both of you getting close and Kiddy fucks you hard until push his knot inside, making you yelp at this and suddenly you two cum at the same time, spurt after spurt until make you get full of his semen. Against your will, you whine a bit as feeling you got knotted, temporally claimed by Kiddy while you two are sealed together.
You end fainting as Kiddy stays still inside and start licking you.
[[Next|Next from Failed Kiddy]]
(if: $ExpPoints > 10)[//You lose a few (color:green)[Exp.Points]// (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - 10) ]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 1)
When you wake up, you don't see anyone or anything around except your lap and butt covered with cum. Then you listen a cute distant giggle in the forest. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 3) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
You recovered whatever (color:yellow)[HP] you lost on this.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
With a strong attack the Miniboss blob take you down, leaving you tired as you lost all your energy. Like knowing you are unable to fight, the large blob start getting near you; and before you could react, it quickly cover and engulf you.
You try to escape while you are getting suck into the blob but cant get away and you end floating in the center of the goo monster. Somehow you can breath but each time you do, the slimy liquid of the monster enter into your body.
Then thick slime tentacles are formed inside the monster, all pointing at you and getting closer to your body. You try to push them away but the slime is able to control you and keep you inside their body. You try to cover yourself but the slippery tentacles trap you and one of them quickly enter into your mouth and start spurting while inside, feeding you against your will with it's slime.
You try to put away the tentacle that is in your mouth but your arms and legs gets trapped by the other tentacles and then you feel one under your tail. You squirm trying to get away and then you make a muffled yelp as the slippery tentacle invades your ass, filling you deep assaulting your prostate and spurting more liquid into you.
You get completely overwhelmed. Unable to resist anymore, you are forced to cum hands-free, spurting hard over and over. This makes the monster vibrate and absorb all your boyish cum. The monster continue raping you trying to make you spurt more.
You end faiting while still inside the miniboss monster.
[[Next|Healing Room]]
(if: $ExpPoints > 25)[//You lose 25 (color:green)[Exp.Points]// (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - 25) ]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Purple Flower
Chance to get: 0.23%You found a wild yellow berry bush.
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3)
''You got 3 yellow berries''
Total: $WildYellowBerries
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You use "Wild Yellow berry"
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2)
[(color:orange)[+2 Stamina!]] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(display: "Items")
This berry taste a bit funny. Suddenly you start to get a bit dizzy and out of nowhere feel you're needy of a good jack off.
Not caring about anything around you, you start to touch yourself until your cock gets fully erect.
Just like that, there in the open, you start to slowly masturbate but soon goin faster and faster. You moan as you give yourself pleasure, drowling a bit until you cum hard, making a little puddle on the ground. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(if: $Stamina > 1)[ You lose 1 (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 1) ]
A cyan cat with white paws is fighting slimes with good rogue moves. He is dealing with most of them in one hit.
Suddenly ends stepping on a slime trap. Blake is fighting with the thick green sustance.
[[Watch|Blake lewd trap]]
(Link: "Keep moving")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Blake struggle as best as he can but gets overwhelmed by the slime. The monster covered his little body until drags him to the ground.
The slime trap keeps the cyan cat in place and strip him from the few pieces of cloth he has, putting away his weapon as well.
''Blake'': No... not again!
The rogue cat is on all fours with his head on the ground. The slime has his legs, arms and even his tail controled. Then the captor makes him lift his tail and the sustance approach towards his little butt, making Blake blush at feeling so exposed.
Then the green slime reach his little hole and covers it completely. The little cyan cat whine as the slime is molesting his private area and keeps resisting but nothing seems to be working.
Blake try to reach for his weapon until suddenly a gasp comes from his mouth as feel his butt being invaded by the slime.
Involuntary moans escapes from him as the slime penetrates his butt and moves inside, giving the little cat weird feelings. Blake tries to push it out but the slime keeps going deeper into his body.
''Blake'': Aaaah!
[[Next|Blake lewd trap image]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]<style> img {
max-height: 120%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ysc5CuS.png>
(css: "font-size: 400%;")[ [[Continue|Blake lewd trap part 2]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Against his will, Blake gets aroused and start sweating as his body is so sexually molested by the slime while he keeps trying to reach for his weapon.
Forced pleasure fills the cyan cat's body, the slime keeps fucking him and controling his body until he can't take anymore. The rogue cat is forced to cum hard and the excited slime creature go for his sperm and absorb it.
Blake completely falls on the ground, breathing hard, still covered in slime while some of the sustance is leaking from his butt. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 0.5) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
Watch the scene unfold aroused you a bit.
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You reach the pool of the Patrol scout camp. There is a few cubs in the pool, some are using trunks and a few others are nude.
[[Enter to Pool]]
[[Back|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You enter into the pool. The water is warm and moving a bit because of the other cubs swimming around.
[[Swim around]]
[[Get out|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Double-click this passage to edit it.
You swim around the pool. (either: "The water is calm for the moment.", "Other cubs are swimming around too.", "Some cubs are playing and giggling.", "A few cubs are just chilling at the edges.", "You see a cub chasing another that just stolen his trunks.", "Many cubs are around and you swim near some, suddenly you feel your cock be rubbed by someone but when you look round they already got away.")
[[Swim around]]
[[Get out|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You heard a noise among the trees.
[[Take a look|Sky & Galen scene (spy)]]
[[Keep looking|Look around]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You get closer to the trees and heard cub voices.
Two cute boys, with their scout uniform on. The first a Husky with glowing blue spots, and the second a snow leopard witha bit of blue hair. Both boys looks around until reach a cut log that seem like a small secret spot.
Then Sky, the husky, looks to Galen, the snow leopard, and both blush hard. Sky lowers his shorts, almost taking them off, revealing his little peepee to his friend. Galen gets hard and Sky notices this, making his glowing spots emanate more light while the feline is opening his shorts.
The boys giggle, in a way that almost means that they do this usually. Then Sky gets on the cut log, revealing his little butt that has spots like glowing paws on each buttock.
After both boys look around once more to be sure nobody is looking at them, Galen with his hard little cock on his paw, slowly directs it to Sky's butthole and push inside.
They moan quietly, trying to not be very noisy while the snow leopard keeps pushing into the little husky until their hips gets together, feeling eachother.
Galen start to fuck Sky, enjoying how warm is to be inside his friend. Both cubs moans as having sex together until they heard something not far away.
[[Next|Sky & Galen image]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Have you felt like that there something is out of place and at the same time seems likes something normal even when we know it isn't?
That sometimes you suddenly meet other furs almost out of nowhere that in many cases you never saw before but end spending time with them? Like if a mysterious force makes you meet them or make some scenarios happen?
This is just one of the feelings our people got over time but considered as something totally normal until now.
''Our world is a partial mirror of another world''. What happens in that universe is almost completely mirrounded on ours. Just taking a look to that universe, we get to know a big part of peoples lifes.
We started to have visitors from that other world but for some reason is hard to notice for most of us even when having them in our faces.
A few furs has meet with their equals, increasing the selfcest rates. This anomalies been registered before but as rare cases, just a few times this anomalies appeared in bigger numbers, but almost all of them ended forgotten.
Both universes aren't a perfect copy of eachother. One of the main differences, and advantage for us, is that when someone dissapears from the second universe, not necessarily dissapears from ours.
Theory of the 3 Universes
The evidences collected from the second universe strongly suggest the existence of a Third universe of which the second universe depends on. A universe with very different rules, being the most notable of all (As far our knowledge goes) the "ageing".
For our universe "ageing" is rare and uncommon, a very similar story happens with the second universe... but the third one, ageing is one of the main rules which over time.
If is real. Are the habitants of the Third world visiting us? Are they the responsible for what happens in our worlds?
(css: "font-size: 400%;")[ [[Continue|Sky & Galen scene end]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Sky'': H-hurry! Before the Scoutmaster gets back!
Galen fucks his friend faster, making both boys moan as their little bodies gets overwhelmed with pleasure and blushing hard.
They keep fucking for a bit more until they can't take anymore and the boys cum together. The snow leopard rest for a moment over his husky friend as they regain their breath and then both moves quick to put on properly their uniforms.
The two scouts hurry to the cabin's area. They say something to eachother and the only stuff you could understand is that they plan to repeat it.
[[Keep looking|Look around]]
[[Back to Cabin's Area|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]There is a fair ammount of houses in the village but seems that most of them are turn off, so for now most are off limits.
[[Drago Ignis House]]
Gray House (color: gray)[ (Under renovations) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You enter into the blue house. There are a few photos of dragons on the walls, a small table with some tea things and you spot a little garden from one of the windows. You're greet by a shy little dark gray wolf cub.
''Drago'': (either: "Hi!", "Hello")
[[Quick Talk|Talk with Drago]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: " ''Drago'': I like to play videogames a lot.", " ''Drago'': S-sometimes I go to the Littlewoods to take a look to the flowers.", " ''Drago'': I have a blue flower in my garden *giggles*.", " ''Drago'': Sometimes by accident I drop a bit of tea on my shorts, f-for some reason always falls on m-my peepee.", " ''Drago'': I have a bit of dragon in me but I dont know why.")
[[More small chat|Talk with Drago]]
[[Back|Already in Drago's house]]
(set: $DragoMood to $DragoMood + 1) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]The house smells a bit like tea. You can spot Drago's little garden from one of the windows. The little dark gray wolf cub is looking at you with curiosity.
''Drago'': Woof~
[[Quick Talk|Talk with Drago]]
(if: $DragoMood > 3)[ [[Cuddles|Cuddle with Drago]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You get closer to Drago and hug him. The little wolf blush and show his shyness but likes the interaction.
Then you two go to the couch and cuddle together, rubbing eachother fur and enjoying the warm embrace.
Both stay like this for a while.
(if: $DragoMood > 10)[ [[Lewd Rubs|Lewd Rubs with Drago]] ]
[[Quick Talk|Talk with Drago]]
[[Back|Already in Drago's house]]
(set: $DragoMood to $DragoMood + 4) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Feeling the wolf cub is comfy enough, you suddenly grab his crotch area and start to rub his little member over his shorts. Drago yelp a bit and blush while you are arousing his undeveloped part.
Drago slowly gets hard, making a little bulge on his shorts. You insert your hand into his shorts and start massaging his peepee, causing that he moan a bit.
You lower his shorts until they get on his ankles, exposing the orange lines of fur and his humanoid cock. Carefully you start to fondle him up and down.
Drago grab your arm while you keep pleasuring him until get the tickles. You see how he slowly relax after have a dry orgasm. He grins with a bit shyness.
After all that excitement you are a bit horny but the wolf is exhausted so you leave for now. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 0.5) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[ (goto:$Itemslocation) ] ]
A strong purple scent is in the air. You don't know from where is comming so no matter if you trying to find it or run away, ''there is no way to know where IT is''.
(set:$Itemslocation to "Items")
(either: "[[Keep going|Clearing 1]]", "[[Keep going|An Exit]]", "[[Keep going|An Exit]]", "[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]", "[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]")
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (set:$location to "Mini Purple flower scene")
(if: (random:1,30) is 30)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")]__________________________________________________________________
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[Legend of the Moonwoods]
Is said that, in the farthest deeps of the dark forest, there is a object that holds one of the secrets of our universe: ''eternal youth'' and ''life''.
Have the same appearance without ageing is one of the most common things in our world, some growing until a certain point while many others staying forever as little cubs. For very long we thought this was the way to be until the discovery of the ''second universe'' which started to make us question a lot things we considered normal.
Eternal youth and extended life are basic rules of our universe but somehow aren't applied to everyone. A few grow up after long time and still others get old and die of ageing. In order to stop that, many started to seek for the biggest secret of the moonwoods which is also the responsible that nobody dies in this forest zone.
The few proofs of the treasure's existence point to be some kind of crystal and also everyone that's close to it has a much bigger chance of eternal youth and even eternal life. Because of this, the crystal is know all over the world as //''Cub Eternal''//.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]_______________________________________________________________
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Discovery of another universe]
Haven felt like that sometimes you suddenly meet other furs almost out of nowhere that in many cases you never saw before but end spending time with them? Like if a mysterious force makes you meet them or make some scenarios happen? This is just one of the feelings our people got over time but considered as something totally normal until now.
''We discovered a whole universe, and they discovered us'', and not just that: ''Our world is a partial mirror of their world''. What happens in that universe is almost completely mirrounded on ours.
Scientists discovered a way to see how is the other universe. Just taking a look to that universe, we get to know a big part of peoples lifes. But to add to the wonder, the people of the second universe ''found a way to access to ours'' and isn't the first time.
We started to have visitors from that other world. A few furs has even meet with their equals, increasing the selfcest rates, but for some reason is hard to notice for most of us even when having them in our faces. This anomalies been registered before but as rare cases, just a few times this anomalies appeared in bigger numbers, but almost all of them ended forgotten.
Both universes aren't a perfect copy of eachother, are very similar but has a few diferent universal rules. One of the main differences, and advantage for us, is that when someone dissapears from the second universe, not necessarily dissapears from ours.
We still don't know if our universe affects theirs in the same way theirs affects our. There's still a lot to discover since this is just the beginning but is for sure this changed completely our lives.
[[Back|Chat with nurse]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You grab the Pink worm. It squirms on your hands but after a bit you manage to control it. You are Level $Level so you have (if: $Level >= 8)[more than ]enough strength.
With the pink worm in your power, you start wrapping it around your slowly hardening cock until you cover it completely, leaving the rest of the worm hanging on the air.
With the worm in place, you start masturbating using the creature as a fleshlight, getting you all hard now. The slimy liquid that covers the worm makes a good lube so feels almost like you was fucking an hole.
The pink worm tries to unroll itself from your cock but manage to keep it in place using your two hands and continue masturbating, making the worm move around against its will like a string.
After a while, you can't take anymore and cum on the worm, bathing it with your boyish semen. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
The worm gets all dizzy and unable to continue fighting.
[[Next|Pink large worm battle]] (link: "Next")[ (goto: "Normal Battle") ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 3)
(set: $enemyHealth to 0)
''Suddenly you're trapped by a very large purple tentacle. It came out of nowhere and is trying to pull you to the ground and take you away.''
You need (css: "color: orange;")[???] Stamina to get away.
(if: $SaveFromPurple is 1)[You have just one Free chance to get away [[Use It]] ]
(if: $Level > 29)[ (display: "Stamina To Escape From PF") ] (else:)[ [[Try to get away|Failed escape from Purple Flower Trap]] ]
(if: $Level > 29)[ [[Follow and Fight|Towards Purple Flower]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You're level $Level. //Is not enough for escape//.
The large tentacle completely overwhelm you, there is no escape anymore.
Having you in it's power, the purple tentacle moves around and drag you deeper into the dark forest.
You're taken towards the large purple jug flower. It moves and the flower is facing in your way. ''It see you''.
It's tentacle put you quickly in the air, on top of the purple flower that is getting in position and open wider, almost like a mouth. You try to fight the tentacle's embrance once again but is futile.
You are lowered towards the flower until you lie on it. It's scent is like an aphrodisiac, forcing you to get hard. When you're fully aroused, little tendrils comes from the flower and covers completely your cock, hiding it from the world. Then the flower slowly sunk itselt into the ground until only its petals are above. You're practically lying on the ground except that your hips and tummy is on the flower. The tentacles get away from you but your hips gets trapped by the plant's tendrils.
After a moment, you feel the flower start to suck your cock, for moments making your hips go a bit deeper into the ground. No matter what you do, there is no way to get away from this.
The plant massages hard your cock, painfully pleasing you. For moments it masturbate you and others it suck you. You moan hard and try to call for help but suddenly a soft tentacle goes into your mouth and goes directly into your throat and feel is pushing some liquids into your body. Is feeding you.
When you are distracted with the tentacle in your mouth, then you feel something trying to enter into your peehole. ''A tentacle from the deeps inside the flower is trying to enter''. It keeps pushing over and over, covering your tiny hole with its liquids until it manage to get inside and slowly goes into you.
You moan and try to get up but it hold you. You move your arms and legs trying to get away but the flower is too strong and keep your body on the ground, doing naughty and even forbidden things to you, molesting and violating your cock over and over.
Then you feel the little tentacle inside your cock shoot slimy liquids... ''in your balls'', giving you unexpected waves of forced pleasure.
You can't take anymore and with some tears on your eyes you start cumming hard and the pleased flower start to absorb all of it. Your semen is now part of it's body.
Hoping that this was everything, after a moment of calm, you feel the flower moving again and you realize with horror that is going to do it again. The plant please you nonstopping, violating you over and over, fucking your cock and making you cum over and over.
It feeds and protect you from everything else and is going to keep you, like it or not...
(set: $InicioLocation to "Inicio")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[(css: "color: red;")[''GAME OVER''] ]
//(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]//
(link: "Back to Start")[ (goto: $InicioLocation) ]
You somehow managed to escape from the large tentacle's embrance.
When you look around to face it, is already gone.
(set: $SaveFromPurple to 0)
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
You grab the large worm. It squirms on your hands but after a bit you manage to control it. You are Level $Level so you have (if: $Level >= 18)[more than ]enough strength.
Is not easy to hold it, the creature keeps trying to attack you. You use your weight and manage to kinda restrain the creature but still not good enough even with your strength because is very slippery.
Then you spot the worm's lower end which has an orifice, similar to an asshole. You smirk, all the squirming made the worm rub a lot your cock and got you aroused. With difficulty, you manage to get the worm's lower end towards your crotch and align your cock with the worm's hole and push inside.
The thick worm squirms even more and you hug it tight while is trying to get away. Then the worm goes around you but you keep its lower end tied to your crotch, mating with the creature that now looks to tremble in pleasure just like you. It's insides are warm and slippery, giving you so much pleasure in your cock as the internal liquids of the worm basically works as lubricant around your cock.
You moan over and over, fucking the wormhole harder and harder until you cant take it anymore and cum into the creature. The worm gets weak and fall to the ground. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
[[Next|Thick large worm battle]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 3)
(set: $enemyHealth to 0)''You encounter THE Purple Flower!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:350,370)) (set:$badlocation to "Lose to Purple Flower") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Mini Boss Purple Flower battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Mini Boss Purple Flower battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 35)[ [[Run|Mini boss Run Purple]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
The Purple Flower was too much for you to handle.
It's tentacle put you quickly in the air, on top of the purple flower that is getting in position and open wider, almost like a mouth. You try to fight the tentacle's embrance once again but is futile.
You are lowered towards the flower until you lie on it. It's scent is like an aphrodisiac, forcing you to get hard. When you're fully aroused, little tendrils comes from the flower and covers completely your cock, hiding it from the world. Then the flower slowly sunk itselt into the ground until only its petals are above. You're practically lying on the ground except that your hips and tummy is on the flower. The tentacles get away from you but your hips gets trapped by the plant's tendrils.
After a moment, you feel the flower start to suck your cock, for moments making your hips go a bit deeper into the ground. No matter what you do, there is no way to get away from this.
The plant massages hard your cock, painfully pleasing you. For moments it masturbate you and others it suck you. You moan hard and try to call for help but suddenly a soft tentacle goes into your mouth and goes directly into your throat and feel is pushing some liquids into your body. Is feeding you.
When you are distracted with the tentacle in your mouth, then you feel something trying to enter into your peehole. ''A tentacle from the deeps inside the flower is trying to enter''. It keeps pushing over and over, covering your tiny hole with its liquids until it manage to get inside and slowly goes into you.
You moan and try to get up but it hold you. You move your arms and legs trying to get away but the flower is too strong and keep your body on the ground, doing naughty and even forbidden things to you, molesting and violating your cock over and over.
Then you feel the little tentacle inside your cock shoot slimy liquids... ''in your balls'', giving you unexpected waves of forced pleasure.
You can't take anymore and with some tears on your eyes you start cumming hard and the pleased flower start to absorb all of it. Your semen is now part of it's body.
Hoping that this was everything, after a moment of calm, you feel the flower moving again and you realize with horror that is going to do it again. The plant please you nonstopping, violating you over and over, fucking your cock and making you cum over and over.
It feeds and protect you from everything else and is going to keep you, like it or not...
(set: $InicioLocation to "Inicio")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[(css: "color: red;")[''GAME OVER''] ]
//(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]//
(link: "Back to Start")[ (goto: $InicioLocation) ]
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Mini Boss: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to (random:50,75)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Green blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 2) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:4,10)) ]
(color:red)[The Purple Flower ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack M PFB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack M PFB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Mini boss Purple Flower. //+350 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 350) (set: $randomCoins to (random:30,100)) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 350)
(set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins) (set: $PurpleOrb to $PurpleOrb + 1)
''You obtain //1 Purple Orb//!''
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Mini boss Continue PFB]]
](if: $Stamina > 1)[ You lose 30 (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 30) ]
(goto:$location)(if: (random:1,20) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(if: (random:1,5) is 1)[ (display: "Mini Boss PF battle SP") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Mini Boss Purple Flower") ](if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Mini Boss: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to (random:75,100)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Green blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 1) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:4,10)) ]
(color:red)[The Purple Flower use SPECIAL ATTACK! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
(display: "Use Weapon M PFB")
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ (display: "Special Attack M PFB") ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Mini boss Purple Flower. //+350 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 350) (set: $randomCoins to (random:30,100)) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 350)
(set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins) (set: $PurpleOrb to $PurpleOrb + 1)
''You obtain //1 Purple Orb//!''
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Mini boss Continue PFB]]
](goto:$location)(if: (random:1,20) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Mini Boss Purple Flower battle")
You fight the tentacle enough for kinda release you.
After following the tentacle, you spot a big purple plant.
[[Next|Go to Purple Flower]]
(display:"Mini Boss Purple Flower")(set: $NeedtoescapeNumber to (random: 30,45) )
(if: $Stamina > $NeedtoescapeNumber)[ [[Try to get away|Use It]] ] (else:)[ [[Try to get away|Failed escape from Purple Flower Trap]] ]
You're in Hardwoods west path. (if: $X is 1)[ The Dark Woods entrance is near.] (if: $X is 3)[ From here can see the large walls that protect the base.] Location: X $X
Sounds of monsters far away reach your ears.
(if: $X is 1)[ 🡨 [[DarkWoods path|Dark Woods NW entrance]] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link: "West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (goto: "Fortress Path West") ] ]
(if: $X is 3)[ 🡪 [[Gate Entrance|West Gate]] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link: "East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (goto: "Fortress Path West") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Fortress Path West") (if: (random:1,40) is 30)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at Stoneguard's West entrance.
🡸 [[Go to the Road|Fortress Path West]] (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 3)
🡺 [[Enter to Stoneguard|Stoneguard West]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "West Gate")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're in the west side, in front of the big hotel.
(either: "Another cub goes inside the building", "A small group of warrior cubs exit the hotel and goes towards the center", "Some cubs exit the building").
[[Enter Big Hotel]]
🡺 [[Center|Fortress Center]]
🡸 [[West Gate]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Stoneguard West")
You enter into the lobby. The place is well illuminated and has a few decorations.
Near is the reception. To the right are the stairs and to the left is the pool.
[[Floor 1|Big Hotel Floor 1]]
[[Pool Area]]
[[Go out|Stoneguard West]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are in the center of the base. There's a small fountain in the middle. Noises from people can be heard from other places. Some of the protective walls of the base can be seen from here.
(either: "A cub appears out nowhere and walk away.", "Some warrior cubs are walking around.", "Nobody near for now.")
🡹 [[North|Stoneguard North]]
🡺 (either: "[[East|Stoneguard East]]", "[[East|Stoneguard East]]", "[[East|Fortress East (Koda)]]")
🡸 [[West|Stoneguard West]]
🡻 [[South|Stoneguard South]]
(link: "Gifts & Rewards")[(set:$GiftsLocation to "Gifts & Rewards") (goto:$GiftsLocation)]
(set: $MapLocation to 20) (set:$location to "Fortress Center") (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
The Big hospital is under reparation and the Guild building is under construction.
🡹 [[North Gate]]
[[Big Hospital]]
[[Adventure Hall]]
🡻 [[Center|Fortress Center]]
(link: "Level-UP Circle")[ (set:$location to "Stoneguard North")(goto:"Level-UP Circle") ]
(set:$location to "Fortress North") (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You see the tall young adult white fox of large hair, clothed with a doctor coat, (either: "reading some papers", "writing a lot on his clipboard"). He is moving around, looking busy and only have eyes for the staff.
The place is still under construction and recovering from the attack of some time ago. The place regained a few of it's more basic functions.
[[Heal|Big Hospital Heal]]
(color:gray)[Corridor R]
[[Corridor L|Hospital Left Corridor A]]
[[Exit|Stoneguard North]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
East side and entrance to the Main Store for adventurers. A few buildings are under construction in this area.
[[Main Store]] | [[Alchemist Store]]
🡸 [[Center|Fortress Center]]
🡺 [[East Gate]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Stoneguard East")(css: "font-size: 145%;")[ Main Store ]
The place has a bunch of items. The nice looking, teen white wolfbear is smiling at you. A small robot is moving around the store.
''Andy'': (either: "How can I help you?", "Are you interested on something?", "What can I do for you?")
[[Sell|Main Store Sell]]
[[Chat|Chat with Andy]]
(either: "[[Back|Stoneguard East]]", "[[Back|Stoneguard East]]", "[[Back|Fortress East (Koda)]]")
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
South side and entrance to the red Coliseum-like building.
You can spot (either: "some groups of cubs, speaking with each other", "a cub with his ass covered with milky liquids, walking away", "some teen furs challenging each other", "a few horny warrior cubs going into the arena").
🡹 [[Center|Fortress Center]]
🡻 [[South Gate]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Stoneguard South")[[Arena Store]] (align: "===><=")[ (link: "Rules")[(goto: "Arena Rules")] | [[Statistics|Arena Statistics]] ]
You're in the lobby of the Arena. Some here are ready to fight, others ready to fuck.
(css: "font-size: 110%;")[ [[Into the Arena]] ]
[[Tasks|Arena Tasks & Rewards]]
[[Exit|Stoneguard South]]
(link: "Level-UP Circle")[ (set:$location to "Arena") (goto:"Level-UP Circle") ]
Your Arena coins: (color:red)[$ArenaCoins]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
What you want to sell?
You have (color:yellow)[$coins]
(if: $BlueSeeds > 0)[ (link: "Sell Blueseed")[ (set: $SellingBSd to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] (if: $BlueSeeds > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[ (set: $SellingBSd to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] | (Color: gray)[ You have $BlueSeeds blueSeeds ]
(if: $RedSeeds > 0)[ (link: "Sell RedSeed")[ (set: $SellingRSd to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] (if: $RedSeeds > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[ (set: $SellingRSd to 2)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] | (Color: gray)[ You have $RedSeeds redSeeds ]
(if: $eggseed > 0)[ (link: "Sell Eggseed")[ (set: $SellingEggSd to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] (if: $eggseed > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[ (set: $SellingEggSd to 2)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] | (Color: gray)[ You have $eggseed eggseeds ]
(if: $RedEggseed > 0)[ (link: "Sell Red Eggseed")[ (set: $SellingREggSd to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] (if: $RedEggseed > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[ (set: $SellingREggSd to 2)(goto: "MS Selling") ] | (Color: gray)[ You have $RedEggseed Red eggseeds ]
(if: $slimebits > 0)[ (link: "Sell Slime Bits")[ (set: $SellingSlBts to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] (if: $slimebits > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[ (set: $SellingSlBts to 2)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] | (Color: gray)[ You have $slimebits slimebits ]
(if: $SolidSlime > 0)[ (link: "Sell Solid Slime")[ (set: $SellingSoSl to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] (if: $SolidSlime > 1)[ | (link: "Sell 2")[ (set: $SellingSoSl to 2)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] | (Color: gray)[ You have $SolidSlime pieces of solid slime ]
(if: $slimeOrb > 0)[ (link: "Sell SlimeOrb")[ (set: $SellingSlOrb to 1)(goto: "MS Selling") ] ] | (Color: gray)[ You have $slimeOrb SlimeOrbs ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[Back|Main Store]]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Andy'': (either: "Here I have most of the items available in the Moonwoods.", "If something new appears, is almost sure I will be selling it here.", "My store became very helpful around here and am proud of it.", "All kinds of cubs visit my store, even some rare species.", "Sometimes I see the battles of the area in my TV.", "I never get bored here, but sometimes like to distract myself with some fun. *wink*", "I love to go swimming. ^w^", "(He got distracted working on one of his inventions)", "Do you think I am cute?", "Sometimes I like to visit the arena and meet up with guys. Some are nice, others are rough, and others just like to hang out and talk.", "I'm easily amused and can get pretty distracted when I'm board, but when there's a job that needs to be done I'm laser focused!", "I can produce generic healing potions, but for complex and special ones I ask to Mercury from next door.")
(if: (random: 1,7) is 1)[ (if: $AndyStoreMood > 10)[ (either: "If you wanna play with me, you just have to take the [[Hint|Andy store blowjob scene A]]", "You are a good listener, I would like we give each other a [[reward|Andy store blowjob scene A]]"). ] ]
[[Heard more|Chat with Andy]]
[[Back|Main Store]]
(set: $AndyStoreMood to $AndyStoreMood + 1) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]What you want to Buy?
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ Consumibles ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:gray)[Defense] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Specials|Special Items]] ]
Small Healing potion: Restores 10 HP
''(10 coins)''(if: $coins >= 10)[
(link: "Buy Small HP Potion")[ (set: $BuyingSHpP to 1)(goto: "MS Consumible Buying") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
Medium Healing potion: Restores 30 HP
''(35 coins)''(if: ($coins >= 35))[
(link: "Buy Medium HP Potion")[ (set: $BuyingMHpP to 1)(goto: "MS Consumible Buying") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
Big Healing potion: Restores 50 HP
''(60 coins)''(if: ($coins >= 60))[
(link: "Buy Big HP Potion")[ (set: $BuyingBHpP to 1)(goto: "MS Consumible Buying") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
Medium Stamina potion: Restores 20 Stamina
''(40 coins)''(if: ($coins >= 40))[
(link: "Buy Medium ST Potion")[ (set: $BuyingMStP to 1)(goto: "MS Consumible Buying") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
''Teleport Scroll (b)'' Teleports you to the Center of the Fortress
''(135 coins)'' (if: ($coins >= 135))[
(link: "Buy Teleport Scroll")[ (set: $BuyingTpScB to 1)(goto: "MS Consumible Buying") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Back|Main Store]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]What you want to Buy?
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Consumibles]] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[(color:gray)[Defense] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ Specials ]
''Lucky Box'' Try your luck. (Instant use) ''(Cost 50)'' (set: $RandomBoxNumber to (random:1,9))
(if: $coins >= 50)[ (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 1)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxSmP to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 2)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxSmP to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 3)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxSmMny to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 4)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxMedMny to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 5)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxOB to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 6)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxBigHpP to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 7)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxArenaCoinsA to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 8)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxTPScrollA to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 9)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxBagCookies to 1) (goto: "MS Lucky Box") ] ] ](else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one right now.]]
Small piece of crystal. (set: $TotalShardMonetaryCost to $ShardMonetaryCost + 50) ''(Cost $TotalShardMonetaryCost)''
(if: ($coins >= 50 + $ShardMonetaryCost))[
(link: "Buy Skill Crystal Shard")[ (set: $BuyingSKP to 1)(goto: "MS Special Items Buying")] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Not enough money.]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Back|Main Store]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]- Orange Cherry
- Small red Potion
- Decrease MaxHP apple Cost by 1 (rare) (Solo cuando tenga muchas cosas)
- Wild Red Cherry
- Wild Yellow Cherry
- ''You use TP Scroll (b)''
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB - 1)
A light comes out from the paper and suddenly you appear in somewhere else.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Fortress Center") ]
Receptionist: (either: "Welcome!", "Hello!") How can I help you?
Stay a night cost 30 coins
(if: $coins >= 30)[ [[Check in]] ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Check in] ]
[[Ask stuff]]
[[Back|Enter Big Hotel]]
You have $coins coins
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in the Roofed pool area. The place is clean and warm, with good illumination.
There are (either: "some", "a few") cubs hanging out here.
(either: "[[Talk with Fusion]]", "")
[[Pool Area 2]]
[[Get in the pool]]
[[Lobby|Enter Big Hotel]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The cute purple wolfdog see you approach and smile. He is only wearing a speedo.
''Fusion'': (either: "Hi!", "Hello~")
[[Chat|Chat with Fusion]]
[[Back|Pool Area]]
(set: $FusionMood to $FusionMood + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The water (either: "is warm", "is moving a lot", "got calm for a moment"). (either: "There are a few cute cubs around", "You notice a femboy pass by", "Another cub is swimming around", "A white bunny pass by, making bell sounds with his collar", "Another cub is just floating around", "A femboy wolf is doing exercise nearby"). (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 2) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
What to do?
[[Swim more|Get in the pool]]
[[Get out|Pool Area]]
(set: $health to $health + 1)
[(color:green)[+1 HP!]]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(if: (random: 1,12) is 1)[ (set:$location to "KevinSnowpaw in pool")(goto:$location) ]
(else:)[] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Hotel Floor 1
[[Room 101]]
[[Room 102]]
[[Room 103]]
[[Lobby|Enter Big Hotel]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
This big room is full of bunks and some small beds.
There's people in here comming in and out. (either: "Most are just minding their own business without pay you attention", "It seems there is a team here and aren't interested in you right now", "A few furs see you"). (either: "There are some guys sleeping, not bothered by the noise", "Another fur comes in and gets on the first free bed he finds, falling asleep", "A fur is on a bed 'reading' an softpaw magazine").
[[Back|Big Hotel Floor 1]]
(if: (random:1,10) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Big Hotel Floor 1") (go-to:"Communal Hotelroom scene A") ] (else:)[ ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The door is closed.
[[Back|Big Hotel Floor 1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The door is closed. (either: "You can heard some noises in there", "It's quiet, too quiet", "You heard moans inside the room").
[[Back|Big Hotel Floor 1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Receptionist: (either: "Some doors are for community rooms, bigger rooms that are shared by multiple people, usually teams", "Once you get out of a private room, it wont open again until you check in", "Most of our community rooms are constantly taken. Can only offer private rooms", "The pool is free access for everyone, also helps recover HP slowly").
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You relax on a long chair near the pool, enjoying the warm and fresh ambient.
Resting... (text-style: "fade-in-out")[ Recovering (color:green)[HP] and (color:orange)[Stamina] ]
(live:1s)[ (if: $health < $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $health + 1) ] ] (live:0.2s)[ HP: (color:green)[ $health ] ]
(live:3s)[ (if: $Stamina < $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) ] ] (live:0.2s)[ St: (color:orange)[ $Stamina ] ]
[[Get up|Pool Area]]
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Receptionist: (either: "Very well! Your room is the #102. Wish you a goodnight.", "Good! Your room is the #102. Hope you get a nice sleep.")
(set: $coins to $coins - 30)
[[Go to room|Hotel Room]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You reach your room for tonight. There's a comfy big bed and a bathroom.
[[Sleep|Room Sleep]]
[[Take a bath]]
(link: "save")[(save-game: "file A")]
(set: $health to $Maxhealth) (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina)
You sleep comfortably in the soft big bed.
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(color:orange)[Stamina Restored!]
(color:#99FF00)[Recovery Buff I //Actived//!] (set: $RecoveryBuff to 40)
You wake up, fully rest and get ready to continue your adventure.
[[Exit the room|Big Hotel Floor 1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You enter the bathroom and get in the tub. You can enjoy a rain or immerse yourself.
[[Fill the tub]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You start to caress your croch. A little smile form on your face as you know you are about enjoy your little game.
Carefully, you start massaging and stroking your boyish cock, arousing yourself, taking your time until you get fully hard.
You keep stroking yourself, making (either: "quiet", "loud") moans, feeling the pleasure tickles on your very hard but still undeveloped member.
(either: "On this time, you are hoping nobody else listen you.", "You smile playfully as imagine other guests hearing you.")
Your cock is hard and so red, making you to close a bit your eyes as you are getting close. You clench your teeth and gasp when you start cumming. You keep stroking yourself, moaning and forcing your cock to spurt more until you make one last cumshot. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
Completely tired, you quickly fall asleep.
[[Sleep|Room Sleep]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You turn on the faucet and wait for the tub to get full. Once is full, you slowly get in the tub and feel the water covering your body until you lie down with only your head above.
The warm water makes you feel that you are covered by a blanket. You stay in there just enjoying the nice feeling for a long time. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
[[Go to bed|Room Sleep]]
(set: $health to $Maxhealth + 5)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You activate the shower and enjoy a good warm rain all over your body and fur, almost like a little massage.
Then take the soap and shampoo and apply them on yourself, covering each part of your body, feeling a few tingles when rubbing your crotch area.
The shower made you feel rejuvenated (more than you already are) (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
[[Sleep|Room Sleep]]
(set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina + 3)
(if: $health >= 31)[
You have to have 30 HP or less for be healed.
Nurse: Sry but the Free healing I can only give it to really weakened people. ]
(else:)[(set: $health to $health + 30) (css: "font-size: 125%;")[(color:green)[+30 HP Restored!]] ]
[[Back|Big Hospital]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
''The gate is closed.''
You heard noises from the other side. (either: "It seems something is trying to break the gate", "There is a battle going on there", "Some monsters are attacking the protective stone walls").
(either: "[[Return|Stoneguard East]]", "[[Return|Stoneguard East]]", "[[Return|Fortress East (Koda)]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "East Gate")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
''The gate is closed.''
You heard noises from the other side. (either: "It seems something is trying to break the gate", "There is a battle going on there", "Some monsters are attacking the protective stone walls").
[[Return|Stoneguard South]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "South Gate")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[(align: "====>")[[[Back|Patrol bulletin board]]]]
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ Campist Quests ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''FIND & COLLECT'' ]
- Finding Pumpkins
(if: $CampistQuestPumpkinsONECompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Pumpkin Quest]] ]
- Finding Eggseeds
(if: $CampistQuestEggseeds1Completed is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Eggseed Quest]] ] (if: $OPENCampistQuestEggseedsTWO is 1)[| (if: $CampistQuestEggseedsTWOCompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Eggseed Quest II]] ] ]
- Finding Blueseeds
(if: $CampistQuestBlueseeds1Completed is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Blueseed Quest]] ] (if: $OPENCampistQuestBlueseedsTWO is 1)[| (if: $CampistQuestBlueseedsTWOCompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Blueseed Quest II]] ] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''SCORE POINTS'' ]
- Collect Points
+1000 (if: $CampistQuestScorePointsONECompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ (link: "Points Quest")[(goto: "Points Quest ONE")] ]
+2500 (if: $CampistQuestScorePointsTWOCompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ (link: "Points Quest")[(goto: "Points Quest TWO")] ]
+3750 (if: $CampistQuestScorePointsTHREECompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Points Quest|Points Quest THREE]] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''# COMPLETE QUESTS'' ]
+5 Quests (if: $CampistQuestTotalONECompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Quest's Quest|Quests Quest ONE]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Collect 3 new eggseeds''
Clue: Explore the woods areas around Southville
(if: $EggseedQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ (color:gray)[You already accepted this Quest] ] (else:)[ [[Accept|Campist Eggseed Quest 1 Accept]] | [[Decline|Campist Quests]] ]
(if: $EggseedQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ (if: $EggseedQuestONEPoints >= 3)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|Eggseed Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Eggseeds collected $EggseedQuestONEPoints ] ]
(if: $EggseedQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ [[Back|Campist Quests]]]
(color:green)[You accepted the Quest]
(set: $EggseedQuestONEPoints to 0) (set: $EggseedQuestONEAccepted to 1)
(display: "Campist Quests")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 10) + 10 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 15) + 15 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 50) + 50 Score Points
(set: $CampistQuestEggseeds1Completed to 1)
(set: $OPENCampistQuestEggseedsTWO to 1)
[[Campist Quests]]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Collect 4 new blueseeds''
Clue: Explore the Littlewoods
(if: $BlueseedQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ (color:gray)[You already accepted this Quest] ] (else:)[ [[Accept|Blueseed Quest 1 Accept]] | [[Decline|Campist Quests]] ]
(if: $BlueseedQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ (if: $BlueseedQuestONEPoints >= 4)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|Blueseed Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Blueseeds collected $BlueseedQuestONEPoints ] ]
(if: $BlueseedQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ [[Back|Campist Quests]]]
(color:green)[You accepted the Quest]
(set: $BlueseedQuestONEPoints to 0) (set: $BlueseedQuestONEAccepted to 1)
(display: "Campist Quests")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 10) + 10 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) + 10 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 35) + 35 Score Points
(set: $CampistQuestBlueseeds1Completed to 1)
(set: $OPENCampistQuestBlueseedsTWO to 1)
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Campist Quests")]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Collect 7 new eggseeds''
Clue: Explore the woods areas around Southville
(if: $EggseedQuestTWOAccepted is 1)[ (color:gray)[You already accepted this Quest] ] (else:)[ [[Accept|Campist Eggseed Quest 2 Accept]] | [[Decline|Campist Quests]] ]
(if: $EggseedQuestTWOAccepted is 1)[ (if: $EggseedQuestONEPoints >= 7)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|Eggseed Quest TWO COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Eggseeds collected $EggseedQuestONEPoints ] ]
(if: $EggseedQuestTWOAccepted is 1)[ [[Back|Campist Quests]]]
(color:green)[You accepted the Quest]
(set: $EggseedQuestONEPoints to 0) (set: $EggseedQuestTWOAccepted to 1)
(display: "Campist Quests")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 70) + 70 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 150) + 150 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $CampistQuestEggseedsTWOCompleted to 1)
(set: $OPENCampistQuestEggseedsTHREE to 1)
(link: "Campist Quests")[ (goto: "Campist Quests") ]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Collect 10 new blueseeds''
Clue: Explore the Littlewoods
(if: $BlueseedQuestTWOAccepted is 1)[ (color:gray)[You already accepted this Quest] ] (else:)[ [[Accept|Blueseed Quest 2 Accept]] | [[Decline|Campist Quests]] ]
(if: $BlueseedQuestTWOAccepted is 1)[ (if: $BlueseedQuestONEPoints >= 10)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|Blueseed Quest TWO COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Blueseeds collected $BlueseedQuestONEPoints ] ]
(if: $BlueseedQuestTWOAccepted is 1)[ [[Back|Campist Quests]]]
(color:green)[You accepted the Quest]
(set: $BlueseedQuestONEPoints to 0) (set: $BlueseedQuestTWOAccepted to 1)
(display: "Campist Quests")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 25) + 25 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 100) + 100 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $CampistQuestBlueseedsTWOCompleted to 1)
(set: $OPENCampistQuestBlueseedsTHREE to 1)
(link: "Campist Quests")[ (goto: "Campist Quests") ]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Collect 5 new Pumpkins''
Help the village collecting and storaging mature pumpkins
Clue: Find in Southville's Farm
(if: $PumpkinQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ (color:gray)[You already accepted this Quest] ] (else:)[ [[Accept|Campist Pumpkin Quest 1 Accept]] | [[Decline|Campist Quests]] ]
(if: $PumpkinQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ (if: $PumpkinQuestONEPoints >= 5)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|Pumpkin Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Pumpkins collected $PumpkinQuestONEPoints ] ]
(if: $PumpkinQuestONEAccepted is 1)[ [[Back|Campist Quests]]]
(color:green)[You accepted the Quest]
(set: $PumpkinQuestONEPoints to 0) (set: $PumpkinQuestONEAccepted to 1)
(display: "Campist Quests")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 10) + 10 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) + 10 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 25) + 25 Score Points
(set: $CampistQuestPumpkinsONECompleted to 1)
(set: $OPENCampistQuestPumpkinsTWO to 1)
[[Campist Quests]]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Reach 1000 points''
or more
Your Total Score: (color:yellow)[''$points'']
(if: $points >= 1000)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|1000 Points Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Need more points ]
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Campist Quests")]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 25) + 25 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 100) + 100 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $CampistQuestScorePointsONECompleted to 1)
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Campist Quests")]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Reach 2500 points''
or more
Your Total Score: (color:yellow)[''$points'']
(if: $points >= 2500)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|2500 Points Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Need more points ]
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Campist Quests")]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 35) + 35 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 100) + 100 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $CampistQuestScorePointsTWOCompleted to 1)
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Campist Quests")]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Complete 5 quests''
or more
Your Total: (color:yellow)[''$NumberQuestsComplete'']
(if: $NumberQuestsComplete >= 5)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|5 Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Need complete more quests ]
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Campist Quests")]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 100) + 100 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 125) + 125 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 500) + 500 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $CampistQuestTotalONECompleted to 1)
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Campist Quests")]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ ''Rules'' ]
- The battle finish at 0 hp (when someone get weak).
- The battles are random, don't matter the level.
- Only items for battle allowed.
- The winner can do whatever they want with the loser for a while.
(link: "Back")[ (goto: "Arena") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(either: "Some cub warriors are waiting for their turn", "A few furs are looking at you", "The next rival is waiting for you"). (live: 30s)[ Furs are getting impatient because you are taking so long. ]
(link: "Ready for battle")[ (goto: "Arena Random Encounter") ]
*''Tip'': (either: "Keep in check your HP", "Have good items if you plan to win", "If you lose, you lose points")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Into the Arena")(set: $EnemyCubRandomLevel to (random:10,32))''You encounter a Level $EnemyCubRandomLevel (either: "red", "blue", "green", "purple", "yellow", "gray", "white", "orange", "brown") male (either: "wolf", "fox", "dog", "cat", "tiger", "rabbit", "lynx", "bear", "lion", "racoon") Cub!''
(set: $enemyHealth to $EnemyCubRandomLevel * 3 + 25) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Arena Random Battle") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Arena Random Battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(css: "font-size: 110%;")[ (either: "[[Fight!|Arena Random Battle]]", "[[Fight!|Arena Random Battle Player Strike First]]") ]
[[Submit|Arena Random Submit]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (goto: "Arena Random Encounter (Female)") ](else:)[ (set: $ArenaRandomF to 0) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You lose the battle and the rival cub (either: "smile at you.", "grins evily.", "smile with lust on his face.", "lick his mouth while looking at you.", "smirks while rub his cock.")
He (either: "launch himself", "quickly walk") at you and (either: "put you in missionary position", "put you on all fours, doggystyle", "pin you to the ground"). Then he (either: "gives you a quick rimjob", "fingers your hole for a bit"), gets between your legs, aligning his (either: "cock", "large boyhood") to your (either: "ass", "butthole", "backside") and (either: "slowly", "quickly") push in.
You (either: "moan", "groan") at the intrusion, feeling that member (either: "going in", "in your guts") until he is all the way inside.
Then he starts to (either: "breed you", "fuck you", "rape you"), (either: "eager", "excited") to (either: "leave his mark in you", "inject his boyish seed in you", "claim you"). This keeps going on for (either: "a while", "a bit") until he can't resist anymore and (either: "cum", "spurt") (either: "in you", "deep in you"), causing you to cum as well.
(set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
[[Next|Arena Healing]]
(if: $ExpPoints > 30)[//You lose a few (color:green)[Exp.Points]// (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - 30) ]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Cub HP: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to $EnemyCubRandomLevel + (random:1,6)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Arena Random Battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength - 5) (set: $SPattack to (random:6,9) + $AtkStrength - 5) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,7)) ]
(color:red)[The rival Cub ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack Cub ARB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack Cub ARB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the other cub. //+30 pts!// (set: $points to $points + 30) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30)
''You obtain //5 Arena Coins//!'' (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5)
(set: $RandomBattleWonTotal to $RandomBattleWonTotal + 1) (set: $ConstantArenaTaskRandomBattleTIMESDONE to $ConstantArenaTaskRandomBattleTIMESDONE + 1)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Continue (Arena Random battle)]]
](goto:$badlocation)(if: (random:1,15) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(if: (random:1,5) is 1)[ (display: "Arena Random Battle SP") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Arena Random Battle") ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Cub HP: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to $EnemyCubRandomLevel + (random:6,8)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Arena Random Battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength - 5) (set: $SPattack to (random:6,9) + $AtkStrength - 5) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,7)) ]
(color:red)[The rival Cub use SPECIAL ATTACK! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack Cub ARB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack Cub ARB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the other cub. //+30 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 30) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30)
''You obtain //5 Arena Coins//!'' (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Continue (Arena Random battle)]]
As winner of the battle you can decide what to do:
[[Fuck him|Fuck him Arena Scene]]
[[Blow you|Blow you Arena Scene]]
(link: "Let it pass")[ (goto: "Arena") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: $ArenaRandomF is 1)[ (goto: "Continue (Arena MalexFemale)") ](if: (random:1,20) is 1)[
You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(if: (random:1,6) is 1)[ (display: "Arena Random Battle EnemyItem") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Arena Random Battle") ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Cub HP: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to $EnemyCubRandomLevel + (random:1,6)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Arena Random Battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength - 5) (set: $SPattack to (random:6,9) + $AtkStrength - 5) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,7)) ]
(color:red)[The rival Cub use Item! ](set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 30)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack Cub ARB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack Cub ARB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the other cub. //+30 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 30) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30)
''You obtain //5 Arena Coins//!'' (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Continue (Arena Random battle)]]
You're taken to a small healing area where you recover just good enough for walk again. There's still cum leaking from your rear.
(set: $health to 10)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You go towards the (either: "tired", "weakened") cub while arousing yourself until get fully hard.
This time you feel like do (either: "doggystyle", "missionary") and put him in position and aligning your (either: "cock", "boyhood") towards his (either: "rear", "ass").
The other (either: "poor cub", "cub") can only (either: "groan and moan", "moan and whine", "whine", "groan", "moan") while you are going in until you're fully inside.
You (either: "breed him", "fuck him") hard, going all the way in and out over and over until you two can't take it anymore and cum together.
So no matters how much he improve, your cum will always be a mark inside his (either: "guts", "butt") wherever he go. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto: "Arena") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You grab the other cub and put him on his knees in front of you, showing on his face your hardening cock.
The other cub shows is tired but gets aroused and hungry looking. Then he start to lick your cock until you get completely hard. Then he engulfs your cock inside his mouth and start blowing you.
You grab his head and push in over and over, gaining pace in each push until you are fucking his mouth. After a bit you reach climax and cum inside his mouth, forcing him to drink all your boyish cum. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto: "Arena") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at the NorthWest entrance to the Dark Woods.
(color:red)[''Attention'': Random Danger Zone]
(link: "Enter to the DarkWoods")[(goto:$Darkwoodslocation)]
🡪 [[Go to East|Fortress Path West]] (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 1)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Dark Woods NW entrance") (if: (random:1,40) is 30)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")]
You find some light not far from your location. Seems like a different part from the Dark Woods.
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(link: "Exit")[(goto: "Fortress Path 2")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are at the Base West entrance.
🡹 [[Go to the Road|Fortress North Path 1]]
🡻 [[Enter to Stoneguard|Stoneguard North]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(set:$location to "North Gate")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Sounds of monsters far away reach your ears.
There are guards in this area, protecting the gate.
The left path has a sign of danger. The right path is blocked.
🡩 [[North|Fortress North Path 2]]
🡨 [[Go West|Hardwoods NorthWest]] (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 5)
🡫 [[Gate|North Gate]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The Sanctuary, a magical building where crystal shards resonate.
Your crystal shards: "$SkillCrystalShard"
(if: ($SkillCrystalShard >= 10))[ //[[Use crystal shards]]// ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You need more]]
[[Leave|Fortress North Path 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You spot a small temple-like building, the sanctuary. The moon shines more here.
🡨 [[Go West|Hardwoods NorthWest]] (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 5)
🡫 [[South|Fortress North Path 1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Fortress North Path 2") (if: (random:1,40) is 30)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")]
//The 10 shrads glow. They fuse together, forming a full Crystal//
When you touch it, the crystal quickly merge into you.
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard - 10) You got a Skill Point!
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Fusion'': (either: "I like water a lot! Feels so nice when I'm in the pool", "Someday I want to be a swim coach to help fellow swimmers", "I think tomboys are cute too", "I love desserts and sweets", "Is rare but a few times my speedos fall out when I swim too much *giggle*", "Feels pretty nice when big guys look at me *blush*")
(set: $FusionMood to $FusionMood + 1)
[[Chat more|Chat with Fusion]]
[[Back|Already Chatting with Fusion]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The cute purple wolfdog is looking at you. He is stretching a little.
''Fusion'': (either: "Woof!", "Murr~")
[[Chat|Chat with Fusion]]
(if: $FusionMood > 5)[ [[Examine|Examine Fusion]] ]
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Pool Area")]
(set: $FusionMood to $FusionMood + 1)<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/bWVNo84.png>
(css: "font-size: 180%;")[ [[Continue|After examinate Fusion]] ]
(set: $FusionMood to $FusionMood + 3)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Fusion giggle after possing when you was looking at his body.
[[Chat|Chat with Fusion]]
(if: $FusionMood > 10)[ [[Keep looking|Examine Fusion TWO part1]] ]
[[Back|Pool Area]]
(set: $FusionMood to $FusionMood + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Fusion notices your interest at him and with a signal he invites you to keep looking at him.
[[Pay attention|Pool Scene Fusion 1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/bWVNo84.png>
(css: "font-size: 180%;")[ [[Continue|Pool Scene Fusion 2]] ]
(set: $FusionMood to $FusionMood + 2)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/bE5vs7x.png>
(css: "font-size: 180%;")[ [[Continue|After examinate Fusion 2]] ]
(set: $FusionMood to $FusionMood + 2)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Fusion giggles and tease you grabbing his boyish cock for a bit, in public for everyone to see without any shame.
Then he puts his speedos on again.
[[Continue|Already Chatting with Fusion]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Your Arena coins: (color:red)[$ArenaCoins]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ General ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Specials|Arena Specials]] ]
Small piece of crystal. (set: $TotalShardArenaCoinsCost to $ShardArenaCoinsCost + 25) ''(Cost $TotalShardArenaCoinsCost)''
(if: $ArenaCoins >= 25 + $ShardArenaCoinsCost)[
(link: "Buy Crystal Shard")[ (set: $BuyingSkCrSrd to 1)(goto: "Arena Store Buying") ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[You need more Arena coins.]]
Big Healing potion: Restores 50 HP
''(10 Arena coins)''(if: ($ArenaCoins >= 20))[
(link: "Buy Big HP Potion")[ (set: $BuyingBHpP to 1)(goto: "Arena Store Buying") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
Medium Stamina potion: Restores 20 Stamina
''(8 Arena coins)''(if: ($ArenaCoins >= 10))[
(link: "Buy Medium ST Potion")[ (set: $BuyingMStP to 1)(goto: "Arena Store Buying") ] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Back|Arena]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Your Arena coins: (color:red)[$ArenaCoins]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[General|Arena Store]] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ Specials ]
''Lucky Box'' Try your luck. (Instant use) ''(Cost 20 Arena coins)'' (set: $RandomBoxNumber to (random:1,9))
(if: ($ArenaCoins >= 20))[ (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 1)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxSmP to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 2)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxSmP to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 3)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxSmMny to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 4)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxMedMny to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 5)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxOB to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 6)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxBigHpP to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 7)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxArenaCoinsA to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 8)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxTPScrollA to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] (if: $RandomBoxNumber is 9)[ (link: "Buy a Lucky Box")[ (set: $LuckyBoxBagCookies to 1) (goto: "Arena Lucky Box") ] ] ](else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
Small Orange Pearl (One per player): Magic pearl that increase permanently your stamina. ''(75 Arena coins)''
(if: $SmallOrangePearlGOTTEN is 1)[(color:gray)[Already buyed it]]
(else:)[(if: ($ArenaCoins >= 75) and ($SmallOrangePearl <= 0))[ [[Buy Small Orange Pearl]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy it.]] ]
Small Green Pearl (One per player): Magic pearl that increase permanently your HP. ''(65 Arena coins)''
(if: $SmallGreenPearlGOTTEN is 1)[(color:gray)[Already buyed it]]
(else:)[(if: ($ArenaCoins >= 65) and ($SmallGreenPearl <= 0))[ [[Buy Small Green Pearl]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy it.]] ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Back|Arena]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 1) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 75)
(color:orange)[+1 MaxStamina!] (set: $SmallOrangePearl to 1) (set: $SmallOrangePearlGOTTEN to 1)
(display:"Arena Specials")(display: "Phone")
(link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/Aj6gdLw.png>")[(go-to: "Go to map")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/dkqWMUM.png>")[(go-to: "Phone Messages")]
(link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/U90AjRp.png>")[(go-to: "Chat app")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tQFT825.png>")[(go-to: "Minigames")]
(css: "font-size: 145%;")[ (link: "Exit")[(goto: "Items")] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]No Signal (link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
(if: $MapLocation is 2)[(go-to: "Map Little woods Entrance") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 4)[(go-to: "Map Woods W Entrance") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 5)[(go-to: "Map West Path") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 6)[(go-to: "Map West Path 2") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 7)[(go-to: "Map Woods SW Entrance") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 10)[(go-to: "Map Village") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 12)[(go-to: "Map Lake (South side)") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 15)[(go-to: "Map East Path") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 16)[(go-to: "Map East Path 2") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 17)[(go-to: "Map Woods SE Entrance") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 18)[(go-to: "Map Dark Woods NE entrance") ]
(if: $MapLocation is 20)[(go-to: "Map Darkwoods") ]
[[Rock, Paper, Scissors]]
[[Funny Phrases]]
[[Cub Fights]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Littlewoods is 1
Littlewoods entrance is 2
Woods west side (exploring) is 3
Woods west entrance is 4
West path (1) is 5
West path (2) is 6
Woods SouthWest entrance is 7
West beach is 8
Bus Stop is 9
Southville is 10
Lake is 11
South Beach is 12
Woods south side (exploring?) is 13
Dock (East beach) is 14
East path (1) is 15
East path (2) is 16
Woods SouthEast entrance is 17
Entrance to Darkwoods is 18
Patrol cub camp is 19
Darkwoods (and hidden areas) is 20[[Back|Phone]]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/525uHZ8.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/EGxY413.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/68OzEHg.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/eIHdfX6.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/R5tYTFF.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/79gwZik.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/2HC2XeH.png>
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/L7Ard25.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tPcKk9D.png>
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/nHOSmLv.png>
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/xBnUgXi.png>
</div>(link: "Back")[(goto: "Phone")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/6VJLtCQ.png>
(link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/6wf132N.png>")[(go-to: "Rock")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/WDaLDiu.png>")[(go-to: "Paper")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/VuWRh6H.png>")[(go-to: "Scissors")]
Wins: $WinsRPS | Draws: $DrawsRPS | Lose: $LosesRPSYou use "Rock", CPU choosed (either: "Rock. Its a draw. (set: $DrawsRPS to $DrawsRPS + 1)", "Paper. You lose. (set: $LosesRPS to $LosesRPS + 1)", "Scissors. You Win. (set: $WinsRPS to $WinsRPS + 1)")
(display: "Rock, Paper, Scissors")You use "Paper", CPU choosed (either: "Rock. You Win. (set: $WinsRPS to $WinsRPS + 1)", "Paper. Its a draw. (set: $DrawsRPS to $DrawsRPS + 1)", "Scissors. You lose. (set: $LosesRPS to $LosesRPS + 1)")
(display: "Rock, Paper, Scissors")You use "Scissors", CPU choosed (either: "Rock. You lose. (set: $LosesRPS to $LosesRPS + 1)", "Paper. You Win. (set: $WinsRPS to $WinsRPS + 1)", "Scissors. Its a draw. (set: $DrawsRPS to $DrawsRPS + 1)")
(display: "Rock, Paper, Scissors")
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[''[[Play|Play Funny Phrases]]'']
Which one will come next?
^^(we take half responsability for the phrases's illogicalness)^^
(css: "font-size: 130%;")[
(either: "A", "The", "One") (either: "wolf", "dog", "cat", "chair", "table", "dragon", "bear", "fox", "tiger", "lizard", "horse", "bull", "husky", "bunny", "rabbit", "kitsune", "alive tail", "tentacle", "slime", "hyena", "kangaroo", "cougar", "panther") (css: "color: red;")[(either: "pet", "kiss", "hug", "rub", "caress", "peck", "lick", "taste", "cuddle", "tickle", "spoil", "mess", "tease", "touch", "stroke", "feel", "pinch", "tap", "fuck", "deep fuck")] (either: "you", "you", "you", "your cock")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Again|Play Funny Phrases]] ]
(set: $Maxhealth to $Maxhealth + 2) (set: $health to $health + 2) (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 65)
(color:green)[+1 MaxHP!] (set: $SmallGreenPearl to 1) (set: $SmallGreenPearlGOTTEN to 1)
(display:"Arena Specials")
You sit on the comfy chair next to the machine. Looking at it, you knew that isn't made for cows.
You grab the tube and after some thinking, you put the transparent part over your member. Suddenly you feel how it sucks you like a vacuum, completely sealing your member in it.
The machine does something that makes you feel slight tickles on your member and you see the machine forcing it to get hard, looking at your boyhood in full display inside the transparent tube. After this, the tube relax a bit its particular hold on you but still staying in place.
Later, you something in the machine. It's hard to tell what it is, but is soft and dark. It goes down towards your cock, surrounding and making contact with it. The machine makes a noise when is secured in place and the fun start.
[[Suck|Suck Barn Machine]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The soft machinery inside the transparent tube slowly start to move on your cock, going through all of it from the base to the tip. You're getting horny at the almost gentle movement.
The machine start to gain rhythm, causing you to take deeper breaths and moan. Is practically massaging your boyhood, arousing and trapping you in pleasure as it keeps masturbating and sucking you.
The rhythm goes faster and the soft material around your cock cause your legs to tremble. Unconsciously you put your hands on the transparent tube around your cock like if you're holding it.
Your breathing gets harder, your tongue is out and your eyes are lost on the horizont, not even paying attention to whatever you are seeing, just your feelings without realizing that (either: "an amuzed feral cow", "an aroused feral horse") is looking at you.
The machine goes slow for a moment until gain a lot rhythm, going faster and faster. You moan hard, drooling as the pleasure is too much for your young cock until you can't take it anymore.
You are forced to cum into the tube and it suck all your boy milk while keep masturbating you. You barely can see where all your cum is storaged. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
After it drained all your liquids, the machine put out an empty milk bottle and fill it with your cum and next to it is placed some money. The rest of your cum will be used to make more bottles.
While recovering, you're thinking that somewhere someone else will drink your cum.
(set: $coins to $coins + 5)
You collect [(css: "color: yellow;")[5 coins]]. Total: $coins
//You got a bottle of "Your milk"// (set: $YourMilkBottle to $YourMilkBottle + 1)
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 1) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You use "Your Milk" Bottle
(set: $YourMilkBottle to $YourMilkBottle - 1)(set: $health to $health + 5) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2)
[(color:green)[+5 HP!]] (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
[(color:orange)[+2 Stamina!]] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(display: "Items")You get closer to the poor defeated and unconscious cub. The monster keeps fucking nonstop his young ass and trying to going in more and more, hitting his undeveloped prostate.
You get very close and go after his very hard boyhood and using his own cum you start to masturbate him. The poor cub groan in his sleep as you molest his member, getting violated now on both sides.
His cock gets so red as you force pleasure in it. You get a bit aroused as your hand makes delicious wet noises caused by the cub's cum as you masturbate him.
He can't take any longer and you notice it. You direct his cock at yours while jacking him off as hard as you can and he let out a small scream, cumming hard on your member.
You see your crotch covered in his cum like if was a prize and move on while you let him at the mercy of the monster that tries to become one with the now more tired defeated cub. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1.5) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You get closer to the poor defeated and unconscious cub. The monster keeps fucking nonstop her young undeveloped cunny and trying to going even deeper into her.
Without bothering the monster, you put the cub on her side to have access to her butt. You see the cub moving her legs like trying to still push the monster away but is so weak that cant do anything about it.
This hot scene get you horny enough and get in position behind, alinging your hard boyhood to her back entrance and you push inside as deep you can into her guts. The poor cub groans and moves but stays unconscious.
You feel the monster moving inside her cunny, giving vibrations and even rubs at your cock. Your balls are close to the monster, so dangerous but erotic.
Slowly you start fucking her, holding and feeling her body with your hands, touching her hard and sensitive nipples. Then you put a hand below her tummy, feeling the monster fucking her pussy hard, going inside more in each push.
Both the monster and you fuck her at different rhythms, confusing her body, causing her to moan at the double violation. All this together becomes too much for you two and you cum inside of her while she orgasm on the monster. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1.5) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
You separate from her and see your cock and her butt covered in your cum like if was a prize and move on while you let her at the mercy of the monster that tries to become one with the now more tired defeated cub and maybe even get her pregnant.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 250%;")[ (either: "[[Play!|Play DEMO]]", "[[Play!|Play DEMO]]", "[[Play!|Play DEMO 2]]", "[[Play!|Play DEMO 2]]", "[[Play!|Play DEMO 3]]", "[[Play!|Play DEMO 3]]", "[[Play!|Play DEMO 4]]") ] [[Exit|Minigames]]
<style> img {
max-height: 90%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/RmuLpmp.png>
</div> (set: $YourHp to $Maxhealth) (set: $PupHP to 50) (css: "color: red;")[Random battles. Minigame HP ammount depends on your current MaxHP] (set: $BeardogHP to 75) (set: $Item to 1) (set: $RabHP to 60) (set: $SeanHP to 100)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO")]
Your HP: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[ [[Attack|You hit Pup]] | [[Defend|Defend from Pup]] (if: $Item is 1)[| [[Item|Use item Pup]] ] ]
(if: $PupHP <= 10)[(go-to: "Pup final attack")] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/IrW17qq.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")]
Your HP: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[ [[Attack|You hit Beardog]] | [[Defend|Defend from Beardog]] (if: $Item is 1)[| [[Item|Use item Beardog]] ] ]
(if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Beardog")] (if: $BeardogHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Beardog")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/kHcImf4.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")]
Your HP: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $RabHP
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[ [[Attack|You hit Rab]] | [[Defend|Defend from Rab]] (if: $Item is 1)[| [[Item|Use item Rab]] ] ]
(if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Rab")] (if: $RabHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Rab")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/RLIpZy1.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You")]
(set: $PupHP to $PupHP - 10) You hit Pup
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
[[Next|Pup hits You]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO")]
You defend. (set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 5) Pup hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
[[Next|Play DEMO]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You")]
You use item +HP (set: $YourHp to $YourHp + 15)
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
(set: $Item to 0)
[[Next|Pup hits You]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 10) Pup hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
[[Next|Play DEMO]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Pup final attack")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Pup final attack")]
Pup is preparing his final attacks
Your HP: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[ [[Attack|You hit Pup (Final)]] | [[Defend|Defend from Pup (Final)]] (if: $Item is 1)[| [[Item|Use item Pup (Final)]] ] ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You (Final)")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/RLIpZy1.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You (Final)")]
(set: $PupHP to $PupHP - 10) You hit Pup
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
[[Next|Pup hits You (Final)]] (if: $PupHP is 0)[(go-to: "You won against Pup")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Pup final attack")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Pup final attack")]
You defend. (set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 15) Pup hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
(if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")]
[[Next|Pup final attack]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You (Final)")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Pup hits You (Final)")]
You use item +HP (set: $YourHp to $YourHp + 15)
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
(set: $Item to 0)
[[Next|Pup hits You (Final)]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Pup final attack")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ohmT2iK.png>")[(go-to: "Pup final attack")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 20) Pup hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $PupHP
[[Next|Pup final attack]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/5uoZx6X.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Pup")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/177gX7I.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Pup")]
Pup lose all his HP and his protective clothes dissapear.
You Won!
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ZRsvr3S.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/xAFfiLE.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")]
Pup was too strong.
You lose.
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Next|Total lose Scene]] ]<style> img {
max-height: 90%;
<img src=https://i.imgur.com/2NjpPpD.png>
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Rab hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/iNJw57S.png>")[(go-to: "Rab hits You")]
(set: $RabHP to $RabHP - 10) You hit Rab
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $RabHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (either: "[[Next|Rab hits You]]", "[[Next|Rab hits You B]]") ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Rab")] (if: $RabHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Rab")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/kHcImf4.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")]
You defend. (set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 5) Rab hits you
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $RabHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Play DEMO 3]] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Rab hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/kHcImf4.png>")[(go-to: "Rab hits You")]
You use item +HP (set: $YourHp to $YourHp + 15)
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $RabHP
(set: $Item to 0)
(either: "[[Next|Rab hits You]]", "[[Next|Rab hits You B]]")(link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/kHcImf4.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 10) Rab hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $RabHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Play DEMO 3]] ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Rab")] (if: $RabHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Rab")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/KrW7DkA.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 3")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 12) Rab uses Quick attack
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $RabHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Play DEMO 3]] ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Rab")] (if: $RabHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Rab")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/5uoZx6X.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Pup")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/Mq24e0D.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Pup")]
Rab lose all his HP and his protective clothes dissapear.
You Won
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ZRsvr3S.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/KrW7DkA.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")]
Rab was too strong.
You lose.
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Beardog hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/MQvozOP.png>")[(go-to: "Beardog hits You")]
(set: $BeardogHP to $BeardogHP - 10) You hit Beardog
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Beardog hits You]] ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Beardog")] (if: $BeardogHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Beardog")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/IrW17qq.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")]
You defend. (set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 5) Beardog hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Play DEMO 2]] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Beardog hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/IrW17qq.png>")[(go-to: "Beardog hits You")]
You use item +HP (set: $YourHp to $YourHp + 15)
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
(set: $Item to 0)
[[Next|Beardog hits You]](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/IrW17qq.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 10) Beardog hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (either: "[[Next|Play DEMO 2]]", [[Next|Play DEMO 2B]]) ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Beardog")] (if: $BeardogHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Beardog")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2B")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/IrW17qq.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2B")]
Your HP: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
Beardog is going to try a stronger hit
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[ [[Attack|You hit Beardog B]] | [[Defend|Defend from Beardog]] (if: $Item is 1)[| [[Item|Use item Beardog]] ] ]
(if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Beardog")] (if: $BeardogHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Beardog")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Beardog hits You B")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/MQvozOP.png>")[(go-to: "Beardog hits You B")]
(set: $BeardogHP to $BeardogHP - 10) You hit Beardog
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Beardog hits You B]] ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Beardog")] (if: $BeardogHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Beardog")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/IrW17qq.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 2")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 15) Beardog hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $BeardogHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (either: "[[Next|Play DEMO 2]]", [[Next|Play DEMO 2B]]) ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Beardog")] (if: $BeardogHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Beardog")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/5uoZx6X.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Pup")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tj2MSBe.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Pup")]
Beardog lose all his HP and his protective clothes dissapear.
You Won
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ZRsvr3S.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/CPA0I84.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Pup")]
Beardog was too strong.
You lose.
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/urJw5Ja.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")]
Your HP: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $SeanHP
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[ [[Attack|You hit Sean]] | [[Defend|Defend from Sean]] (if: $Item is 1)[| [[Item|Use item Sean]] ] ]
(if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Sean")] (if: $SeanHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Sean")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Sean hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/Cm7zrKD.png>")[(go-to: "Sean hits You")]
(set: $SeanHP to $SeanHP - 10) You hit Sean
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $SeanHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (either: "[[Next|Sean hits You]]", "[[Next|Sean hits You B]]") ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Sean")] (if: $SeanHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Sean")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/urJw5Ja.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")]
You defend. (set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 7) Sean hits you
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $SeanHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Play DEMO 4]] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/tNd9lrx.png>")[(go-to: "Sean hits You")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/urJw5Ja.png>")[(go-to: "Sean hits You")]
You use item +HP (set: $YourHp to $YourHp + 15)
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $SeanHP
(set: $Item to 0)
(either: "[[Next|Sean hits You]]", "[[Next|Sean hits You B]]")(link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/4SW02mU.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 12) Sean hits You
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $SeanHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Play DEMO 4]] ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Sean")] (if: $SeanHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Sean")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/fx1on85.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/A2IvOh6.png>")[(go-to: "Play DEMO 4")]
(set: $YourHp to $YourHp - 15) Sean uses Quick attack!
Your Hp: $YourHp | Enemy HP: $SeanHP
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Next|Play DEMO 4]] ] (if: $YourHp <= 0)[(go-to: "You lose against Sean")] (if: $SeanHP <= 0)[(go-to: "You won against Sean")](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/5uoZx6X.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Sean")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/nM3IIR0.png>")[(go-to: "You won against Sean")]
Sean lose all his HP and his shorts dissapear, leaving him nude in all his glory.
''You Won!''
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ]
(link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/ZRsvr3S.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Sean")] (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/KlZhI23.png>")[(go-to: "You lose against Sean")]
Sean was too strong.
You lose.
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Menu|Cub Fights]] ]
As winner of the battle you can decide what to do:
[[Fuck her pussy|Fuck her pussy Arena Scene MxF]]
[[Blow you|Blow you Arena Scene MxF]]
(link: "Let it pass")[ (goto: "Arena") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 145%;")[ Gifts & Rewards ] (set: $RandomAd to (random:1,4))
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Welcome player! Claim any unclaimed reward!
^^(either: "Log in the patronlog gives better rewards", "Remember to check the timed reward")^^
(if: $RandomAd is 1)[(display: "Ad One")](if: $RandomAd is 2)[(display: "Ad Two")](if: $RandomAd is 3)[(display: "Ad Three")](if: $RandomAd is 4)[(display: "Ad Four")]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ Update Rewards ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[PatronLog]] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (live:1s)[ (if: $TimeRewardPlay < 1)[ [[Play Reward|Go to Play Reward]] ] (else:)[ Time left: $TimeRewardPlay ] ] ]
**//Anniversary 1//** (if: $AnniversaryUpdateRewardCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Gift")[(goto: "Anniversary Update Reward")] ]
**//Anniversary 2//** (if: $AnniversaryTwoUpdateRewardCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Gift")[(goto: "AnniversaryTwo Reward")] ]
**//Anniversary 3//** (if: $AnniversaryThreeUpdateRewardCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Gift")[(goto: "AnniversaryThree Reward")] ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (link: "Exit")[ (goto:$location) ] ]
//TG group: (link: "FurGames")[(goto-url: 'https://t.me/joinchat/jdf8AHtx4TY4OTUx')]//
My (link: "Patreon")[(goto-url: 'https://www.patreon.com/darkinianxiro')](css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''UPDATE GIFT''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 15) + 15 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 25) + 25 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 100) + 100 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $eggseed to $eggseed + 2) + 2 Eggseeds
[[Nice|Gifts & Rewards]]
(set: $FirstUpdateRewardCLAIMED to 1)
(set: $EggseedQuestONEPoints to $EggseedQuestONEPoints + 2)Suddenly you notice that there is a bus in front of you, with someone already got off.
Is a (either: "male", "male", "female") (either: "orange", "yellow", "cyan", "gray", "red", "brown", "blue") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf", "rabbit") cub and with a (either: "surprised", "kinky", "happy", "curious") expression, is looking at you and your still hard cock.
The newcomer gets near and (either: "wink", "smile") at you, grabbing your cock, (either: "slowly", "quickly") (either: "jacking you off", "masturbating you").
You was already aroused so don't take long for you to moan in pleasure, letting the other cub play with you and just enjoy yourself until you resist no longer and cum on the spot and the last you see of the other cub is licking your cum and left.
(css: "color: orange;")[Both gained and lost Stamina]
[[Continue|North Path]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Enter the six-digit combination (Use "Clear" if necessary)
<div class="entry">[***]<entry|</div>
<td>(link-repeat: "1")[(display: "NumberOne")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "2")[(display: "NumberTwo")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "3")[(display: "NumberThree")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "4")[(display: "NumberFour")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "5")[(display: "NumberFive")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "6")[(display: "NumberSix")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "7")[(display: "NumberSeven")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "8")[(display: "NumberEight")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "9")[(display: "NumberNine")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Clear")[(display: "Clear")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "0")[(display: "NumberZero")]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "Insert")[(display: "Insert")]</td>
(link: "Back")[ (goto: "Gifts & Rewards") ]
(if: $entry is $PatreonTHREEsolution)[
(goto: "P Level 3 Gift Log")
(if: $entry is $PatreonTWOsolution)[
(goto: "P Level 2 Gift Log")
(if: $entry is $PatreonONEsolution)[
(goto: "P Level 1 Gift Log")
(if: $entry is $ADMINsolution)[
(goto: "Admin Gift Log")
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Login Succesful''] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Code Level 1''] ]
(css: "font-size: 120%;")[ Welcome dear patron! ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (link: "Enter")[ (goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons") ] ]
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeONE to 1)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO to 0)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE to 0)
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Login Succesful''] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Code Level 2''] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ Welcome dear patron! ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (link: "Enter")[ (goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons") ] ]
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeONE to 1)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO to 1)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE to 0)
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Login Succesful''] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Code Level 3''] ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ Welcome dear patron! ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[(link: "Enter")[ (goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons") ] ]
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeONE to 1)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO to 1)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE to 1)(css: "font-size: 145%;")[ Gifts & Rewards ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Welcome patron! Claim any unclaimed reward!
^^(either: "Log in the patronlog gives better rewards", "Remember to check the timed reward")^^
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[[Update Rewards|Gifts & Rewards]] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:gray)[Patreon Rewards] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (live:1s)[ (if: $TimeRewardPlay < 1)[ [[Play Reward|Go to Play Reward P]] ] (else:)[ Time left: $TimeRewardPlay ] ] ]
March: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $AprilPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "April Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $AprilPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "April Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $AprilPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "April Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
April: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $MarchPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "March Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $MarchPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "March Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $MarchPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "March Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
May: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $MayPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "May Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $MayPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "May Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $MayPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "May Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
June: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $JunePatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "June Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $JunePatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "June Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $JunePatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "June Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
July: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $JulyPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "July Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $JulyPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "July Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $JulyPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "July Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
August: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $AugustPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "August Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $AugustPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "August Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $AugustPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "August Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
Septiembre: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $SeptemberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "September Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $SeptemberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "September Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $SeptemberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "September Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
October: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $OctoberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "October Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $OctoberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "October Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $OctoberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "October Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
November: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $NovemberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "November Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $NovemberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "November Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $NovemberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "November Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
December: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $DecemberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "December Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $DecemberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "December Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $DecemberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "December Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
January: (if: $PatreonGiftCodeONE is 1)[ (if: $January2022PatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "January2022 Patreon Level One Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 1 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO is 1)[ (if: $January2022PatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "January2022 Patreon Level Two Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 2 Code]] | (if: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE is 1)[ (if: $January2022PatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED is 1)[ (color:gray)[//Claimed//] ] (else:)[ (link: "Reward")[(goto: "January2022 Patreon Level Three Reward")] ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Need Level 3 Code]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (link: "Exit")[ (goto:$location) ] ]
//TG group: (link: "FurGames")[(goto-url: 'https://t.me/joinchat/jdf8AHtx4TY4OTUx')]//
Game (link: "Patreon")[(goto-url: 'https://www.patreon.com/darkinianxiro')]
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Login Succesful''] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (css: "color: cyan;")[''Code Admin''] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ Welcome Darki! ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (link: "Enter")[ (goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons") ] ]
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeONE to 1)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTWO to 1)
(set: $PatreonGiftCodeTHREE to 1)(display: "Keypad 2")(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 150) + 150 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $AprilPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 35 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3) + 3 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $AprilPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 35 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 45) + 45 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3) + 3 Small HP potions
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 2) + 2 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $AprilPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)''You use TP Scroll (a)''
(set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA - 1)
A light comes out from the paper and suddenly you appear next to a fountain.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Village center") ]
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $MarchPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3) + 3 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $MarchPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 35 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3) + 3 Small HP potions
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 3) + 3 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 4) + 4 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 15) + 15 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $MarchPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)You surrender. This makes the horny fox chuckle.
Kiddy envelopes you with his arms and start pressing his body at yours, exploring your body with his paws, making you feel his warm body while he rub his large knotted boyhood between your (either: "buttocks.", "legs, near your crotch area.")
Then the fox licks your neck, so slowly that's giving you (either: "chills", "tickles"). He's tasting you and seems (either: "to like it.", "to enjoy it.", "amuzed.") You can smell in the air the never ending arousement comming from his croch.
Later, Kiddy push you in a way that makes you get on all fours and place himself between your legs, rubing his cock at your (either: "rear", "butt", "hole").
Then you feel the cocktip on your butthole and Kiddy push inside, making you both moan as your bodies are getting connected. You can't resist and your cock gets very hard.
He push all the way inside your guts, impaling you with his knot kissing your hole. His cock is big enough to make you feel full.
After a bit, Kiddy start to move his hips, fucking and making you feel all he has to offer to your butt. His cock go in and out over and over with his knot hitting your bum and causing you to spurt some precum in each push.
You moan as the horny fox keeps yiffing you. He piston you for a while until both of you get close and Kiddy fucks you hard until push his knot inside, making you yelp at this and suddenly you two cum at the same time, spurt after spurt until mark you from inside.
You end fainting as Kiddy stays still inside.
[[Next|Next from Failed Kiddy]]
(if: $ExpPoints > 25)[//You lose some (color:green)[Exp.Points] which got absorbed by kiddy// (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - 25) ]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 1)(set: _TempName to "Enter Name")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ Profile update ]
(link-repeat: "Name: ")[(set: _TempName to (prompt: "Enter your Name:", "Cubfur"))(replace: ?hName)[_TempName]]
(click: ?hNext)[
(set: $PlayerID's Name to _TempName)
(set: $CharacterUpdated to 1)
(goto:"Character update Species")
Go to Gifts & Rewards to get a VERY special surprise
''New Monster''
Located at Northern Hardwoods
^^May 27 2021^^
''New Monster''
Located in Lake area
^^May 27 2021^^
''New Exploring Area'' "The Hardwoods (Northern Side)"
Located at the Northwest of Stoneguard
^^May 25 2021^^
//Happy Mothers Day//
For all cubs that gets pregnant by horny monsters
^^May 10 2021^^
(css: "color: red;")[ IMPORTANT ]
[[Character update|Invitation Character update]]
^^April 30 2021^^
April's update gifts at the G&R booth. //Happy Children's Day//
^^April 30 2021^^
*Warning: 4th wall break alert*
As part of the improvement of Cub Eternal, players will be given another chance to customize their character of this world. Can select something different or can be the same.
This is needed in order to make new options to work properly and also open the doors for new future ones.
You want to proceed?
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ [[Yes|Set Character update Name]] ]
[[Back|Phone Messages]]
What are you? (css: "color: gray;")[(Male)] [[Hybrids|Hybrids species]]
(link: "Cat")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Cat", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Dog")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Dog", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Fox")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Fox", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Fennec")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Fennec", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Wolf")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Wolf", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Husky")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Husky", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Calupoh")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Calupoh", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Tiger")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Tiger", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Jaguar")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Jaguar", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Bunny")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Bunny", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Rabbit")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Rabbit", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Chipmunk")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Chipmunk", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Rat")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Rat", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Mouse")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Mouse", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Otter")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Otter", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Raccoon")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Raccoon", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Bear")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Bear", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Lynx")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Lynx", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Lion")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Lion", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Dragon")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Dragon", "Skin" , "scales", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Lizard")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Lizard", "Skin" , "scales", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Behemoth")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Behemoth", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Kobold")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Kobold", "Skin" , "scales", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(set: $PlayerID to (dm:
"Name" , "Cubfur",
"Age" , "9",
"Species" , "Fox",
"Flesh" , "Fur",
"Color" , "White",
"Undies" , "tighty-whities"
(go-to:"Character update Name")
What's your fur color? (align: "===><=")[ [[Darker Colors|Character update Darker Colors]] ]
(link: "Orange")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "orange", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Red")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "red", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Yellow")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "yellow", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Gray")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "gray", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "White")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "white", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Black")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "black", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Brown")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "brown", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Green")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "green", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Purple")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "purple", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Cyan")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "cyan", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Lime")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "lime", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Pink")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "pink", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Blue")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "blue", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
What's your fur color? (align: "===><=")[ [[Normal Colors|Character update Color]] ]
(link: "Dark Orange")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark orange", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Red")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark red", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Yellow")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark yellow", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Gray")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark gray", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Brown")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark brown", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Green")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark green", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Purple")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark purple", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Blue")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark blue", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]
(link: "Dark Pink")[ (set: $PlayerCL to (dm: "Color" , "dark pink", )) (go-to:"Character update Body Frame") ]Your name is //(print: $PlayerID's Name)//. You are a (print:$PlayerBod's BodyFrame) (print: $PlayerSP's Species) and you have (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin).
Do you confirm?
[[Nope|Character update Name]]
(if: $StartingNewGame is 1)[ (link: "Yes")[ (set: $CharacterUpdated to 1) (set: $StartingNewGame to 0) (goto:"Any Cheats?") ] ] (else:)[ [[Yes|Character update Done]] ]
Your body frame is:
(link: "Slim")[ (set: $PlayerBod to (dm: "BodyFrame" , "slim", )) (go-to:"Character update Confirmation") ]
(link: "Average")[ (set: $PlayerBod to (dm: "BodyFrame" , "average", )) (go-to:"Character update Confirmation") ]
(link: "Kinda Chubby")[ (set: $PlayerBod to (dm: "BodyFrame" , "kinda chubby", )) (go-to:"Character update Confirmation") ]
//Character update complete!//
Your profile appear in the inventory.
(set: $CharacterUpdated to 1)
(set: $points to $points + 10) + 10 Score Points
(click: ?hNext)[
](if: $CharacterUpdated is 0)[ You need apply the Character update first. Check your phone's messages. [[Return|Items]] ]
(else:)[ [[Items]] | [[Others]] | [[Specials]] | [[Phone|Go to Phone]] ]
Name: (print: $PlayerID's Name)
You are a (print:$PlayerBod's BodyFrame) (print: $PlayerSP's Species) of (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin).
HP: (color:yellow)[$health] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] Prot: (color:blue)[$protection]
Coins: (color:yellow)[$coins] Your Exp: (color:green)[ $ExpPoints ] Smell: (color:fuchsia)[ $LewdSmell ]
Buffs: (if: $RecoveryBuff > 0)[ //Recovery Buff actived!// (set: $RecoveryBuff to $RecoveryBuff + 1) (if: $RecoveryBuff < 6)[ ^^Buff about to run out^^] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[No buffs actived] ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (link: "Back")[ (goto:$location) ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: $ScoutNovice is 1)[- ''Scout'' ] (else:)[(if: $ScoutPermission is 1)[- ''Campist'' ] ]
You notice a (either: "curious", "peculiar") cub. He is (either: "nude", "naked") and (either: "just hanging around", "checking some pumpkins", "looking around").
(either: "The cub is far so he didn't saw you", "He see you and show his rear for a moment, teasing you before have to move away", "[[He is close, chat with him|Orrin drolox interaction]]").
(either: "[[Keep looking|Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", "[[Keep looking|Not Found Pumpkin]]", [[Keep looking|Pumpkin Visitors]])
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You get closer to the cub. Orrin gets shy and happy at the same time.
''Orrin'': Hi~
He moves his tail while looking at you with his puppy-like eyes. Seems a bit eager too.
(if: $CharacterUpdated is 0)[ You need apply the Character updater first. Check your phone's messages.](else:)[ [[Fuck|Orrin sex scene]] ]
[[Check|Check Orrin]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Orrin the Drolox. A peculiar small hybrid, mix of 3 species:
Dragon, wolf and fox.
Body: Slim with large legs, large tail, pointy large ears and small horns on his head.
Fur: Mix of different shades of gray with some light yellow areas and a brown spot on his face.
Personality: He's a bit shy but friendly and likes to tease. Mostly submissive.
[[Back|Continued Orrin interaction]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "You keep staring at Orrin and he does the same", "Orrin makes a bit of magic at the air with his paws, just for the fun of it").
He blush a bit while showing his erected fluorescent boyhood.
(if: $CharacterUpdated is 0)[ You need apply the Character updater first. Check your phone's messages.](else:)[ [[Fuck|Orrin sex scene]] ]
[[Check|Check Orrin]]
[[Say bye and Leave|Farm]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The horned, pointy eared cub moves his tail around in excitement, already giving you the back as gets comfy over a pumpkin.
You massage your cock, getting aroused while reaching Orrin until you have a full hard on and rub it between the cub's legs.
When you're ready, you insert slowly your cock into his butt, making him (either: "yelp happily at the air", "gasp and moan"). You push until you are all the way in, bottoms out until can't go further.
Orrin extend his (either: "right", "left") arm at your leg and caress your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin), (either: "relaxing you", "exciting you") as he uses a bit of his magic.
You fuck him, going in and out over and over, having sex with the magical cub in public without shame. (either: "A cub not so far from here, hides behind a pumpkin while you two keep mating", "Two cubs that was passing near see you both mating and they chuckle", "Nobody seems to be around but feels like if someone could be spying you at any moment").
You keep going, both moaning and sweating until can't resist any longer and cum deep in him. Orrin orgasm too which makes him send off particles of magic that helps to nourish the patch.
After pull out and recover for a bit, you two get up, satisfied for the moment and part ways.
[[Move on|Farm]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You caress the package of the horse, massaging it and feeling the arousal of the animal build up. Then his big and large horsecock start to emerge as you keep grabing him with a hand and feeling his heavy balls with the other.
Later, you gets closer to the emerging member and lowers his cocktip at your boyhood until both cocks meet and "kiss" eachother. Slowly, you rub your member at his and start a swordplay with the large adult, feral horsecock.
You play with both, letting some of the feral precum cover your hard boyhood as you make the two heads keep rubbing at eachother. The horse neighs as feel your "peepee", enjoying the curious touch on his large cock.
Your member and crotch area gets covered by the animal's precum while you also spurt your own precum. This seems to be good enough for both as you back off with your small prize covering your boyhood. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 3) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Leave")[ (goto:$location) ]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]He smirks.
Male Nurse: You know what? Its been a slow time, so why not?
The white fox stands up from his chair and drops his pants, smiling lustfully at you while making you lie on the hospital bed as he strokes his sheath, coaxing his cock to harden as he draws closer to the bed.
Excited that your attempt paid off, you sit up on the bed and hang your legs over the side.
The nurse, still pawing his cock to arouse himself, presses a pedal on the floor that lowers the bed mechanically, taking the time for it to reach the desired height to lean in and whisper into your ear.
Male Nurse: I hope you're ready for this, (either: "slutty", "horny") (print: $PlayerSP's Species) cub
You can't help but blush as you begin thinking about what you've gotten yourself into when all of the sudden you feel the bed stop moving and you are now eye level with the nurse's pelvis, meaning his cock is in a direct line for your mouth.
Looking at the teen looking fox, you direct your line of sight back down to his cock only to realize it's grown to about 7 or 8 inches with a knot forming at its base. You look up at him again and see he is grinning deviously at you moments before placing a paw onto the back of your head.
Male Nurse: Open your mouth and say "Ahhh" for me
You open your mouth. Before you can say anything, he presses the tip of his penis to your lips. The taper of a canine penis making it really easy for him to slide his cock into your muzzle and slip it into your throat. You can feel it filling your throat, making you moan in surprise and sending vibrations through his shaft, eliciting a moan from him as well.
The fox decides to pull out his length for a moment, feeling he has a proper assessment of your throat. being a nurse working on cubs for as long as he has, he knows the best ways to explore different throats with his cock. He test yours for a moment before resting the tip of his length on your lips, gripping the back of your head in his paw and thrust his cock deep into you. His full 8 inches burying into your young, warm maw.
As the good nurse he is, primes your throat first, making you take a deep breath and opeing your throat up allowing foreasy insertion as his knot presses against your lips.
Then you start to get dizzy and confused, blinking over and over until realize you are on the floor. You get up after realize you been there for a bit. You look around until see the male nurse's devilish smile.
Male Nurse: You had fun? I just applied a special throwing potion at you for cause you an illusion. You're not the first one and not the last one asking do stuff with me and I decided to have a bit of fun this time.
You look at yourself and you are very hard but feels like if you got touched recently.
Male Nurse: When I have fun with someone, sounds more funny for me that I do it when they can't notice it.
He smirks and acts like if nothing happened.
[[Too much tease|Medical cabin]]
Name: ????? Tiser
He is the only medical authority in Southville and been doing it for long even before the Moonwoods started to become popular.
Very dedicated at his job and take it seriously despise the stuff he see almost daily.
When he wants, he can tease you by surprise, just for the fun of it.
[[Back|Chat with nurse]]
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[The Second Universe]
Have you felt like that there something is out of place and at the same time seems likes something normal even when we know it isn't? That sometimes you suddenly meet other furs almost out of nowhere that in many cases you never saw before but end spending time with them? Like if a mysterious force makes you meet them or make some scenarios happen?
This is just one of the feelings our people got over time but considered as something totally normal until now.
''Our world is a partial mirror of another world''. What happens in that universe is almost completely mirrounded on ours. Just taking a look to that universe, we get to know a big part of peoples lifes.
We started to have visitors from that other world but for some reason is hard to notice for most of us even when having them in our faces.
A few furs has meet with their equals, increasing the selfcest rates. This anomalies been registered before but as rare cases, just a few times this anomalies appeared in bigger numbers, but almost all of them ended forgotten.
Both universes aren't a perfect copy of eachother. One of the main differences, and advantage for us, is that when someone dissapears from the second universe, not necessarily dissapears from ours.
(link: "Back")[(goto: "Info booth")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The water is warm in this area, kinda relaxing. Isn't very deep so cubs can swim without much worry.
(set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 1) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
(either: "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) security web]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]")
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You reach the security web of the beach. It works as an acuatic barrier to stop monsters to reach southville.
You can't pass it.
(either: "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Touched]]")
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are somewhere inside the safe part of the lake, basically just enjoying the water.
(either: "Nothing to see for the moment", "You notice a few cubs in all the beach zone", "You saw something moving in the water")
(either: "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) security web]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Touched]]")
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Suddenly you felt someone (either: "tease your junk", "rub your croch", "grab your butt"). You look around and only see a shadow moving quick underwater. (either: "You lost track of it.", "You heard some kind of giggle.", "")
(either: "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) security web]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]", "[[Swim around|Swim around (Northlake) Grabbed]]")
[[Return|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Out of nowhere, you get hugged and trapped on an embrace. You feel the wet and soft skin of the playfull and horny otter.
He keep hugging you while start to grab more firmly your butt and then rub your rear, teasing you.
[[Go with it|Accept buttfuck Kota]]
[[Get free|Deny Kota]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Kota the otter smile happily as feels you are eager and getting aroused by his moves.
The otter's embrace become more gentle but still tight as keeps your head over the water. Then, Kota takes you to the shore of the beach, still on the water but where doesn't drown you in any way.
Still teasing your rear, the teen gets on top, covering your body without crushing you. His soft, wet and kinda slippery fur, rub with your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin), arousing each other as your bodies are bare naked together.
The horny teenager stop teasing and align his hard cock to your butthole. His cocktip kiss your hole while drops some precum on it that he use as lube.
After a moment he presses while embraces you once more, inserting his horny cock into you until get all the way in. Your legs are surrounded by his legs and his large and heavy otter tail. You both moan, without caring that you are in the open where anyone can see you.
Kota completely eager, start fucking you, going in and out over and over, stuffing your butt with his cock, hitting his hips at yours and make slapping sounds.
You feel your butt full of cock, moaning at every time his cock goes all the way, breeding you and about to leave his mark deep in you. Kota embraces you harder as he stimulate your G-spot with his cock until can't wait anymore and erupt his warm cum inside you, filling your guts and making you cum too.
After some time of stay like that together, Kota gets up with his still hard cock and after give you a lick, he returns into the lake and dissapears underwater.
(set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
[[Get up|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You get free from his embrace and the otter gets the message that you don't wanna play... for now.
Kota dissapear into the water, looking for another cub to touch their privates.
[[Continue|Swim around (Northlake) Nothing]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You find a spot with a towel, that seems to been used by others before.
You lie there and relax your body, enjoying the good mix of fresh and warm ambient of the nocturnal beach.
[[Keep relaxing|Rest on northlake beach 2]]
[[Get up|Lake (North side)]]
You recover +1 (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +1)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random: 1,10) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Kota Bottom Scene")(goto:$location) ]
(else:)[Just enjoying the good mix of fresh and warm ambient of the nocturnal beach. (either: "You heard something but don't pay attention to it.", "You listen another cub pass nearby.", "", "", "You hear two cubs talking as they pass near you.")
[[Keep relaxing|Rest on northlake beach 2]]
[[Get up|Lake (North side)]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "You recover [(color:green)[+1 HP!]](set: $health to $health + 1)", "You recover (color:orange)[+1 Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina +1)")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
Suddenly you feel someone sit on you, especifically on your crotch area. Feels wet and slippery.
After the momentary surprise, you see the cute otter cub, Kota, with his butt on your cubhood and seems like he just came out from the water.
Kota stroke your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) while playfully move his butt, arousing your cock and balls.
You can't get up as the otter keeps his little game on you until get you hard. Kota notice this and chuckle, a bit proud of himself.
You can't deny your instincts and carnal needs and grab his butt. Kota gets pleased at this and aling his butthole with your hard cock. Feeling your cock in place, Kota lowers himself on you and both moan together. Your hard cock is inside his splippery and warm butt, hugging your cock, while Kota's hard cock and balls are on your tummy.
The two of you are blushing as Kota start to move with your cock inside him. His face shows lust and pleasure, enjoying have you inside him. The same goes for you as his movements arouse you even more, and by instinct you start to move your hips at him, trying to sink deeper your wood.
Kota is basically jumping on your cock while you push into him until be all the way inside, both breathing hard, without a care that you are fucking in the open.
(either: "A pair of cubs are passing by and see you two having sex. The two of them got instantly hard and giggled. They continued on their way without interrupting.", "A pair of cubs are passing by and see you two having sex. The two of them got surprised and instantly hard. They playfully grab each other boyhood and continued walking that way.", "Another cub of the beach manage to see you two having sex from far and start playing with himself while enjoying the horny show.", "Nobody is around. The beach is all yours for the moment.")
You keep going in and out of Kota, making him ride you until you can't resist any longer and cum inside him. This makes Kota so pleased that also cum, covering your torso with his essence. Then he gets up to see your cum dripping from his ass and gives you a quick lick on your muzzle before return to the water and dissapear in it. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
After catch your breath, you get up to stretch your legs as you don't feel be able to rest properly for a bit.
[[Move on|Lake (North side)]]
''You encounter a SwimSnail!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:8,12)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to SwimSnail") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "SwimSnail battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|SwimSnail battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 2)[ (link: "Run")[(goto: "Run")] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]You run out of HP, making swimming harder to do. The SwimSnail, detecting your lack of energy starts to swim towards you. You try to move away but the creature reaches you and sticks to you (either: "your leg", "your tummy", "your thigh").
The snail then starts crawling on you towards your (either: "peepee", "boyhood"). You try to shake it off but the snail is well glued to your body. The creature keeps going until it reaches your private part.
You blush, feeling the sticky snail on there, slowly moving around your member, exploring it and making you hard. It keeps going until it reaches the top of your (either: "boyhood", "cock").
Positioned on your length, the snail opens what seems to be their mouth and start to envelop your cock. It feels so weird, as the sticky creature keep engulfing you, pleasing you in a very odd way.
The snail keeps going until it reaches the base and part of your cock goes inside its shell. Then you feel it, a slow suction. The snail is sucking you, glued to your crotch and slowly moving all of its body to somehow massage your hard cock. The snail is moving slowly enough that it gives you time to swim towards a beach. You don't care which one right now.
As you keep swimming, your arousal increases as you feel the snail molesting your penis. You manage to reach a beach, but your arousal gets too much for you as the snail’s saliva has been acting as an aphrodisiac.
You grab the shell to try to shake off the snail again but it isn't going away. You moan at the slow pleasurable torture until you can't take it anymore and cum hard into the snail.
Very tired, you manage to see that the transparent shell gets completely filled with your semen and finally you end up fainting.
[[Next|Healing Room 2]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:2,4)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Blue blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,2) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:3,5) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:1,2)) ]
(color:red)[The Snail ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack SSB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack SSB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the SwimSnail. //+10 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 10) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 5)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:1,4)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: (random:1,20) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "SwimSnail battle")(if: (random:1,15) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "SwimSnail battle")
You are in the other side of the Roofed pool area. The place is clean and warm, with good illumination.
There's some doors here.
[[Pool Area]]
[[Get in the pool]]
[[Passageway|Passageway Big Hotel]]
[[Pool rooms|Pool rooms Big Hotel]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You enter in the room. It has some screens of security cameras.
For the looks of it, seems they are only focused in one area for the moment.
<div class = "imagefade">
What you want to do?
[[Check cameras]]
[[Back|Passageway Big Hotel]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
This seems to be some kind of VIP area. The door to this zone is locked.
Don't looks like you will ever be able to enter there on your own.
[[Back|Pool Area 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You enter into the internal passageway of staff of the hotel.
There are some doors but most are locked with key.
[[Security Room|Security room Big Hotel]]
[[Exit|Pool Area 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
(either: "You saw nothing interesting", "You see one of the VIP rooms, is luxurious in a futuristic way", "You saw someone in the VIP corridor, but the cameras of that part aren't available yet", "You see nothing in the VIP corridor except the stairs to an underground floor", "You see something like a shadow on the stairs on the other side of the corridor but nothing comes from there", "You see a curious cub trying to open the door to the door of the VIP corridor. It don't open of course").
[[Keep looking|Check cameras]]
[[Back|Passageway Big Hotel]]
(if: (random: 1,10) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Check cameras Fusion appears")(goto:$location) ]
(if: (random: 1,10) is 2)[ (set:$location to "Check cameras Kevin Snowpaw appears")(goto:$location) ]
(else:)[] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
A blue cub with glasses appears. He enter into to his exclusive room.
[[Spy Fusion]]
[[Keep looking|Check cameras]]
[[Back|Passageway Big Hotel]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Fusion enter into his room.
He is a little hungry and thirsty for something warm. He has food in there, but he wanted something else. Nervously smiled as knew what he wanted, something he don't get tired of.
He open his drawer and grab the blue dildo. Then gets comfy on his futuristic bed, opening his legs and direct the blue cock towards his butt and push until the head is inside.
With a mix of nervousness and excitement, he push some internal button of the dildo and it start to vibrate. Fusion instantly moan at the feeling while trying to push it more inside.
[[Next|Spy Fusion Scene1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
Fusion start stroking himself, feeling the dildo vibrate inside him. He's breathing hard, having some hard time to concentrate as start stroking himself.
The cub looks at his cock and part of the back of the dildo, kinda worried that he enjoys so much do this to himself.
He keeps masturbating his boyhood while the vibrator keeps giving chills to his whole body.
(either: "[[Next|Spy Fusion Scene2]]", "[[Next|Spy Fusion Scene2B]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
The blue vibrating phallus don't let his mind think properly, just feel. Pleasure only matters.
He keeps stroking faster his boyhood, enjoying all of it until finally getting close. His eyes wander around at so much pleasure and reach the orgasm, shooting his warm cub cum at the air.
Suddenly the blue dildo gets faster, sending shooking feelings while he still cumming and making him masturbate himself even harder.
[[Next|Spy Fusion Scene3]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
Fusion keeps going until is too much for him and spurt harder, shooting into his mouth and drinking his own cum. Spurt after spurt, gets a lot of it to taste.
The pleasure was too much for him. After enjoy his "meal" he just faint there.
He is all covered in his own cum, sleeping with the dildo still vibrating inside his butt at slower pace.
After some time he wakes up and turn off the dildo, still kinda feeling the sensation of the vibration that for sure will make him want more later.
Fusion does a few things in his private room and then gets out towards the pool area.
[[Continue|Security room after scene]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
The blue vibrating phallus don't let his mind think properly, just feel. Pleasure only matters.
He keeps stroking faster his boyhood, enjoying all of it until finally getting close. His eyes wander around at so much pleasure and reach the orgasm, shooting his warm cub cum at the air.
Fusion made a mess, some drops of cum falling on the bed until he stop spurting. Takes a bit to catch his breath and exhale satisfied.
Later, he turns off the dildo and put it back in the drawer. Checks a few things in his private room and then gets out towards the pool area.
[[Continue|Security room after scene]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] You're still in the security room. The screens got darker again after not get any changes or clicks.
For the looks of it, seems they are always only focused in one area for the moment.
<div class = "imagefade">
What you want to do?
[[Check cameras]]
[[Back|Passageway Big Hotel]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Reach 3750 points''
or more
Your Total Score: (color:yellow)[''$points'']
(if: $points >= 3750)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|3750 Points Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Need more points ]
[[Back|Campist Quests]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 50) + 50 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 100) + 100 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 350) + 350 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $CampistQuestScorePointsTHREECompleted to 1)
(link: "Campist Quests")[ (goto: "Campist Quests") ]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 2) + 2 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $MayPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $MayPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 35) + 35 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 4) + 4 Orange Berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3) + 3 Small HP potions
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 2) + 2 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 15) + 15 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $MayPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)''You encounter a Red blob!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:25,30)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Red blob") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Red blob battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Red blob battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ (link: "Run")[(goto: "Run")] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
The moment you fall for lose all your HP, the Red blob very fast launch itself towards your cock, covering it completely. Without losing time, the blob aggressively start sucking you.
You gasp and try to push it away but the goo keeps going until get you very hard and has your cock completely covered, not even letting you touch yourself. It has your cock secured and isn't letting you go.
The creature is torturing your boyhood with tons of pleasure. The hard blowjob makes you moan and get weaker for the forced arousal in your body.
The goo sucks you faster and you can only moan in mix of pleasure and desperation until is too much and the blob force you to cum, feeding the creature with your young milky sustance.
You sit on the ground very tired, only to realize the goo wants more and will keep going like it or not.
You end faiting.
[[Next|Healing Room 2 B]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:12,21)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Blue blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:2,4)) ]
(color:red)[The Red Slime ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack RB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack RB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Blob. //+25 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 25) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 25)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:6,9)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: (random:1,15) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Red blob battle")(if: (random:1,13) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Red blob battle")After some time, you're found and taken to the Stoneguard's Hospital.
You receive aid treatment and put on a bed with a big pillow under your head and with your legs open.
The aggressive creature refused to leave your cock. Took some time to manage to take it away. You even felt the struggle and later that you got a handjob that somehow helped take away the creature from you and you cum hard when finally all the creature is forced to leave you.
Your violated cock is finally free and you get some sleep and recover. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
(set: $health to 30)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
[[Get up|Big Hospital]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in one of the entrances of the hospital. Can be spot a few members of the staff. Some looks to be adults but is hard to tell because everyone is young looking.
[[Left Corridor B|Hospital Left Corridor B]]
[[Main Room|Hospital Main Room]]
[[Lobby|Big Hospital]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Some doors are here. All closed and a few has a sign that says "Only employees".
[[Left Corridor C|Hospital Left Corridor C]]
[[Left Corridor A|Hospital Left Corridor A]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in main room. Is big as a basketball stadium and is full of hospital beds. There are some cubs laying asleep here and some others awake recovering. Staff appear from time to time.
[[Check around|Check Hospital Main room]]
[[Exit|Hospital Left Corridor A]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A white fluffy bunny appears in the pool while you keep swimming around. He is naked, only wearing a red collar with bell.
Kevin decided to enjoy the water, taking with him his inflatable donut. He just mess up with the water for a bit until relax on his donut.
You're (either: "looking at other naked cubs", "making bubbles with the water", "just swimming around", "just relaxing on a corner of the pool") until you heard a bell jingle. You see Kevin looking at his own (either: "member", "cocklet") and touching himself.
The bunny plays with his (either: "peepee", "boyhood"), (either: "blushing a bit", "giggling") at his naughty act in public. (either: "For now only you notice this", "A few cubs are looking him too").
Kevin keeps playing with himself, (either: "giggling", "moaning") at the feeling. Then he start to masturbate and basically giving an erotic show on the pool. (either: "Someone that was passing by saw this and got an instant hard on.", "Some other cubs noticed this and now has hard woods.", "A cub nearby see the bunny and now he also start playing with himself.", "")
The white bunny keeps pleasing himself for a while, knowing he's being watched and enjoying his little game until start to moan harder and finish cumming on himself.
[[Next|KevinSnowpaw in pool Scene]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(css: "font-size: 180%;")[ [[Continue|After KevinSnowpaw in pool]] ]
Kevin sigh satisfied, looking at his cum on the tummy with a (either: "smirk", "smile") on his face.
He wander a bit more on the water until he gets out of the pool and walk away towards (either: "the lobby", "the VIP area", "the VIP rooms") and dissapear from your view.
The excitement made you gain some (color:orange)[Stamina]
[[Continue|Get in the pool]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Being carefull that nobody is around to watch, you caress your croch teasing yourself to get hard.
A little smile form on your face as you carefully start massaging and stroking your boyish cock.
You're taking your time until you heard something from another room. Your aroused cock and curiosity makes you go to check Jai and Luca's room. Nobody else around is awake to discover you.
You manage to slowly open the door without get noticed and you see the Bunny and the Panda, both cubs in bed next to eachother.
Jai and Luca are smiling and rubbing their partner's fur and ears until they get their heads together and kiss.
Both naked cubs return to admire the other again, exploring their bodies with their paws until they start to stroke eachother boyhood, getting fully hard.
(either: "Jai lower himself towards Luca's cubhood and licks it, pleasing his panda boyfriend", "Lucas lower himself towards Jai's cubhood and licks it, pleasing his bunny boyfriend"). You got aroused and started to masturbate.
After a moment, both are lying on the bed and engulfing the other's cock starting a lovely 69. The cubs moan in pleasure, hugging the hips they have on theirfaces and enjoying the taste of the other without rush but with a lot need.
You can only stroke your cock fully hard, as they keep blowing eachother, listening how much they are enjoying it and giving to eachother lewd love until you heard them moan.
Jai and Luca are close and suck harder, trying to get the delicious meal they are about to get from their partner. Both bunny and panda reach their orgasm and moan hard while still having their cocks in the other's mouth, drinking every cumshot until the last spurt.
Sweating, you return to your bed tired an quickly fall asleep. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Suddenly you heard someone (either: "whimpering", "whinning", "moaning") nearby. You see a male (either: "orange", "red", "cyan", "green", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple", "white", "yellow") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf", "husky", "tiger", "rabbit") cub struggling with some tentacles as his cock is about to be trapped inside a Red jug flower.
He is trying to get away but the plant keeps trapping him using its tentacles.
[[Watch|Watch Cub trapped by Red Flower M]]
[[Help|Help Cub trapped by Red Flower M]]
[[Leave|Dark Woods]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $attack to (random:5,7) + $AtkStrength)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
The red flower gets forced to release him and lay in defeat.
The cub is grateful for your help and try to recover before take his own way. You get a partial reward.
You won. //+10 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 10) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $randomCoins to (random:2,4)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
[[Leave|Dark Woods]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The red flower manages to overpower the cub and engulf his young cock and envolving it with little tentacles, securing him so don't get away and start molesting him.
The cub gasp at the forced pleasure in his private part as keep struggling trying to get away. He moves his hips around but the plant is locked to him and now is violating his vulnerable member, masturbating and sucking him hard while inserting more arousal into his cock.
The poor cub is forced to leak and the plant sucks him harder, absorbing all his (either: "precum", "juices") until he can't take anymore.
(either: "Whimpering", "Crying", "Moaning", "Screaming") hard, he is forced to cum into the flower, that absorb it all shoot after shoot until had spurted all.
He got so tired and just barely started to catch his breath until realized the red jug flower is molesting his cock again and dont plan to release him.
[[Leave|Dark Woods]]
You gained some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +4)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]''You encounter a Red jug flower!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:19,23)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Red jug flower B") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Red jug flower battle B")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Red jug flower battle B]]
(if: $Stamina >= 3)[ (link: "Run")[(goto: "Run")] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:7,16)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Red jug flower battle B") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,4)) ]
(color:red)[The plant ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack RJB B]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack RJB B]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Red plant. //+20 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 20) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 20)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:6,8)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(if: (random:1,2) is 1)[(set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds + 1) ''You obtain [(css: "color: red;")[1 RedSeed]]''] (else:)[ ]
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: (random:1,12) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Red jug flower battle B")(if: (random:1,10) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Red jug flower battle B")Taking advantage of your moment of weakness, the Red jug flower traps you with it's two tentacles and brings you closer. You try to escape from it's hold.
The aphrodisiac fragance slowly start to get you hard. The flower at feel this, put your cock inside its jug until your member completely dissapears in the flower and them it seal so you don't get away.
The flower start to molest your cock, masturbating and sucking you hard, making you yelp as you struggle for get away.
Forcing you to leak and absorbing all your precum while keep molesting your cock and arousing you more and more.
You can't resist any longer and cum hard into the flower. You fall back on the ground after this with the flower still locked on your cock.
You try to catch your breath and relax for a moment until with surprise and a bit of panic you notice that the flower is starting to masturbate you again and this keep going over and over, forcing you to cum again and again.
[[Next|Healing Room 3 B]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]After some time you're found, freed from the plant and taken to the Medical Cabin.
You receive aid treatment and are put on a bed. Your violated cock is so red in a way that basically means you been overmilked.
In your dizziness and barely conscious, you feel that your cock is covered with some cream that help to heal and relax. After this, you completely fall asleep.
You wake up the next night. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
(set: $health to 30)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
[[Get up|Big Hospital]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 135%;")[ Alchemist Store ]
The store is full of diverse items and tools for make potions. The cute looking arctic fox is (either: "looking", "smiling") at you.
''Mercury'': (either: "You can chat with me if wanna know something interesting.", "How can I help you?", "Something that you would like me to mix?")
[[Chat|Chat with Mercury]]
[[Back|Stoneguard East]]
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Mercury'': (either: "I can mix a lot things if I have the ingredients.", "Orange berries are rare in the nature but not imposible to farm.", "Orange berries are like a mix of red and yellow berries, but you can't combine them directly to produce one.", "You can't cultivate wild berries. They only grow where is hard to cultivate.", "Wild berry bushes produce very few berries but they replace them quickly when are undisturbed.", "I use natural magic water for make most of my potions.", "You can use normal water for produce potions but it's only good for make a bigger drink. It don't amplify the ingredients properties.", "Stoneguard has a big underground reserve of magic water, but the fountain in the center only uses normal water.", "The tools I use for the potions was made by Andy of the Main store. We work together in a few things.", "Magic water is good for a bunch of things, but is a terrible cooking ingredient.", "After drink a potion, adventurers can throw away the empty bottles to the ground without an issue. They aren't made of glass, they are made of biodegradable hardened slime.")
[[Hear more|Chat with Mercury]]
[[Back|Alchemist Store]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]What you want to do?
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ Brewing ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Mixing|Mix Potions]] ]
(if: ($coins >= 5 and $WildRedBerries >= 3))[
[[Brew Wild Red potion]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[You can't for now.]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Back|Alchemist Store]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]What you want to do?
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Brewing|Alchemy]] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [ Mixing ] ]
(if: ($coins >= 20 and $MediumHPpotion >= 1 and $MedStaminaPotion >= 1))[
[[Mix HP/ST potion]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[You can't for now.]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Back|Alchemist Store]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $WildSmallHPpotion to $WildSmallHPpotion + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 5) (set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries - 3)
(color:yellow)[+1 Wild HP Potion!]
(color:red)[-5 coins.]
(display:"Alchemy")You use "Wild HP potion"
(set: $WildSmallHPpotion to $WildSmallHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 12) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2)
[(color:green)[+12 HP!]] (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ] [(color:orange)[+2 Stamina!]] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(display: "Items")(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion - 1) (set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion - 1) (set: $MedHPSTpotion to $MedHPSTpotion + 1) (set: $coins to $coins - 20)
(color:yellow)[+1 HP/ST Potion!]
(color:red)[-20 coins.]
(display:"Mix Potions")=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
A white bunny cub with collar appears. He enter into to his exclusive room and shut the door.
[[Spy Kevin Snowpaw]]
[[Keep looking|Check cameras]]
[[Back|Passageway Big Hotel]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The white bunny cub stretches for a moment and caress his fur like checking himself. Then he (either: "go to the minikitchen and grab a snack to eat", "get on his bed and rest for a bit", "sit on the sofa and watch TV for a while").
Later, he open his laptop and check his IB profile and some images of the site, groping himself at the lewd artwork.
Feeling in the mood, he turn the laptop facing his bed and start nude-posing for the camera and blushing.
[[Next|Spy Kevin Snowpaw Scene1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
With a playful smile, Kevin keep showing every bit of his prepubescent body to lots furs that enjoy watching him, playing with his humanoid boyhood and fingering himself in his soft butt.
After so much teasing, he comes back to the laptop and chat with some people, checking more stuff of the furnet and seems working in something.
Some time later he gets up, showing he is still horny, and leaves the room.
[[Continue|Security room after scene]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
Coldpaw: I think you need a good hug little (either: "guy", "boy"), if you want to.
The big wolf seems a bit more interested than the usual
[[Accept|Hug and Smell Coldpaw Scene]]
[[Back|Counselor Office]]
You get near to the big adult wolf. He lift you, putting you on his hips and start caressing your body. You feel how he's rubbing your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) like exploring you.
Then he surround you with his arms and pulls you to his body, embracing you tight and puts his muzzle above your head.
The lupine start to sniff you, enjoying your smell. He press his nose lightly on your (either: "hair", "head", "neck", "shoulder"), sniffing you closer for some time until get satisfied. He release you with a smile on his face.
You recover a bit (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]
[[Back|Counselor Office]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +2)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]You want to enter to a cabin?
(color:gray)[[Cabin A]]
(color:gray)[Cabin B]
(color:gray)[Cabin C]
[[Back|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]For you to be considered part of the team in this zone, you need to show that you have what is needed to be able to face some dangers and that you are dedicated enough for important tasks.
Required: ''Level 6'' | ''5 Quests Completed'' | ''1000 points''
You: Level $Level | $NumberQuestsComplete Quests Completed | $points points
(if: $Level >= 6)[ (if: $NumberQuestsComplete >= 5)[ (if: $points >= 1000)[ [[You got it!|Gain Scout novice title]] ] (else:)[Needs more points] ] (else:)[Do more quests of the bulleting board] ]
(else:)[Needs increase your level]
[[Back|Counselor Office]]
(set: $ScoutNovice to $ScoutNovice + 1)
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''CONGRATZ!''] ]
You are considered as a Scout novice.
This give you access to more areas of the camp. Also you now can make quests for scouts and some actions will start to be taken to account.
(color:green)[+25 Exp.Points!] (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 25)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1) ''+1 Skill Point''
[[Continue|Counselor Office]]
(set: $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE to 0)
A comfy large cabin with many beds that seems that are used by random cubs scouts.
There is a hint of lewd scent in the air. (either: "Another scout seems to be sleeping here too", "")
(if: $health >= $Maxhealth)[ (color:gray)[Rest] ](else:)[ [[Rest|Rest Cabin A]] ]
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You heard a gasp near where you are. After a quick look around, you spot the horny teen fox of the woods, Kiddy, taking with him a little kitten towards a middle part between the woods and the deepwoods.
[[Follow|Special KiddyxDarki Scene 1]]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Kiddy takes the little kitten behind a tree, avoiding encounters with other monsters and sit on the ground.
Darki (either: "seems worried and looking around", "is blushing", "seems nervous") while the horny fox keep holding his paw. Even being sit on the ground, Kiddy is still taller than the little feline.
Both the teen fox and the little prepubescent kitten are completely naked and Kiddy licks his lips as now hold the cub's hips and looking at his little peepee. Darki gets even more shy and seems like he wants to (either: "hide", "move away").
''Darki'': (either: "P-please no...", "C-can we go back?", "B-but...")
''Kiddy'': Sshhh...
The fox then grabs and accommodates the little cub on his legs and start pamper him like a baby. Darki try to resist but he end just blushing at getting caressed and hiding his face on the chest of the teen.
Later, Kiddy lift Darki a bit to get closer to his face and start licking the little kitten all over. Then he grabs the kitten's peepee and start massaging it while fingering his small butt with the other paw.
''Darki'': (either: "Ah aahh... ", "N-no... my thingy", "Meow meow...")
''Kiddy'': You're a cutie. Love listen your moans every time I play with you.
The fox cover Darki with kisses as keep molesting the little cub until get him completely hard. Knowing he had aroused the little one enough, Kiddy accommodate the kitten's butt over his hard knotted cock, aligning to the small child's asshole.
''Darki'': (either: "Ouch ouch", "Meow meow!", "N-no I don't wanna")... no peepee again... Aaaaahh!!
[[Next|Special KiddyxDarki Scene Image1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
Kiddy push his hard cock into the little kitten until he is all the way in. Darki is (either: "whimpering", "whinning") while feel full by the big hard foxcock going into his undeveloped body.
''Kiddy'': Oh cutie, you know you like it. I love (either: "make you mine.", "be inside you.")
Darki tries to move while gasps are forced to come out of his mouth but he can't as Kiddy is inserting so much overwhelming pleasure into the so young body.
''Darki'': Pwease... feels weird. Aah! I don't wanna... *moans*
''Kiddy'': Hush little kitten(either: ". Let it happen~", " and enjoy it~")
Kiddy fucks the aroused little Darki as he done before, enjoying take the cub away when he don't expect it. Kiddy never gets tired of having sex with the little hybrid kitten, fucking the prepubescent kid in every chance he find.
''Kiddy'': Oh... (either: "oh...", "mmm...") my little (either: "one", "kitten", "cub")... I'm comming... feel all my love~
Darki knew what this meant and he tries to move away again but the pleasure is too much for him and he is so close.
''Kiddy & Darki'': Aaaaaaahhhh!!
[[Next|Special KiddyxDarki Scene Image2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]=><==
<div class = "imagefade">
Kiddy and Darki cum and orgasm together. Small drops are forced to come from the kitten's little peepee while the horny teen fox fill him with his liquid love, knotting him and now getting conected once again.
The kitten ends so dizzy almost fainting while teen licks the feline and enjoy see him blushing so hard.
The pleasure can be saw in their eyes. Kiddy kisses Darki on the mouth and hug him, keeping him warm while they stay together, shooting the last drops into the kid and touching him all over.
[[Next|Special KiddyxDarki Scene 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
They rest for some time. Kiddy keeps cuddling the kitten while looking around for monsters and keeping his little cub safe like a big bro.
Later he gets up, pulling out of the little feline and see proudly the little butthole filled and covered with his sperm. He hopes to fill his cute friend again when the kitten comes to explore again.
Kiddy moves to take Darki to somewhere safe before continue with his hunt and surprise more (either: "adventurers", "cubs"). Just the thought of get soon another butt to fuck makes him hard and energetic again.
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
You recover (color:orange)[+5 Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +5)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "You notice rests of goo on a bed", "You spot someone carring a bucket of slimy liquids and taking it to the only-employes room", "You notice a bed with remains of cum", "You see a teen nurse changing the sheets of some beds", "Everything is calm for the moment").
(either: "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Hospital Main room RandomCub]]", "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Hospital Main room F1]]")
[[Leave|Hospital Left Corridor A]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You find a male (either: "orange", "red", "cyan", "green", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf", "husky", "rabbit") cub, kinda awake and dizzy with his willy (either: "semihard", "hard") and more red than the usual. He's still recovering from his last (either: "encounter", "battle").
(either: "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Hospital Main room RandomCub]]")
[[Leave|Hospital Left Corridor A]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You find a female (either: "orange", "pink", "cyan", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf", "fennec", "bunny") laying in a bed, completely asleep. Her cunny is exposed and covered with bits of some kind of slimy sustance.
This bed has curtains that cover from view to kinda give some peace to the patient.
[[Have fun|Hospital Main room RapeF1]]
(either: "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Check Hospital Main room]]", "[[Keep looking|Hospital Main room RandomCub]]")
[[Leave|Hospital Left Corridor A]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Making sure nobody see you, you close the curtains and get on bed over the girl, looking at her private part and a smile forming as you are about to violate her already violated cunny.
The naughtiness of the situation arouse you, quickly getting you hard as you molest and finger her vulnerable pussy. You heard her complain at the feeling and weakly trying to move as she still asleep.
When you get ready, you align your cock to her pussy and push inside. She whimpers and groan while you moan, enjoying feel inside her thingy that still has remains of slimy liquids and pleasing your cock even more.
Dizzy, she kinda gets awake and try to push you off but she is too weak and can only moan as you have sex with her, fucking her violated vagina and adding your precum to the fluids inside her.
You keep fucking her, going harder as you two moan. She still tries to push you away but is too late. In an hard push you reach orgasm, shooting cum into her and filling her pussy and forcing her to reach orgasm too. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1.5) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
She faints and fall asleep catching her breath as you slowly push out from her. You look around making sure nobody near saw or heard you and go towards the entrance like nothing happened.
[[Move on|Hospital Main Room]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]A pair of male cubs enter into the cabin with their scout uniforms. The first one a (either: "orange", "red", "cyan", "green", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple") (either: "tiger", "dog", "wolf", "husky", "lion", "bear") and the other a (either: "orange", "white", "cyan", "green", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple") (either: "cat", "pup", "fox", "bunny", "lynx"). They get on a bed and quickly strip, (either: "not paying you attention", "not caring", "unbothered") as you watch them.
The horny cubs start to (either: "lick", "rub", "caress", "touch") eachother all over, giggling and their (either: "cocks", "boyhoods") getting harder.
Then they start (either: "a 69 blowing eachother", "to masturbate themselves", "to masturbate eachother") and moaning as they let pleasure flood them and having fun.
Soon they reach their orgams, cumming together and later gasping for air after the strong sensation. They lay on the bed for a minute before get up and go out together.
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 4)
(color:orange)[+ 4 Stamina Restored!]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Rest|Rest Cabin A]]
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 2) + 2 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $JunePatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 2) + 2 Medium HP Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $JunePatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 35) + 35 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 2) + 2 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 15) + 15 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $JunePatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)
You are at the corner of the hospital. There is a window of one sight glass that dont let you see inside. Next to it is the electric door, access to the side building: the Daycare.
(color:gray)[Path blocked]
[[Left Corridor B|Hospital Left Corridor B]]
[[Daycare|Daycare access]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in the Daycare's main room. The place has some scattered toys carpeted floor, some changing tables, cribs, a few desks and piles of plushies at the corners. To the other side there are doors to other rooms that seems to be only for staff to use.
A few baby cubs are around just being babies. (either: "One of the caretakers is here, looking after the little ones", "The teen looking caretakers are here, making sure the babies are playing with safety")
[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]
[[Exit|Daycare access]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The door takes a second and makes click sound, opening for you to progress.
[[Exit|Hospital Left Corridor C]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "A few baby cubs are around just being babies", "A few baby cubs are playing innocently together", "You spot a baby hugging a plushie", "Some baby cubs got together and sleep next to each other"). (either: "One of the caretakers is here, looking after the little ones", "The teen looking caretakers are here, making sure the babies are playing with safety", "Another cub enter into the room and goes towards a little baby and take care of him for some time. They look like brothers").
(either: "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare Finding North]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around Hide]]")
[[Exit|Daycare access]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are looking around the (either: "cribs", "plushies") and you find a toddler utonagan dog hugging a plushie. The little cub has a paper around his leg that says "north" and is wearing a pink diaper.
[[Keep looking around|Daycare hang around]]
[[Get closer|Daycare North found scene]]
[[Exit|Daycare access]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You get closer to the little cub that at first hides behind the plushie, looking at you. Later he just watch you and waiting for see what you going to do.
You reach (either: "his head", "his tummy", "his back") and rub it, making the shy diapered pup feel good and making him move his tail.
The little kinda feline looking cub gets a bit more comfy and start to play around a bit until play with his paws.
<div class = "imagefade">
You look around. (either: "The caretakers seems to be busy", "The caretakers aren't around", "The caretakers are distracted"). You put your hand into his diaper and grab his little peepee, touching it around and making the toddler moan.
As you keep molesting him, the little cub gets hard, making him yelp while you are forcing his undeveloped penis feel pleasure.
You only manage to keep touching him for a while before you have to let go because of the caretakers could spot you at any moment.
You pet him and say goodbye to the little pup, letting him play with his plushie.
[[Keep looking around|Daycare hang around]]
[[Exit|Daycare access]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +2)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ](either: "A few baby cubs are around just being babies", "A few baby cubs are playing innocently together", "You spot a baby hugging a plushie", "Some baby cubs got together and sleep next to each other").
Nobody else is around.
[[Hide|Daycare Hide A]]
(either: "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare Finding North]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around]]", "[[Hang around|Daycare hang around Hide]]")
[[Exit|Daycare access]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You take advantage of the moment and hide behind a desk.
As you wait there, you heard diverse sounds of babies, caretakers and a few cubs that pass by. You wait patiently until the moment the Daycare is silent. The caretakers think that they are alone at this point.
You heard a door close and then you spot them with a little baby pup, putting him on the carpeted floor and taking away his diaper.
[[Watch|Daycare Nathyrin Baby Scene 1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The caretakers strip the little gray baby wolf, even taking away the small band that says "Nathyrin". Then, they get naked as well and both gets hard for exposing themselves to the toddler.
The caretakers start to touch and molest the little baby every part of his so undeveloped body, feeling his soft fur and privates all over.
The baby stays still all the time, just making an ocasional giggle as gets molested. Later one of the caretakers start to stroke the baby's peepee using two fingers and slowly making it get hard, making the little one leak a bit.
One of the caretakers open the legs of the baby. Using some lube, he push his hard and kinda big cock at the baby's asshole. The little one whimper with discomfort but quickly gets use to it, meanwhile the other caretaker rub his cock all over the baby's face.
They then gets little Nathyrin on all fours and start their fun.
[[Next|Daycare Nathyrin Baby Scene Image]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
<div class = "imagefade">
The furs start to deep throat and fuck hard the little one, abusing the baby inserting their cocks into his little immature body.
For moments are heard whimpers of the child as that big cock enter into his baby butt, opening it obscenely while the other caretaker feed him with precum.
The little baby suck all the precum that is comming from the cock, nursing it like a nipple. Sometimes the cocks go too far into the infant and inflate him a bit, causing the baby whimper again and make baby moans similar to pleasure which arouse the caretakers even more. The lack of cries means they been fucking him before.
They keep having hard sex with the baby and the older ones gets close.
[[Next|Daycare Nathyrin Baby Scene Image 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
<div class = "imagefade">
The taller furs moan in pleasure as they reach their orgasm and finally both cum inside the baby, filling his guts and tummy, giving him the vitamins he need.
The caretakers enjoy of be inside the baby some more until they pull out and quckly put the diaper to the baby so most of the cum stays inside. Then get up and go to put the baby on a crib.
You get out of your hidding place, horny for what you saw. Nobody noticed you.
[[Keep looking around|Daycare hang around]]
(link: "Exit")[ (goto: "Daycare access") ]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +4)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ](css: "font-size: 145%;")[ Market ]
The market still under construction. More stalls are getting available for people that claim them.
[[Sirocco's stall|Sirocco stall]]
(color:gray)[Available for purchase]
(color:gray)[Available for purchase]
(color:gray)[Available for purchase]
(color:gray)[Available for purchase]
[[Return|Stoneguard South]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](either: "Hello! Anything I can help you with?", "Hi! Can I offer you a potion?")
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
''Orgasmic Potion''. 50/50 on positive or negative effect. In both cases ends in a blast. ''(35 coins)''
(if: ($coins >= 35))[
[[Buy 'Orgasmic Potion']] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
//(link: "Sirocco's IB")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/SiroccoZephyrine')]// <div class = "imagefade"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/hFKjVGqs.jpg">
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $coins to $coins - 35) (set: $OrgasmicPotion to $OrgasmicPotion + 1)
(color:yellow)[+1 Orgasmic Potion!]
(color:red)[-35 coins.]
(display:"Sirocco stall After buy")
(either: "Suddenly", "Out of the sky") a solid beam of light surround you.
You can't move and feel like a strange force start to lift you and realize you're getting abducted.
Against your will, you're forced into an Unexpected Journey towards the UFO. Reaching the craft another strange force makes you fell into unconsciousness.
[[???|Forced entry Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You're laying on some kind of table until you wake up.
Looking around, you realize that can now move and stood up from the table. You're in some room which was empty of everything but the table.
After a bit you heard a mechanical alien voice:
''Voice'': ''Subject scan complete. Male (print:$PlayerBod's BodyFrame) (print: $PlayerSP's Species) of (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin). Status: Awake''
Some mechanical sounds are heard in the ship.
''Voice'': All your belongings got temporally taken. We going to perform a few tests on you. If you cooperate no harm will come to you and will release you when we are finished. Lack of cooperation will result in the tests bringing you harm.
The far wall open up. From them appears some kind of robots, similar to protogens, approaching you.
(either: "[[Cooperate|Cooperate Table Scene]]", "[[Cooperate|Cooperate Table Scene]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The furry-like androids escort you through a large corridor with many doors, reaching the end of the corridor where the wall opens. You enter into a massive room full of tables everywhere.
As you keep following them through the endless sea of tables, you see many different males of different kinds were everywhere he looked, many full grown and strong adults but most of them little cubs of all ages. Each one was naked, and had something covering their penis and some had something in their tailholes. Some were laying on tables, others were in tubes connected to the walls which had some sort of purple goo in it.
From all the ones near, you spot a (either: "red", "blue", "green", "purple", "yellow", "gray", "white", "orange", "brown") (either: "wolf", "fox", "dog", "cat", "tiger", "rabbit", "lynx", "bear", "lion") (either: "cub", "cub", "teen") (either: "whimpering", "groaning", "moaning") and (either: "moving a lot", "struggling", "toe-curling") as he is getting milked. Some furs around are struggling while others are more calm and enjoying themselves like if they do this frecuently.
After some more walking, you all reach the spot that they designed for you and direct you to get onto the table.
[[Onto the Table|Cooperate Table Scene part2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The alien androids start to prepare you as you lay on the table and your cock is fitted with its device. You feel it begin to grow inside, the device is doing something to you that is making you hard.
The machines secured you to the table but lightly, just good enough for you to not fall. Almost immediately, you felt an electrical current shooting up your body. It didn't hurt, but begin urinating uncontrollably and the device is sucking all of it. Once your bladder had emptied, one drone pushed another few controls and the device came to life.
The device on your cock began sucking while some kind of aphrodisiac is applied. Felt like a smooth hand and a wet mouth were working in unison. This gives you so much pleasure and start breathing hard and moaning as you are getting milked.
(either: "You move unconsciously as the pleasure overwhelms you but you are safetly secured to the table so you dont fall so you only have to care about the pleasure on your cock", "Far away you spot a tall naked being of large black eyes and wolf-like body covered in neon green fur with grey splotches and vibrant blue claws, is walking around supervising the subjects on the tables.")
You feel at the verge of an orgasm for some minutes until the device gets faster and makes you shoot your sperm. Nothing go into waste as the device suck all of it. The device relax for just a moment but you feel like getting covered by their powerfull aphrodisiac again. They aren't finished with you, they are harvesting semen from you.
You moan and pant as the device gets you horny again and pleasuring you and forcing your balls to start producing more cum for you to shoot soon.
Pass some time, you can't tell how long you been here. The counter of the machine connected to the table marks you had (either: "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") orgasms and the machine keeps going on you until you get another orgasm. You are tired and weak, barely noticing when the device stopped.
[[Disinfection|Cooperate Table Scene part3]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 1)
You're taken away from the sea of tables towards the corridor and to the other end. The android opened a door to another big room. The floor was a massive grate, the walls were a dark shiny substance, and the ceiling had multiple Fire hose like nozzles.
The robotic creature placed you against a panel on the wall and push a purple button, making a hose drop from the ceiling and has purple goo sticking out from it. Then the android directs you to rub the purple stuff on your body from head to toe. You slowly comply and grab a bunch, spreading it on your body like if was full body shampoo. Soon you notice it began quickly tingling everywhere it touched, making you erect shortly after the goo made contact with your cock. Felt like a thousand tiny fingers were rubbing your cock in every way possible, making you began panting and humping the air as you get stimulated. After get all covered, the drone push a green button.
''Android'': Close your eyes.
Once did this, you felt a hot liquid spraying from your head down and your feet up. It seemed to come from both the floor and ceiling at the same time. It felt like a nice hot shower but that increases your stimulation. Suddenly you felt your dick grow hard and immediately ejaculate letting loose load after load of cum without even touching yourself. Finally the spray stopped and you fallen on your knees.
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] again//
(set: $Stamina to 2)
The android let you rest as it go towards the door and awaits for you in the corridor. You got showered with a concentrated form of the aphrodisiac.
After some minutes you recover enough to stand up. You are completely dry and your (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) is shinning. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
[[Exit|Limited ship corridor]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $DockLuck to 0)
You exit the big room and its doors close behind you.
The android is awaiting you.
''Android'': Subject has been given limited permission to roam in this section of the ship, or wish to be returned to the extration area?
What you decide to do?
(link: "Return to the planet")[ (goto: "Return to the planet") ]
[[Explore the corridor|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
(if: (random:1,2) is 1)[ (set: $DockLuck to 1)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The Furry-like android just nods and opens the doors of a small room like an elevator and directs you to step in.
As you enter, the doors close behind you and the room start to become bright while feeling like if you are floating.
A moment later you are just looking into nothing for a second, adjusting your view and discover you are on the ground with your items back with you.
(link: "Paws on the ground")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[(link: "Items")[(goto: "Go to items Explore limited corridor Alienship")]]
There are doors lining the hallway with windows in them. Exist a bunch of diverse rooms but for the moment most of them are blocked for you.
The drone acting as a guard is watching you.
[[Android|Speak to Android of limited area]]
(color:gray)[Disinfecting chamber]
[[Room R1|Limited zone Room R1]]
[[Room R2|Eka Hiro Elijah room (Eka around)]]
(if: $DockLuck is 1)[[[Docking room|Docking room Limited Alienship]]] (else:)[[[Docking room|Docking room Limited Alienship NOBODY]]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The android is looking at you, almost menacing and always in the same place. Is clear isn't designed for social interaction.
[[Ask|Talk to drone Limited]]
[[Return to the planet]]
[[Back|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A large almost empty room, with 2 big beds and a screen.
There are 2 large windows. You can only see black in them and small white points.
[[Screen|Limited Screen Spaceship]]
[[Bed|Limited Bed Spaceship]]
[[Back|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You enter into what seems to be a docking room but only for one ship.
Some kind of small battle ship is in the dock room and a naked god-like young adult snowleopard of long gray hair and good muscles, seems to be repairing his ship.
[[Get near|Speak with Hiro Ketzio limited Alienship]]
[[Back|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You enter into what seems to be a docking room but only for one ship.
Nobody is around but seems like the place is frecuently used, maybe you see a ship in another time.
[[Back|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Android'': For security reasons, subjects from the current extraction area has limited access until further notice.
He has nothing more to say even asking something else.
What you decide to do?
[[Return to the planet]]
[[Keep exploring|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
This screen looks like a supercomputer that obeys commands. You see diverse
default options but all of them are disabled. Only subjets with permission can operate it.
[[Back|Limited zone Room R1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You take a short nap on one of the beds. Is actually comfortable and you nap for some minutes.
Nothing else happen.
[[Back|Limited zone Room R1]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You get near the Snowleopard and he notices you. A smirk form in his face.
''Hiro'': Hey (print: $PlayerSP's Species) cub.
[[Talk|Talk with Hiro Ketzio Limited Alienship]]
[[Check|Check Hiro Ketzio Limited Alienship]]
[[Back|Try to go back Limited Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Hiro'': (either: "I love soft things of all kinds. *He looks at you wondering if you are still soft*", "My spaceships and war are my passions. I stand undefeated so far.", "I like explore other planets, sometimes I find //very// interesting flora and fauna. *Chuckles*", "I enjoy large fluffy tails. *light blush*", "I'm much older than I look hehe.", "I can sense a bit of skill in you, just like others that got taken in those woods these aliens been recently targeting.", "I like when cubs comes near me. Child's curiosity is a blessing... for me.", "The only thing I know of those woods very down below us, is that you little guys can't defeat all the bosses directly, have to find another way suitable for you... if it even exist.", "I can fight with other ships even without my spacefighter, but I still like more fight as a pilot.")
[[Keep chat|Talk with Hiro Ketzio Limited Alienship]]
[[Back|Speak with Hiro Ketzio limited Alienship]]
(if: (random: 1,7) is 1)[(go-to: "Hiro ketzio lewd you")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Hiro Ketzio. Young adult demi-god Snowleopard. 2.30 meters. Pansexual.
You can feel some kind of power emanating from him. This furry can be dangerous.
[[Talk|Talk with Hiro Ketzio Limited Alienship]]
[[Back|Try to go back Limited Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Hiro'': Who said you can go away now?
He uses some kind of power that stops you on your tracks and forces you to stay.
[[Talk|Talk with Hiro Ketzio Limited Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random: 1,3) is 1)[(go-to: "Successfully get away from Hiro ketzio")]
Suddenly you feel a force surrounding you. The snowleopard seems that got in the mood for you.
''Hiro'': Let's see... what should I do you with little cutie?
You can see his member emerging as he is comming up with ideas.
[[Next|Hiro Ketzio tentacle pet (Gameover)]]
With his powers, he takes you towards him and grab you with his big paws. Then he pushes a button away from your view and some kind of cargo box emerges next to the fighter ship and starts to open both above and in front.
A bunch of magenta tentacles starts to emerge from the cargo box and expands around it like a bush. The tentacles moved around making squishy sounds.
''Hiro'': My pet here wants to play with you... and your privates, my little child. It seems (either: "happy", "eager") hehe.
The snowleopard still holding you, take you to the creature and when are in its range, the tentacles launch themselves at you and take you away from the demigod who sits on his metallic throne and enjoys the show.
The tentacles quickly overwhelm you and touch your body all over almost maniacally, not leaving behind any part of your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) untouched while traping your arms and legs.
You try to resist and struggle as the tentacles are molesting your body and forcing your boyhood to get hard. Sensing this, smaller tentacles appears under you and grab your cock and balls, roughly massaging them causing you to whimper and moan against your will.
Hiro just keep looking at you, licking his lips while enjoying see you being molested by his tentacle pet and his now full hard cock leaking untouched.
Then, the small wet tentacle that is exploring your cock, find your peehole and suddenly goes inside, making you yelp and complain as the tentacles keeps it's urethral penetration nonstoping. You feel how it continue enter more and more into you and you try to shake your hips to push it away.
The feelings was too much and you start to pee, kinda hoping it makes it go away but you see in surprise that isntead of leaking, your pee is going inside the tentacle and into the hidden body of the tentacle creature who makes something with its tentacle to try to force you to pee even more.
Meanwhile, a large tentacle gets closer behind you to your butt. The other tentacles forces your legs be a bit more open and you feel the wet large tentacle going inside your anus and all the way into your rectal.
You try to ask for help but another tentacle comes into your mouth and start fucking it. Then you try to bite the tentacle but is so squishy like gum and it dont gets bothered at all and continue going in and invading your throat.
Then you feel it, it gets worse. Eggs start to emerge from the deeps of the large tentacle in your butt and going into you. You try to shake all your body trying to get free while keeps fucking your butt, your little cock and your mouth. Your tummy start to get inflated by the eggs put in you. The monster is forcing you get pregnant.
Its too much overwhelming for you and with a silent scream you cum hard into the tentacle inside your peepee. and you see the white stream inside the tentacle dissapearing into the deep part of the tentacle like if just stolen away your boyish and still underaged sperm.
[[Next|Hiro Ketzio tentacle pet part 2 (Gameover)]]
Tired you barely manage to see your inflated tummy while you are trying to catch your breath.
The adult snowleopard gets up with his cock leaking precum and approaches you and rub your now round tummy.
''Hiro'': You look beautifull my little (print: $PlayerSP's Species) cub. These eggs are now yours aswell and already started to mix with your DNA.
As you open your eyes at the realization, the tentacle creature starts to take you deeper towards it and the cargo box start closing.
''Hiro'': It seems my pet likes you and want to have offspring together with you. Oh my child, you will be a pregnant little cutie forever and have lots babies. Don't worry, my pet will take care of you. I wonder what will come of the union of my pet and you.
You try to escape one last time as the creature keeps holding you and getting you deeper in it as the cargo box closes completely, sealing you both together and sealing your fate as forced mate of the tentacle monster and forming a new kind of family with it.
(set: $InicioLocation to "Inicio")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[(css: "color: red;")[''GAME OVER''] ]
//(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]//
(link: "Back to Start")[ (goto: $InicioLocation) ]
(link: "Tip")[Don't consume healing items when you are above your MaxHP, you will lose the effect.]
(align: "===><=")[ [[Profile|Profile (Limited Alienship)]] | (color:yellow)[Phone] ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[(link: "Back")[(goto: "Explore limited corridor Alienship")]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] Prot: (color:blue)[0]
Coins: (color:yellow)[0]
(align: "===><=")[ [[Items|Go to items Explore limited corridor Alienship]] | (color:yellow)[Phone] ]
Name: (print: $PlayerID's Name)
You are a (print:$PlayerBod's BodyFrame) (print: $PlayerSP's Species) and you have (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin).
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[Back|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] Prot: (color:blue)[0]
Coins: (color:yellow)[0]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](either: "Thank you for buy!", "Thanks! Also I invite you to visit my IB profile!")
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins
''Orgasmic Potion''. 50/50 on positive or negative effect. In both cases ends in a blast. ''(35 coins)''
(if: ($coins >= 35))[
[[Buy 'Orgasmic Potion']] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You can't buy one for now.]]
//(link: "Sirocco's IB")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/SiroccoZephyrine')]// <div class = "imagefade"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/hFKjVGqs.jpg">
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
[[Profile]] | [[Items]] | [[Others]] | [[Phone|Go to Phone]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
TPScrollA: $TPscrollA (if: $TPscrollA > 0)[ [[Use TP Scroll (Southville)|Use TP Scroll (a)]] ]
TPScrollB: $TPscrollB (if: $TPscrollB > 0)[ [[Use TP Scroll (Stoneguard)|Use TP Scroll (b)]] ]
TPScrollC: $TPscrollC (if: $TPscrollC > 0)[ [[Use TP Scroll (Wetcaves)|Use TP Scroll (c)]] ]
Orgasmic potions: $OrgasmicPotion (if: $OrgasmicPotion > 0)[ [[Drink Orgasmic potion|Use Orgasmic potion]] ]
Rainbow Glazed Muffins: $RainbowGlazedMuffin (if: $RainbowGlazedMuffin > 0)[ [[Eat Rainbow Glazed Muffin|Eat Rainbow Glazed Muffin]] ]
Rainbow Glazed Cookies: $RainbowGlazedCookie (if: $RainbowGlazedCookie > 0)[ [[Eat Rainbow Glazed Cookie|Eat Rainbow Glazed Cookie]] ]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (link: "Back")[ (goto:$location) ] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] Prot: (color:blue)[$protection]
Coins: (color:yellow)[$coins]
You drink the ''Orgasmic Potion''
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 25) [(color:orange)[+25 Stamina!]] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[(color:green)[+10 HP!]] (set: $health to $health + 10) (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
Then you feel an inmense stimulation on your privates. Is so strong that you can't control yourself.
You get horny and aroused, full of energy and weak at the same time with the need to relieve yourself as fast as you can trying to reach your own hard boyhood but you only manage to fall on the ground on all fours and pant. Your eyes are half closed and you can only moan while your mind fcus on the warm feeling and pleasure that invades your cock.
You start to hump at the air, moving your arouse hard cock around, making it dance around while you barely can hold yourself from falling completely to the ground. You keep panting and moaning right there where you are and suddenly let out a large moan and an hard paws-free orgasm, shooting cum to the grund and making a puddle with it. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
Got too tired to care if someone was watching you, maybe someone did and you gave them a show.
(either: "[[Continue|Orgasmic Potion Positive]]", "[[Continue|Orgasmic Potion Negative]]")
You manage to get up and feel that you keep most of the energy you got despise cum so much.
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina]
The ordeal was too much for your body and even lost all your HP because of exhaustion!
//You came away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3)
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "Healing room (Orgasm potion)")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
After some time, you're found and taken to the Stoneguard's Hospital.
In your sleep you could feel some kind of cream applied to your body and privates that helped you relax.
(set: $health to 30)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
[[Get up|Big Hospital]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](display: "Trapped bunny boy")
Close you heard something close, someone is having a battle. Seems to be a teenager bunny boy. He is fighting against a thicc worm and for his looks he seems be frecuent in the deepwoods.
What you going to do?
(either: "[[Watch|Win Trapped bunny boy]]", "[[Watch|Lose1 Trapped bunny boy]]")
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,40) is 30)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")]
With a strong kick, the teenage manages to defeat the thicc worm and gains it's proper reward for it.
He looks around and (either: "dont see you near", "spots you and stay looking at you for a second"). Then he decides to leave and you lose track of him.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You hide on some bushes near and watch.
The poor teenager wasn't ready for this encounter and gets defeated by the thicc worm. The bunny don't seems so tired yet and tries to get up but the large and thicc creature launch itself at the bunny and trap the young one in its embrace. The bunny gets annoyed at this.
''Ashley'': Ugh... not again.
The bunny tries to shake away the worm but it insist on take the bunny. They struggle for a bit until the worm finds his butt entrance.
<div class = "imagefade">
''Ashley'': Fuck off! Get away from me!
The worm insist and keep pressing until manages to enter into the poor bunny's rear.
[[Next|Lose1 Trapped bunny boy part2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Ashley'': Agh! No! Get away from me!
They struggle for more time as the bunny keep trying to fight it but the creature keeps him trapped and suddenly manage to get its tip inside the bunny boy, making him yelp at the intrusion and aroused against his will.
''Ashley'': NO! Aaah!! G-get away! GET OUT OF ME!
The worm keeps pushing inside, entering into his young and immature body and start fucking him hard, violating and going deeper in each push into the boy until its knot-like bulge reach boy-hole.
After this, the worm move around the bunny until gets tight hold on his leg and start pressing hard into the bunny.
''Ashley'': NO NO! Agh! Get out! GET OUT! DON'T ENTER INTO MEEE!!
The worm keep violating the bunny hard until manages to insert its knot and push more of its body into the boy until half of the worm dissapeared in his butt, inflating him and shooting its squishy liquids into the kid.
<div class = "imagefade">
''Ashley'': NOO!! Aaaaaaah!
The poor bunny boy is leaking precum as his body betrays him, feeling unwanted arousal.
[[Next|Lose1 Trapped bunny boy part3]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
They stay on the ground, united together for a while. It was like if the worm wanted to become one with the bunny boy. The worm not just fucked him, they mated, against the bunny's wishes.
Their bodies stayed connected for some time until the bunny managed to start pushing the worm out of him like if he was in the bathroom, but couldn't push out the knot part even trying. Then the worm came back to life and forces the bunny to get up.
The worm try to get out and the bunny tries to open his butt using his paws until finally the worm gets out of his butt but with a surprise.
<div class = "imagefade">
The bunny's tummy is still inflated and a egg comes out when the worm does. The poor youngling got pregnant and is carrying the creature's eggs inside him. The bunny boy blushes hard at this and still with surprise in his face.
With his tummy feeling still heavy and that is still weak, he falls on his knees and hug his tummy with some pain.
[[Next|Lose1 Trapped bunny boy part4]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
He start to breathe hard, trying to not completely fall on the ground. Some of the eggs already started mixing a bit with the bunny's DNA and developing very fast.
The bunny got the hurge to get on the ground with his butt exposed and moaning both in pain and pleasure. The thicc worm stayed near, awaiting.
The teen keep holding his tummy for a while, trying somehow to releave it from the weird feelings until suddenly a wave of feelings overwhelm him and his body is forced to start pushing out. He started to lay eggs. The poor bunny hated that he loved this and now was practically giving birth.
<div class = "imagefade">
The eggs came out with the worm's squishy liquid that protected them from hard falling and harm. Tears came from the dizzy bunny's eyes as he keep laying eggs. Pleasure overwhelmed him and came hard as he keep making the worm's offspring come out of him until finally all the eggs got properly layed.
The worm stayed at the bunny's side for some time and then started collecting it's children with a careful embrace and slowly dissapearing away into the woods.
(link: "Leave")[(goto:$location)]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +5)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 2) + 2 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $JulyPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 2) + 2 Medium HP Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $JulyPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 35) + 35 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 2) + 2 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 15) + 15 Arena Coins
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $JulyPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)You eat a "Cookie" and taste delicious~
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies - 1)(set: $health to $health + 3)
[(color:green)[+3 HP!]] (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) [(color:orange)[+1 Stamina!]] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(display: "Items")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
East side and entrance to the Main Store for adventurers. A few buildings are under construction in this area. A cute feral husky is sit next to the stables.
[[Main Store]] | [[Alchemist Store]]
🡸 [[Center|Fortress Center]]
🡺 [[East Gate]]
[[Talk to Koda]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Fortress East (Koda)")
The cute feral husky looks at you (either: "happily", "with his tongue out", "patiently", "excited", "happily") while he is guarding his special storage box.
''Koda'': Woof~
(if: ($Cookies >= 1))[ [[Give him a cookie|Give Koda a Cookie]] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You don't have cookies.]]
[[Back|Fortress East (Koda)]]
You have $Cookies cookies
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $Cookies to $Cookies - 1)
The cute feral husky happily eats the cookie. Later he looks at his box and open it, takes a random item from it and gives something to you.
(either: "(set: $eggseed to $eggseed + 1) ''You obtain //EggSeed//!'' ", " (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds + 1) ''You obtain 1 RedSeed'' ", "(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 1) ''You got 1 red berry'' ", "(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 1) ''You got 1 yellow berry'' ", " ''You got Small HP Potion!'' (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1)")
''Koda'': (either: "Woof!", "Woof woof!")
(if: ($Cookies >= 1))[ [[Give him another cookie|Give Koda a Cookie]] ]
(else:)[(color:gray)[You run out of cookies.]]
[[Back|Fortress East (Koda)]]
You have $Cookies cookies
(if: (random: 1,7) is 1)[ (go-to:"Koda in mood Bottom") ]
(if: (random: 1,7) is 1)[ (go-to:"Koda in mood Top") ]
(else:)[ ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Koda after munch his cookie, gets closer to you rubbing his face on your (either: "tummy", "chest") and murring.
Then, he licks you, tickling you a bit. Slowly going lower until reach your croch area and lick it all over,turning you on and licking very eager your cock until covering it with his saliva.
He takes a step back with his tongue outside. A line of saliva and precum connects your member with his muzzle that later he licks cleaning himself.
Koda rubs his body with yours again like a cat, walking around you until he get in front of you and with his butt at you, lifting his tail to show you his behind. Something in the air makes you even hornier and makes you want to get closer.
With your heart beating fast, you direct your wood at his feral butthole and start to push in. Koda yelp happily while you moan as feel his hole practically sucking you.
The feral husky push back at you, making all your cock be all the way inside. Instints and lust take over you and you hug the husky while you start mating him.
Both yelp and moan in pleasure, barely hidden and unaware if people are looking or not, only caring for have sex and fuck as hard his hole as you could.
Soon the pleasure is too much for both of you. You cum hard inside the animal, holding tight to him until you give your last spurt. Both stay still, you are a bit tired while the happy dog seems excited.
You finally push out and sit on the ground for a bit. Koda also sits and start licking his hard member that is a fountain of precum. He keeps licking until his cock returns to the shack and then gets up and licks your member, cleaning the cum from it and then licks your face happily. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
After recover and pet Koda for a bit, he gets up and seems he has to go for now. You can find him again around here in another moment, he for sure will show how much he appreccite your cookies.
You and Koda gain //+25 pts//
(set: $points to $points + 25)
[[Move on|Stoneguard East]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]What are you? (css: "color: gray;")[(Male)] [[Back|Character update Species]]
(link: "Liger")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Liger", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Folf")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Folf", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Beardog")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Beardog", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
(link: "Wolfdog")[ (set: $PlayerSP to (dm: "Species" , "Wolfdog", "Skin" , "fur", )) (go-to:"Character update Color") ]
Koda after munch his cookie, gets closer to you rubbing his face on your (either: "tummy", "chest") and murring.
After a bit, he licks you, tickling you and slowly going lower until reach your croch area, licking and tasting a bit your cock and balls. Later he pass between your legs and start licking very eager your butthole covering it with saliva, making you blush and turning you on. He keeps licking almost expertly until make your legs tremble and you get on your knees.
He takes a step back with his tongue outside. A line of saliva and precum connects your butt with his muzzle that later he licks cleaning himself.
Koda put his nose in your butt, sniffing you deep which seems to turn him on. He ush you until make you be on all fours and you notice his knotted feral cock.
With your heart beating fast, you see how he mounts you and direct his very hard member direct at your butthole. After a few tries, he manages to hit your hole and push in, fucking you until be all the way inside. Instints and lust take over you as the animal start breeding you.
Both yelp and moan in pleasure, barely hidden and unaware if people are looking or not, only caring for have sex and fuck as hard your hole as he could.
Soon the pleasure is too much for both of you. Fucking you hard he knots you with his cock and the animal cum hard inside you, holding tight until put his last spurt in you. Both stay still and are tired but the happy dog seems excited. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
He licks you tenderly until finally push out and sit on the ground. Koda start licking his hard member until it returns to the shack and then gets up and licks your butt, cleaning the cum from it and then licks your face happily.
After recover and pet Koda for a bit, he gets up and seems he has to go for now. You can find him again around here in another moment, he for sure will show how much he appreccite your cookies.
You and Koda gain //+25 pts//
(set: $points to $points + 25)
[[Move on|Stoneguard East]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 225) + 225 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 2) + 2 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $AugustPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 2) + 2 Medium HP Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 10) + 10 Cookies
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $AugustPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 35) + 35 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 375) + 375 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 2) + 2 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 4) + 4 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 25) + 25 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 15) + 15 Cookies
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $AugustPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3) + 3 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 2) + 2 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $SeptemberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 275) + 275 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 3) + 3 Medium HP Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 10) + 10 Cookies
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $SeptemberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 45) + 45 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 475) + 475 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 9) + 9 Orange Berries
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 3) + 3 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 4) + 4 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 25) + 25 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 15) + 15 Cookies
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1) ''+ 1 Skill point''
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $SeptemberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)
You realize that a bus passes by and a blushing (either: "male", "female", "female") (either: "orange", "yellow", "cyan", "gray", "red", "brown", "blue", "pink", "lime") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "wolf", "rabbit") gets off, notices what you are doing and gets closer.
The cub bends down in front of you and starts to masturbate your cock. You are too horny to deny so you agree without hesitation while you caress their head.
Then the cub starts to suck your penis with great (either: "pleasure", "effort") while you hold their head to push into their mouth with small thrusts to feel even more.
With much desire, after a while you can't stand more and you cum inside, feeding the cub and dropping some semen at the sides
After swallowing your milk, the cub (either: "smiles", "wink") at you and withdraws all (either: "flushed", "happy").
//You lose Stamina and gained points (set: $points to $points + 20)
Other cub gained "nutrients"//
[[Continue|North Path]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
(if: $Stamina < 1)[ (set: $Stamina to 2) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You found a puddle. It could water, a blue slime spawn zone or something more.
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(either: "[[Jump at it|Jump at slime spawn]]", "[[Jump at it|Jump at just water]]", "[[Jump at it|Jump at water hole]]", "[[Jump at it|Jump at water hole]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You jump at it and bounce while a small explosion happens behind you.
You destroyed a slime spawner jumping at it like Mario bros.
//You gain 30 points!//
(set: $points to $points + 30) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30)
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You jump at it and cause a splash. Is just water, a literal puddle of water.
Do this was (either: "kinda funny", "silly", "infantile", "a bit dumb").
[[Keep going|Dark Woods]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You jump at it. You are sinking, it is a water hole, a large one and seems some kind of current is sucking you in. You can't fight it even if tried.
After some seconds forced deep into the small tunnel, you see light at the bottom and you are going towards it like it or not.
(either: "[[Next|Go to Wetcaves falling zone A]]", "[[Next|Go to Wetcaves falling zone A]]", "[[Next|Go to Wetcaves falling zone B]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](go-to: "Wetcaves Falling zone A")(go-to: "Wetcaves Falling zone B")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You are on the biggest flat rock area, also next to the widest part of the underground river. Somehow this part seems safe.
Most of the cave is iluminated in dim cyan light, even the deep part of the river. From here you can notice another tunnel waterfalls from the cave's ceiling that looks like water pillars, and a big waterfall on the other side of the cave.
[[West|Way to underground river exit]]
[[East|Way of the river]] (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 1)
(link: "Level-UP Circle")[ (set:$location to "Big underground River")(goto:"Level-UP Circle") ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) )
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(set: $MapLocation to 20) (set:$location to "Big underground River") (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You fall and end up in a underground river. You swim to the surface and look around at the dim light illuminated wet caves while near you is the tunnel waterfall that you came from.
Swimming, you reach the semi-flat rock path for a quick catch of breath and look round for what you want to do. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 2) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[Continue|Big underground River]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You're exploring the wetcaves. Here the river's current is noticeable but calm. At the right is the most flat area of the cave, at the left is a big river tunnel.
[[West|Next to underground river exit]]
[[East|Big underground River]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are next to the big tunnel where the river dissapears. Everything is just rocks here and is less illuminated.
Here the current is stronger and once inside the tunnel you can't come back.
[[Swim into the river's exit|Wetcaves river exit]]
[[East|Way to underground river exit]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You jump into the river and swim towards the tunnel until you get to the point of no return.
The current is strong here and takes you deep into the darkness. Then reach a part where there is no air and get sucked by the water, going kinda fast until reach a dim light.
Suddenly you are in Southville's Lake, and the remaining current pushing you to the surface. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 2) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
You reach the shore near where are some boats and climb a bit until be on the road.
(link: "Move on")[(go-to: "East Path 2")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're in the zone of the big waterfall. From here you can see diverse big natural pools and the connection of the river with where the water falls. The path gets divided here. (either: "You have the feeling that you are being watched.", "You manage to see an aquatic creature sitting near the pools before dissapears.", " ", " ")
(color:gray)[River natural bridge]
[[West|Way of the river]]
[[East|South Natural Pools path]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) )
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "East waterfall zone entrance")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
These are the natural pools to the south of the waterfall. Somehow the ambient here is a mix of cold and warm. There are pools of differente sizes, one of them bigger than the others and very connected to the river.
[[Enter into the big pool]]
[[To the minipools]]
[[West|East waterfall zone entrance]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "South Natural Pools path")
You fall and end up in a underground river. You swim to the surface and look around at the dim light illuminated wet caves while near you is the big cascade that you came from, thankfully unharmed.
Swimming, you reach the semi-flat rock path for a quick catch of breath and look round for what you want to do. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 2) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[Continue|East waterfall zone entrance]] (set: $X to 5)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are swimming in the pool, is kinda cold but tolerable. Is big enough for be able to explore it a bit. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 1) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[Swim North|Big natural pool (North)]]
[[Swim Northeast|Big natural pool (Northeast)]]
[[Exit|South Natural Pools path]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are swimming in the pool. Here is kinda colder but tolerable. Is big enough for be able to explore it a bit. Here is hard to see how deep it is.
[[Swim Northeast|Big natural pool (Northeast)]]
[[Swim South|Enter into the big pool]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random: 1,5) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Big natural pool (North)")(go-to:"Mermaid trap 1") ]
You are swimming in the pool. Here is kinda colder but tolerable. Is big enough for be able to explore it a bit. Here you can feel some of the water in the air from the cascade.
[[Swim East|Big natural pool (North)]]
[[Swim Southwest|Enter into the big pool]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random: 1,5) is 1)[ (set:$location to "Big natural pool (Northeast)")(go-to:"Mermaid trap 1") ]
Suddenly you are grab by someone comming from the deeps of the water, a mermaid. Her skin colors are mostly green and blue and her face smooth. Reminds you a bit of "Luca".
You can feel her big fish tail moving at your butt while she holds you and tries to molest you with her expert hands.
(set: $NeedtoescapeNumber to (random: 5,12) )
You need $NeedtoescapeNumber Stamina to escape.
(if: $Stamina > $NeedtoescapeNumber)[ [[Try to escape|Success escape from mermaid trap 1]] ] (else:)[ [[Try to escape|Failed escape from mermaid trap 1]] ]
You have $Stamina Stamina
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You manage to get away from the mermaid's hold.
When you manage to get ready for combat, you don't see her around anymore.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - $NeedtoescapeNumber)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You failed to escape.
The mermaid holds you to her chest, trapping your arms with one of hers and making her breasts be on top of your head. She rubs your crotch area until get you hard and start massaging your cock in a very sensual way.
She is doing now most the swimming for both, keeping your head above water while molesting you underwater. Your legs are free but you couldn't do anything even trying more than just move them around.
Then she grabs your cock with her hand and start masturbating you, while keep holding you at her. For moments her breasts cover part of your vision. Even that you are in water, somehow she makes you feel even more wet than before as you are forced to feel her body pressed at yours.
You can only moan as she keeps masturbating you nonstoping until you can't resist anymore and cum, sending shot after shot into the water. She releases you, getting closer to your cum and she suck it like a floating drink. With a giggle, she dissapears. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
You get very tired and just float there until the water push you towards the shore.
(if: $ExpPoints > 10)[//You lose a few (color:green)[Exp.Points]// (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - 10) ]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 2)
(link: "Move on")[ (go-to: "South Natural Pools path") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]''You encounter a Cave Blue blob!''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:20,26)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Cave Blue blob") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Cave Blue blob battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Cave Blue blob battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 4)[ (link: "Run")[ (goto: "Run") ] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:8,12)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Cave Blue blob battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth + 1) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:2,4)) ]
(color:red)[The Slime ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 5)[
[[Attack|Attack CBB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack CBB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the Blob. //+20 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 20) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 20)
(set: $randomCoins to (random:5,8)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: (random:1,20) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Cave Blue blob battle")You're weak enough. The blob launch itself at you and start spreading over your chest. You struggle trying to take it off while it keep trying to spread even more.
Later, another blob appears and mix with the other until they fuse together, increasing their mass and spreading around you.
Part of them reach and spread over your crotch area making you blush as you keep trying that they don't overpower you.
More of the blob's mass goes towards your now kinda hard boyhood and increasing your arousal, trying to get you weaker.
(set: $NeedtoescapeNumber to (random: 10,22) )
You need ''???'' Stamina to escape.
(if: $Stamina > $NeedtoescapeNumber)[ [[Try to get free|Success escape from Cave Blue blob 1]] ] (else:)[ [[Try to get free|Failed escape from Cave Blue blob 1]] ]
You have $Stamina Stamina
With a really big effort, you manage to struggle enough to take most of it from your (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) but you are very weak and lost stamina.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $health to (random:1,2) )
You fail to escape and the blob takes over your now fully hard cock.
Pleases you, teasing your cocktip and slowing down your efforts to get away while spreads around you until 2/3 of your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) is covered with the blob's sustance.
Then another blob appears and jump at you, spreading on the way and mix with the other. They fuse together and overpower you almost completely except your face, making you fall and focusing on retrain your moves and molesting your boyhood.
You moan while they are touching you all over while complain for not be able to move properly. Then they are now vibrating and masturbating you hard, driving your level of arousal crazy. You kick and struggle as best as you can but they keep molesting you until you can't resist anymore and cum hard, shooting spurt after spurt into the blob.
Pleased, the blob abosrb your essence and increases its mass. Completely tired with a lost look and unable to do anything more, you only manage to yelp when you realize too late that now your face and mouth gets covered. The blob muzzle you and now breathe for you while feed you part of its sustance, forcing a symbiosis with you to get feed of you while it also feeds you.
With nobody around to save you, this is:
(set: $InicioLocation to "Inicio")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[(css: "color: red;")[''GAME OVER''] ]
//(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]//
(link: "Back to Start")[ (goto: $InicioLocation) ]
You are in the Adventure Hall's lobby. (either: "There are some random adventurers around", "There are new furs looking around", "There are few people in the building").
From here you see the second floor and doors to the rooms, also the adventure board, the gathering area and the manager attending from the front desk.
[[Front Desk|Talking to Kirina]]
(link: "Quest Board")[ (set: $OutpostName to "Stoneguard") (goto: "Outpost") ]
(color:gray)[Second Floor]
(color:gray)[Gathering area]
[[Exit|Stoneguard North]]
(link: "Adventure board")[(goto: "Adventure board")] (Still in development)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set: $location to "Adventure Hall")The red zebra of black stripes is looking at you(either: " with a confident smile.", ".")
''Kirina'': Welcome to the Adventurers Hall. (either: "Looking for something?", "What can ''I'' do for you?") (either: "Sweetie~", "*She winks at you*", "*She looks at you with lust in her eyes*", "Handsome~", " ", " ", " ")
[[Info|Asking info to Kirina]]
[[Talk|Chat with Kirina]]
[[Check|Check Kirina]]
[[Back|Adventure Hall]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Kirina'': (either: "I can tell when someone is putting effort. I recompensate the dedication~", "There is always work to be done, just not everyone can do it", "I might have some missions you can run for me in the future", "Even if there is constant work to do, I always can find time to spare for fun", "Don't get too surprised if you not see me around, probably be busy getting fucked... or the other way~", "If you see a chance to fuck you should take it, but that's just my opinion", "While fucking in this world, not matter if you are top or bottom. Who steal the points of the other depends on who is in control", "If you have consensual sex, both gain points", "Monsters also try to become stronger, mostly stealing points. A few times I lost on purpose~", "The way monsters 'level up' is different from ours but the methods are the same", "I see adventurers of all kinds and I like most of them", "I think is fun see when a top gets topped :3", "The monsters instints are strong and they order them to fuck you >:3").
[[Keep chatting|Chat with Kirina]]
[[Back|Talking to Kirina after welcome]]
(if: $Level > 10)[ (if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ [[Fun with Kirina|Fun with Kirina Selection]] ] (else:)[ ] ] (else:)[ ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]What you want to ask about?
[[About Adventure Guilds]]
[[About the rooms]]
[[About "Gathering"]]
[[Rules|Rules of Adventure guilds]]
[[Back|Talking to Kirina after welcome]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Here gather adventurers of competent fighting skills who come looking for quests, explore or competition.
The place is still new so is going to take some time to be fully operational. In the future, adventurers will be able to take diverse quests, some random and others of major importance.
As for the building itself, furs will be able to meet others in the gathering area, check their progress in the Adventure board and some can gain access to our rooms for... "special fun". Butt... we still under construction so most stuff is closed.
(display: "Asking info to Kirina")
They are exclusive for some //good// fun, but are only for who deserve it. If you want to enter in one of those, you have to earn it.
Only dedicated adventurers could witness the //secrets// behind that doors.
(display: "Asking info to Kirina")1# No fights inside the building
2# Clothes are optional
- teasing is ok
(These rules could get updated in the future)
(display: "Asking info to Kirina")You're using the Adventure board pannel. //(Still in development)//
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:gray)[Main] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:gray)[Missions/Quests] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:gray)[Monsters] ] | (css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:gray)[Bosses] ]
Your Level: (color:yellow)[''$Level''] Your Exp: (color:green)[''$ExpPoints'']
Your Total Score: (color:yellow)[''$points'']
[[Back|Adventure Hall]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Adventurers will be able to meet here and maybe some able to team up in the future for cooperative missions and events.
We still don't have enough people for make that operational.
(display: "Asking info to Kirina")The red zebra of black stripes is looking at you(either: " with a confident smile.", ".")
''Kirina'': (either: "Looking for something?", "What can ''I'' do for you?", "Anything else?") (either: "Sweetie~", "*She winks at you*", "*She looks at you with lust in her eyes*", "Handsome~", " ", " ", " ")
[[Info|Asking info to Kirina]]
[[Talk|Chat with Kirina]]
[[Back|Adventure Hall]]
''Name'': ''Kirina Echegaray''
''Species'': Red Zebra
''Info'': Manager of the Adventurers hall. Loves tease people.
- Skillful, strong, honorable, loyal.
- Constantly horny and very hung.
//She knows you are checking her.//
[[Back|Talking to Kirina after welcome]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,2) is 1)[ (go-to: "Kirina Side A") ]
(else:)[ (go-to: "Kirina Side B") ]
''Kirina'': You want have fun? You should know you can't back off by now.
What you want you be?
[[Top|You Top Kirina]]
[[Bottom|Kirina Top You]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Kirina'': So.. you want to fill huh? *smirks*
She grab your arm and directs you to the stairs. Both reach the second floor and after pass a few doors you reach her room.
She open the door and get you inside.
[[Let's fuck~|You fuck Kirina scene]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Kirina'': So.. you want get filled huh? *smirks*
She grab your arm and directs you to the stairs. Both reach the second floor and after pass a few doors you reach her room.
She open the door and get you inside.
[[Let's fuck~|Kirina Fuck you scene]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You notice that cubs get inside the cabin, very curiously you get closer to see what is happening and you see through the window that the little wolves are naked and masturbating each other, in the tranquility that no one is watching them.
Then one of them turns around and the other one starts to lick his ass while panting with pleasure, on the other side of the store watching the action your penis starts to get hard and you start to masturbate.
After a while, the dominant puppy puts his penis inside the other one's ass and starts to thrust gently while lying on the bed in the doggy style position which they like very much, while you continue to masturbate watching the action and bouncing pre-cum at the same time.
The dominant puppy gently bites the other's neck as he begins to thrust harder, eager to come inside the other, and you increase the speed even more, hoping to be able to see them as they begin to come inside each other.
After a while of thrusting you start to spurt a lot of pre-cum and after a while you start spurting semen while watching the puppies do the same, soiling the bed and the room, falling exhausted.
Taking advantage of the moment when they are resting and almost asleep, you enter the cabin and caress them and cover them with blankets, retiring as if nothing had happened.Kirina pushes you to the bed, looking you in the eyes in a sweet and seductive way. Proceeds to lick your neck, while her hand begins to expertly caress your crotch area while rub your butthole with the other, getting you hard and masturbating you with desire, showing how much she want to dominate you with passion and lust.
After playing with you she turns you around to admire your ass, looking at your entrance. She begins to insert a finger in your anus, making you moan and preparing you for what comes next.
From a drawer, she takes out lubricant and covers her erect penis with it while masturbate over your butt as she put you in 4-legged position, clinging to your ass.
Kirina opens your ass and push her penis inside you and starts to ram firmly while gently licking your neck, giving you soft nibbles letting you feel like if you are her property and going to make you enjoy it.
Excited, she increase the thrusts, dominating you on the bed like the a lover, enjoying every moment she hits your prostate you making you feel in glory.
After some time of fucking both feel like about to explode. She clings to you with everything she have and begins to release sperm inside you, letting out a large girly but dominating moan. You cover the bed with your cum making it wet and fall kinda exhausted on your own essence.
She quickly recovers and gets up slowly getting out like if teasing.
''Kirina'': It was fun to spend time with ya~
After get up, you clean yourself with a (either: "sheet", "towel") of many that seems also covered wet with sperm and exit the room. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Back to lobby")[(goto: "Adventure Hall")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Kirina'': You want have fun? You should know you can't back off by now.
What you want she be?
[[Top|Kirina Top You]]
[[Bottom|You Top Kirina]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Kirina looks at you with eyes of desire, pushing you towards the bed she directs you to lie down while she prepares herself for a good pleasure that you can already see coming. She proceeds to lick your penis and suck it while looking you in the eyes enjoying your reaction.
After sucking you for a while she start to masturbate and her penis gets hard while she grabs the lubricant near the bed and wet your now hard cock with it.
Finishing lubricating you she jumps on you, licking your neck with a lot of lust. Then Kirina grab her and your penis, masturbating both at the same time until get you fully aroused.
She gets up on you and direct your cock to her cunt, lowering herself on it and pushing you inside her vagina until is all the way in.
Starts going up and down, riding you and making you ram into her with pleasure and desire, looking at you with dominant eyes as you penetrate her with every thrust.
She continues to masturbate and squeezing her tits, bouncing pre-cum as you fuck her.
''Kirina'': Aaah aaah *moans* moree~
You grab her by the hips and thrust her harder while she rides you faster and both reach climax.
Moaning she let out a cry of pleasure and spurts cum all over you as you orgasm inside her, soiling the bed.
She quickly recovers and gets up slowly like if teasing.
''Kirina'': That was great. You are fun to have. You know where to find me if you want to repeat.
After get up, you clean yourself with a (either: "sheet", "towel") of many that seems also covered wet with sperm and exit the room. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 5) (if: $LewdSmell > 2)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Back to lobby")[(goto: "Adventure Hall")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're comming out of the moonwoods.
🡸 [[Continue to west|Outskirts North]] (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 6)
🡺 [[Back to Bus stop|North Path]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Moonwoods outskirts entrance Left side")
PASSWORD: Inkbunny
''(css: "font-size: 130%;")[ <a href='https://darkxirogms.neocities.org/IB%20Webchat.html' target='_blank'>Web Chat</a> ]''
(css: "font-size: 120%;")[ [[Back|Phone]] ]
//Telegram group: (link: "FurGames")[(goto-url: 'https://t.me/joinchat/jdf8AHtx4TY4OTUx')]//
You enter into one of the natural minipools and sit on the shallow side, away from the deep dark part. The water is a bit cold but you slowly get used to it.
Relax here makes you recover bit by bit. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 1) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[Relax|Relax in minipools]]
[[Exit|South Natural Pools path]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina]
You're relaxing on the minipool, the calm water causing a good effect on your body.
(set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 1) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[Keep relaxing|Relax in minipools]]
[[Exit|South Natural Pools path]]
(either: "You recover (color:green)[+1 HP!] (set: $health to $health + 1)", "You recover (color:orange)[+1 Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina +1)")
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP] MaxHP: ''$Maxhealth'' Stamina: (css: "color: orange;")[$Stamina]
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(if: (random: 1,8) is 1)[ (set:$location to "South Natural Pools path")(goto: "Sudden mermaid scene") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]A splash of water blind you for a second and when you open your eyes, you have a luca-like mermaid on you. Her wet fish tail is on your legs, restricting you from get up.
Then she start to move like dancing on you, rubbing your crotch part with her scales while she uses her arms to hold you in place. Her expert moves start to arouse you want it or not until you get hard.
Later she hugs your head and push you towards her breasts, trapping your face between them. She keeps dacing until somehow your boyhood gets aligned to her cunt and she presses herself against you, forcing your member to enter into her. Both moan at the same time.
The mermaid continue dancing on you, playing with your cock inside her cunt, forcing you to get more aroused while you keep trapped between her boobies. She keeps asaulting your member with her cunt until you cant resist an longer and cum hard inside her. The mermaid stole your energy and cum. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
She happily gets up from you and quickly jumps to the deep part, dissapearing into that dark tunnel.
After catching your breath, you get away from there and return to the path.
[[Exit|South Natural Pools path]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 2)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You notice that 2 naked cub scouts get inside the cabin, a (either: "orange", "red", "cyan", "green", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple") (either: "tiger", "dog", "wolf", "husky", "lion", "bear") and the other a (either: "orange", "white", "cyan", "green", "blue", "gray", "brown", "purple", "lime", "pink") (either: "cat", "pup", "fox", "bunny", "lynx", "racoon"). They get on one of the beds, (either: "kissing", "rubbing", "caressing") each other.
Looking closer from your spot you see that the horny cubs are masturbating each other, comfy in the tranquility of the room.
Then one of them turns around and the other one starts to lick his ass while panting with pleasure. Watching the action your penis gets hard and you start to caress yourself.
After a while, the dominant cub put the submissive doggy style position on the bed and (either: "introduce", "insert") his (either: "penis", "cock") inside the other cub's (either: "ass", "butt") all the way and thrust (either: "gently, making the other gasp", "hard, making the other moan"). You keep (either: "masturbating", "jacking off") and bouncing precum watching the (either: "action", "scene").
The dominant cub (either: "gently bites the other's neck", "licks the other cub") as he begins to thrust harder, eager to cum inside. You increase the speed.
After a while of thrusting, the top cub (either: "moan", "gasp") and cum inside his companion, causing the other to orgasm as well. You start spurting semen while watching them do the same, soiling the beds with their essence and falling exhausted.
They rest for a while until get up and retire from the cabin (either: "as if nothing had happened", "smiling at each other", "with a big smile on their faces").
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 4)
(color:orange)[+ 4 Stamina Restored!]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Rest|Rest Cabin A]]
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
A small cozy barn with a feral cow and a feral horse, each one in their own place away from eachother.
Someome is taking care of the horse
[[Stay and see|Barn Ferbs scene 1]]
(link: "Go back")[(goto: "Farm")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A naked white rabbit cub is caressing the big farm horse, rubbing all over his big and strong body. The feminine looking male cub seems happy to be with the big animal to the point of even rub his face on the equine skin, hugging him as best as he could.
Then the rabbit gets under him and caress the horse's already exposed member, hugging it too like a plushie and enjoying how warm it feels agaisnt his little body until his boyhood also comes out fully stiff.
The horse cock start to spurt some precum and the rabbit boy grab a metal container, put it close and gets on his knees to collect some.
<div class = "imagefade">
The fluffy rabbit seems like done this before but still he blushes hard as he please the big horse with his little soft paws.
[[Next|Barn Ferbs scene 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The cub keeps rubbing the big cock, giving pleasure to the feral horse until get him fully hard and proceed to masturbate him like an expert while blushing even harder.
The horse neighs happily by those small paws, reaching his climax, giving the cbunny a cumshot on his face and keep cumming around. The rabbit start to collect horsecum until get plenty.
<div class = "imagefade">
The horse stays semihard, dropping cum on the ground while the very aroused rabbit cub wait for the animal to finish. Then the kid gets up and grab his container with his prize, caress the horse once more and gets out from the barn.
(link: "Exit")[(goto: "Farm")]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]Some cubs are bathing, you turn on the shower and start scrubbing your whole body watching two (either: "puppies", "kits", "kittens") start (either: "kissing", "licking") and masturbating each other. You watch them frolicking as you bathe and touch yourself slowly.
They both (either: "sit on the floor", "lean on the wall") and begin to masturbate more eagerly wanting to squirt cum from their boyhoods.
All flushed you start to accelerate, masturbating yourself with pleasure watching them have fun.
After a while both orgasm and stain the floor in front of them with their essence while the water is running all over their bodies and cleaning everything.
You finish showering and get dry with a towel. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(set: $health to $health + 3)
[(color:green)[+3 HP!]] You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]''Andy'': You wanna play then? Come here (either: "cutie", "sexy", "dear").
The white bear invites you, opening the door of his front desk. You come next to him and Andy start (either: "petting", "caressing") your head.
Carefully and smiling at you, Andy slowly push you down until get you on your knees and rub his already exposed hard knotted cock on your face.
After a bit of this, the door of the store opens and the bear expertly put you under the desk and press his cock on your mouth until you open it and he push inside, making you taste him while keeping you quiet at the same time.
''Andy'': (either: "How can I help you?", "Are you interested on something?", "What can I do for you?")
The polar bear attends the customer while he fucks your mouth, the other fur don't even notice a thing thanks to the front desk hidding you.
He keeps going as you follow his rhythm, sucking his cock while also trying to not make any sound until the customer leaves the store. Then Andy looks at you with a big smile.
''Andy'': What a good (print: $PlayerSP's Species) you are~
Then the polar bear gently grabs your head and fuck harder your mouth, making quiet moans as he enjoys his time with you until he can't resist it anymore and with a final push, he cums in you directly to the
throat, feeding you with his warm bear milk.
With a happy sigh, Andy push out from your mouth, chucklin at cum dropping from your mouth. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
[[Next|Andy store blowjob reward]]
//Nutrients! You gain 10 points and [(color:green)[+1 HP.]]//(set: $health to $health + 1) (set: $points to $points + 10)
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Andy'': That was good. I believe someone deserves a little gift~
You receive (either: "You got Small HP Potion! (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1)", "(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 1) ''You got 1 red berry'' ", "(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 1) ''You got 1 yellow berry'' ", " ''You got Small HP Potion!'' (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1)", "''You got an Orange berry!'' (set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 1)")
Andy let you go, opening the desk door when nobody around. You go to the exit and look at him once more. He wink at you.
[[Move on|Stoneguard East]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You notice that two cubs on a bunk bed are (either: "kissing with desire", "licking each other") and caressing each other crotchs (either: "without caring that others could see them", "while the other furs around are watching").
They continue kissing and caressing their private parts and after a while they proceeds to suck each other's willies, causing you an erection.
You grab your (either: "penis", "cock") and start to masturbate as you enjoy the show and notice that the other cubs are masturbating as well while some others simply don't mind or don't care.
The two horny cubs insert a finger into the butthole of their friend while continue sucking each other, gaining pace like if they were in a race until both reach their climax and getting a taste of warm, satly milk.
[[Back|Big Hotel Floor 1]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]''You encounter a blob''
(set: $enemyHealth to (random:2,5)) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Neutral blob") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Blob battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
[[Fight!|Blob battle]]
(if: $Stamina >= 2)[ [[Run|Run]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Run] ]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[
(set: $enemyHit to (random:1,3)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength) (set: $SPattack to (random:5,8) + $AtkStrength) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:1,2)) ]
(color:red)[The Blob ATTACKS YOU! //-$enemyHit//](set: $health to $health - $enemyHit)(set: $points to $points + $enemyHit)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack BW]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack BW]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(set: $HalfHpStat to $Maxhealth / 2) (if: $health < $HalfHpStat)[ (link: "Surrender")[ (goto:$badlocation) ] ]
(if: $Level >= 5)[ (if: $Stamina >= 4)[ ] ]
You have defeated the blob. //+1 pt//
(set: $points to $points + 1) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 1)
(set: $ConstantScoutQuestNeutralSlimesTIMESDONE to $ConstantScoutQuestNeutralSlimesTIMESDONE + 1)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
](if: (random:1,10) is 1)[ You hit but your attack passed through!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Blob battle")(if: (random:1,20) is 1)[
You hit to but your attack passed through!
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $SPattack)(set: $points to $points + $SPattack) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 5)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$SPattack]
(display: "Blob battle")
The pair of warrior felines put a tent and start a fire quickly after walking around the monwoods for a while, taking care of monsters that try to go out of the forest.
The melynxes (either: "decided to rest for a bit", "ate a snack") while (either: "contemplating the sky", "chatting with each other").
''Shiro'': (either: "Let's fuck", "Wanna fuck~", "let's have some fun", "We have time for a session?")
''Kuro'': (either: "Sure", "Again?", "Ok~", "Ok but we have to be quick")
Both felines caress each other crotches until get hard while they (either: "kiss", "deep kiss").
The light furred feline turn around the dark one and put his cock inside his (either: "partner", "comrade", "bud"), causing both to moan.
They're fucking outdoors, enjoying the moment to the point of shiver of pleasure.
<div class = "imagefade"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/aSUM3YK.jpg"> </div>
Shiro and Kuro keep mating under the light of the celestial body in the sky until both cum together.
[[Next|After Shiro and Kuro scene]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You spot the patrols setting up their camp.
[[Take a look|Shiro x Kuro Image scene]]
(link: "Keep going")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
After they are done, the pair get clean licking themselves like feral cats.
Later, they gather their belongings, packing up quite expertly until take everything and continue their patroling around the zone.
You get out from your hidding spot.
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You find a big rock of ice with a Frozen Slime inside. (either: "Is slowly melting.", "", "")
The low temperature turned the slime into a solid material.
(if: $Level > 35)[ (if: $Stamina > 5)[ [[Use special attack|Attack Ice rock frozen slime]] ] ] (else:)[ (color: gray)[Use special attack (need more level)] ]
(link: "Keep going")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You use your Special Attack and manage to break the Ice rock
''You obtain Solid Slime''
(set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime + 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 4) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 3) + 3 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 2) + 2 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $OctoberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 275) + 275 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 2) + 2 Medium HP Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 2) + 2 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $OctoberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 40) + 40 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 475) + 475 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 3) + 3 Orange Berries
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 3) + 3 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 20) + 20 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 10) + 10 Cookies
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $OctoberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 250) + 250 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (a)''
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $NovemberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 40) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 275) + 275 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 2) + 2 Medium HP Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 4) + 4 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) + 10 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (b)''
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $NovemberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 40) + 40 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 475) + 475 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 3) + 3 Orange Berries
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 3) + 3 Big HP Potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 5) + 5 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 20) + 20 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 10) + 10 Cookies
(set: $TPscrollC to $TPscrollC + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (c)''
(link: "Nice!")[(goto: "Gifts & Rewards for Patrons")] (set: $NovemberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)
//(css: "font-size: 145%;")[ (color:cyan)[''HAPPY ANNIVERSARY''] ]//
(set: $points to $points + 1000) ''+1000 Score Points''
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 100) ''+ 100 Exp.Points''
(set: $coins to $coins + 20) ''+20 Coins''
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 20) ''+20 Cookies''
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 10) ''+10 Orange Berries''
(set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (a)''
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (b)''
(set: $TPscrollC to $TPscrollC + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (c)''
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1) ''+1 Skill Point''
''<div class="rainbow-text" style="text-align: center;">
<div class="rainbow-text" style="text-align: center;">
<span class="block-line"><span><span style="color:#ff0000;">+</span><span style="color:#ff6e00;">1 </span></span><span><span style="color:#ffdd00;">F</span><span style="color:#b2ff00;">R</span><span style="color:#48ff00;">E</span><span style="color:#00ff26;">E </span></span><span><span style="color:#00ff95;">L</span><span style="color:#00fbff;">E</span><span style="color:#0091ff;">V</span><span style="color:#0022ff;">E</span><span style="color:#4d00ff;">L </span></span><span><span style="color:#b700ff;">U</span><span style="color:#ff00d9;">P</span><span style="color:#ff006a;">!</span></span></span>
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Awesome~|Gifts & Rewards]] ]
(set: $AnniversaryUpdateRewardCLAIMED to 1)
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[(css: "color: orange;")[''You Level Up!'']]
(set: $Level to $Level + 1)
(css: "color: green;")[''+MaxHP increase'']
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength'']
(css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina'']
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(if: $Level is 5)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 10)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 15)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 20)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 25)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 30)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 35)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 40)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 45)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 50)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 55)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 60)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 65)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 70)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 75)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 80)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 85)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 90)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ]
(set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15)
(set: $health to $health + 3)
(set: $Maxhealth to $Maxhealth + 3)
(set: $points to $points + $ReqExpPoints)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 1) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1)
(if: $Level > 5)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 5) ]
(if: $Level is 5)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 10)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 10) ]
(if: $Level is 10)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 15)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15) ]
(if: $Level is 15)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 20)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 25) ]
(if: $Level is 20)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 25)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 30) ]
(if: $Level is 25)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 30)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 50) ]
(if: $Level is 30)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 35)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 60) ]
(if: $Level is 35)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 40)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 70) ]
(if: $Level is 40)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 45)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 100) ]
(if: $Level is 45)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 50)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 130) ]
(if: $Level is 50)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 55)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 170) ]
(if: $Level is 55)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 60)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 200) ]
(if: $Level is 60)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 65)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 250) ]
(if: $Level is 65)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 70)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 300) ]
(if: $Level is 70)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 75)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 400) ]
(if: $Level is 75)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 80)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 500) ]
(if: $Level is 80)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 85)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 700) ]
(if: $Level is 85)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 90)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 900) ]
(if: $Level is 90)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
''You use TP Scroll (c)''
(set: $TPscrollC to $TPscrollC - 1)
A light comes out from the paper and suddenly you appear in somewhere else.
(link: "Continue")[ (go-to: "Big underground River") ]
You see nearby a white furred cub of tiger stripes and jaguar spots, looking around for blue flowers.
[[Hide & Look|Darki Blue jug flowers Image Scene]]
(link: "Keep moving")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The hybrid kitten finds a semi-open blue jug flower and get closer to it, (either: "taking a look to the flower", "looking for blue seeds ready to be taken"). The flower reacts opening completely for the feline, causing him to blush a bit.
Darki gets closer to the flower and let it feel his (either: "peepee", "boyhood"). The plant carefully take the cub's member with its tendrils and start hugging and massaging until the young one gets hard.
The jug flower engulfs completely Darki's sensitive boyhood, making him feel (either: "flustered", "embarrased", "nervous") as he (either: "moans", "gets pleasure") and try to look around hoping nobody see him but quickly all his attention stays on the plant.
The sex between the cub and the plant causes all the jug flowers around them to temporally bloom, attracted to the suculent juices that soon would be extracted from the kid.
<div class = "imagefade"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/of5KjNzl.jpg"> </div>
All his little boyhood hidden from the world and trapped inside the jug flower that keeps pleasing and arousing the kitten, giving him a soft blowjob and teasing his peehole while sucking all his precum.
Darki (either: "trying to supress his moans", "unable to contain his moans") ends orgasming inside the jug flower, feeding it with his cum and the plant absorbs everything until the last drop.
[[Next|After Darki Blue jug flowers]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The jug flower releases Darki's (either: "cock", "peepee", "member") and release it's new seeds.
All flustered, Darki collect the blue seeds, get up and walks away covering his peepee with his paws.
(link: "Keep moving")[ (goto:$location) ]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You somehow lost against the blob and fallen on the ground.
The transparent and gelatinous creature start moving, passing over your crotch and moving on your torso until reach the ground again, leaving you behind.
With basically no inteligence and only moving for impulse, the creature continue on its way in the direction of the city. (either: "With no brain or thoughts, the creature simply isn't interested on you", "Something big fly nearby and launch an ice breath attack, frezzing the blob").
[[Next|Healing Room Normal]]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 3) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]After some time, you're found and taken to the Medical Cabin.
You receive first aid treatment and put on a bed, taking a good rest until recover. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
(set: $health to 25)
(color:green)[HP Restored!]
(link: "Get up")[(goto: "Medical cabin")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]**Health**: $health **Stamina**: $Stamina
(if: $enemyHealth > 0)[ (color:red)[''Cub HP: $enemyHealth'']
(set: $enemyHit to $EnemyCubRandomLevel + (random:1,6)) (set: $enemyHit to $enemyHit - $protection) (set:$battle to "Arena Random Battle") (set: $attack to (random:1,5) + $AtkStrength - 5) (set: $SPattack to (random:6,9) + $AtkStrength - 5) (if: $enemyHit < $protection)[ (set: $enemyHit to (random:3,7)) ]
(color:yellow)[You attack first!]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]. (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Attack|Attack Cub ARB]]
(if: $Stamina >= 5)[ [[Sp.Attack|Sp.Attack Cub ARB]] ] (else:)[(color:gray)[Sp.Attack] ]
(link: "Items")[ (goto: "Items (Battle)") ]
(else:)[ (goto:$badlocation)
You have defeated the other cub. //+30 pts!// (set: $points to $points + 30) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30)
''You obtain //5 Arena Coins//!'' (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5)
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP].
[[Continue|Continue (Arena Random battle)]]
](css: "font-size: 125%;")[(align: "====>")[[[Back|Patrol bulletin board]]]]
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ Scout Quests | [[Constant Tasks|Scout Constant Tasks]] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''RANDOM QUEST'' ]
Random Scout Quest (On the works)
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''SCORE POINTS'' ]
- Collect Points
+5000 (if: $ScoutQuestScorePointsONECompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Points Quest|Points ScoutQuest ONE]] ]
+7500 (if: $ScoutQuestScorePointsTWOCompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Points Quest|Points ScoutQuest TWO]] ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''# COMPLETE QUESTS'' ]
+10 Quests (if: $ScoutQuestTotalONECompleted is 1)[(color:gray)[Quest Completed]] (else:)[ [[Quest's Quest|Quests ScoutQuest ONE]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:orange)[''Good job''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 10) + 10 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 100) + 100 Score Points
(set: $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE to $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE - 10)
[[Back|Scout Constant Tasks]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Reach 5000 points''
or more
Your Total Score: (color:yellow)[''$points'']
(if: $points >= 5000)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|5000 Points Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Need more points ]
[[Back|Scout Quests]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 50) + 50 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 120) + 120 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 500) + 500 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $ScoutQuestScorePointsONECompleted to 1)
[[Back|Scout Quests]]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[(align: "====>")[[[Back|Patrol bulletin board]]]]
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ [[Scout Quests]] | Constant Tasks ]
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''CONSTANT TASKS'' ]
Aren't quests but can be done multiple times indefinitely.
Help in Barn $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE / 10 (if: $ConstantScoutQuestBarnTIMESDONE >= 10)[ [[Reward|Reward CSQ Barn]] ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Reward] ]
Neutralize neutral slimes $ConstantScoutQuestNeutralSlimesTIMESDONE / 10 (if: $ConstantScoutQuestNeutralSlimesTIMESDONE >= 10)[ [[Reward|Reward CSQ Neutral Slimes]] ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Reward] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Reach 7500 points''
or more
Your Total Score: (color:yellow)[''$points'']
(if: $points >= 7500)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|7500 Points Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Need more points ]
[[Back|Scout Quests]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 50) + 50 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 135) + 135 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 600) + 600 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $ScoutQuestScorePointsTWOCompleted to 1)
[[Back|Scout Quests]]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:orange)[''Good job''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 10) + 10 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 35 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 100) + 100 Score Points
(set: $ConstantScoutQuestNeutralSlimesTIMESDONE to $ConstantScoutQuestNeutralSlimesTIMESDONE - 10)
[[Back|Scout Constant Tasks]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[Quest]
''Complete 10 quests''
or more
Your Total: (color:yellow)[''$NumberQuestsComplete'']
(if: $NumberQuestsComplete >= 10)[ (css: "font-size: 125%;")[[[REWARD|10 Quest COMPLETED]]] ] (else:)[ Need complete more quests ]
[[Back|Scout Quests]]
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:green)[''REWARD''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 100) + 100 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 150) + 150 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 500) + 500 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard''
(set: $ScoutQuestTotalONECompleted to 1)
[[Back|Scout Quests]]
(set: $NumberQuestsComplete to $NumberQuestsComplete + 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 300) + 300 Score Points
(set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) + 2 Small HP potions
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 3) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 15) + 15 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 10) + 10 Cookies
(set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (a)''
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $DecemberPatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 40) + 40 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 40) + 40 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 375) + 375 Score Points
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 2) + 2 Medium HP Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 4) + 4 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 15) + 15 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 10) + 10 Cookies
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (b)''
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $DecemberPatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)
(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 50) + 50 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 475) + 475 Score Points
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 3) + 3 Big HP Potions
(set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 2) + 2 Medium Stamina Potion
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 5) + 5 Crystal Shards
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 20) + 20 Arena Coins
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 20) + 20 Cookies
(set: $TPscrollC to $TPscrollC + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (c)''
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $DecemberPatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)
You find in your way a eggplant with its red egglike seed on top.
What you choose to do?
[[Take eggseed|Take Red Eggseed]]
(set: $RandomSelect to (random:1,2)) (if: $RandomSelect is 1)[ (link: "Leave it")[ (goto:$location) ] ] (if: $RandomSelect is 2)[ [[Leave it|Failed Leave Red Eggseed]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''You obtain a //Red eggseed//''
(set: $RedEggseed to $RedEggseed + 1)
Total: $RedEggseed
(if: (random:1,2) is 1)[ Its dust cause a bad reaction. (either: "You lose 2 coins (set: $coins to $coins - 2)", "You lose 3 (color:green)[Exp.Points] (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - 3)") ]
(link: "Continue")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: $ExpPoints < 2)[ (set: $ExpPoints to 2) ]
(if: $coins < 1)[ (set: $coins to 1) ]
You turn to leave but suddenly a pair of tentacles grab your arms, forcing you to get closer to the plant, with your butt pointing at it.
You struggle trying to get away but before get able to free yourself, you feel how the red eggseed is being pressed at your hole until manages to get in, causing you to (either: "yelp", "moan") uncomfortably.
''You obtain a //Red eggseed//''(set: $RedEggseed to $RedEggseed + 1) (if: $health > 10)[//You lose some (color:green)[HP]// (set: $health to $health - 4) ]
The eggseed is still attached to the plant while stuck inside you and it sents a electric signal. You're body is unwillingly forced to use the Red seed like a item, causing you a debuff and the longer stays like that the debuff will keep affecting you.
//(color:red)[Strength temporally reduced]
(color:orange)[Stamina decreasing] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 2) (if: $Stamina < 2)[ (set: $Stamina to 2) ]//
[[Pull|Try pull away from Red eggplant]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You try to pull away while feeling how a bit of your energy got transfered to the eggplant. It failed.
You're still united to the plant against your will and the eggseed continue causing effects inside you.
(if: $Level < 14)[ (either: "[[Keep trying|Try pull away from Red eggplant]]", "[[Keep trying|Try pull away from Red eggplant]]", "[[Keep trying|Success pull away from red eggplant]]") ] (else:)[ (either: "[[Keep trying|Try pull away from Red eggplant]]", "[[Keep trying|Success pull away from red eggplant]]") ]
You're losing (color:orange)[Stamina] (set: $Stamina to $Stamina - 1) (if: $Stamina < 2)[ (set: $Stamina to 2) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You try pull away from the plant and you success. The eggseed got detached from it, freeing you.
You (either: "get on your knees", "sit on the ground", "get on all fours") and start to push to take out the red eggseed stuck inside your butt. Takes you some time but you manage push it out and it looked like if you just lay an egg.
After take a moment to recover, you grab your item and put it in its proper place in your inventory.
(link: "Move on")[ (goto:$location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](go-to: "Find Red Eggplant")(set: $EnemyCubRandomLevel to (random:10,29))''You encounter a Level $EnemyCubRandomLevel (either: "red", "blue", "green", "purple", "yellow", "cyan", "white", "orange", "pink") female (either: "wolf", "vixen", "dog", "cat", "tigress", "bunny", "lynx", "bear", "lioness", "racoon") Cub!''
(set: $enemyHealth to $EnemyCubRandomLevel * 3 + 24) (set:$badlocation to "Lost to Arena Random Battle FxM") (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1)) (set:$Battlelocation to "Arena Random Battle")
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(css: "font-size: 110%;")[ (either: "[[Fight!|Arena Random Battle]]", "[[Fight!|Arena Random Battle Player Strike First]]") ]
[[Submit|Arena Random Submit]]
You have (color:yellow)[$health HP]
(color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $ArenaRandomF to 1)You approach her to claim (either: "your reward", "her pussy"), (either: "turning her over", "putting her on all fours") and preparing your cock for what's coming.
You begin (either: "licking", "fingering") her vagina and masturbate yourself watching her (either: "blush", "gasp") by the pleasure you give her.
After a while you get into position over her and push your (either: "penis", "cock") inside her (either: "vagina", "cunt", "pussy"). You fuck her hard, penetrating and holding her down, claiming her private part.
She moans with each penetration you give her, accelerating the pace of the thrusts bumping hips and both lost in pleasure until you find yourself about to come and it's time to make her pussy all yours.
Thrusting as hard as you can, both moans and you ejaculate inside her at the same time that she is forced to orgasm as well. You marked her inside with your cum. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto: "Arena") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You grab the other cub and put her on her knees in front of you, showing on her face your hardening cock.
She shows be tired but comply. The cub start to lick your cock until you get completely hard. Then she engulfs your cock inside her mouth and start blowing you.
You grab her head and push in over and over, gaining pace in each push until you are fucking her mouth. After a bit you reach climax and cum inside her mouth, forcing her to drink all your boyish cum. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 1) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
(link: "Move on")[ (goto: "Arena") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]She looks at you with a (either: "grin", "smile") and eyes of desire while she approaches you, with very (either: "bad", "pervert") intentions.
Putting her paw on your chest, she lays you down on the floor while she gets on top of you masturbating your penis and caressing it. For the next minutes your boyhood belongs to her.
At that moment she places your penis inside her (either: "vagina", "pussy") and begins to ride you while caresses herself. Your cock is her toy and wants to steal your points and cum, take them from you from your cock.
With each thrust you start to bounce pre and she speeds up the pace, riding you harder forcing pleasure in you.
After a while of impaling herself with your cock, you moan as your climax approach feeling like you are about to explode soon until you can not stand anmore and you begin to (either: "cum", "spurt") inside her just as she gets her orgasm by stealing your essence, feeling your energy drained as she absorb your points and leaving you on the groun like a mess.
(set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell + 2) (if: $LewdSmell > 10)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 10) ]
[[Next|Arena Healing]]
(if: $ExpPoints > 30)[//You lose a few (color:green)[Exp.Points]// (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints - 30) ]
//You cum away all your (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina]//
(set: $Stamina to 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: (random:1,5) is 4)[ (goto: "Female trapped cub red trap") ]
(else:)[ (goto: "Male trapped cub red trap") ]
You heard nearby a female cub whimpering and complaining while struggling with something. You find her trapped by a red jug flower trap and getting overwhelmed.
[[Watch|Watch trapped cub red trap F]]
[[Help|Help trapped cub red trap F]]
(link: "Leave")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The plants finally overwhelm her, trapping her with their vines as the flowers start to molest her.
She keep struggling and gasp at the red flower that now is "kissing" with her cunny and the plant's tendrils trying to suck her internal juices.
<div class = "imagefade">
Feels so weird and she can't shake them off from her,tries to close her legs but the plants dont let her and continue with their forbidden kiss of her cunny, all taking turns and wanting more of her.
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
You gained some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ](set: $attack to (random:3,5) + $AtkStrength)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
Your interference weakens the flowers hold on her and she manages to slip away.
The other cub thank you for your help before take her own way.
You won. //+9 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 9) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 9)
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You heard nearby a cub whimpering and complaining while struggling with something. As you got close, you find him trapped by a red jug flower trap, flowers coming from diverse directions and getting overwhelming him.
[[Watch|Watch trapped cub red trap M]]
[[Help|Help trapped cub red trap M]]
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $CubScene to (random:1,4))
The red jug flowers manages to overpower the cub, trapping him with their vines. He keep struggling until one of them engulf his (either: "cock", "member") and envolve it with little tendrils, causing him to gasp and securing him in place so don't get away while start molesting him.
He moves his hips around trying to shake it off and close his legs but the plant is locked to him and the vines keep openinghis legs to leave vulerable his member for masturbate and sucking him hard while inserting more arousal into his young cock.
(if: $CubScene is 1)[ <div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/NFCtR4el.jpg"></div> ] (if: $CubScene is 2)[ <div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/nzISYcYl.jpg"></div> ] (if: $CubScene is 3)[ <div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/d4ZETlOl.jpg"></div> ] (if: $CubScene is 4)[ <div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Zz155Mml.jpg"></div> ]
The cub gasp uncomfortable at the forced pleasure in his private part as keep struggling and moving his hips around trying to get away.
The poor cub is forced to leak and the flowers sucks him harder, taking turns and absorbing all his (either: "precum", "juices") until he can't take anymore.
(either: "Whimpering", "Crying", "Moaning", "Screaming") and (either: "hard", "horny against hiswill"), he's forced to cum into the flower, that absorb it all shoot after shoot until get him almost dry.
He got so tired and just barely started to catch his breath, only standing because of the vines that keep him in place until realize the red jug flowers are going to keep molesting his cock again and dont plan to release him anytime soon.
(link: "Leave")[(goto:$location)]
You gained some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +4)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $attack to (random:3,5) + $AtkStrength)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
Your interference weakens the flowers hold on him and he manages to slip away. The flowers slowly retreat from whateverdirection theycame from.
The other cub thank you gratefuly for help him and then he take his own way.
You won. //+9 pts!//
(set: $points to $points + 9) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 9)
(link: "Continue")[(goto:$location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) + 30 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 100) + 100 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 3) + 3 Medium St Potion
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 3) + 3 Medium HP Potion
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 5) + 5 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena coins
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (b)''
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $January2022PatreonRewardLevelONECLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 35) + 35 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) + 3 Crystal Shards
(set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 3) + 4 Medium St Potion
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 3) + 3 Medium HP Potion
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 5) + 5 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 5 Arena coins
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (b)''
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]] (set: $January2022PatreonRewardLevelTWOCLAIMED to 1)(css: "font-size: 135%;")[ (color:orange)[''PATREON REWARD''] ]
(color:gray)[//Thank you so much for your support//]
(set: $coins to $coins + 30) + 30 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 300) + 300 Score Points
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) + 5 Crystal Shards
(set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 3) + 3 Medium St Potion
(set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 3) + 3 Medium HP Potion
(set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 5) + 5 Wild Yellow Berries
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 5) + 5 Orange Berries
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) + 5 Cookies
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) + 10 Arena coins
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (b)''
[[Nice!|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]]
(set: $January2022PatreonRewardLevelTHREECLAIMED to 1)
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ ''Arena Statistics'' ]
- Random battles won: $RandomBattleWonTotal
- (css: "color: gray;")[(Available in future Update)]
(set: $TotalArenaBattlesWon to $TotalArenaBattlesWon + $RandomBattleWonTotal)
- Total Arena battles won: $TotalArenaBattlesWon
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ ''CONSTANT TASKS'' ]
Win random battles $ConstantArenaTaskRandomBattleTIMESDONE / 10 (if: $ConstantArenaTaskRandomBattleTIMESDONE >= 10)[ [[Reward|Reward ACT Random Battles]] ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Reward] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:orange)[''Keep up''] ]
(set: $coins to $coins + 10) + 10 coins
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) + 50 Exp.Points
(set: $points to $points + 200) + 200 Score Points
(set: $ConstantArenaTaskRandomBattleTIMESDONE to $ConstantArenaTaskRandomBattleTIMESDONE - 10)
[[Back|Arena Tasks & Rewards]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/osB9RYf.png>")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/ZaviChan')](if: (random:100,101) is 100)[ (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/dIQqolx.png>")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Tycloud')] ] (else:)[ (link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/M0lZ7PX.png>")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Stripes')] ](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/gYJzCXa.png>")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/Fusionxglave')](link: "<img src=https://i.imgur.com/DOzrKQg.png>")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/LegoP')]
You wait for some time. (either: "Nothing happened", "Nothing happened", "Nobody arrived", "You saw another adventurer pass by on the road").
(either: "[[Keep waiting|Wait in West Beach failed]]", "[[Keep waiting|Wait in West Beach failed]]", "[[Keep waiting|Wait in West Beach Orca]]")
(either: "[[Look around|WestLake search]]", "[[Look around|WestLake search]]", "[[Look around|WestLake search]]", "[[Look around|WestLake Blue blob]]")
[[West Path|West Path 2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $OrcaLocation to 1) (goto: "Orca Arrived")
A big feral orca appears and gets on top of a big rock where can expose and rest his big head without getting out of the water.
''Eclipse'': Mmmm~ ?
The orca offers a trip in exchange of be offered something.
(if: $Level > 3)[ [[Pay for transport]] ](else:)[ You need be level 4 or higher ]
[[Return|Return to waiting location]]
Your level $Level (color:orange)[$Stamina Stamina]
What you want to give to the Orca?
(if: $BlueSeeds > 0)[ (link: "Blueseed")[ (set: $GiveBlueseedOrca to 1) (goto: "Offered Item Orca" ] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $BlueSeeds BlueSeeds ]
(if: $RedSeeds > 0)[ (link: "Redseed")[ (set: $GiveRedseedOrca to 1) (goto: "Offered Item Orca" ] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $RedSeeds RedSeeds ]
(if: $eggseed > 0)[ (link: "Eggseed")[ (set: $GiveEggseedOrca to 1) (goto: "Offered Item Orca" ] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $eggseed eggseeds ]
(if: $slimebits > 0)[ (link: "Slimebits")[ (set: $GiveSlimebitsOrca to 1) (goto: "Offered Item Orca" ] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $slimebits slimebits ]
(if: $SnailShell > 0)[ (link: "SnailShell")[ (set: $GiveSnailShellOrca to 1) (goto: "Offered Item Orca" ] ] (Color: gray)[ You have $SnailShell Snail Shells ]
[[Return|Return to waiting location]]
(goto: $location)You climb into the orca's big mouth, sitting on his large tongue and see how he close it, sealing you inside and covering you from most of the water, leaving you a bubble to breath.
Where you want to go?
(if: $OrcaLocation is 1)[ You're here ] (else:)[ [[Go to West Lake Beach]] ]
(if: $OrcaLocation is 2)[ You're here ] (else:)[ [[Go to Wet Caves]] ]
(if: $OrcaLocation is 3)[ You're here ] (else:)[ [[Go to Hidden Beach]] ]
''(Wait until reach destination)''
You feel how the orca starts moving, going towards the tunnel of the underground river, swimming without much bother by the currents.
You can sense the diverse currents and even a moment of darkness. (either: "Suddenly you feel the large tongue start moving while you still sit on it, feeling how the tip lick you, intercalating between your tummy and croch area, causing you to blush and a bit arousal.", "", "")
(live: 9s)[ (goto: "Orca reaching West beach") ]
<div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/XjUdPfi.gif">
''(Wait until reach destination)''
You feel how the orca starts moving, going towards the tunnel of the underground river, swimming without much bother by the currents.
You can sense the diverse currents and even a moment of darkness. (either: "Suddenly you feel the large tongue start moving while you still sit on it, feeling how the tip lick you, intercalating between your tummy and croch area, causing you to blush and a bit arousal", "", "")
(live: 8s)[ (goto: "Orca reaching Wetcaves") ]
<div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/XjUdPfi.gif">
''(Wait until reach destination)''
You feel how the orca starts moving, going towards the tunnel of the underground river, swimming without much bother by the currents.
You can sense the diverse currents and even a moment of darkness. (either: "Suddenly you feel the large tongue start moving while you still sit on it, feeling how the tip lick you, intercalating between your tummy and croch area, causing you to blush and a bit arousal", "", "")
(live: 10s)[ (goto: "Orca reaching hidden beach") ]
<div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/XjUdPfi.gif">
Pass some time and the orca starts to slowdown, getting up on somewhere and opening his big mouth for you to come out.
The orca dissapears into the water for take a break.
[[Exit from the cave|Hidden Beach B1 Tunnel entrance]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach B1 Tunnel entrance")(align: "===><=")[(display: "Inventory Button")]
You're in front of the cave of the underground river.
[[Enter the cave|Hidden beach cave]]
[[East|Hidden Beach B2]]
[[South|Hidden Beach C1]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) )
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $MapLocation to 20) (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden beach cave")
You are inside the cave of the hidden beach.
(either: "[[Wait|Wait in beach cave failed]]", "[[Wait|Wait in beach cave failed]]", "[[Wait|Wait in beach cave Orca]]")
[[Exit from the cave|Hidden Beach B1 Tunnel entrance]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach B2")(align: "===><=")[(display: "Inventory Button")]
You are in the beach, next to the beach hut's area. There is a road to the forest but is closed.
[[East|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
[[West|Hidden Beach B1 Tunnel entrance]]
[[South|Hidden Beach C2]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach C1")
You are at the natural rockwall of the hidden beach. The sand is wet here with the water sometimes reaching your feet. Is risky try to swim in the waters of this place.
[[North|Hidden Beach B1 Tunnel entrance]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C22]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,10) is 1)[ (goto: "Find a Snail Shell") ] (align: "===><=")[(display: "Inventory Button")]
You're in the huts's site. There are a few comfy little beach huts made of wood and palm leaves.
[[Beach Huts]]
[[East|Hidden Beach B4]]
[[West|Hidden Beach B2]]
[[South|Hidden Beach C3]]
(link: "Level-UP circle")[(goto: "Level-UP Circle")]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(link: "Gifts & Rewards")[(set:$GiftsLocation to "Gifts & Rewards") (goto:$GiftsLocation)]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) )
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set:$location to "Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone")
You are in the beach.
[[North|Hidden Beach B2]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach C3]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C31]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C32]]")
[[West|Hidden Beach C1]]
(either: "[[South|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D22]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
There are different beach huts, mostly regular small ones but a couple of them a bit bigger and have people living there. Some are still under construction. Not many know this zone so most huts are available.
[[Use a Hut|Regular Hut]]
(either: "[[BD House|BD House Nobody]]", "[[BD House|BD House Nobody]]", "[[BD House|BD House Sleeping]]")
[[Back|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach B4")(align: "===><=")[(display: "Inventory Button")]
You're at the medical post and a scout cabin, both are under construction. Also some palms are around here.
[[East|Hidden Beach B5]]
[[West|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
[[South|Hidden Beach C4]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) )
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
You're in the beach. Here is the lifeguard lookout tower.
[[North|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C42]]")
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C22]]")
(either: "[[South|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D32]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach B5")(align: "===><=")[(display: "Inventory Button")]
You reached the east rock barrier of hidden beach, also location of the bathpools hut house. Some plants are growing on the natural rockwall.
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach B4]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach B4]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach B41]]")
[[South|Hidden Beach C5]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You're in the beach. There are some palm trees here.
[[North|Hidden Beach B4]]
[[East|Hidden Beach C5]]
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach C3]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C31]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C32]]")
(either: "[[South|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D42]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are at the natural rock barrier of the hidden beach. The sand is wet here with the water sometimes reaching your feet. Is risky try to swim in the waters of this place.
[[North|Hidden Beach B5]]
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C42]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach C2")
You are in the beach.
[[North|Hidden Beach B2]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach C3]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C31]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C32]]")
[[West|Hidden Beach C1]]
(either: "[[South|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D22]]")
(if: (random:1,6) is 1)[ (goto: "Find a Snail Shell") ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in the shore of the beach. The water reach your hips with soft waves coming every now and then. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 0.5) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[To beach|Hidden Beach C2]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D32]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in the shore of the beach. The water reach your hips with soft waves coming every now and then.
[[To beach|Hidden Beach C2]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D32]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,5) is 1)[ (goto: "Sweet Fish Find") ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach C4")
You're in the beach. There are some palm trees here. (if: (random:1,2) is 1)[A nice looking Kangaroo cub is here. (set: $TalkwithTobi to 1) ] (else:)[(set: $TalkwithTobi to 0)]
[[North|Hidden Beach B4]]
[[East|Hidden Beach C5]]
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach C3]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C31]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C32]]")
(either: "[[South|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D42]]")
(if: $TalkwithTobi is 1)[ (link: "Talk with Tobi")[ (go-to: "Talk with Tobi") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,7) is 6)[ (goto: "Find a Snail Shell") ]
You are in the shore of the beach. The water reach your hips with soft waves coming every now and then. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 0.5) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[To beach|Hidden Beach C3]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D42]]")
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D22]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach D3")
You are in the shore of the beach. The water reach your hips with soft waves coming every now and then. (if: (random:1,2) is 1)[The lifeguard came to swim nearby here. (set: $TalkwithReth to 1) (set: $Rethlocation to 2) ] (else:)[(set: $TalkwithReth to 0)]
[[To beach|Hidden Beach C3]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach D42]]")
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D22]]")
(if: $TalkwithReth is 1)[ (link: "Talk with Reth")[ (go-to: "Talk with Reth") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,6) is 2)[ (goto: "Small clam Find") ]
(if: (random:1,6) is 3)[ (goto: "Sweet Fish Find") ]
You are in the shore of the beach. The water reach your hips with soft waves coming every now and then. (set: $LewdSmell to $LewdSmell - 0.5) (if: $LewdSmell < 0)[ (set: $LewdSmell to 0) ]
[[To beach|Hidden Beach C4]]
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D32]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach D4")
You are in the shore of the beach. The water reach your hips with soft waves coming every now and then.
[[To beach|Hidden Beach C4]]
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach D32]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: (random:1,5) is 1)[ (goto: "Small clam Find") ]
Pass some time and the orca starts to slowdown, getting up on somewhere and opening his big mouth for you to come out.
The orca dissapears into the water for take a break.
[[Continue|Big underground River]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You wait for some time. (either: "Nobody appeared", "Nothing happened").
(either: "[[Wait|Wait in beach cave failed]]", "[[Wait|Wait in beach cave failed]]", "[[Wait|Wait in beach cave Orca]]")
(set: $OrcaLocation to 3)
(goto: "Orca Arrived")
Pass some time and the orca starts to slowdown, getting up on somewhere and opening his big mouth for you to come out.
The orca dissapears into the water for take a break.
[[Continue|Lake West side]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Something stuck to you. You check yourself and see a clam with its tentacle out, stuck on your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) around your crotch area.
You carefully grab the clam. Its "tentacle" is directed at your (either: "boyhood", "cock", "penis") like attracted to it.
[[Let it play|Small clam playscene]]
(link: "Let it go")[ (go-to: $location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You bring the clam near your member and after a moment their tentacle reach it, exploring you around while you look at them from above the water. The sensation feels weird but tickling at the same time until reach your cocktip and feels like if a small tongue is licking you there.
You get a bit hard, letting them play there for a bit more but the waves makes it hard to continue so you finally let it go.
(link: "Move on")[ (go-to: $location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "''Tobi'': Hello~ Having a nice day?", "The hybrid waved at you with a seductive smile")
[[P.Info|Tobi Character Info]]
[[Chat|Chat with Tobi]]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(set: $TobiMood to $TobiMood + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[''GUIDE'']
You are entering into the game area which is basically open world with diverse zones and areas inside them. You choose where to go and what to do, exist diverse things you can do but there is no main objetive more than do whatever you please.
On your way you will find different places, characters and creatures and also see what is happening around or near you.
You count with an ''inventory'' that you can use any time when is available (appears above at the right), where you have access to your profile, your items and your ''phone'' which contains a map, messages, global chat and minigames.
Among the items you can store in your magical invetory, are recovery items, collectables and telepors.
You have basic fighting capabilities for fight monsters and rival adventurers you encounter. You gain Exp. and some money winning battles, accomplishing certain tasks or quests.
(Take in account that here nobody dies, not even the monsters or you, only gets defeated).
For level up you need to find a "Level-up circle" that are in diverse zones, mostly in safe areas. At level up, you increase your ''HP'', ''Stamina'', ''Atk'' and every certain levels your ''Protection''.
HP: Health
Stamina: Energy
Atk: Attack strenght
Protection: Magical Armor
Also when you level up, you get a ''Skill point'' that allows you to increase one of your stats if you have the required ammount. On your adventure you can obtain crystal shards which if you collect 10, you can exchange them for a skill point in Stoneguard Sanctuary.
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[OK|Check pamphlet (Quick information)]] ]
Suddenly shivers quickly roam through your body as you feel something swimming around your body and constantly rubbing your between your legs and crotch area.
A Sweet fish carefreely rubs himself with your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin). Tickles a bit as the fast little fish keeps exploring you around.
Before you can do anything, the little fish goes away leaving you a bit (either: "aroused", "confused").
(link: "Move on")[ (go-to: $location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Tobi'': (either: "Sometimes I go to the forest to find seeds for my potions", "I like to walk around the beach and look cuties that comes here", "We can be more openly naughty in the hidden beach, because is hidden *snickers*", "I enjoy look all cuties that appear around me *smiles at you*", "I make my own potions, there is always something new to learn about magical herbalism", "I'm always happy to meet new furs, especially when they are cute~", "I like to hangout around here with a friend, he is such a cutie~", "Sometimes I like to study the plants that grow on the rock barrier, they have different propierties", "Plants that grow on rocks instead of ground has a bigger resistance in certain things than normal plants", "Sometimes I go deeper into the water to collect algae", "Algae and other acuatic plants around here absorb part of the magic that is in the river water", "The fresh water from the underground river has certain level of magic that is absorbed both by plants and certain creatures").
[[Keep Chatting|Chat with Tobi]]
(if: $TobiMood > 6)[ [[Examine|Examine Tobi]] ]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(set: $TobiMood to $TobiMood + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](either: "''Tobi'': See something that you like?~", "''Tobi'': Look all what you want~", "Tobi started posing for you", "''Tobi'': Like what you see?~")
<div class = "imagefade">
(css: "font-size: 165%;")[ [[Continue|After Examine Tobi]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(either: "''Tobi'': I can always show you more", "''Tobi'': You can check me all the times you want", "Tobi looks at you with a seductive smile").
Want me to do something fun to you?
[[Fun|Tobi blow you]]
[[Chat|Chat with Tobi]]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Tobi (either: "grabs your arm", "hold your hand") and directs you toward the nearest free beach towel.
(either: "Both sit down together", "Tobi push your shoulders down to make you sit") and then he start (either: "feeling", "rubbing", "massaging") you all over with his hands, (either: "admiring", "contemplating") your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) as he continues.
A (either: "naughty smile", "smirk", "playful expression") form on his face and his hands goes lower and lower, below your tummy until reach your crotch, rubbing you carefully to cause you sensations on your private area and arise your arousal until get you fully hard.
Tobi strokes your (either: "cock", "wood", "member") while massaging it at the same time until manage to get you moan. In that moment, he engulfs you causing you (either: "gasp", "close your eyes", "yelp in surprise") and moan even harder.
The horny kangaroo blow you soft and hard at the same time, expertly tasting you with his tongue, enjoying your flavor while listen your sounds of pleasure.
When the pleasure gets too much and you cant resist anymore, you cum directly into his mouth and Tobi drinks most of it.
After suck the last spurt from your cock, Tobi cuddles with you for a bit and gets up, letting you recover for a while.
(link: "Get up and continue")[(goto: $location)]
//You lost (css: "color: orange;")[Stamina] but rest helped you recover some//
You gained a few points.
(set: $Stamina to 6)
(set: $points to $points + 10) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 5)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You're in the beach. Here is located the lifeguard lookout tower. A couple of cubs are hanging out here.
[[Look at them|Tobi and Kyrie]]
[[North|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C42]]")
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C22]]")
(either: "[[South|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D32]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
Tobi and Kyrie are (either: "walking together", "holding paws") (either: "near", "next to") the (either: "ocean", "palm trees"), enjoying just be with eachother, naked side by side.
(either: "Tobi gives a small kiss on the folf's cheek, making his friend blush a bit and smile", "Kyrie gives Tobi a small lick on the nose, making him smile at his little friend").
<div class = "imagefade">
The bunaroo and the little folf hug and rub their heads together, feeling eachother happily and then they continue on their way.
(css: "font-size: 110%;")[ [[Move on|Hidden Beach C3]] ]
The BathHouse is a hut with bathtubs, jacuzzi and a natural pool. Some parts are blocked since is still under construction.
[[Recepcionist|Bathhouse Shark recepcionist]]
(color:gray)[Natural pool]
[[Exit|Hidden Beach B5]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You have [(color:green)[$health]] HP [(color:orange)[$Stamina]] Stamina
A clothed teen shark attends you.
''Receptionist'': Welcome! Are you interested on use any of our bathtubs? its only 5 coins.
(if: $coins > 4)[ [[Use a bathtub (5 coins)]] ](else:)[(color:gray)[Use a bathtub] ]
(color:gray)[Special bathtub]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins(set: $coins to $coins - 5)
You're directed to one of the available bathtubs and sit inside it. The water is warm and relaxing and you simply stay there enjoying the warm for a while.
(either: "You see a small folf helping refill another bathtub with clear water nearby", "You look around but the other bathtubs are empty", "You notice the shark recepcionist go out for a while").
After some time, you feel how the water makes your body feel good and calm. You take a sponge and clean yourself, making sure to clean every part.
You relax a bit more inthe bathtub until you decide to get out. (set: $LewdSmell to 0)
[[Get up|BathHouse]]
(set: $health to $health + 25)
[(color:green)[+20 HP]] [(color:orange)[+5 Stamina]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 5)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $Rethlocation to 1) (set: $location to "Hidden Beach C31")
You're in the beach. Here is the lifeguard lookout tower.
The lifeguard is present, watching over the beach.
(link: "Lifeguard")[ (go-to: "Talk with Reth") ]
[[North|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(either: "[[East|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C4]]", "[[East|Hidden Beach C42]]")
(either: "[[West|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C2]]", "[[West|Hidden Beach C22]]")
(either: "[[South|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D3]]", "[[South|Hidden Beach D32]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Reth'': (either: "Hello", "Hey") (either: "little one", "cutie", "kid"). (either: "Having a nice day?", "Hope you enjoying the beach", "Hope you having fun around here", "Having a good time?").
[[P.Info|Reth Character Info]]
[[Chat|Chat with Reth]]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Reth'': (either: "I watch over the beach, making sure everyone is ok", "I am the guardian of fun around here *snickers*", "Sometimes is hard while working around here *chuckle*", "Everyone is safe here, I make sure of that", "I enjoy the views around here, the beach is pretty too *snickers*", "Hidden beach is a peaceful place and secret enough for have some liberties around here", "Here everyone is safe but I make sure is safer", "I'm a babysitter too, love take care of the little ones", "Even that love have fun, I take seriously my jobs in my own way", "Very few creatures comes to the beach, usually are harmless but always be careful and nice with them", "I love swim around here, especially when sweet fish or naked cuties are around", "Swimming is one of my favorite exercises", "I love when cute boys watch me, just like I love watch them *winks*", "Sometimes I take quick naps for recover stamina, am never too far in case am needed", "*licks over his snout hungrily*").
[[Keep Chatting|Chat with Reth]]
(if: $RethMood > 4)[ (if: $Rethlocation is 1)[ [[Watch him|Watch Reth in lookout]] ] (if: $Rethlocation is 2)[ [[Watch him|Watch Reth in Sea]] ] ]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(set: $RethMood to $RethMood + 1)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You look at Reth while he is watching over the beach.
<div class = "imagefade">
(css: "font-size: 165%;")[ [[Continue|After look Reth in lookout]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
''Reth'': (either: "Did something catch your attention? *snickers*", "Enjoying the view?", "Like what you seeing?")
[[Info|Reth Character Info]]
[[Chat|Chat with Reth]]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $location to "Hidden Beach B41")(align: "===><=")[(display: "Inventory Button")]
You're at the medical post and a scout cabin, both are under construction. Also some palms are around here. (either: "Someone's here nearby next to a palm tree", "You spot a large arcanine nearby")
[[East|Hidden Beach B5]]
[[West|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
[[South|Hidden Beach C4]]
[[Look|Reth palm tree nap]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) )
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
You come to look behind the buildings and find the large arcanine, taking a nap under the palm tree completely naked, relaxed by the breeze of the ocean.
<div class = "imagefade">
You watch his muscled body. His chest slowly moving up and down, peacefully breathing.
[[Next|Reth palm tree nap Hard]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You heard him grunt, making sounds like enjoying something. He moves a bit, getting more comfortable and you see the large package that appears emerging from its hidding spot in his fur.
Becomes bigger until comming out his large and thick canine cock. He seems having a lewd dream.
<div class = "imagefade">
The adult cock pulse, moving with the rhytm of his heart while a discret smile as he enjoys whatever he is dreaming about.
The display makes you get aroused and touch yourself.
[[Next|Reth wake up from lewd dream]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A yawn makes you snap out of it as the lifeguard start to wake up, stretching arms and legs until he is completely awake and gets up, unfaced by his cock state and even admiring his knotted cock for a second.
Then he reach for his piece of cloth and put it on still hard and walks towards the beach.
[[Move on|Hidden Beach B4]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +4)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ](link: "Inventory")[(goto:$Itemslocation)]
You found a ''Snail shell''
(set: $SnailShell to $SnailShell + 1)
Total: $SnailShell Snail Shells
(link: "Continue")[(goto: $location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](if: $Rethlocation is 1)[ You look at Reth while he is watching over the beach. ] (if: $Rethlocation is 2)[ You look at Reth completely wet body while he looks at you. ]
<div class = "imagefade">
(css: "font-size: 165%;")[ [[Continue|After look Reth in lookout]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]''Name'': Reth
''Species'': Antro Arcanine
''Level'': High
-(if: $RethMood > 5)[ Strong and skillful swimmer ]
-(if: $RethMood > 8)[ Works as Lifeguard and Babysitter ]
-(if: $RethMood > 10)[ Good eye, enough to watch over the beach ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Need know more] ]
[[Chat|Chat with Reth]]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]''Name'': Tobi
''Species'': Kangaroo/bunny hybrid (bunaroo)
''Level'': Medium
-(if: $TobiMood > 5)[ Herbalist & Skillful swimmer ]
-(if: $TobiMood > 8)[ Study plants & potion maker ]
-(if: $TobiMood > 10)[ Charming personality ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Need know more] ]
[[Chat|Chat with Tobi]]
(link: "Goodbye")[(goto: $location)]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]You selected an open-for-all hut. Small but with facilities.
Is a good place to rest.
^^Caution: over the time the place gets more know, will increase the chances of get fucked while sleeping^^
(either: "[[Take a nap|Regular Hut Nap]]", "[[Take a nap|Regular Hut Nap]]", "[[Take a nap|Regular Hut Nap]]", "[[Take a nap|Regular Hut Nap Fingered Escape]]")
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You get on the bed. (if: $Stamina > 10)[Takes you some time to fall asleep](else:)[You quickly fall asleep since you was kinda tired].
(either: "The brezze of the sea", "The sound of the waves", "The smell of fresh moisture", "The suitable temperature of the beach", "The winds of the ocean") (either: "makes you feel fresh", "relaxes your body", "brings you a small smile").
You got a good nap.
[[Exit|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(set: $health to $health + 15)
[(color:green)[+15 HP]] [(color:orange)[+5 Stamina]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 5)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
You get on the bed. (if: $Stamina > 10)[Takes you some time to fall asleep](else:)[You quickly fall asleep since you was kinda tired].
(either: "The brezze of the sea", "The sound of the waves", "The smell of fresh moisture", "The suitable temperature of the beach", "The winds of the ocean") (either: "makes you feel fresh", "relaxes your body", "brings you a small smile").
But then...
You start feeling weird, something is (either: "bothering", "perturbing") you.
You try to get comfortable, adjusting yourself a bit but your hips moves from one side to another until a strong feeling causes you to yelp and quickly wake up. (either: "You have someone finger inside of you!", "Someone is fingering you!")
You manage to see a (either: "red", "blue", "green", "purple", "yellow", "gray", "white", "orange", "brown") male (either: "fox", "dog", "cat", "rabbit", "lynx", "bear", "racoon", "bunny", "mouse") with his finger inside you, trying to (either: "reach your prostate", "go deeper into you") but before you could do anything, he quickly get away and escape.
The ordeal left you confused and wasn't able to recover properly and with a feeling in your butthole.
[[Exit|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(set: $health to $health + 5)
[(color:green)[+5 HP]] [(color:orange)[+2 Stamina]]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
You came to the purple/red hut house, except from the roof that its the same as all the building in the area. Its medium size and its colors make it stand out from all the others huts.
As expected the door is locked. No sounds comming from inside.
[[Check|BD House Nobody check]]
[[Back|Beach Huts]]
You came to the purple/red hut house, except from the roof that its the same as all the building in the area. Its medium size and its colors make it stand out from all the others huts.
As expected the door is locked. You hear soft sounds comming from inside.
[[Check|BD House Sleeping check]]
[[Back|Beach Huts]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You look around the house and check on one of the windows.
You see the large bed, the kitchen and a small dinning room. Everything is in the same room except the bathroom.
In the bureau of one of the corners you spot a red fox plushie with the name "Dane" on it.
[[Leave|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You look around the house and check on one of the windows.
On the large bed, you see the couple of young adults who lives in this hut, the white/gray fox and his companion the big amethyst purple dragon.
Bone & Dane Drake hug together while taking a nap with (either: "an smile on their faces", "a relaxed expression on their faces"). (either: "The couple", "Both guys") holding close eachother, subconsciously happy of be together.
[[Leave|Hidden Beach B3 Huts zone]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:orange)[''Your Reward''] ]
(if: $SmallHPpotionPR is 1)[ (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1) + 1 Small HP potion, ] (if: $MedStaminaPotionPR is 1)[ (set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 1) + 1 Medium St Potion, ] (if: $BigHPpotionPR is 1)[ (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 1) + 1 Big HP Potion, ] (if: $WildRedBerriesPR is 1)[ (set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 2) + 2 Wild Red berries, ] (if: $WildYellowBerriesPR is 1)[ (set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 2) + 2 Wild Yellow Berries, ] (if: $TPscrollAPR is 1)[ (set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ''+ 1 TP Scroll (a)'', ] (if: $SkillCrystalShardPR is 1)[ (set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard'', ] (if: $CookiesPR is 1)[ (set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 2) ''+ 2 Cookies'', ]
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
//+$randomExpPoints ExpPoints!// You now have (color:yellow)[$ExpPoints] ExpPoints.
//+$randompoints score points!// You now have (color:yellow)[$points] points.
(set: $TimeRewardPlay to 3260)
[[Ok|Gifts & Rewards]]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $SmallHPpotionPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $SmallHPpotionPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ (set: $MedStaminaPotionPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $MedStaminaPotionPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,10) is 1)[ (set: $BigHPpotionPR to 1)] (else:)[ (set: $BigHPpotionPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $WildRedBerriesPR to 1)] (else:)[ (set: $WildRedBerriesPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $WildYellowBerriesPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $WildYellowBerriesPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,12) is 1)[ (set: $TPscrollAPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $TPscrollAPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,20) is 1)[ (set: $SkillCrystalShardPR to 1)] (else:)[ (set: $SkillCrystalShardPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $CookiesPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $CookiesPR to 0) ]
(set: $randomCoins to (random:10,25)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
(set: $randomExpPoints to (random:10,25)) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + $randomExpPoints)
(set: $randompoints to (random:50,110)) (set: $points to $points + $randompoints)
(goto: "Play Reward")
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $SmallHPpotionPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $SmallHPpotionPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ (set: $MedStaminaPotionPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $MedStaminaPotionPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,8) is 1)[ (set: $BigHPpotionPR to 1)] (else:)[ (set: $BigHPpotionPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $WildRedBerriesPR to 1)] (else:)[ (set: $WildRedBerriesPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $WildYellowBerriesPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $WildYellowBerriesPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,11) is 1)[ (set: $TPscrollAPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $TPscrollAPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,15) is 1)[ (set: $SkillCrystalShardPR to 1)] (else:)[ (set: $SkillCrystalShardPR to 0) ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 1)[ (set: $CookiesPR to 1) ] (else:)[ (set: $CookiesPR to 0) ]
(set: $randomCoins to (random:15,40)) (set: $coins to $coins + $randomCoins)
(set: $randomExpPoints to (random:15,50)) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + $randomExpPoints)
(set: $randompoints to (random:60,210)) (set: $points to $points + $randompoints)
(goto: "Play Reward P")(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ (color:orange)[''Your Reward''] ]
(if: $SmallHPpotionPR is 1)[ (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1) + 1 Small HP potion, ] (if: $MedStaminaPotionPR is 1)[ (set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 1) + 1 Medium St Potion, ] (if: $BigHPpotionPR is 1)[ (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 1) + 1 Big HP Potion, ] (if: $WildRedBerriesPR is 1)[ (set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Red berries, ] (if: $WildYellowBerriesPR is 1)[ (set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries + 3) + 3 Wild Yellow Berries, ] (if: $TPscrollAPR is 1)[ (set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ''+ 1 TP Scroll (a)'', ] (if: $SkillCrystalShardPR is 1)[ (set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) ''+ 1 Crystal Shard'', ] (if: $CookiesPR is 1)[ (set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 3) ''+ 3 Cookies'', ]
//+$randomCoins coins!// You now have (color:yellow)[$coins] coins.
//+$randomExpPoints ExpPoints!// You now have (color:yellow)[$ExpPoints] ExpPoints.
//+$randompoints score points!// You now have (color:yellow)[$points] points.
(set: $TimeRewardPlay to 3005)
[[OK|Gifts & Rewards for Patrons]]
(set: $OooeyScene to (random:1,3))
(if: $OooeyScene is 1)[ (goto: "OOOey appears A") ]
(if: $OooeyScene is 2)[ (goto: "OOOey appears B") ]
(if: $OooeyScene is 3)[ (goto: "OOOey appears C") ]You find a sparkle, a little shiny white star, suddenly light surround it and a small colorful nude being appears.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: You found me! What kind of reward should I give you? Oh I know~
<div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/4m8gkA7l.png">
Oooey makes appear a muffin and hold it with one paw. Then he begin to jackoff his cute colorful peepee until he start to leak all over it, making sure to cover all its surface with his fruity rainbow cum.
''You got Rainbow Glazed Muffin'' (set: $RainbowGlazedMuffin to $RainbowGlazedMuffin + 1)
[[Next|Oooey go away]]
Oooey waves at you and his star shines bright once again until he dissapears from your sigh for go to explore around until you find him again.
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: $location) ]
You find a sparkle of light, a little shinning white star, suddenly light surround it and a small colorful nude being appears.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: You found me! What kind of reward should I give you? I think I know!
<div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/4m8gkA7l.png">
Oooey makes appear a Cookie and hold it with one paw. Then he begin to jackoff his cute colorful peepee until he start to leak all over it, making sure to cover it all over without breaking it with his fruity rainbow cum and some of it dropping on the ground.
''You got a Rainbow Glazed Cookie'' (set: $RainbowGlazedCookie to $RainbowGlazedCookie + 1)
[[Next|Oooey go away]]
You find a sparkle of light, a little shinning white star, suddenly light surround it and a small colorful nude being appears.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: You found me! Would you like to play with me?
Oooey move his hips, moving his peepee and butt playfully
<div class = "imagefade"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/4m8gkA7l.png">
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[ (either: "[[Suck him|Suck Oooey]]", "[[Suck the cutie|Suck Oooey]]", "[[Suck Oooey|Suck Oooey]]")
(either: "[[Fuck him|Fuck Oooey]]", "[[Fuck the cutie|Fuck Oooey]]", "[[Fuck Oooey|Fuck Oooey]]")]
Oooey show you his colorful peepee while you gets on your knees in front of him. He starts to giggle as you lick his little member, already tasting his precum.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "Hehe, oh, you want a sweet treat? Sure!", "Hehe! Youre in for a yummy snack!", "Heh~ Hungry for some OOOey Goooey?")
After some more licks, you engulf him with your mouth and start sucking him. This makes him yelp happily and put his little paws on your head for support himself.
(either: "You grab his hips, carefully holding him while giving him a sweet blowjob", "He grabs your head and slowly piston into your mouth").
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "Mmmh... this feels super~", "Someone seems eager! Not that I mind~")
You two keep going, tasting his peepee and toying with it with your tongue and wanting him to reach his limit.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "A-ah... aaahh! Here it cums!", "Taste the Rainbow~!", "Bon app-aaaah.... tit!")
Oooey cums into your mouth, shooting his magical and fruity essence into your mouth. You drink it as best as you can his liquid rainbow until the last spurt.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "That was fun~", "Hehe! Hope ya found it tasty~", "Get a good mouthful of yummies? Hehehe!")
''You recover a bunch of (color:orange)[Stamina] and some (color:green)[HP]''
[[Next|Oooey go away]]
(set: $health to $health + 8)
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 15)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]You get on your knees behind Oooey and touch his soft body, admiring his colorful fur until you reach his little bums and grope them with your hands while he moves his tail around playfully. His smell makes you get horny.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "Aw ye peepee time! heheh!", "You want some fun in my buns~?")
Oooey stands still on there as he is very little so on your kness you are able to reach his butt. You rub your already erect cock on his butthole, feeling how tight but soft it is.
After playing around a bit, you start push your (either: "cock", "boyhood") into him, causing both to moan. His insides hugging your cock while you making him feel full.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "Hehe cozy?", "O-ooh... that hit a nice spot~", "You can go fast, or slow, i like either!")
You start fucking him, slowly at first and gaining pace. You can sense he is flexible. also so little and tight but soft and warm at the same time. (either: "You hold him and fuck him harder like wanting to breed his little butt", "You hug him, having sex with the little one and enjoying feeling connected and his smell").
The feeling is so good that you start to see stars and fuck Oooey as best you can until you can't resist any longer.
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "Aah aah! Here cums the rainbow!", "H-hehe, you feel close- m-me too!", "R-really mashing my buttonnngh...!")
You two cum at the same time, spurting inside him, making Oooey's star glow while he shoots a rainbow cum into the air. The colorful semen falls on the ground which seems to give it nutrients and make a few tiny plants grow a bit.
You sit on the ground with Oooey sitting on you with your member still inside him
(color:red)[''O''](color:blue)[''o''](color:orange)[''o''](color:green)[''e''](color:yellow)[''y'']: (either: "So fun! Haha~ See you again sometime!", "H-hehe warm~ Thanks fur cumming!", "Phew! Funfilled time... lets do it again later!")
//+25 pts and exp.pts//
(set: $points to $points + 25) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 25)
[[Next|Oooey go away]]
You eat the Rainbow Glazed Muffin (set: $RainbowGlazedMuffin to $RainbowGlazedMuffin - 1)
It feels soft and fruity~
(set: $health to $health + 15) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 12) [(color:green)[+15 HP!]] [(color:orange)[+12 Stamina!]] (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(display: "Specials")You eat the Rainbow Glazed Muffin (set: $RainbowGlazedCookie to $RainbowGlazedCookie - 1)
Its sweet and fruity flavored~
(set: $health to $health + 5) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 4) [(color:green)[+5 HP!]] [(color:orange)[+4 Stamina!]] (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ]
(display: "Specials")
A red light appears under your feet, you just stepped on a magic trap!
The magic circle is about to teleport you somewhere else. What you going to do?
(if: $Level > 19)[ (either: "[[Try to dodge|Magic trap failed dodge and forced teleport]]", "[[Try to dodge|Magic trap Success dodge]]") ](else:)[ [[Try to dodge|Magic trap failed dodge and forced teleport]] ]
The beam of the circle catch you and you get teleported by force to somewhere red and dark.
<div class = "imagefade">
(live:5s)[ (goto: "Entering the dark pocket dimension") ]
You dodged in time the teletransportation.
The red circle vanishes.
(link: "Move on")[ (goto: $location) ]
(set: $DemonDistance to 300) (set: $DiscoveredbyDJ to 0)
You appear in a large dark empty room. Takes you a moment to get used to the darkness. The walls, ceiling and floor are made of some kind of redish rock material.
The room has corridors. The slight magic inside you makes feel that a dark presence that roams around...
Be careful.
[[Forward|Dark dimension into corridors]]
[[Right|Dark dimension into corridors]]
[[Left|Dark dimension into corridors]]
[[Behind|Dark dimension into corridors]]
(set: $wrongforward to 0)
(set: $wrongleft to 0)
(set: $wrongright to 0)
You reach an intersection with 3 ways. Once you advance you probably won't be able to reach the same room again.
[[Forward|Moving corridors DD1]]
[[Right|Moving corridors DD1]]
[[Left|Moving corridors DD1]]
[[Back|Dark dimension Room]]
You're exploring the corridors. (either: "At the distance can be heard walls and corridors moving and changing places", "Far ahead are heard wet sounds of something moving", "On the distance you saw something moving but dissapeared before you could spot what it was", "You heard footsteps from somewhere not far away").
(either: "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD2]]")
(either: "[[Right|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Right|Moving corridors DD2]]")
(either: "[[Left|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Left|Moving corridors DD2]]")
(either: "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD2]]")
You're in a room. Far away you can heard how certain parts of this zone are moving and changing places.
[[Forward|Dark dimension into corridors]]
[[Right|Dark dimension into corridors]]
[[Left|Dark dimension into corridors]]
[[Behind|Dark dimension into corridors]]
(either: "","", "[[Open Gate|Laberynt to the exit]]")
The Exit portal can be heard somewhere inside the corridor's labyrinth but these corridors aren't always in the same place and is hard to see very far.
[[Go|DD Exit Laberynt A]]
(Set: $LaberyntAchances to 2) (Set: $LaberyntCchances to 2)
Walls and corridors, changed and moved when the eye isnt on them. Hard to tell which way is open and which ones not.
(either: "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt B]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt A Fail]]")
(either: "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt B]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt A Fail]]")
(either: "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt B]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt A Fail]]")
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
You made progress and are in another intersection.
(either: "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail]]")
(either: "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail]]")
(either: "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail]]")
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
(if: $LaberyntAchances is 0)[ (goto: "DD Exit Laberynt B") ]
(either: "You end reaching... a dead end. There're no other ways than go back.", "The path is closed and there is no way to progress from here than go back.")
[[Back|DD Exit Laberynt A]]
(Set: $LaberyntAchances to $LaberyntAchances - 1)
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
You made progress. The portal is nearby somewhere.
(either: "[[Forward|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Forward]]")
(either: "[[Right|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Right]]")
(either: "[[Left|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Left]]")
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
(either: "You end reaching... a dead end. There're no other ways than go back.", "The path is closed and there is no way to progress from here than go back.") But something changed in the laberynt.
[[Back|DD Exit Laberynt B2]]
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
The sounds of walls and corridors moving are in the distance. Looks like they change every time you aren't looking at them even that at first don't appears to be anything different in them. Its hard to tell at this point where you are.
(either: "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(either: "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(either: "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(either: "[[Go back|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Go back|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
(either: "You reach another intersection.", "You reach another empty room.") (either: "You spot some kind of worm like creature on one of the corridors but they simply dissapear", "The corridors here looks the same like if you just run in a circle", "One of the corridors looked like it moved for a second", "The corridors here looks the same like if you just run in a circle")
(either: "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(either: "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(either: "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(either: "[[Go back|DD Exit Laberynt C]]", "[[Go back|DD Exit Laberynt B Fail2]]")
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
You reach the exit portal of the dark dimension. Its a vertical magic red oval that looks like a void in the middle.
Something... or someone is heard from the distance like that they detected that you are next to the portal.
//+20 pts and exp.pts//
(set: $points to $points + 20) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 20)
(link: "Exit")[ (goto: $location) ]
(if: $LaberyntCchances <= 0)[ (goto: "DD PortalExit") ] (set: $wrongforward to 1) (Set: $LaberyntCchances to $LaberyntCchances - 1)
As you keep going you notice the sound of the portal fadding so you come back where you was.
(if: $wrongforward is 0)[ (either: "[[Forward|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Forward]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $wrongright is 0)[ (either: "[[Right|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Right]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $wrongleft is 0)[ (either: "[[Left|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Left]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
](if: $LaberyntCchances <= 0)[ (goto: "DD PortalExit") ] (set: $wrongright to 1) (Set: $LaberyntCchances to $LaberyntCchances - 1)
As you keep going you notice the sound of the portal fadding so you come back where you was.
(if: $wrongforward is 0)[ (either: "[[Forward|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Forward]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $wrongright is 0)[ (either: "[[Right|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Right]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $wrongleft is 0)[ (either: "[[Left|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Left]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
](if: $LaberyntCchances <= 0)[ (goto: "DD PortalExit") ] (set: $wrongleft to 1) (Set: $LaberyntCchances to $LaberyntCchances - 1)
As you keep going you notice the sound of the portal fadding so you come back where you was.
(if: $wrongforward is 0)[ (either: "[[Forward|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Forward|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Forward]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $wrongright is 0)[ (either: "[[Right|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Right|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Right]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $wrongleft is 0)[ (either: "[[Left|DD PortalExit]]", "[[Left|DD Exit Laberynt C Fail Left]]") ] (else:)[ (color:gray)[Already checked] ]
(if: $DiscoveredbyDJ is 1)[ (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)") (color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
You're exploring the corridors. (either: "At the distance can be heard walls and corridors moving and changing places", "Far ahead are heard wet sounds of something moving", "On the distance you saw something moving but dissapeared before you could spot what it was", "You heard footsteps from somewhere not far away").
(either: "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD2]]")
(either: "[[Right|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Right|Moving corridors DD2]]")
(either: "[[Left|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Left|Moving corridors DD2]]")
(either: "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD1]]", "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD2]]")
(if: (random:1,4) is 4)[ (goto: "Moving corridors NR Gate") ]
(if: (random:1,8) is 8)[ (goto: "Find DD trapped male cub") ]
(if: (random:1,9) is 9)[ (goto: "Djijey discovered you") ]Away from you, the corridors seems to tremble and a sinister voice reach your ears.
(color:red)[Demon]: I SEE... YOU!
''You been spotted! Look for a path to the exit portal before HE catches you.'' (either: "(set: $DemonDistance to 250)", "(set: $DemonDistance to 270)") (set: $DiscoveredbyDJ to 1)
[[Forward|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]
[[Right|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]
[[Left|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]
[[Behind|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]
(color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)")
You're running through corridors. (either: "At the distance can be heard walls and corridors moving and changing places", "Far ahead are heard wet sounds of something moving", "On the distance you saw someone moving fast, searching for something", "You heard footsteps from someone running").
(either: "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(either: "[[Right|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Right|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(either: "[[Left|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Left|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(either: "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
(either: "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 10)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 20)", "(set: $DemonDistance to $DemonDistance - 5)")
You're running through corridors. (either: "At the distance can be heard walls and corridors moving and changing places", "Far ahead are heard wet sounds of something moving", "On the distance you saw someone moving fast, searching for something", "You heard footsteps from someone running").
(either: "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(either: "[[Right|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Right|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(either: "[[Left|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Left|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(either: "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]", "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD2 DISCOVERED]]")
(color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit GAMEOVER") ]
(if: (random:1,4) is 4)[ (goto: "Running corridors NR Gate") ]
You're exploring the corridors. (either: "At the distance can be heard walls and corridors moving and changing places", "Far ahead are heard wet sounds of something moving", "On the distance you saw something moving but dissapeared before you could spot what it was", "You heard footsteps from somewhere not far away"). You find and open gate to the area of the portal.
(either: "[[Forward|Moving corridors DD1]]")
(either: "[[Right|Moving corridors DD1]]")
(either: "[[Left|Moving corridors DD1]]")
(either: "[[Behind|Moving corridors DD1]]")
[[Open Gate|Laberynt to the exit]]
You found a gate open which is the way towards the exit portal
The Exit portal can be heard somewhere inside the corridor's labyrinth but these corridors aren't always in the same place and is hard to see very far.
[[Go into the Laberynt|DD Exit Laberynt A]]
[[Keep running|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]
(Set: $LaberyntAchances to 2) (Set: $LaberyntCchances to 2)
(color:yellow)[Distance]: ''$DemonDistance''
(if: $DemonDistance < 21)[ (goto: "Trapped by Djijey in pursuit") ]
You get closer to the source of the sounds, reaching some kind of hole on the wall and see someone trapped inside the flesh, covering completely his head, arms and half of his legs, leaving mostly just his torso exposed... and all this while getting fucked nonstopping in his butt by a red flesh tentacle. It was hard to tell but the cub looked like a male (either: "blue", "red", "white") (either: "wolf", "cat"), completely naked and his boyhood hard and exposed.
The cub is moaning and seems like trying to get away while getting sodomized by the tentacle, connecting them together and forcing the boy to stay horny.
(if: $Level > 14)[ [[Help|Help DD trapped male cub DEMON FOUND]] ](else:)[ (either: "[[Help|Help DD trapped male cub DEMON FOUND]]", "[[Help|Failed Help DD trapped male cub]]") ]
[[Leave|Moving corridors DD1]]
You put a step on the flesh and start trying to pull the cub out of there. The flesh persist on keep the cub trapped but slowly you manage to pull him out until desconnect him completely from the flesh wall and the tentacle slip out from his butt.
Then you put him away from it in a safe distance from anything that try to reach. He is unconscious and don't seems he is gonna wake anytime soon but you managed to free him.
//+30 pts and exp.pts//
(set: $points to $points + 30) (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30)
but then... something happens in the atmosphere of the place. The disturb on the flesh alerts someone that is not so far away anyone.
(color:red)[Demon]: I SEE... YOU!
''You been spotted! Look for a path to the exit portal before HE catches you!''
(either: "(set: $DemonDistance to 290)", "(set: $DemonDistance to 270)")
[[RUN|Moving corridors DD1 DISCOVERED]]
(set: $DiscoveredbyDJ to 1)
You put a step on the flesh and start trying to pull the cub out of there. The flesh persist on keep the cub trapped but slowly you managing to pull him out until the flesh beings trapping you too.
You feel how you start to sink into the flesh while at the same time it climb on your legs, trapping your feet even more. Then the ceiling of the hole seems to get closer to you until its flesh reach your head and begins to also cover you. You try to push it away but that only cause your arms to sink in the flesh and unable to take them back on your own.
The flesh wall keeps covering you more and more, even some of it entering into your ears, getting attached to your body almost like glue, flesh with flesh, only leaving your torso and hips exposed.
Then you feel a pair of small tendrils enter into your nasal holes, making you try to struggleawa from it until you somehow feel able to breath, like if the flesh is somehow delivering air into your lungs through your covered nose and basically breathing for you but spreading on your lungs some kind of aphrodisiac that makes you get hard like it or not.
You feel the flesh moving and barely manage to hear the other cub sobbing while getting molested again by the red flesh. Meantime, among the flesh an irregular flesh tentacle position itself on your butthole, spurtting somekindd of liquid at you that manages to enter and then the tentacle push inside you. You try to push it out like going to poo but the tentacle only goes deeper until makes you feel full.
[[Struggle|Struggle DD attempt another trapped1]]
[[Wait|Wait DD attempt another trapped1]]
You struggle, trying to get away from the flesh that slowly getting more connected with your body. The tentacle in your butt starts moving again, doing small circles inside you, causing you to yelp. The tentacle then begin another fucking, going in and out of your anus.
You try move your legs and feet but always ending keep in your place. The flesh is having sex with you at the same time is violating the other cub next to you, causing both moans and complains fill the corridor.
The tentacle moves in any ways it want, going in and out, pushing nerves inside you to cause reactions. This manipulation of your feelings cause you to keep wanting to get away and struggle more which somehow seems to please the flesh because fucks you harder while you try to push it away and close your legs. You're so hard and forced to enjoy it until your boyhood can't take anymore and you are forced to cum hard, drop after drop, laying most of it on the flesh whichs seems pleased because it start to absorb it.
(either: "[[Pass out|Pass out from failed trapped male]]", "[[Pass out|GameOver from failed trapped male]]")
You try to stay calm and just wait, trying to recover a bit while hoping find a way to get out of here. Both you and the other cub are quiet but you somehow can sense his breathing.
Pass the time and you can sense a presence, a demonic presence. You cant see it but you know its there, its like if makes on purpouse that you can know is there and even somehow feel his smirk on his face while in front of you and the other cub with your exposed boyhoods at the demon in front.
Suddenly feel your cock be held by one big paw and then held your balls, molesting your privates intercalating between them. The pleasure its too much as your cock its very sensitive because of the air forced into your lungs. The feeling its too much and you realize he is molesting the other cub at the same time as you feel the movement in the flesh and the uncomfortable moans comming from his side.
The demon then snap his fingers and the tentacles in both start moving again, fucking you and the other cub hard while the demon masturbate the two of you at the same time and enjoying see how he makes you two feel nonconsensual pleasure.
He keeps masturbating you two hard and nonstopping and then you feel something else going on in your cock. The demon is inserting demonic magic into you and the other cub through your cocks and there is no escape from his hold.
The pleasure is too much for such young cocks. Both of you cum hard, yelping and moaning of pleasure on the demon's paws until you pass out while listening his evil laugh.
You cum away all your stamina
''//You were cursed with a Demonic debuff//''
(either: "[[Pass out|Pass out from failed trapped male]]", "[[Pass out|GameOver from failed trapped male]]")
You open your eyes and find yourself on the corridor. Takes you a moment to get up. (either: "Nothing in sigh around, just the corridor", "A tentacle is trying to reach you but it back off and dissapear into the flesh wall").
You're weak but able to stand up, it seems you got lucky. Maybe someone passed here and managed to get you out of the flesh wall or this part of the flesh decided to free you for whatever reason after some time. Probably you will never know as nobody is around in sight.
[[Move on|Moving corridors DD1]]
When you wake up, you feel completely wet by something smily and only see flesh all over. You're in a cocoon.
Suddenly tentacles appear from everywhere, molesting nonstoping. Your nipples, trapped arms and legs, tentacles playing with your navel, tentacles masturbating you and another big one going into your young anus.
All this cause you to yelp and in that moment a large smooth tentacle go into your mouth, going in and out, deeper in each push and feel it spurt some liquid inside you forcing you to drink it even when you trying not to.
You're trapped forever here, getting pleasured and milked over and over. The slimy liquid keeping you healty, lubricated and sensitive while the tentacle in your mouth feeds you. Now you are part of the flesh and the flesh part of you, connected together and cumming everyday... forever.
(set: $InicioLocation to "Inicio")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[(css: "color: red;")[''GAME OVER''] ]
//(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]//
You're suddenly trapped by a strong force that decrease your movement, keeping you almost still while a teenager silhouette makes presence from the shadows. The red canine demon, Djijey Hellfire, appeared.
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: (either: "Well what do we have here?", "Well what did I catch this time?")
The demon smirk while looking at you, trapped as his prey. Then he uses his paw for touch around your body, touching your (either: "chest", "nipples") and your (either: "navel", "tummy").
(color:red)[''Djijey'']:You thought you could get away do you? Keeping away your (either: "privates", "genitals") from me.
(either: "Djijey keeps you standing", "Djijey makes you get on all fours") and then he focus on (either: "rub", "caress") your (either: "balls", "cock", "boyhood").
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: You should know that once I trap you... these belong to me!
The demon grab your balls with one paw and holding your cock with the other and jacking you off while rubbing his hard cock on your butt, forcing you to moan. Later he (either: "lets saliva drool from his tongue onto your butt", "licks a couple of his fingers") and start fingering you deep, making you yelp.
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: (either: "I wonder what game should I play with you", "I wonder what should I do with you")... Oh who I'm kidding? I KNOW what I want to do to you.
He put out his fingers from your butt and aling his big and hard demonic cock with your (either: "anus", "butthole").
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: I going to make you... MINE.
The demon inserts his large cock in you, feeling his hardon going in all the way and connecting your bodies together.
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: Yes... we're linked now my (either: "hottie", "cutie") and you feel so good... (either: "aah", "fuck")~
Djijey holds you with one arm and masturbate you with the other and start fucking you hard, with his big knot hitting on your entrance over and over. You're being forced to have sex with the horny demon.
A red aura surround Djijey as his lust keeps increasing, breeding you hard and nonstopping. Both moan and groan as he keeps claiming you with his cock until you heard him groan louder.
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: Fuck, yes my (either: "cub", "boy"), I'm close my little one!
The demon fucks you as hard as he can, trying to insert his knot inside you in each push until in one strong move he finally gets completely inside you.
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: AAH YESSS!! YOU ARE MIIINE!!!!
Both of you scream hard, knotted together and orgasming with so much cum spurting from your cock while Djijey's demonic seed floods you inside, finally claiming you. You're body now emanates a mix of his smell and yours.
Pass some time.
You two recover a bit and Djijey gets completely up, causing you a yelp of surprise and pain as he is lifting you up from the ground with just his cock.
(color:red)[''Djijey'']: Let's find you a comfy place inside my flesh maze, am sure you will ''fit'' perfectly around here.
The demon start walking away with you stuck to him, you try to get away but are unable to stop him. Both of you dissapear into the maze of moving corridors of Djijey's demonic realm.
(set: $InicioLocation to "Inicio")
(css: "font-size: 115%;")[(css: "color: red;")[''GAME OVER''] ]
//(link: "load")[(load-game: "file A")]//
The room has 3 beds. Has some astronomy posters on the wall.
Seems the room is on the works and still unfinished.
[[Back|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
A corridor with a few doors and no windows around. There are some signs of alien symbols you can't understand.
[[HM room|Hipno Milking room]]
[[Docking zone|Explore limited corridor Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You are in the HM room. There are a couple machines with beds and transparent containers next to them with monitors around showing symbols you don't know.
[[Try a bed|Try a bed HM]]
[[Exit|Corridor C Alienship]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You lay on the bed of the machine and see monitors and the container near you. There are a few articles next to the bed.
[[Try the googles]]
(color:gray)[Try the gas mask]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
You put on the gas mask. Is flexible and it adapts to the form of your face.
Isn't doing anything but the smell is sweet and relaxing, kinda intoxicating and stimulating.
Didnt do anything but managed to arouse you a bit.
[[Stand up|Hipno Milking room]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina +3)
(if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ](set: $RandomNumber to (random:1,3)) (if: $RandomNumber is 3)[ (goto: "Spaceship Hipno Milking") ]
You put on the googles. You look around with them and see a few colors over the things. Is a funny view.
They are off so nothing happens.
[[Stand up|Hipno Milking room]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(if: $UsingSHpP is 1)[ You use "Small HP potion" (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 10) (color:green)[+10 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingMHpP is 1)[ You use "Medium HP potion" (set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 30) (color:green)[+30 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingBHpP is 1)[ You use "Big HP potion" (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 50) (color:green)[+50 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingMStP is 1)[ You use "Medium St potion" (set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 15) (color:orange)[+15 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingWRB is 1)[ You use "Wild Red berry" (set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries - 1)(set: $health to $health + 3) (color:green)[+3 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingWYB is 1)[ You use "Wild Yellow berry" (set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2) (color:orange)[+2 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingSWHpP is 1)[ You use "Wild HP potion" (set: $WildSmallHPpotion to $WildSmallHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 12) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2) (color:green)[+12 HP!] (color:orange)[+2 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingMHpStP is 1)[ You use ''HP/ST potion'' (set: $MedHPSTpotion to $MedHPSTpotion - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 10) (color:green)[+25 HP!] (set: $health to $health + 25) (color:orange)[+10 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingYMB is 1)[ You use "Your Milk" Bottle (set: $YourMilkBottle to $YourMilkBottle - 1)(set: $health to $health + 5) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 3) (color:green)[+5 HP!] (color:orange)[+3 Stamina!] ]
(link: "Continue")[(goto: "Back from items Battle")]
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $UsingSHpP to 0) (set: $UsingMHpP to 0) (set: $UsingBHpP to 0) (set: $UsingMStP to 0) (set: $UsingWRB to 0) (set: $UsingWYB to 0) (set: $UsingSWHpP to 0) (set: $UsingMHpStP to 0) (set: $UsingYMB to 0)(if: $BuyingSHpP is 1)[ You got Small HP Potion! (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 10) (color:red)[-10 coins.] ]
(if: $BuyingMHpP is 1)[ +1 Medium HP Potion! (set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 35) (color:red)[-35 coins.] ]
(if: $BuyingBHpP is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 Big HP Potion!] (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 60) (color:red)[-60 coins.] ]
(if: $BuyingMStP is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 Medium St Potion!] (set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 1)(set: $coins to $coins - 40)(color:red)[-40 coins.] ]
(if: $BuyingTpScB is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 TP Scroll (b)!] (set: $coins to $coins - 135) (set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) (color:red)[-150 coins.] ]
(set: $BuyingSHpP to 0) (set: $BuyingMHpP to 0)(if: $BuyingSKP is 1)[ //You got a Crystal Shard!// (set: $coins to $coins - 50 - $ShardMonetaryCost) (set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) (set: $ShardMonetaryCost to $ShardMonetaryCost + 125) ]
(display: "Special Items")(if: $SellingBSd is 1)[ (set: $BlueSeeds to $BlueSeeds - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 6)(color:yellow)[+6 coins.] ] (if: $SellingBSd is 2)[ (set: $BlueSeeds to $BlueSeeds - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 12) (color:yellow)[+12 coins.] ]
(if: $SellingRSd is 1)[ (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 10) (color:yellow)[+10 coins.] ] (if: $SellingRSd is 2)[ (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 20) (color:yellow)[+20 coins.] ]
(if: $SellingEggSd is 1)[ (set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 5) (color:yellow)[+5 coins.] ] (if: $SellingEggSd is 2)[ (set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 10) (color:yellow)[+10 coins.] ]
(if: $RedEggseed is 1)[ (set: $RedEggseed to $RedEggseed - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 15) (color:yellow)[+15 coins.] ] (if: $RedEggseed is 2)[ (set: $RedEggseed to $RedEggseed - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 30) (color:yellow)[+30 coins.] ]
(if: $SellingSlBts is 1)[ (set: $slimebits to $slimebits - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 5) (color:yellow)[+5 coins.] ] (if: $SellingSlBts is 2)[ (set: $slimebits to $slimebits - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 10) (color:yellow)[+10 coins.] ]
(if: $SellingSoSl is 1)[ (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 10) (color:yellow)[+10 coins.] ] (if: $SellingSoSl is 2)[ (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime - 2)(set: $coins to $coins + 20) (color:yellow)[+20 coins.] ]
(if: $SellingSlOrb is 1)[ (set: $slimeOrb to $slimeOrb - 1)(set: $coins to $coins + 30) (color:yellow)[+30 coins.] ]
(display:"Main Store Sell")
(set: $SellingBSd to 0) (set: $SellingRSd to 0) (set: $SellingEggSd to 0) (set: $RedEggseed to 0) (set: $SellingSlBts to 0) (set: $SellingSoSl to 0)(if: $BuyingSkCrSrd is 1)[ You got a Crystal Shard! (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 25 - $ShardArenaCoinsCost) (set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 1) (set: $ShardArenaCoinsCost to $ShardArenaCoinsCost + 50) ]
(if: $BuyingBHpP is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 Big HP Potion!] (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 1)(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) (color:red)[-20 Arena coins.] ]
(if: $BuyingMStP is 1)[ (color:yellow)[+1 Medium St Potion!] (set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 1)(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 8)(color:red)[-10 Arena coins.] ]
(display: "Arena Store")(if: $GiveBlueseedOrca is 1)[ You offer Blueseed (set: $BlueSeeds to $BlueSeeds - 1) ] (if: $GiveRedseedOrca is 1)[ You offer Redseed (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 1) ] (if: $GiveEggseedOrca is 1)[ You offer Eggseed (set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 1) ] (if: $GiveSlimebitsOrca is 1)[ You offer Slimebit (set: $slimebits to $slimebits - 1) ] (if: $GiveSnailShellOrca is 1)[ You offer Snail Shell (set: $SnailShell to $SnailShell - 1) ]
(display: "Orca Transport to?")
(set: $GiveBlueseedOrca to 0) (set: $GiveRedseedOrca to 0) (set: $GiveEggseedOrca to 0) (set: $GiveSlimebitsOrca to 0) (set: $GiveSnailShellOrca to 0)(go-to: "Talk with Tobi")(go-to: "Talk with Reth")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Littlewoods. (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 4)[ You can see the bus stop from here and a way to access to it, is a one-trip road. (if: (random:1,5) is 1)[You hear someone's footsteps.] ]
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 4)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $Y is 1 and $X is 2)[ 🡻 [[Return to West Road|Little woods Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 4)[ 🡲 [[Take Shortcut|North Path]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Littlewoods")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Littlewoods. (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 4)[ You can see the bus stop from here and a way to access to it, is a one-trip road. (if: (random:1,5) is 1)[You hear someone's footsteps.] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 2)[ A camping site can be seen from here in the Outskirts. ]
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 4)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Littlewoods") ] ] ]
(if: $Y is 1 and $X is 2)[ 🡻 [[Return to West Road|Little woods Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 4)[ 🡲 [[Take Shortcut|North Path]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Littlewoods")
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] ]
(if: $Y is 2 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random:1,10) is 3)[ (go-to: "Spot Darki Bunch Blue jug flowers") ] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 4)[ (if: (random:1,10) is 3)[ (go-to: "Spot Darki Bunch Blue jug flowers") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 4)[ (if: (random:1,10) is 3)[ (go-to: "Spot Darki Bunch Blue jug flowers") ] ]
(if: (random:1,8) is 4)[ (goto: "Blue Jug Flower") ]
(if: (random:1,7) is 7)[ (goto: "Aggressive Pink large worm") ]
(if: $LewdSmell > 5)[ (if: (random:1,5) is 2)[ (set: $SmellMessage to 1) (goto: "Aggressive Pink large worm") ] ]
(if: $Y is 2 and $X is 1)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 5)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 5)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 2)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 5)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 5)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 4)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 5)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ]
(If: (random:1,12) is 9)[(goto: "Pink large worm") ]
(if: (random:1,45) is 40)[ (goto: "OOOey appears") ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the outskirts of the moonwoods. (if: $Y is 3)[ (either: "There're remains of ice on the ground.", "", "") ] Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 6)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 6)[ 🡺 [[Bus stop|North Path]] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ [[Camping Site|Outskirts Camping Site]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Outskirts North")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the outskirts of the moonwoods. (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 3)[ (either: "There're remains of a campfire.", " ", " ") ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 4)[ (either: "There're remains of a recent campfire here.", " ", " ") ] (if: $Y is 3)[ (either: "There're remains of ice on the ground.", "There're remains of ice on the ground.", "", "", "", "You saw a dragon figure flying high in the sky.") ] Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 6)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 6)[ 🡺 [[Bus stop|North Path]] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Outskirts North") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ [[Camping Site|Outskirts Camping Site]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Outskirts North")
(if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ (go-to: "Neutral Blob") ]
(if: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random:1,40) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")] ]
(if: $Y is 2 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 4)[ (go-to: "Outskirts Patrols camping") ] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 4)[ (if: (random:1,8) is 4)[ (go-to: "Outskirts Patrols camping") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 4)[ (go-to: "Outskirts Patrols camping") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 4)[ (if: (random:1,8) is 4)[ (go-to: "Outskirts Patrols camping") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 2)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 4)[ (go-to: "Outskirts Patrols camping") ] ]
(if: $Y is 3)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 4)[ (go-to: "Ice rock Frozen Slime") ] ] (if: $Y is 2)[ (if: (random:1,8) is 6)[ (go-to: "Ice rock Frozen Slime") ] ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Northern Hardwoods. Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 5)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 5)[ 🡺 [[Go to the Road|Fortress North Path 1]] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest North") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 2)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 2) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 1)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Hardwoods NorthWest")(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Northern Hardwoods. Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 5)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 5)[ 🡺 [[Go to the Road|Fortress North Path 1]] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 4)[ 🡺 [[Go to the Road|Fortress North Path 2]] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest North") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods NorthWest") ] ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Hardwoods NorthWest")
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] ]
(if: (random:1,3) is 2)[ (go-to:"Aggressive Red Blob") ]
(if: $X < 3)[ (if: (random:1,4) is 1)[ (go-to:"Hostile Red jug flower (B)") ] ]
(if: $X is 1)[ (if: (random:1,5) is 3)[ (go-to:"Find Red Eggplant") ] ]
(if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
(if: (random:1,40) is 30)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Westhern Hardwoods. Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West North") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ 🡻 (link:"Go to Path")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "Fortress Path West") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 2)[ 🡻 (link:"Go to Path")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 2) (go-to: "Fortress Path West") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Hardwoods West")
(text-style: "shudder")[ (css: "font-size: 140%")[ (color:red)[**Warning**] ] ]
This is an adult textgame with with mild RPG.
Contains **+18 sexual** scenes in writing and some include images.
This game is just for entertaining and relief.
Is fantasy, isn't real, with fictional characters and nobody should commit bad acts in real life towards others.
(css: "font-size: 110%")[ //Keep fantasy in fantasy and keep it there// ]
(css: "font-size: 130%")[ [[Menu|Inicio]] ]
(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Westhern Hardwoods. Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West North") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "Hardwoods West") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ 🡻 (link:"Go to Path")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "Fortress Path West") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 2)[ 🡻 (link:"Go to Path")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 2) (go-to: "Fortress Path West") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Hardwoods West")
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] ]
(if: $UsingSHpP is 1)[ You use "Small HP potion" (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 10) (color:green)[+10 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingMHpP is 1)[ You use "Medium HP potion" (set: $MediumHPpotion to $MediumHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 30) (color:green)[+30 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingBHpP is 1)[ You use "Big HP potion" (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 50) (color:green)[+50 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingMStP is 1)[ You use "Medium St potion" (set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 15) (color:orange)[+15 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingWRB is 1)[ You use "Wild Red berry" (set: $WildRedBerries to $WildRedBerries - 1)(set: $health to $health + 3) (color:green)[+3 HP!] ]
(if: $UsingWYB is 1)[ You use "Wild Yellow berry" (set: $WildYellowBerries to $WildYellowBerries - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2) (color:orange)[+2 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingOB is 1)[ You use "Orange Berry" (set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2) (color:orange)[+2 Stamina!] (color:green)[+3 HP!] (set: $health to $health + 3) ]
(if: $UsingSWHpP is 1)[ You use "Wild HP potion" (set: $WildSmallHPpotion to $WildSmallHPpotion - 1)(set: $health to $health + 12) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 2) (color:green)[+12 HP!] (color:orange)[+2 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingMHpStP is 1)[ You use ''HP/ST potion'' (set: $MedHPSTpotion to $MedHPSTpotion - 1)(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 10) (color:green)[+25 HP!] (set: $health to $health + 25) (color:orange)[+10 Stamina!] ]
(if: $UsingYMB is 1)[ You use "Your Milk" Bottle (set: $YourMilkBottle to $YourMilkBottle - 1)(set: $health to $health + 5) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 3) (color:green)[+5 HP!] (color:orange)[+3 Stamina!] ]
(display: "Items")
(if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(set: $UsingSHpP to 0) (set: $UsingMHpP to 0) (set: $UsingBHpP to 0) (set: $UsingMStP to 0) (set: $UsingWRB to 0) (set: $UsingWYB to 0) (set: $UsingOB to 0) (set: $UsingSWHpP to 0) (set: $UsingMHpStP to 0) (set: $UsingYMB to 0)(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Woods. (if: $Y is 5 and $X is 3)[ You are at one of the entrances. ] Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 7)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 5 and $X is 3)[ 🡺 [[Return to West Road|Woods W Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 2) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 2) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $Y is 2 and $X is 2)[ (link: "Dungeon 1")[ (set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Entrance") (set:$BlakeScene to "Blake Scene") (goto:$location) ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "MoonWoods West") (align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Woods. (if: $Y is 5 and $X is 3)[ You are at one of the entrances. ] Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 7)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $X < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 5 and $X is 3)[ 🡺 [[Return to West Road|Woods W Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 2) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 2) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods West") ] ] ]
(if: $Y is 2 and $X is 2)[ (link: "Dungeon 1")[ (set:$location to "Dungeon 1 Entrance") (set:$BlakeScene to "Blake Scene") (goto:$location) ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "MoonWoods West")
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] ]
(if: (random: 1,4) is 2)[ (goto: "Hostile green blob") ]
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (goto: "Red jug flower") ]
(if: $Y > 5)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ] (if: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ]
(if: $Y > 5)[ (if: (random:1,7) is 5)[ (goto: "Aggressive Pink large worm") ] ]
(if: $Y > 5)[ (if: $LewdSmell > 5)[ (if: (random:1,6) is 2)[ (set: $SmellMessage to 1) (goto: "Aggressive Pink large worm") ] ] ]
(if: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,6) is 6)[ (goto: "Kiddy Perv Scene") ] ] (if: $Y is 2)[ (if: (random: 1,7) is 6)[ (goto: "Kiddy Perv Scene") ] ] (if: $X is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,6) is 6)[ (goto: "Kiddy Perv Scene") ] ] (if: $X is 2)[ (if: (random: 1,7) is 6)[ (goto: "Kiddy Perv Scene") ] ]
(If: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,8) is 7)[ (go-to:"Special KiddyxDarki Scene") ] ] (If: $X is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,8) is 7)[ (go-to:"Special KiddyxDarki Scene") ] ]
(if: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random:1,10) is 10)[ (go-to:"Abducted by Alienship") ] ] (if: $X is 1)[ (if: (random:1,10) is 10)[ (go-to:"Abducted by Alienship") ] ]
(if: (random:1,40) is 30)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
(If: $X is 1)[ (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")] ] (if: $Y is 5 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")] ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Woods. (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 3)[ The lake can be seen from here. ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ You are at one of the entrances. ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 5)[ You are at one of the entrances. ] Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ 🡹 [[Return to West Road|Woods SW Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 5)[ 🡹 [[Return to West Road|Woods SE Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 3)[ 🡹 [[Go to the beach|Lake Beach South side]] ]
(if: $X < 7)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 1)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $Y to 2) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 1)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "MoonWoods South") (align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
You're exploring the Woods. (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 3)[ The lake can be seen from here. ](if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ You are at one of the entrances. ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 5)[ You are at one of the entrances. ] Location X: $X Y: $Y
(if: $Y < 3)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡩 (link:"Go North")[ (set: $Y to $Y + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ 🡹 [[Return to West Road|Woods SW Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 5)[ 🡹 [[Return to West Road|Woods SE Entrance]] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 3)[ 🡹 [[Go to the beach|Lake Beach South side]] ]
(if: $X < 7)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"Go East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $Y to 3) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ] (if: $Y is 2 and $X is 1)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $Y to 2) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 1)[ 🡨 (link:"Go West")[ (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 3) (go-to: "MoonWoods West Risky") ] ]
(if: $Y > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South Risky") ] ](else:)[ 🡫 (link:"Go South")[ (set: $Y to $Y - 1) (go-to: "MoonWoods South") ] ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "MoonWoods South") (set: $RandomNumber to (random:1,10))
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] ]
(if: (random: 1,4) is 2)[ (goto: "Hostile green blob") ]
(if: (random: 1,4) is 1)[ (goto: "Red jug flower") ]
(if: $X > 5)[ (if: (random: 1,5) is 1)[ (goto: "Aggressive Pink large worm") ] ]
(if: $X > 5)[ (if: $LewdSmell > 5)[ (if: (random:1,4) is 2)[ (set: $SmellMessage to 1) (goto: "Aggressive Pink large worm") ] ] ]
(if: $Y is 3 and $X is 3)[ (if: (random: 1,4) is 3)[ (goto: "Aggressive Blue Blob") ] ]
(if: $X > 5)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 5)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ (goto: "White Eggplant") ] ]
(if: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,6) is 6)[ (goto: "Kiddy Perv Scene") ] ] (if: $Y is 2)[ (if: (random: 1,7) is 6)[ (goto: "Kiddy Perv Scene") ] ]
(If: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random: 1,8) is 7)[ (go-to:"Special KiddyxDarki Scene") ] ]
(if: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random:1,10) is 10)[ (go-to:"Abducted by Alienship") ] ]
(if: (random:1,40) is 30)[(goto: "OOOey appears")]
(If: $Y is 1)[ (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 1)[ (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")] ] (if: $Y is 3 and $X is 5)[ (if: (random:1,45) is 40)[(goto: "Dark Portal Trap")] ]
(if: $LewdSmell > 4)[ (if: $RandomNumber is 8)[ (goto: "Passive Buttermoth") ] ](if: $LuckyBoxSmP is 1)[ You got 2 Small HP Potions! (set: $coins to $coins - 50)
(set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) ] (if: $LuckyBoxSmMny is 1)[ You got 20 coins! (set: $coins to $coins - 50) (set: $coins to $coins + 20) ] (if: $LuckyBoxMedMny is 1)[ You got 40 coins! (set: $coins to $coins - 50) (set: $coins to $coins + 40) ] (if: $LuckyBoxOB is 1)[ ''You got 3 Orange berries!'' (set: $coins to $coins - 50) (set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 3) Total Orange berries: $OrangeBerries ] (if: $LuckyBoxBigHpP is 1)[ You got a Big HP Potion! (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 1) (set: $coins to $coins - 50) ] (if: $LuckyBoxArenaCoinsA is 1)[ You got 2 Arena coins! (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 2)(set: $coins to $coins - 50) ] (if: $LuckyBoxTPScrollA is 1)[ ''You got a TP Scroll (a)!'' (set: $coins to $coins - 50) (set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ] (if: $LuckyBoxBagCookies is 1)[ You got 3 Cookies! (set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 3)(set: $coins to $coins - 50) ]
(display: "Special Items")
(set: $LuckyBoxSmP to 0) (set: $LuckyBoxSmMny to 0) (set: $LuckyBoxMedMny to 0) (set: $LuckyBoxOB to 0) (set: $LuckyBoxBigHpP to 0) (set: $LuckyBoxArenaCoinsA to 0) (set: $LuckyBoxTPScrollA to 0) (set: $LuckyBoxBagCookies to 0)(if: $LuckyBoxSmP is 1)[ You got 2 Small HP Potions! (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) (set: $SmallHPpotion to $SmallHPpotion + 2) ] (if: $LuckyBoxSmMny is 1)[ You got 20 coins! (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) (set: $coins to $coins + 20) ] (if: $LuckyBoxMedMny is 1)[ You got 40 coins! (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) (set: $coins to $coins + 40) ] (if: $LuckyBoxOB is 1)[ ''You got 3 Orange berries!'' (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) (set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 3) Total Orange berries: $OrangeBerries ] (if: $LuckyBoxBigHpP is 1)[ You got a Big HP Potion! (set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 1) (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) ] (if: $LuckyBoxArenaCoinsA is 1)[ You got 3 Arena coins! (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 3) (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) ] (if: $LuckyBoxTPScrollA is 1)[ ''You got a TP Scroll (a)!'' (set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) (set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ] (if: $LuckyBoxBagCookies is 1)[ You got 3 Cookies! (set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 3)(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins - 20) ]
(display: "Arena Specials")
You're exploring the wetcaves. (if: $X < 4)[ The cave is wet and humid. Everything is slippery, except the somehow kinda flat path. Next to you is the calmer part of the river. (either: "You saw a fish in the water.", "You see a big orca crossing the river.", " ", " ") ] (if: $X is 4)[ You're exploring the wetcaves. Here there are a few big dark plants while the cave wall has some smaller plants and vines but with luminous points. (either: "You thought saw something nearby.", " ", " ") ] (if: $X is 5)[ You are next to the zone of the big waterfall. Also from here can be noticed a path towards some dark caves a bit further from the waterfall but seems no way to access there yet. ] (if: $X is 6)[ You're in the zone of the big waterfall. From here you can see diverse big natural pools and the connection of the river with where the water falls. The path gets divided here. (either: "You have the feeling that you are being watched.", "You manage to see an aquatic creature sitting near the pools before dissapears.", " ", " ") ]
(if: $X < 6)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Way of the river Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Way of the river") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 6)[ 🡪 [[East|East waterfall zone entrance]] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Way of the river Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Way of the river") ] ] ] (if: $X is 1)[ 🡨 [[West|Big underground River]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Way of the river")(if: (random:1,5) is 1)[ You tried to Attack but they dodged! ]
(set: $enemyHealth to $enemyHealth - $attack)(set: $points to $points + $attack)
You hit the enemy! (color:green)[-$attack]
(display: "Blue blob battle")
You're exploring the wetcaves. (if: $X < 4)[ The cave is wet and humid. Everything is slippery, except the somehow kinda flat path. Next to you is the calmer part of the river. (either: "You saw a fish in the water.", "You see a big orca crossing the river.", " ", " ", " ") ] (if: $X is 4)[ You're exploring the wetcaves. Here there are a few big dark plants while the cave wall has some smaller plants and vines but with luminous points. (either: "You thought saw something nearby.", " ", " ") ] (if: $X is 5)[ You are next to the zone of the big waterfall. Also from here can be noticed a path towards some dark caves a bit further from the waterfall but seems no way to access there yet. ] (if: $X is 6)[ You're in the zone of the big waterfall. From here you can see diverse big natural pools and the connection of the river with where the water falls. The path gets divided here. (either: "You have the feeling that you are being watched.", "You manage to see an aquatic creature sitting near the pools before dissapears.", " ", " ") ]
(if: $X < 6)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡪 (link:"East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Way of the river Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡪 (link:"East")[ (set: $X to $X + 1) (go-to: "Way of the river") ] ] ] (if: $Y is 1 and $X is 6)[ 🡪 [[East|East waterfall zone entrance]] ]
(if: $X > 1)[ (if: (random: 1,3) is 3)[ 🡨 (link:"West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Way of the river Risk") ] ](else:)[ 🡨 (link:"West")[ (set: $X to $X - 1) (go-to: "Way of the river") ] ] ] (if: $X is 1)[ [[West|Big underground River]] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ] (set:$location to "Way of the river")
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + (random:0,1) ) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(if: (random:1,6) is 1)[ (go-to:"Annoying cave blue blob") ]//(css: "font-size: 145%;")[ (color:cyan)[''HAPPY 2° ANNIVERSARY''] ]//
(set: $points to $points + 500) ''+500 Score Points''
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) ''+50 Exp.Points''
(set: $coins to $coins + 20) ''+20 Coins''
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 10) ''+10 Arena coins''
(set: $MedStaminaPotion to $MedStaminaPotion + 1) ''+1 Medium St Potion''
(set: $OrangeBerries to $OrangeBerries + 10) ''+10 Orange Berries''
(set: $TPscrollB to $TPscrollB + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (b)''
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 5) ''+5 Crystal Shards''
''<div class="rainbow-text" style="text-align: center;">
<div class="rainbow-text" style="text-align: center;">
<span class="block-line"><span><span style="color:#ff0000;">+</span><span style="color:#ff6e00;">1 </span></span><span><span style="color:#ffdd00;">F</span><span style="color:#b2ff00;">R</span><span style="color:#48ff00;">E</span><span style="color:#00ff26;">E </span></span><span><span style="color:#00ff95;">L</span><span style="color:#00fbff;">E</span><span style="color:#0091ff;">V</span><span style="color:#0022ff;">E</span><span style="color:#4d00ff;">L </span></span><span><span style="color:#b700ff;">U</span><span style="color:#ff00d9;">P</span><span style="color:#ff006a;">!</span></span></span>
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Awesome~|Gifts & Rewards]] ]
(set: $AnniversaryTwoUpdateRewardCLAIMED to 1)
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[(css: "color: orange;")[''You Level Up!'']]
(set: $Level to $Level + 1)
(css: "color: green;")[''+MaxHP increase'']
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength'']
(css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina'']
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(if: $Level is 5)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 10)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 15)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 20)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 25)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 30)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 35)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 40)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 45)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 50)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 55)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 60)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 65)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 70)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 75)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 80)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 85)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 90)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ]
(set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15)
(set: $health to $health + 3)
(set: $Maxhealth to $Maxhealth + 3)
(set: $points to $points + $ReqExpPoints)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 1) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1)
(if: $Level > 5)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 5) ]
(if: $Level is 5)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 10)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 10) ]
(if: $Level is 10)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 15)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15) ]
(if: $Level is 15)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 20)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 25) ]
(if: $Level is 20)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 25)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 30) ]
(if: $Level is 25)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 30)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 50) ]
(if: $Level is 30)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 35)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 60) ]
(if: $Level is 35)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 40)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 70) ]
(if: $Level is 40)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 45)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 100) ]
(if: $Level is 45)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 50)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 130) ]
(if: $Level is 50)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 55)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 170) ]
(if: $Level is 55)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 60)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 200) ]
(if: $Level is 60)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 65)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 250) ]
(if: $Level is 65)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 70)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 300) ]
(if: $Level is 70)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 75)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 400) ]
(if: $Level is 75)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 80)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 500) ]
(if: $Level is 80)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 85)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 700) ]
(if: $Level is 85)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 90)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 900) ]
(if: $Level is 90)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
//(css: "font-size: 145%;")[ (color:cyan)[''HAPPY 3° ANNIVERSARY''] ]//
(set: $points to $points + 500) ''+500 Score Points''
(set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 50) ''+50 Exp.Points''
(set: $coins to $coins + 20) ''+20 Coins''
(set: $Cookies to $Cookies + 5) ''+5 Cookies''
(set: $ArenaCoins to $ArenaCoins + 5) ''+5 Arena coins''
(set: $BigHPpotion to $BigHPpotion + 1) ''+1 Big HP Potion''
(set: $TPscrollA to $TPscrollA + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (a)''
(set: $TPscrollC to $TPscrollC + 1) ''+1 TP Scroll (c)''
(set: $SkillCrystalShard to $SkillCrystalShard + 5) ''+5 Crystal Shards''
''<div class="rainbow-text" style="text-align: center;">
<div class="rainbow-text" style="text-align: center;">
<span class="block-line"><span><span style="color:#ff0000;">+</span><span style="color:#ff6e00;">1 </span></span><span><span style="color:#ffdd00;">F</span><span style="color:#b2ff00;">R</span><span style="color:#48ff00;">E</span><span style="color:#00ff26;">E </span></span><span><span style="color:#00ff95;">L</span><span style="color:#00fbff;">E</span><span style="color:#0091ff;">V</span><span style="color:#0022ff;">E</span><span style="color:#4d00ff;">L </span></span><span><span style="color:#b700ff;">U</span><span style="color:#ff00d9;">P</span><span style="color:#ff006a;">!</span></span></span>
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[ [[Awesome~|Gifts & Rewards]] ]
(set: $AnniversaryThreeUpdateRewardCLAIMED to 1)
(css: "font-size: 125%;")[(css: "color: orange;")[''You Level Up!'']]
(set: $Level to $Level + 1)
(css: "color: green;")[''+MaxHP increase'']
(css: "color: red;")[''+Attack strength'']
(css: "color: orange;")[''+MaxStamina'']
(set: $AtkStrength to $AtkStrength + 1)
(if: $Level is 5)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 10)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 15)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 20)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 25)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 30)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 35)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 40)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 45)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 50)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 55)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 60)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 65)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 70)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 75)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 80)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 85)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ] (if: $Level is 90)[ (css: "color: blue;")[''+Protection''] ]
(set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15)
(set: $health to $health + 3)
(set: $Maxhealth to $Maxhealth + 3)
(set: $points to $points + $ReqExpPoints)
(set: $MaxStamina to $MaxStamina + 1) (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1)
(set: $SkillPoints to $SkillPoints + 1)
(if: $Level > 5)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 5) ]
(if: $Level is 5)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 10)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 10) ]
(if: $Level is 10)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 15)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 15) ]
(if: $Level is 15)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 20)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 25) ]
(if: $Level is 20)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 25)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 30) ]
(if: $Level is 25)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 30)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 50) ]
(if: $Level is 30)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 35)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 60) ]
(if: $Level is 35)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 40)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 70) ]
(if: $Level is 40)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 45)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 100) ]
(if: $Level is 45)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 50)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 130) ]
(if: $Level is 50)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 55)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 170) ]
(if: $Level is 55)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 60)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 200) ]
(if: $Level is 60)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 65)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 250) ]
(if: $Level is 65)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 70)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 300) ]
(if: $Level is 70)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 75)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 400) ]
(if: $Level is 75)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 80)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 500) ]
(if: $Level is 80)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 85)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 700) ]
(if: $Level is 85)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(if: $Level > 90)[ (set: $ReqExpPoints to $ReqExpPoints + 900) ]
(if: $Level is 90)[ (set: $protection to $protection + 1)]
(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Items")[(goto:$Itemslocation)] ]
A permanent camping site that's near the Littlewoods. Adventurers can rest here freely.
(either: "Two little patrolfurs pass nearby.", "", "")
(if: $health >= $Maxhealth)[ (color:gray)[Rest] ](else:)[ [[Rest|Rest Outskirts Camping Site]] ]
[[Return|Outskirts North]] (set: $Y to 1) (set: $X to 3)
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(set:$location to "Outskirts Camping Site")
Resting... (text-style: "fade-in-out")[ Recovering (color:green)[HP] and (color:orange)[Stamina] ]
(live:1s)[ (if: $health < $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $health + 1) ] ] (live:0.2s)[ HP: (color:green)[ $health ] ]
(live:3s)[ (if: $Stamina < $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) ] ] (live:0.2s)[ St: (color:orange)[ $Stamina ] ]
(link: "Get up")[ (goto: "Outskirts Camping Site") ]
(live:0.2s)[ (if: $health >= $Maxhealth and $Stamina >= $MaxStamina)[ (goto: "Outskirts Camping Site") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(live:2s)[ (set: $RandomNumber to (random:1,16)) $RandomNumber (if: $RandomNumber is 12)[ (goto: "Kiddy x Koneko 1")] ]
You hear sounds comming from the bonfire.
Koneko, a black cat, and Kiddy, the tiger-like skinned fox. The black cat is sitting between the legs of the teen fox and the two furries are roasting marshmallows on the bonfire with large sticks.
Kiddy rubs Koneko's tummy in circles, feeling around the soft fur as they enjoy their treat.
While they roasting the next ones, Kiddy gets more playful, hugging tight Koneko while giving small nibbles on the feline's ears who respond with meows and giggles.
A naughty smirk forms on Kiddy's face and grabs the smaller cub's junk, touching it and playing with it around until making the little friend hard. At the same time the kitty moves his butt from one side to another, rubbing the constantly hard foxhood.
The orange fox grabs Koneko, lifting the feline in the air and putting him in all fours over the trunk. Then aling his aroused hard cock to the little butthole and enter deep in one trust until their hips meet.
<div class = "imagefade"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/VtBzztxl.jpg"> </div>
Yiffing in the open, having sex in public without care. Kiddy push hard on the smaller fur, covering his little one with his scent and sweat.
(set: $RandomNumber to (random:1,2))
(if: $RandomNumber is 1)[ The scene and the smell of sex arouse influencing you to masturbate while the 2 cubs copulate. ] (if: $RandomNumber is 2)[ You spot another adventurer watching nearby, a (either: "white", "black", "gray", "blue", "yellow", "dark red") (either: "cat", "dog", "fox", "bunny", "wolf", "skunk") and is playing with his (either: "cock", "cubhood") while the other two continue mating.]
They keep mating like lovers under the light of the moon while embranced by the warm of the bonfire until their arousal brings them to the limit and both cubs orgasm and moan to the air. Kiddy cumming and filling the feline's guts while the blue peepee cum over the trunk, leaving his orgasmic mark on it.
After they recover, Kiddy gets up and (if: $RandomNumber is 1)[ looks at you and later at your cock with a big naughty smile before return to the woods. ] (if: $RandomNumber is 2)[ put his eyes on the other adventurer, moving towards there and rub his hard cock before dissapear into the woods.]
[[Continue|Outskirts Camping Site]]
You recover some (color:orange)[Stamina]
(set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 3) (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
A big blue buttermoth appears from the trees. Is a fluffy bug with both big and small wings and is flying around you attracted by your smell. (if: $LewdSmell > 7)[ You smell like a lot sex scent. ]
(color:fuchsia)[ LewdSmell: $LewdSmell ]
[[Stay Still]]
(link: "Keep Moving")[ (goto: $location) ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
The buttermoth keeps flying above you for a bit before get closer until it land on your (either: "shoulder", "tummy", "leg", "chest"). It explores your body around, walking on your (print:$PlayerCL's Color) (print: $PlayerSP's Skin) until it gets closer to your crotch area.
It seems to be smelling you, checking the parts of you that been exposed the most to lewd stuff until it reaches your privates. At first it is just moving on circles around there until you feel it push its body on you and began to flap its wings fast, holding onto you with its little feet to not fly away. The buttermoth became a natural vibrator.
At first it (either: "feels funny", "kinda tickles") but the non-stopping vibration slowly start to arouse you enough to get you hard and after so time you are leaking precum. The fluffy bug then gets on top of your cock and began to "lick" your peehole, drinking your salty transparent nectar.
You try to not move but isn't easy task while feeling the bug feeding from your cock like would do with a flower.**$OutpostName's Adventurers Outpost**
Small Cabin with a board for quests.
(box:"X")[(border:"dashed")+(border-colour:gray)[**Available Quest**
- (if: $OutpostQuestATime > 0)[ (if: $OutpostQuestA is 0)[Quest Complete!] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 1)[ //2 RedSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 35 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $RedSeeds >= 2)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 2) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 10 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $RedSeeds)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 2)[ //2 RedSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 35 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $RedSeeds >= 2)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 2) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 10 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $RedSeeds)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 3)[ //3 RedSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 55 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $RedSeeds >= 3)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 3) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 15 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 15) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $RedSeeds)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 4)[ //5 RedSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 95 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $RedSeeds >= 5)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds - 5) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 30 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $RedSeeds)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 5)[ //2 EggSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 25 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $eggseed >= 2)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 2) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 10 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $eggseed)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 6)[ //2 EggSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 20 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $eggseed >= 2)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 2) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 10 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $eggseed)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 7)[ //3 EggSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 30 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $eggseed >= 3)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 3) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 15 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 15) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $eggseed)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 8)[ //5 EggSeeds// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 55 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $eggseed >= 5)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $eggseed to $eggseed - 5) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 30 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $eggseed)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 9)[ //2 SolidSlime// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 40 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $SolidSlime >= 2)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime - 2) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 10 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $SolidSlime)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 10)[ //2 SolidSlime// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 40 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $SolidSlime >= 2)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime - 2) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 10 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 10) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $SolidSlime)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 11)[ //3 SolidSlime// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 60 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $SolidSlime >= 3)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime - 3) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 15 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 15) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $SolidSlime)] ] (if: $OutpostQuestA is 11)[ //5 SolidSlime// Reward: (set: $OutpostQuestAReward to 60 + $OutpostQuestAExtra) (color:yellow)[$OutpostQuestAReward] (if: $SolidSlime >= 5)[ (link: "Complete Quest")[ Quest Completed! (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime - 5) (set: $coins to $coins + $OutpostQuestAReward) + 30 Exp (set: $ExpPoints to $ExpPoints + 30) (set: $OutpostQuestA to 0) ] ](else:)[(You have $SolidSlime)] ] ](else:)[ Quest Completed! ]
(if: $YourQuestOngoing is 0)[ [[ReQuest|ReQuest SouthVille]] ](else:)[ (if: $YourQuestTime > 0)[ Your ReQuest is Displayed ](else:)[ (link: "Your ReQuest Completed")[ (goto: "Your ReQuest Completed") ] ] ]
] (live:0.2s)[ You have: (color:yellow)[ $coins coins ] ]
(css: "font-size: 120%;")[ (link: "Exit")[ (goto: $location) ] ]
(live:25s)[ (goto: "Outpost") ]
Create a Quest for another adventurer
Item to find:
(link: "RedSeeds")[ (set: $YouReQuest to "RedSeeds") (goto: "You Request How Many") ]
(link: "Eggseed")[ (set: $YouReQuest to "EggSeeds") (goto: "You Request How Many") ]
(link: "SolidSlime")[ (set: $YouReQuest to "SolidSlime") (goto: "You Request How Many") ]
(link: "RedEggSeeds")[ (set: $YouReQuest to "RedEggSeeds") (goto: "You Request How Many") ]
(if: $YourQuestOngoing is 1)[ (live:1s)[ (set: $YourQuestTime to $YourQuestTime - 1) ] ] (live:1s)[ (set: $OutpostQuestATime to $OutpostQuestATime - 1) (if: $OutpostQuestATime <= -30)[ (set: $OutpostQuestA to (random:1,11)) (set: $OutpostQuestATime to (random: 100,200)) (set: $DetermineQuestAExtra to (random:1,3)) (if: $DetermineQuestAExtra is 1)[ (set: $OutpostQuestAExtra to 0) ] (if: $DetermineQuestAExtra is 2)[ (set: $OutpostQuestAExtra to 5) ] (if: $DetermineQuestAExtra is 3)[ (set: $OutpostQuestAExtra to 10) ] ] ] (if: $RecoveryBuff > 0)[ (either: "", "", "(set: $health to $health + 1)", "(set: $health to $health + 1)") (set: $RecoveryBuff to $RecoveryBuff - 1) (if: $health > $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $Maxhealth) ] (if: $Stamina > $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $MaxStamina) ] ]**How Many??**
(if: $YouReQuest is "RedSeeds")[ (link: "2")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "2 RedSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 45) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:220,120)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "3")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "3 RedSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 65) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:330,150)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "5")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "5 RedSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 105) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:950,450)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] ] (if: $YouReQuest is "EggSeeds")[ (link: "2")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "2 EggSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 25) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:200,120)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "3")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "3 EggSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 35) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:300,150)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "5")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "5 EggSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 55) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:900,450)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] ] (if: $YouReQuest is "SolidSlime")[ (link: "2")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "2 SolidSlime") (set: $ReQuestCost to 35) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:220,120)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "3")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "3 SolidSlime") (set: $ReQuestCost to 50) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:330,150)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "5")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "5 SolidSlime") (set: $ReQuestCost to 80) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:950,450)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] ] (if: $YouReQuest is "RedEggSeeds")[ (link: "2")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "2 RedEggSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 45) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:400,220)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "3")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "3 RedEggSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 65) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:600,250)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] | (link: "5")[ (set: $ItemRequested to "5 RedEggSeeds") (set: $ReQuestCost to 105) (set: $YourQuestTime to (random:1300,750)) (goto: "YourQuest Confirmation & Payment") ] ]
**Confirmation & Payment**
Once an adventurer complete the quest, they will get paid and your requested items will be waiting for you to retrieve them.
Your ReQuest: $ItemRequested (if: $YouReQuest is "RedEggSeeds")[ Notice: This Item isnt easy to find. Quest will take longer. ]
Cost: $ReQuestCost coins
You have: (color:yellow)[ $coins coins ]
(if: $coins >= $ReQuestCost)[ (link: "Confirm")[ (set: $coins to $coins - $ReQuestCost) (set: $YourQuestOngoing to 1) (goto: "Outpost") ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Not enough funds] ]
(link: "Cancel")[ (goto: "Outpost") ]
Your ReQuest got completed by another adventurer.
You Obtain:
(if: $YouReQuest is "RedSeeds")[ (if: $ItemRequested is "2 RedSeeds")[ (color:red)[2 RedSeeds] (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds + 2) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "3 RedSeeds")[ (color:red)[3 RedSeeds] (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds + 3) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "5 RedSeeds")[ (color:red)[5 RedSeeds] (set: $RedSeeds to $RedSeeds + 5) ] ] (if: $YouReQuest is "EggSeeds")[ (if: $ItemRequested is "2 EggSeeds")[ (color:white)[2 EggSeeds] (set: $eggseed to $eggseed + 2) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "3 EggSeeds")[ (color:white)[3 EggSeeds] (set: $eggseed to $eggseed + 3) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "5 EggSeeds")[ (color:white)[5 EggSeeds] (set: $eggseed to $eggseed + 5) ] ] (if: $YouReQuest is "SolidSlime")[ (if: $ItemRequested is "2 SolidSlime")[ (color:lime)[2 SolidSlimes] (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime + 2) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "3 SolidSlime")[ (color:lime)[3 SolidSlimes] (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime + 3) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "5 SolidSlimes")[ (color:lime)[5 SolidSlime] (set: $SolidSlime to $SolidSlime + 5) ] ] (if: $YouReQuest is "RedEggSeeds")[ (if: $ItemRequested is "2 RedEggSeeds")[ (color:red)[2 RedEggSeeds] (set: $RedEggseed to $RedEggseed + 2) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "3 RedEggSeeds")[ (color:red)[3 RedEggSeeds] (set: $RedEggseed to $RedEggseed + 3) ] (if: $ItemRequested is "5 RedEggSeeds")[ (color:red)[5 RedEggSeeds] (set: $RedEggseed to $RedEggseed + 5) ] ]
(set: $YourQuestOngoing to 0)
[[Profile]] | [[Items]] | [[Specials]] | (link: "Phone")[ (goto: "Phone") ] (live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
BlueSeeds: $BlueSeeds
RedSeeds: $RedSeeds
EggSeeds: $eggseed
RedEggSeeds: $RedEggseed
Slimebits: $slimebits
Solid Slime: $SolidSlime
Green Slime Orbs: $slimeOrb
Snail Shells: $SnailShell
(css: "font-size: 130%;")[ (link: "Back")[ (goto:$location) ] ]
Resting... (text-style: "fade-in-out")[ Recovering (color:green)[HP] and (color:orange)[Stamina] ]
(live:1s)[ (if: $health < $Maxhealth)[ (set: $health to $health + 1) ] ] (live:0.2s)[ HP: (color:green)[ $health ] ]
(live:3s)[ (if: $Stamina < $MaxStamina)[ (set: $Stamina to $Stamina + 1) ] ] (live:0.2s)[ St: (color:orange)[ $Stamina ] ]
[[Exit|Cabin's Area]]
(live:0.2s)[ (if: $health >= $Maxhealth and $Stamina >= $MaxStamina)[ (goto: "Cabin A") ] ]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]
(live:2s)[ (set: $RandomNumber to (random:1,12)) (if: $RandomNumber is 10)[ (goto: "RandomCubs 1 Cabin A")] (if: $RandomNumber is 10)[ (goto: "RandomCubs 2 Cabin A")] ]
The machine suddenly activates, reacting to your presence. The googles activate and attach themselves to your face, making it impossible to take them off if you tried to.
Quickly you begin to see strange waves being displayed that makes you feel dizzy and slowly losing control of your body and mind while different arousal things are forced into your mind.
Soon you appear in space, standing on soft clouds like cushions. You see around and are surrounded by a bunch of cubs of the same species as you, forming a circle and all of them masturbating while they watch eachother. You join the circle and masturbate alongside them.
As they keep pleasing themselves some start to cum into the air which it floats and concentrates in the center of their circle. Their sperm merges together and takes form until become a copy of you who then gets closer to you and deep kiss you on the mouth.
You wake up and discover that you been walking around the room without direction with your hard cock leaking precum. Takes you time to recover control of your body as you take away the googles from your face.
[[Move on|Hipno Milking room]]
(live:1s)[ (set: $TimeRewardPlay to $TimeRewardPlay - 1) ]